Wednesday, 2 October 2013


As souls on Earth, we always dream of a life like in heaven. We desire perfect happiness, perfect bliss, peace and love.
However, we don’t focus on what we have e to give up on to realize that kind of bliss.
As free souls, we live in heaven. We are not bound by Physical bodies but we are bound by a spirit body. The spirit body is far lighter than a physical body, made of finer intensity.
We float around in spirit bodies a sphere is no gravity.
Life in heaven is supposed to be very similar to life on Earth except that there is nothing negative. There is no competition amongst souls.  
There are schools in heaven where souls go to learn. There are colonies where likeminded souls live together. There are karmic libraries. There are Buddhist meditation centers, music al chorus, dance schools.

There are also hospitals and research laboratories where human minds are studied. All the research that we conduct here is supposed to be guided by souls in haven. When we suddenly arrive at a solution,  it is because the thought is put into us by some scientist from heaven.
Hospitals help heal souls who have died in trauma on Earth. The healing is purely on metaphysical  planes , of chakras and energy meridians of the soul. The medicines used are created by using the Sun’s energy. The energies and oxygen are very pure and hence far more effective than on Earth. Also, souls heal faster in heaven as the atmosphere is very peaceful.

Everyone lives in peace in heaven. There are no class distinctions or religious discriminations. Each soul is free to live the way she or he wants and worship any God. The Gods visit heaven and the souls can connect to them in pure light. The souls do not feel alone or unloved ever as the presence of God is always there.
Some souls live in big houses like palaces , some live in small units of love. The house is not a representation of status . The soul is free to live in any kind of house without worrying about reputation or public opinion. People who live in small houses are as respected as those who live in big houses.

Souls can connect to each other easily as communication is through thought. Meeting any soul be it God or king , is not a  problem for any soul who chooses to be a commoner. Several souls choose to lead simple lives and partake in pleasing activities like singing, dancing or teaching than take on unnecessary stress. Only the more advances souls, take on responsibility of several others and are in positions of authority.
However, authority in heaven means giving love to several fellow human beings and helping them with kindness to live lives happily.
There is no power given in heaven without responsibility to heal other souls. Equality and love are the norms to live by.
On Earth, if w e want to live like heaven , we would have to give up competition. We would need to start measuring success by how much it impresses our own soul than impress others.  Souls in heaven pursue desire as they like  without any fear of survival.
As we move towards being like in heaven, we, human beings will have to evolve above fears of survival. The soul is eternal and a disease is largely metal. If we can train our mind to be positive, we can evolve to be healthy and happy always , as in heaven.

As is explained in my book CREATION OF HAPPINESS: THE ENERGY WAR in detail

            Death is considered a healing process for the soul or life force energy, as long as it is not suicide or murder. All other kinds of death are planned by the soul before incarnating in the body.
            The soul plans four-five exit points in a life-time, where it can choose to quit a role, if it feels life is becoming too difficult and it is not learning its soul lessons anymore. 

            The exit/death points can include accidents, a fatal illness, a heart attack etc, and all these events which may appear sudden or saddening from the worldly perspective, are actually a part of the soul’s plan to exit at a given point from the Earth plane.

            Death, for the eternal soul, is like leaving school and going back home. After death of a body, the soul, as the free spirit, joins its Higher Self, which always remains in the Light (the term’ Light ‘is synonymous with Heaven/ celestial plane, for the purposes of this book. It is a dimension where positive energy frequencies are much higher than on Earth).

            Like, we can recharge a battery by connecting it to the main electricity line, the soul or the spirit gets recharged after a life by reconnecting to its Higher Self in the LIGHT. It gets refreshed and rejuvenated with energy

Some other books  which are referred to here are –
LAWS OF THE SPIRIT WORLD by Bhavnagiri Khorshed
DESTUINY OF SOULS by Michael Newton

IN SEARCH OF HAPPINESS ( how past lives affect the present) – By Swati Shiv

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