Sunday 1 September 2024

Multiply Emotions of Positivity To Get Victory


Victory for the Soul is Higher Positivity Over Negativity internally at the level of vibrational transmission of electric life force energy . Your life is successful when your electric units of watts are higher at death than when you were born i.e you are more optimistic , clearer ,brighter from within !

This blog is an excerpt from my book- Emotional Management,a soul's perspectives

Emotional management helps a person learn how to remain positive when negative energy attacks in the form of difficulties. If the person does not understand how to manage emotions such as to convert negative energy into positive by choice , his/her soul starts radiating depression as negative energy takes over the positive life force of the person. The person’s thinking, spoken words and soul vibrations vibrate out the energy of predominant feelings being focused upon.  A person dominated by negative emotions allows the energy of compromise to rule his mind and his body starts behaving dis-satisfactorily like  a bulb glowing with less light.

Every person on Earth encounters difficulties which have to be overcome while the soul endeavors to master the art of creation on Earth , as a co-creator or part of the Creator. 

Difficulties come in the path of achieving emotional desires and are planned by the soul itself before incarnating in a life-plan . The difficulties have to be overcome such that the soul remains optimistic about attaining its desires in the future,  as a soul who has no desire would not co-create anything positive . For example,  human civilization developed from a desire to build houses. 

If man had given up the struggle, we would still be animals living without houses in jungles. Therefore, difficulties have to be overcome such that desires continue to motivate the person to create a better life, which is possible only when positive emotions dominate over negative emotions through learning how to apply emotional management in everyday life. 

Our soul is like  a driver while the body is like  a car . A soul who can maintain a healthy body and an optimistic mind through rough patches  of life increases its power as  a co-creator and helps God just as a driver becomes better in his skills after crossing over speed obstacles; while a soul who feels helpless through life and keeps compromising reduces its vibrational frequency, develops diseases in the body , restlessness in mind and practically, lowers the potential power of the Creator . 

Happiness is an energy of a positive frequency and has to be attained by defeating the thinking of dominating negative frequencies which exist around the soul by either converting the situation to feel positive as desired or moving away from the negative person and situation by understanding detachment. 

Usually, people fail to learn the necessary emotional skills and hence, are unable to achieve happiness as desired. 

Just earning money, success or fame are not enough to find happiness, good health or peace on earth, as the soul incarnates with a life plan, to help itself master the process of creation just like a painter learning how to paint with accuracy.

For achieving any desire with satisfaction, it is necessary to learn the art of applying energies as paints over the canvas of life. The soul learns how to be happy by applying emotional skills like passion with perseverance, optimism with discipline, motivation with calmness, organization with patience, detachment with forgiveness, ambition with compassion etc.

To understand the art of creation on Earth, the soul makes a detailed life plan before birth which can be accessed in the Akkashik Records through specific questions on areas of concern.

Saturday 24 August 2024


 To move from being sad to being happy, it is necessary to dis-organize a previous negatively established life-balance and reset the mind tuning to update new beliefs about what success should mean such that it improves health, peace and positivity in everyday life.


 This book is an excerpt from my book - A Course in Emotional Management

Learn How to Control your SWITCH


Each intense emotional situation triggers on a SWITCH in your subconscious mind which rekindles all previous experiences of the same emotion. For example, each time you feel abused, the energy of hurt gets stored in the subconscious mind as a negative emotional memory and reduces positive energy of the body.   Subsequently, whenever you encounter abuse, all previous memories of being hurt would awaken and impact your overall level of sadness. Similarly, each time you feel happy or encouraged, all previous memories of being loved awaken. Feeling loved makes you optimistic; the emotional memory of a positive vibration gets stored in the subconscious mind and improves your feelings of well-being.

Your SWITCH of feeling happy or sad is in your own control, as much as your feelings are in your own control.

You can choose to focus on good aspects of your life and feel good to create positive vibrations, by learning to control your self-talk and feelings with patience.

If you tell yourself “Life is good”, with belief, repeatedly, the energy vibration of the emotions improves your health as feeing good releases positive hormones in the body. Each time you tell ourselves ‘Life is bad’, you feel more sick and depressed. As explained in detail in my book ‘How to Be Happy in Difficulties ‘, there are energy circuits or neuron-pathways, running in the mind carrying energies of the dominant feelings we focus on.

Any event which has a strong emotional impact becomes a dominant feeling. This feeling acts as a point of internal dominant focus (IDF) and starts forming an energy circuit around itself wherein it keeps repeating itself again and again.  After some time, this energy circuit may get suppressed, as your point of dominant focus shifts to another event.

However, a strong emotional experience releases greater negativity and gets imprinted in the subconscious mind, more deeply. This suppressed negative energy reserve gets awakened each time, a similar emotional experience occurs even when the new emotional experience is much milder in intensity than the original one. This negative energy circuit which got strongly imprinted, remains in the mind and keeps attracting energies of similar nature at a subtle level. Whenever you experience similar kinds of emotions, they also get accumulated in the same energy circuit, thus making it even stronger. (An example of how past lives affect IDF and co-creation of diseases, is given in Appendix 1)

The negative emotional memories of past traumas in the subconscious mind get stored as energy files of digital data. Each emotional memory gets stored in separate files of energy units.  Electric impulses which match in frequency get accumulated and create energies of depression /disease in the body which are not in conscious control of the person.

The data base has to be accessed subconsciously and the energy frequency changed with therapy and meditation towards neutralizing the negative. These energy formations do not break till you make a conscious attempt to break them, by processing out the negative energy accumulated in your mind.

Deep Energy healing which also aims at emotional healing clears the negative energies of the mental, emotional and etheric body and connects your inner self to your astral and spiritual bodies. Integration of bodies leads to alignment of soul, body and mind so that you can make choices while integrating your life purpose. Healing of the soul bodies and reconnecting with the spiritual self creates positivity in mind and release positive hormones in the body as a state of being in peace with life’s choices is attained. Feeling in peace prevents diseases and minimizes need for medicines or surgery.


Self-Healing Tip- the SWITCH between a positive and meditative state of mind is a zero frequency state of mind. A ZERO /GAP state of mind is said to physically exist at the center of your moustache area which is the place between the two nostrils, above the lips.

If you maintain focus at this point, for about thirty seconds, you will attain a ZERO state of mind or a detached state of mind. Activating this silence zone will create energy shifts in your body. This space of neutrality is activated by sparing time to focus upon it on a daily basis once or several times a day.

As you keep focusing on the space above your lips, try to feel the breath coming in, going into your stomach and coming from your stomach, to your nostrils and out. Feel the connection between the breath and your stomach moving in and out as you inhale and exhale. Be aware that your body is responding to the breathing.

Getting an awareness of the connection between your stomach and your nose will take some time but as you get an awareness, you will feel more relaxed and more in control of your life.

Make sure that you are not focusing on your problems while you are focusing at this point between your nose and lips. While maintaining focus at this point, you will neither feel positive or negative. You will be in a state of neutral detachment. From this state of detachment, you can move to focusing on happy feelings by choice.

{You cannot jump from a negative state of mind to a positive state of mind till you pass the neutral zone. Detachment from predominating worries is necessary to shift your Internal Dominant Focus (IDF) point from sad to happy and create happiness in the future. No problem will be resolved till you stay negative as solutions require a positive frequency of thinking}


The Subconscious Mind Always Has a Positive Intention

There is a soul lesson underlying every negative experience. Memories of difficulties are stored because the subconscious mind wants you to learn how not to repeat the mistake. Just as a toddler makes mistakes in acquiring a balance while learning to walk, souls fall into difficulties while learning to evolve.

The negative memory that was originally created by the event which caused the strong emotional impact, and was subsequently reinforced by similar events which followed, can be erased, only after learning the soul lesson involved.

 Usually, any small reminder of the original mistake triggers awake the whole chain of sad emotional feelings attached with the memory of mistakes.

The subconscious mind immediately reminds you that you are again taking the same route which led to hurt earlier. Therefore, you experience deep feelings of hurt and pain which were experienced during the original crisis situation, even though the present occasion may be much milder and need not require arousal of such extreme distress. You are governed by your soul, subconsciously. Even if you do not recall the exact events, the feelings of imbalance or fear pass through energy circuits as negative electric impulses, travelling at neon speed.

The subconscious mind releases energy for you to learn from the event .Thus, you feel a much 

Friday 16 August 2024

Choices of The Soul -The Soul As The Painter

This blog is an excerpt from my book - The Life Plan of Creation Vs An Astrology Report

Like a painter paints a body form with his visualization, it is our Higher Self which decides whether the soul would incarnate in a male body, a female body or a unisex body. The problems which a soul might face while being in the body like ill health, mental or physical handicaps etc. are also decided upon before birth in a life-plan made in consensus with the Higher Self. 


           The physical body is an approximate projection of the soul just as a painting is an approximate projection of the painter’s mind. That means that the soul is not exactly what the body represents. The soul is not fat or thin, tall or short by itself. The soul is formless, and assumes the form of the body just as water assumes the shape of its beaker, but is a formless fluid energy by itself. Thus, our soul is not the body. It is the life force in the body.

           The Higher Self envisages a particular kind of body for the soul so that it can mobilize the soul for mastering energies which would help it create the body it desires. How good or bad the body is created depends on the kinds of negative energies which the Higher Self is planning to overcome through the body. 


           The more accurate the soul becomes in the art of creation, the more accurately it can create a body which depicts its core identity, over its life-time. 



The soul takes birth on Earth to evolve its brightness to a higher positive frequency .By taking the birth on Earth, it attempts to increase the power of its life force energy through a process of co-creation. Earth is a planet where reality exists on a physical plane and happiness comes through physical contact with people or objects unlike the celestial plane where life exists on an energy plane. It requires more soul energy to dream and create reality on the physical plane, than on the spirit energy plane just as it requires more energy to move a solid object compared to moving a feather. Spirits are made of air and their reality is manifested differently in celestial space than on the physical space of Earth. The soul lessons of creation which are learned by overcoming difficulties on Earth can also be learned on celestial space but it is a slower process as negative energies are not so intense on the non-physical planes. It is believed that coming on Earth is a faster way of learning soul lessons than being in space as it is far more difficult to create happiness in the physical dimension than in the dimension of light.

The purpose of soul evolution is to help the soul become perfect in the art of creation so that it can evolve to think and act like the Creator in Oneness with the whole. 

In this process of learning to create, the soul has to learn how to manipulate energies so as to mobilize them for creating a reality on the physical plane. 

Focusing on positive energies helps the soul in mastering the art of creation while focusing on negative energies leads to destruction of the purpose of soul evolution.


The world which we take as given is actually a physical manifestation of this process of creation of which each soul is a part.


 The physical aspect of creation entails that we, as souls, are able to convert energies of negative frequencies into energies of positive frequencies. That means that we are able to convert our difficulties into learning lessons of creation so that they aid in the process of creation of a happiness which can be experienced through physical forms. 


Our soul understands the process of creation on Earth by investing its energies on pursuing its dreams. The desires which we all have are there to motivate us to create reality on the physical plane. The obstacles we face in attaining those desires help us overcome manifestations of negative energies in physical form. 


Any situation which makes us feel negative is an energy of negative frequency and has to be converted into an energy of positive frequency. 

When we can convert our unhappiness into happiness, we as souls are able to create what we desire to experience. 

If we are able to defeat the negative energies, and create happiness for ourselves, we move upwards on the scale of evolution. As we become internally more positive/clear in our energy frequencies, we move closer to the high positive frequencies of the Creator.

 Like a painter paints a body form with his visualization, it is our Higher Self which decides whether the soul would incarnate in a male body, a female body or a unisex body. The problems which a soul might face while being in the body like ill health, mental or physical handicaps etc. are also decided upon before birth in a life-plan made in consensus with the Higher Self. 


           The physical body is an approximate projection of the soul just as a painting is an approximate projection of the painter’s mind. That means that the soul is not exactly what the body represents. The soul is not fat or thin, tall or short by itself. The soul is formless, and assumes the form of the body just as water assumes the shape of its beaker, but is a formless fluid energy by itself. Thus, our soul is not the body. It is the life force in the body.

           The Higher Self envisages a particular kind of body for the soul so that it can mobilize the soul for mastering energies which would help it create the body it desires. How good or bad the body is created depends on the kinds of negative energies which the Higher Self is planning to overcome through the body. 


           The more accurate the soul becomes in the art of creation, the more accurately it can create a body which depicts its core identity, over its life-time. 



The soul takes birth on Earth to evolve its brightness to a higher positive frequency .By taking the birth on Earth, it attempts to increase the power of its life force energy through a process of co-creation. Earth is a planet where reality exists on a physical plane and happiness comes through physical contact with people or objects unlike the celestial plane where life exists on an energy plane. It requires more soul energy to dream and create reality on the physical plane, than on the spirit energy plane just as it requires more energy to move a solid object compared to moving a feather. Spirits are made of air and their reality is manifested differently in celestial space than on the physical space of Earth. The soul lessons of creation which are learned by overcoming difficulties on Earth can also be learned on celestial space but it is a slower process as negative energies are not so intense on the non-physical planes. It is believed that coming on Earth is a faster way of learning soul lessons than being in space as it is far more difficult to create happiness in the physical dimension than in the dimension of light.

The purpose of soul evolution is to help the soul become perfect in the art of creation so that it can evolve to think and act like the Creator in Oneness with the whole. 

In this process of learning to create, the soul has to learn how to manipulate energies so as to mobilize them for creating a reality on the physical plane. 

Focusing on positive energies helps the soul in mastering the art of creation while focusing on negative energies leads to destruction of the purpose of soul evolution.


The world which we take as given is actually a physical manifestation of this process of creation of which each soul is a part.


 The physical aspect of creation entails that we, as souls, are able to convert energies of negative frequencies into energies of positive frequencies. That means that we are able to convert our difficulties into learning lessons of creation so that they aid in the process of creation of a happiness which can be experienced through physical forms. 


Our soul understands the process of creation on Earth by investing its energies on pursuing its dreams. The desires which we all have are there to motivate us to create reality on the physical plane. The obstacles we face in attaining those desires help us overcome manifestations of negative energies in physical form. 


Any situation which makes us feel negative is an energy of negative frequency and has to be converted into an energy of positive frequency. 

When we can convert our unhappiness into happiness, we as souls are able to create what we desire to experience. 

If we are able to defeat the negative energies, and create happiness for ourselves, we move upwards on the scale of evolution. As we become internally more positive/clear in our energy frequencies, we move closer to the high positive frequencies of the Creator.

Monday 5 August 2024

Emotional Hurt Is Like Physical Hurt For The Soul

 This blog is an excerpt from my book Emotional Energy Management

The subconscious mind releases energy for you to learn from the event .Thus, you feel a much greater surge of negative emotional energy getting released than the current event can justify.  At a rational level, you do not understand why you are feeling so anxious, afraid or hurt.

By awakening your fear and trauma, your subconscious mind asks you to test your readiness and to review and change your strategy, if there are chances of you getting hurt again in the same way... If you have become more emotionally resilient, you would be able to overcome the inner unrest and move on with your plan or change your thinking such that you are more sure of manifesting happiness and peace for yourself, as an outcome of your efforts...

The positive intention of the soul is to evolve consciousness to a higher frequency so that your inner soul vibrations manifest your desires with more clarity.




External Impact of Unreleased Emotional Energy

Emotional hurt is like physical hurt for the soul. It has to be healed immediately for the soul to revive back its original strength. Otherwise, the emotional hurt remains unreleased and creates formations like pus or cysts in the body which block normal response flow.

Due to subconscious emotional circuits getting triggered awake, you may react to the external stimuli far more strongly than other people can justify. This aspect matters in daily functioning because it determines how you publicly manage your emotions in situations of stress.

For example, suppose you felt deeply humiliated in childhood and your colleague did not have any such strong emotional experience.  Now, you both have a superior who loses his temper often.  You feel deeply humiliated and hurt each time the superior shouts at you. However, when the superior shouts at the colleague, s/he ignores it indifferently.

Thus, his response to the superior’s shouting is very different from yours, even though the external experience for both of you was the same.

So, the superior would not understand why you are taking his shouting negatively whereas your colleague is not. At a rational, reasoning level there would be no justifiable reason for your feeling humiliated when your other colleagues take the same experience coolly.

Monday 22 July 2024

Biased,Lop Sided Brain Development By Current Education System

 The present education system has created a revolution in technology but has not solved problems which affect happiness directly like depression, psychological sickness, relationship breakdowns, corruption, terrorism etc.; hence, unrest and violence in society have increased. An understanding of what the soul needs from improving its efforts, is necessary to realize inner happiness as a direct outcome of effort and not as a side effect of success. 

All technology innovations which we are so proud of as human beings, have been made only in the direction of improving external display or comforts without sufficient attention being given to our internal emotional and spiritual needs.

Happiness comes from satisfying the needs of emotional satisfaction along with acquiring bodily comforts. Becoming successful without feeling happy is like painting the walls of the house without the people feeling brighter. Happiness and good health are co-related, as will be explained. ... Good health can never be maintained by focusing on just the needs of material success and using the body as a projected image with the inner mind in unrest. 

Since science only focuses on the external, observable world, a purely scientific approach which aims at only focusing on improvements in scientific/technological development will never lead to evolution of peace and harmony within the soul or in society. 

Due to neglect of soul needs in the education curriculum, human development has failed to realize feelings of peace and contentment. To be happier or more peaceful, a training in systematic understanding of emotional complexities, needs to be inculcated with the same zeal as mathematical skills are taught. 


A focus on integration of soul needs along with material needs while teaching how to make choices in everyday life is essential to create peaceful adults. A training in integrated Emotional and Spiritual development is the only way to permanently increase peace and happiness in the world. 

Though we blame everything else except our thinking patterns for the problems in our life ,  a regular focus on grades/marks/ performance ability, success and money has been the core negative thinking principle which has led to a lop-sided development of humanity wherein inner peace of the mind has been sacrificed for a need to perform due to external pressure.

 This lop-sided development has led to creation of imbalanced individuals who have no training on how to resolve complex emotional issues and resort to violence or addictions to vent out frustrations in an attempt to find inner peace. 

Human happiness cannot be created as a side-effect of success. You cannot get balanced, peaceful and happy adults by pursuing mechanical/academic success as the goal of education. 

Mind patterns are set in childhood and are affected by mass culture which is affected by education, predominantly.  Since, the focus of all education has been on becoming successful at the cost of neglecting training in development of peace and inner happiness, people are driven towards a rat race to earn success. 

Training young minds to think that working mechanically for successful performance is all that is needed to be happy makes them feel comfortable about ignoring complex emotional development , which actually aids human mind towards evolving to be happy and healthy through the obstacles which adult life projects. 

Children driven towards winning above being peaceful, start finding short-cuts to success which are manipulative and corrupt. A pattern of mass thinking has developed such that respect is measured by money.  If you are not aiming at happiness or inner peace, money for success can be earned by being manipulative and corrupt more than by being good and helpful. 

However, happiness and satisfaction come from a job well done whether it is acknowledged as successful conventionally, or not. Winning always is not necessary to be happy. Trial and error are common processes involved in research and inventions. Through the process of overcoming failure, happiness and satisfaction continue to motivate the person towards achieving success with satisfaction. For example, Thomas Edison continued to fail for thirty years before he finally created an electric bulb. Like him, students need to be trained to be motivated from within by a system of education which rewards the process of achieving satisfaction and not just the result. 

A balanced training between inner satisfaction and outcome/ happiness vs. success ensures internal and external satisfaction even if the money earned is less than conventionally well defined. But, a pure focus on results/money/success leads to neglect of effort on feeling satisfaction, peacefulness or freedom from anxiety.

This blog is an excerpt from my book - Spirituality in Education (chapter 1)

Monday 15 July 2024

Karmic Payback Helps In Learning Soul Lessons For Passing Soul Tests

 Karmic Debt of A Soul

 Healing For Happiness

Karma is an integral part of the soul plan and is entwined with the learning of soul lessons. Negative karma occurs whenever the soul fails to overcome the pull of negative energies and, hence makes mistakes in learning its lessons.

Each time the soul gets involved in any act with a negative intention, it incurs negative karma. The negative karma incurred over a period is called the soul’s karmic debt. It is a debt because the soul has to transcend the negative energy it created with its focus, to move into a neutral or positive energy vibration. Only when the soul is able to transcend negative energy, by helping the souls it harmed in previous lives while remaining positive itself, would it be able to evolve to the next grade of evolution.


The soul’s karma accumulates over life-times, if it continues to make choices which make it feel more predominantly negative than positive .Continuing on the above example, in the next life the soul’s lesson would be even tougher because the soul would not only have to learn the lesson of patience in a similar manner, but also, would have to heal those souls in whose life it created negativity, so as to repay the additionally created negative karma.


The negative karma incurred by the soul remains as a karmic debt or liability in the soul’s Earth auric field over life-times ,till it is able to clear it by defeating the negative energy which ruled its senses in previous lives.

In this process of transcending the negative to positive, the soul is also able to learn its pending soul lessons and evolve to a higher stage of soul evolution. However, till the soul lessons are learnt, the karmic debt remains like an unfinished chapter in a course of learning.

Because of the karmic debt, the soul has a subconscious negative internal energy balance. Hence, it is repeatedly pulled into attracting similar kinds of difficulties in its life, till it learns to overcome the obstacles created by that particular type and frequency of negative energy. Suffering problems in life is a part of this karmic debt.


Suffering aids soul evolution as it helps the soul understand the physical manifestation of the same type of negative energy in victim and abuser roles. Understanding different aspects of the same energy viz. emotional challenge, helps in overcoming various forms of that negative energy, while learning the process of creation.

The same negative energy comes in various gradations and the soul tries to master each level of gradation, in the same life or over several lives


For example, the energy/emotion of impatience can lead one to make mistakes, shout, hit, kill etc. Making mistakes, shouting, hitting and killing are four gradations of the negative energy of impatience.


When we make mistakes, we become victims of abuse whereas when we shout, hit or kill, we classify as abusers. The roles are not strictly defined and may interchange in various situations of life. Thus, the abuser may shout or hit because he feels victimized somewhere.

However, all four gradations of the negative energy / emotion have to be individually overcome for the soul to transcend it into positive. The soul has to overcome impatience by learning not to make mistakes, shout, hit or kill; but to apply patience in all those situations where these negative urges come up.

The negative urges effectively come as obstacles to happiness, and have to be overcome for us to achieve a higher, desired level of being.

When our soul learns to overcome these obstacles to feeling happy, it undergoes a belief change in its subconscious mind.

A belief change is necessary for the soul’s dominant focus point to shift from negative to positive and for its internal energy balance to change.

Only when the soul is in a positive energy balance state, can it receive other positive energies from its environment.


If the soul can learn the planned soul lessons in its life, by staying neutral or positive and not indulging in negative impulses, it would be able to wash away or repay its karmic debt, respectively.


The karmic debt would get cleared, as the soul’s frequency rises from negative to neutral/zero and then, positive, through the process of learning its soul lessons.

However, if the soul is unable to remain neutral or positively focused, it would incur more negative karma, while again failing to learn the lessons planned. Hence, it would repeat another life-time to finish the unfinished purpose and to repay the even greater karmic debt.


To prevent debt accumulation, some advanced souls may plan lives which alternate with each other.


 For example, in one life, a soul may become a killer or assassin due to a difficult life-plan. Because of the extreme levels of negative encounters planned, the soul may fail in learning its soul lessons. It may not be able to overcome the negative emotions as it planned to after incarnation, and may become the opposite of what was planned.


Since, this soul would create negative energy and fail to evolve to a positive frequency or be happy, it would have to repay the karmic debt in its next incarnation.

 In the next life-plan, the same soul may choose completely different circumstances, which lead it to becoming a saint. The negative energy in the life of the killer is cleared/ washed away, in the life of the saint, and the soul starts the third / next life afresh, with no accumulated karmic debt.


However, though the karmic debt may get cleared, the original soul lesson would continue to remain if it is not focused upon or remains unlearnt in the life of the saint.


For example, when the soul lesson is learning to deal with common people with patience, it is possible that the killer or the saint both fail to use patience while dealing with common people.

If the soul is unable to defeat the energy of impatience as the killer it may kill in anger while as the saint it may walk away for meditation. In regression therapy, we often find people recalling lives as saints and killers but failing to achieve the planned life purposes in either case.

Soul Purpose can be found in Past life regression sessions with soul recovery healing. 

This blog is an excerpt from my book - Creation Of Happiness-The Energy war, a soul's perspective, chapter 3


The soul faces the same tests again and keeps repeating lives till it learns the soul lessons necessary for evolution. Unlearned soul tests keep coming up though the external circumstances of the soul may appear different in different lives.


In the above example of the saint and the killer, the soul lesson would be considered mastered when the soul can deal with common people with patience. The soul has to remain emotionally calm, in the same emotional circumstances which had made it a killer in previous lives.


By learning its soul lessons, with persistence and focus, our soul evolves into becoming more perfect and powerful in the art of creation. That helps us feel emotionally at peace, as it improves our ability to mobilize energies, as we desire, towards the process of creation

Saturday 29 June 2024

Process of Perceiving Reality Or Falsehood

 This blog is an excerpt from my book: Creation Of Happiness: The Energy War, a soul 's perspective, chapter 2

From a layman perspective, we believe that we feel the way we do about reality because that is how it exists. However, contrary to popular presumptions, from the scientific perspective, our feelings or our perception of reality is not dependent on what happens in the external world.

Our mind receives millions of sensations at any given moment, but it can process only a few, at a given time, due to its limited focusing capacity. So, our mind has to give selective attention to the reality happening outside. Thus, it gives attention to some external stimulus only, and ignores/rejects the remaining bits of information coming its way. 

At any one moment, about 2.3 million bits of informationpass our way. However, we can focus on and internalize, into our subconscious mind, a maximum of 7 + or -2 units of information. The remaining information gets rejected. 

At an energy transmission level, the external stimulus which the mind gives attention to is chosen in the following manner:            

Each form of physical energy in the environment, whether it is light, sound, touch, smell, or taste, is a manifestation of energy, since everything in the universe is made up of energy. 

Matter or energy is always vibrating at a certain frequency .Different forms of energy are distinguished depending on the frequency each vibrates in. For example, solids are distinguished from air or water because the atoms or molecules in each vibrate at a different frequency.

Every thought which is recorded in our mind carries energy, in the form of an attached feeling. The feeling has an energy component and an individual frequency.

This energy component in the thoughtmakes us aware that something exists in the external world. For example, when we think of our work, we have some kind of a picture coming to our mind which has a feeling attached. 

Any thought which does not have a feeling attached is a fleeting thought and is not recorded by the mind, because its energy component dissipates as soon as the physical stimulus which created it disappears. E.g. The color of our colleagues’ shirts.

 In other words, we only record thoughts which have feelings attached to them and do not record thoughts which do not have feelings attached to them. 

Instructional data passes from the conscious awareness level to the subconscious level through the path of feelings. Feelings cause energy transmission, which is why probably the term emotion denotes ‘energy in motion’.

Each feeling is an electric impulse and has a specific frequency. Thus, each information coming from the external world, which is deciphered by our sense organs and recorded in the mind as an electric impulse, has an individual existing frequency.

This also means that the thoughts which have been recorded in our mind already, i.e., what we hold to be the truth, are made of a certain frequency; because they were first converted into an electric impulse and only then recorded in the mind. 

The frequency of our recorded thoughts (from past experiences, beliefs, values etc. ) determines the existing internal energy frequency of our mind.

For the resonance of any two objects,  the frequency of one has to match with the other; otherwise, one will not fit in the other. 

For example, if we put stones in a container of water, the stones and water will remain separate; but if we put more water in a container of water, both will completely mix with each other. 

Similarly, for two bits of information to resonate, the frequency of one has to match with that of the other. 

Our sense organs pick up, and pay attention to, only those bits of information whose energy frequency matches the energy frequency of information that already exists in the mind, i.e. we pick up only that information, which matches in perspective, with what we already believe in.

In other words, the filters in our mind internalize only that information from the external world, which matches with the existing energy frequencies of our subconscious mind at any given moment, and, reject millions of bits of information which do not match with its existing frequency. 

The information which is accepted by our mind fits in withourexisting concept of reality. The information which is ignored /rejected by us is assumed as not conforming to reality, simply because its energy frequency does not match ours. It gets thrown as being significant/unreal/fantasy/illusion etc.

Practically, this means that each individual’s perception of reality is different because each individual’s internal frequency is different, in correspondence with his/herthoughts.

Thoughts are stored as beliefs about life and the experiences the person has recorded at the subconscious level of the mind.  Each person’s thinking is different. Therefore, different people notice different things in the environment.

Any one individual rejects at least some information which another perceives as real, depending on the frequency of information stored in his mind.

For example, if you believe that a shopping mall is a good place to relax, you would pick up all those aspects of the shopping mall which make you feel relaxed e.g. you would notice the abundance, the lights, the music, the grandeur etc. You would pick up all the information whose frequency matches with the frequency of your internal belief. Thus, you would relax, feeling that the mall is a wonderful place to be in. Your belief would be reconfirmed by the information you pick up and internalize. 

However, if your spouse sees the shopping mall as just another shop, where she has to spend money,she may dread going there. With her/his mind focused on the expense, she will not notice the lights or the abundance; and would wonder what you like in the shopping mall. 

So, if you like going to a shopping mall for an outing and your spouse dislikes it, it is because both of you are looking at different aspects of the same reality. You take in information which you already believe in; and your spouse takes in information which he already believes in. Both of you take in only that information as real, which matches with your individual internal frequency, and ignore the rest as not confirming with reality.

Thus, irrespective of the multitude of activity happening externally, only limited amount of information, is deciphered by the mind and internalized by the subconscious mind as reality. 

This concept has critical practical implications in our everyday lives. We use this information which we take in from moment to moment to form a continuing picture of the external reality. 

This picture that we form is, automatically, in consonance with the picture of the external reality or the model of the world which we already have in the mind.

 All the new information which does not fit in with the information already existing is thrown out, unless the impact of the new information is very big, so big, that it causes a shift in the internal energy frequency of the body. (This point will be discussed later in chapter 10 –The Law of Repetition)

In a gist, the picture that we form of the external reality is, usually, the same as that which we already believe reality to be. When our beliefs change, this picture also changes. But, usually, in a life-time, our beliefs do not change more than four or five times and hence for long periods, we continue with the same perceptions about our reality.

Thus, though the external picture of reality keeps changing, as our life moves from one phase to the next, our perception of reality, be it negative or positive, remains the same over prolonged periods of time. 

For instance, if our focus is on feeling deprived, we continue to feel deprived even if we become successful in external terms; or if our focus is on having failed in meeting our own expectations, we continue feeling failed through different spheres of life. Likewise, if we feel we are appreciated in the external world, but feel unreal inside ourselves, we continue feeling appreciated through different walks of life but lose touch with our inner selves.

The role of a dominant focus point of feelings

While taking in information from the external world, we only take in information which matches with our internal energy frequency, at that specific moment. 

The internal energy frequency at any specific moment depends on the dominant feelings we are focusing upon in that moment.

     The energy frequency of our body is the frequency of the electric current flowing in our body. The electric current flow in the body is in synchronization with the electric impulses which are constantly created as feelings are produced. These electric impulses/feelings carry an electric charge and so, have individual frequencies. The positive and negative charges get averaged out and an average is established.

Therefore, the frequency of our body at any one moment is the average charge/frequency of all the electric impulses being produced at that moment. This average frequency is called the dominant focus point of the body. 

Our dominant focus at any one moment is most influenced by the most dominant electric charge in our body. The most dominant electric charge is that of the most dominant feeling we are focusing on. 

Hence, the dominant focus point or the average energy frequency of our body at any one moment is most affected by the most dominant feeling we keep focusing on.

Our dominant focus can be negatively or positively charged depending on which feelings we focus upon more. 

At any one moment, we feel either predominantly positive or negative.

Multiply Emotions of Positivity To Get Victory

  Victory for the Soul is Higher Positivity Over Negativity internally at the level of vibrational transmission of electric life force energ...