Friday, 4 October 2013

ARMIES __ do we need guns or peace if there was a clear choice ?


          If there was a choice between armies and peace, would we disarm ourselves and move into logical solutions than keep guns in our back pockets ? As long as there are armies, it shows that we still do not completely believe that peace can exist in the world. The world is a s we believe it to be. Till we believe the world is negative, it will be so.

            We maintain armies in fear of the enmies but that fear shows our core beliefs are still primitive.
            The feelings we focus on create reality. We can talk endlessly about good things but continue to feel fear, as the primitive man did. Our actions show our real beliefs. 

If           As we choose to maintain armies, nuclear weapons and divisions amongst religions, it shows that we are afraid.
            Fear is a habit than a reality. We stay afraid because we are used to staying afraid from olden times when there were real threats since man was evolving from being animal to being human . The threats are gone now due to evolution but  when we believe there is threat, we create the threats in reality. We create all that we fear in our minds as our feelings create reality .

            There is no real threat in today’s world but we maintain armies and ensure that we love in threat because we are habituated to living in fear. We are no longer a primitive society where we can be robbed by neighboring communities because of scarcity of resources. There  has been huge technological development and there is no real scarcity of resources, except in our minds.
            We need to move into DISARMAMENT not play war games in our minds to feel thrilled. The more we focus on wars and enemies, the more we create them in our own reality.

            As is explained in the book CREATION OF HAPPINESS: THE ENERGY WAR, a soul's perspective:   

            As souls, we keep repeating the same type of experiences at the emotional level, over years and over life-times, irrespective of material or technological development in the external world. We keep feeling the same way, internally, because we remain in the same energy cycle.

             For instance, a focus on self defense, from outsiders would have begun in the primitive man’s society. A new realization of feeling insecure would have created the need in the primitive man to use weapons for defending her/his belongings from predators.
            The new realization acted as the stone in a pool of water and motivated energy movement. Once activated, the energy continued to repeat itself. The need to defend ourselves still remains a dominant focus in the human mind, as is evident, when we choose to spend huge amounts of our development funds on the defense industry.
            If we care to stop our repetitive thought process, for a few brief moments of awareness, we would arrive at a subsequent new realization which would make the old focus point obsolete. We need to STOP AND RETHING our beliefs. There are technological communications all over the world. Resources can move from areas of surplus to poor areas . its just a matter of choice, because the rich wont get pooer by spreading the resources,. In fact, a huge amount of food and medicines are thrown in the Sea to maintain monopolies. Instead, they can be given as charity to spread positivity but we need to make a choice to stop feeling afraid of losing if we share.
            The negative energy cycle of fear can stop only if we focus on stopping the current by shifting the focus of our thinking, with awareness. It cannot stop by itself because energy has to flow; and it would keep flowing wherever we focus. Till we focus differently, we automatically remain in the same energy cycle.
            By changing the energy cycle and looking beyond the previously established beliefs that we have to defend ourselves from enemies, we would realize that the external technological changes, have made the concept of needing weapons for the self-defense of countries, almost redundant.
            Scarcity does not exist today as it did in the old days. Therefore, there is actually no rational danger from enemies, except at the level of competitive self-interest.

            Our fear is an outcome of a focus on negative feelings. We are conditioned, subconsciously, into believing that each human being is happier by defeating another. Hence, we have to compete or we would be attacked because that is the nature of being human, which is totally false. Human beings like to share joys and laughter together, if their survival is not threatened.
            It is a lack of awareness about the human mind and an inability to distinguish it from the animal mind, which makes us spend huge financial resources on weapons that could otherwise , be used to spread love and peace; and benefits of technological development for all.
            Being humans, we can create with our thought process unlike animals. If we focus on enemies being there, we would create them with our focus. The more we invest on weapons, the more we would tell ourselves that  we have enemies to justify our expenditure.

The external world is a manifestation of the feelings we focus on.  It keeps manifesting itself more and more creatively, as we keep reinforcing the same feelings and mobilizing energies towards that kind of manifestation.
            Like, earlier we chose to fight wars with swords. Now, we choose to fight with guns or bombs, yet, the experience at the level of feelings remains the same—we continue mentally fighting in both cases; albeit, guns are a higher and more complex form of creation than swords are. The pattern of repetition gets reinforced with continuous focus and keeps manifesting itself in newer, more evolved forms.
            If we instead, focused on spreading compassion and love, and neutralizing our negative tendencies by no longer fuelling them with our insecurities, we would reinforce the creation of a happier world. .

When we pay taxes for  maintaining armies for self-defense is concerned, we need to re-evaluate the efficacy of national boundaries in spreading happiness across the world. It is possible that we are continuing with national boundaries out of habit/tradition, than a need for safety. Energies multiply with focus and enmity exists between countries because we focus on it having been there. The more we focus on past wars, competition and fear , the more we perpetuate negativity. We maintain national boundaries because they have been there and we try not to change that which exists, out of inertia. Thus, the concept of countries continues and hence, we need armies to protect them.

National boundaries were needed in the Olden days when scarcity was the norm and we did not have technology to spread resources from one place to another. But, with the current technological development, the concept of the nation has become notional, and may be blocking the spread of developmental benefits all over the world, rather than facilitating growth.

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