Saturday, 2 November 2013


·    If we want countries to disarm weapons for peace, we need to stop buying bombs and guns for our kids. Their present thinking, creates the future world . Everyone wants fun. Why do we teach kids that bombs are fun ?

          We teach our young boys to fight with guns
the mind gets conditioned into taking violence as fun
when they grow up and want to play with guns
we brand them as terrorists or criminals and they run
the game with guns continues at mass levels of thought
when countries create weapons for wars, we pretend self defense
but wars are created by games which say violence and bombing as fun

    For the soul, the life force within us, Earth is an illusion. Everything that manifests here is an expression of thought. The soul only records feelings, not the rationale connected with it.
     Usually, for the soul, killing another life is a crime unless it is for self defense . Whether the person kills in orders a s a soldier or as a criminal, the soul only records the murders and has to pay karmic debts for it. 
     The following is an excerpt from the book IN SEARCH OF HAPPINESS ( how past lives affect the present, a soul's perspective )

The trauma of a soldier - Whose responsibility is it?

·         The making of a soldier
Boys are introduced to games which involve mock violence from childhood, whether it is playing with toy guns or the mock destruction they enjoy in video games. In several families, boys are laughed at when they take interest in activities such as cooking or doll play.
They are expected to get impressed by competitive games, technology and mechanization.
The army, the air force and the sea planes have the latest machines. The already conditioned boys are excited at the thought of playing with the real machines, as Dev was.

Simultaneously, soldiers are glorified as the heroes of the nation. Symbols of wars won are resurrected  constantly by the government, schools and media (television, radio, newspapers etc.). There are Independence Day celebrations, national anthems, the flag, television shoes on heroes who died for the country’s freedom etc.

 Young men join the soldier’s profession because of the prestige and adventure attached to it, other than the fact that it is a government job and promises a secure income.  They are into the job before they realize they would be taking a burden on their consciousness, when they have to kill on somebody else’s orders.
The soul feels suppressed, not glorified when its incarnated physical form gets coerced into devolving to its animal instincts of killing for survival instead of raising its consciousness to rise above violence as a means of livelihood.
 That the soldier suffers mental anguish is evident from the fact that soldiers who come back from war often suffer from depression.  A normal life does not seem normal to them.

·         Mental anguish of a soldier
Once in the job, the soldier usually, continues the job because of the need for a regular income to provide for himself and his family.
But, from the perspective of human justice, the salary which the soldier is paid is hardly sufficient compensation for the internal mental anguish he goes through and the negative karma he incurs by killing other souls.
A soldier kills to earn bread for his family or to protect civilians from outsiders.
Yet, it is the soldier’s soul who pays the karmic debt, not the souls of people whom he kills for.
 The soldier’s family does not take responsibility for the soldier’s decision to kill. But, it does take its share in his earnings .If we were  to ask the family he provides for or the civilians he protects, whether if need be, they would be ready to go in his place and kill, we would usually get a negative answer .
By giving money or medals, does it become justified to expect the soldier to take the burden of killing on his consciousness? Does his family or his country or his fellow beings need him to sacrifice his consciousness to feel better themselves.
Finally, it is the soldier losing out, not the people ordering the war.

Wars have hampered Soul Evolution
As discussed in part 1, soul evolution essentially involves development of intellectual and emotional capabilities of human beings so that they contribute to better the overall Developmental Process of Creation with their effort. Each soul is like a cell in the body of the Creator, made of the same consciousness of energy as the Creator.
Soul evolution cannot happen if each cell of the body fights against the other or if souls let their energies get wasted by contributing to destruction.
Our wars, which are so heavily discussed in our history books, films and folk tales, have hampered soul evolution because of several reasons -
·         War used force to suppress people’s rational thinking. Therefore, they discouraged logical deduction of thought in human beings. Mis-use of strength encouraged short-cut methods of dealing with problems, which did not lead to long term solutions which demanded an expansion of human consciousness above the need to compete.
·         Because of wars, power got transferred to physical strength rather than intellect. Developing the body became more important than developing the mind.
·         Soul evolution became secondary to external display of power or success. Values like inner satisfaction and developing innate soul qualities were sacrificed as material display of happiness became dependent on display of power of wealth or beauty rather than evolution towards a higher level of internal peace and happiness.
o   That the wealthy or the well- dressed were not happier people was ignored as too complicated an issue to resolve since focus was on amassing goods instead of creating internal peace.
o   Because of the resource scarcity which wars created, people experienced periods of extreme deprivation. Hence, human focus shifted to buying goods and saving money as if an emergency would strike anytime and we would run out of resources. The natural law of abundance was denied existence as everyone fought for survival.
o   The soldier consciousness was so instilled that people lived for working rather than working for living.
o   The need for emotional training which is necessary to understand the soul needs and live happily was side-lined. We became anxious, depressed and diseased as a human race by focusing on external short-term pleasures like eating pizzas and watching films to de-stress which did not provide adequate relief to anguished souls.
o   Large amounts of human resources were used up in funding armies which could have been used for improving thinking abilities to prevent the wars.
·         Material gains are meant to be used for emotional betterment, but they do not always do so. If   we rule out amassing material victories as a criterion, what measures do we have by which benefits or losses of historical wars on the happiness of human beings could be measured?
·         Wars led to taking away free will of human beings and created negative Karma for the oppressors and victims (who became subsequent oppressors) on a large-scale, the effects of which had to be borne by several future life-times.

Spiritual messages come in the simplest of words. From the soul’s perspective of evolution,  individual upliftment is supposed to reduce feeling pressured or compromised.
For a soul, it is futile to achieve success, if it increases focus on problems and reduces  focus on happiness.
Our effort towards work is justified only if it helps to increase the average levels of peace and happiness in our lives so that our positive soul frequency rises.  


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