Wednesday, 13 November 2013


The soul controls our body through our subconscious mind,
Our anger, love and blood pressure are controlled by the subconscious mind,
the subconscious mind is the engine of our life
It has to be made clean of negative memories for happiness to rise

The mind as we are aware of is only 10 % of our total mind. 90 % of our responses, thinking and actions are determined by our subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is our dormant mind which works as hard disk of our computer. The subconscious mind is the link between our soul and our body. It is the centre of happiness.

The Subconscious mind determines our perceptions about people or situations . Our emotions in any given situation depend on our past experiences, the culture we live in, how our family thinks, what are our values and beliefs, how we perceive our individual identity, what is our main goal, what is the context we live in, our present circumstances etc.

These factors – our identity, values and beliefs, circumstances, environment etc. are called FILTERS.

Filters determine how much and what information passes in through the conscious mind , to reach the subconscious mind.

As explained in prologue 1, only that information reaches our subconscious mind which resonates in frequency with the existing energy frequency of the body. The filters allow only that information to pass in which the person agrees with and reject the rest of the information as irrelevant.

Other than our past experiences, our values and beliefs, our attitudes, environmental upbringing ., our intake if information at any given moment also depends on our physiology and  our state of mind at the moment. So, our state of mind at any give moment and our physical stature also, are included in our filters.
For example, if you are short, you may miss out on seeing some things, which a tall person would notice, or if you are tall, you may face different challenges.

More specifically, as  a tall person , you would not have had to hear ‘how short you are ‘, all your life. But, if you were short, such a comment could have hurt your self esteem.
As a short person,  that comment may have made you feel inadequate for tasks which required height or reaching far, symbolically. You may have compensated your loss of self esteem by pretending to be taller than you actually were or boasting about yourself more than needed.

 So, if you were tall, that kind of remark did not negatively impact your self-esteem as it could have for a short person. However, a s a tall person, you may have had to hear ‘ you look like a giant, you are a bean pole etc.’ which may have hurt your self esteem in a different manner. You may have experienced difficulty in fitting in with people of normal height or felt superior to regular society.

So, a person who is short may feel stressed in different situations than a tall person simply because their past experiences of stress have been different.
Similarly, your filters are impacted by your state of mind, i.e. the information you take in on any given moment depends on your mood at that moment. The times at which you feel more stressed than usual, you take in information differently. You may be able to process less information or compute information in a distorted manner, than at other times when you do not feel as stressed.

If you are a perpetually depressed person, you will notice negative situations in your environment, which a carefree person would ignore.

When you are more interested in some things over others, it is because of  your filters.

Filters are interconnected with each other. They cumulatively act to influence, which aspects of your external reality you give emphasis to and which you don’t. In other words, they cumulatively   influence your priorities.

  For example, an interest in dressing means that you believe looking good is important. There can be several filters involved in your interest in dressing. Maybe your family believed in good dressing or maybe some role model whom you looked up to believed that dressing well was important. Maybe you profession demands it, maybe your value is that you consider your external presentation important in all aspects of life or dressing represents an important aspect of who you are.
Similarly, an interest in politics means that you feel politicians help the country/that you consider nation-hood important/ because you need to show awareness in your environment/because your profession demands it etc.
All the factors which create your interest in a particular phenomenon area result of your conditioning and are  interconnected.

This difference in priorities due to different filters often causes miscommunication or misunderstanding with another person. Two people do not find common topics to talk about if their filters are too different. They do not realize the difference in their interests is because each one’s mind is different. Each one has set up different filters and each one’s priorities are different.

Understanding each person as a unique personality reduces the need for giving advice and passing judgments; which can be a source of stress in daily functioning.

Filters can be changed and need to be changed when holding certain filters, causes stress. We will discuss this later.

Learning Task 2-Experience of filters

Part A-  List out five significant things you notice around you now. List out five different things you notice when you get up early morning ? Does your noticing different things depend on your mood  at that moment? Noticing which things make you feel more stressed and noticing which things makes you feel relaxed ?You would have feelings associated with each situation depending on your filters of how life should be organized.

Part B- Think of any person in your life who is important. Think of something which is important to the other person and not to you. Hence, you don’t notice it whereas the other person does. For example, he may notice the types of cars on the road whereas you don’t do so.  Or you may be noticing somethings which he does not.
Then ask yourself whether the reason could be that his / her priorities in life are different from yours? Could it be because his work demands/values/beliefs/ circumstances/identity/upbringing/financial conditions/state of mind at that moment or all these factors may be different? So, his filters are different.  Hence, the information his mind takes in and your mind takes in is different.
Part C-To understand that person and yourself better, you can point out which filers are different in Part B`s particular situation.

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