our mind is like a computer in our command
dont let it rule ur energy, or your life,
erase memories which force u to focus on sadness,
u are the co-creator of your own life,
choose happiness as the energy to focus on,
focus on imaginative films if u dont have happy memories
To stop focusing
negativity, it becomes necessary to decide
to erase memories
of traumatic events of the past. The memories of experiences which made us angry
or lowered our
self-esteem keep coming to our minds and defeating our spirit
be alive.
Not only thinking about our own memories of bad experiences, but also thinking about other people’s
traumas, thefts, suicides,
abuses etc. Forces us to be
negative. The more
think about negative events
in our lives and in the lives of
others, the more we recreate their recurrence
through our centred energy focus.
Each time we feel negative by thinking about sad
events, we
release negative hormones
in the body. The electric
impulses by our feeling
negative lowers the life force energy of the soul as
they create vacuum like spaces in the conductive
channels of soul energy. Just as air cannot
pass through vacuum, positive
soul force cannot pass through clusters of negative energy in the body. Negative energy acts like rocks in a drain, preventing water from
flowing through. When positive soul force is blocked, we feel blocked in our life and spirit. Positive energy
cannot spread and the body starts feeling diseased, overtime.
Repeated focus on
feeling upset, sad or hurt by past
channelizes accumulated
energy to be stored in different
parts of the body and mind.
The negative hormones release consistently and effectively
block us from finding happiness in the future, as our internal dominant focus remains away from the energy of happiness.
Energies multiply due to our focus and if we feel non positive,
cannot multiply energies of positivity.
By focusing
on the negative, problems
worries, we
only multiply negativity and create more negative situations.
heal those emotions which cause us harm physically or
depress us mentally, we need to let go of the memories and our attachment
holding them.
Just as a fat man needs to release the need to eat fatty
foods to become
slim; by releasing
our habit of focusing
on the negative memories stored in our body, we become happy. We
have to keep making attempts to shift focus on the positive,
and attract positive energies in our life.
Steps of Memory Erase
• See a traumatic
memory in your mind.
• Make it vivid. Imagine that is happening in the present.
See the people involved.
Hear the voices and the
accompanying sounds. Focus on the emotion/ the feeling
underlying the picture.
• Note why you feel shocked? What is the core realization that disillusions you? Are you willing to accept the hard
truth that the people you respect may not be worthy of respect? Do you want to blame yourself for mistakes you did not do because you want to hold on? Is it choosing
to hold
on which
hurting you? Are you being held on by
promises you made or which you were cheated into making
by corrupt intentions of other people? Are
you being held on by promises
false love by parents or friends whose
body language lowered your self worth than raise it?
• Reflect on the possibility that you can choose to let go by knowing
that those people are not
worthy of the merit of intelligence you give them. Know that light or God’s
spirit is in that which uplifts your self worth. Anything which
depresses your spirits comes from the dark force as it lowers your soul frequency to negative. To rise back to a positive frequency, take your light or soul fragment out
of the negative energy which attacks you and let go of the negativity.
• Focus on the colours
of the picture. Also,
view the energy
of the colours surrounding
the picture. Make it
• Do you see grey or red or black or brown? Do you see any
sparkles of white or golden
energy? Relive the memory for a brief moment
and see it in pure energy form. Let the
picture dissolve and see
only energy for a few seconds.
• Feel your emotions
of agony or trauma.
• Feel the anger coming up.
• Get out of the picture. Still
the picture at the moment you
feel worst.
• See it as a paper painting. Imagine it going far, then coming near, going far, then coming near again. Loosen its
hold this way.
• Now, start making the colours
black and white. Let them get blurred.
• Lower the sounds as if they
are incoherently blurred. Make the picture hazy as if it’s dissolving into formlessness.
• Start passing white light
through it.
• Hear the sounds
blurring further till you cannot make out any word legible.
• Only feel the energies underlying the words now. Note that there would be energies which hurt you. You may find
yourself feeling energies of helplessness, pressure to perform,
anxiety of erring, rigidity of thinking , inflexibility, negative traditional
views, subconscious scheming to lower your self worth, underlined
jealousy, hatred or negative judgment.
• Imagine the person speaking to be a demonic entity inside that body.
• Let the body dissolve and only see the demonism. Feel the
images or sounds turning into energies.
You may feel fire
or black smoke coming towards you.
• Pour water onto the attacking
energies and hold a mirror between you and that energy. The mirror will reflect
back that person’s energy.
• Now, see the demon becoming
smaller and smaller
and see yourself
becoming bigger and bigger.
• If you want to say anything which you have left unsaid,
speak it out. Release all your stored up anger. Feel all your
negative energy going
out from your body towards that person through a filter. All that which is his energy would be
taken back by him.
As he
takes back his own negative energy, the person may become smaller
in size. Allow the first impressions in your mind.
• Take your energy back from that person.
Let there be
glass wall in between you and that person
from which your soul energy comes
back to you. Become bigger
with the positive energy filling you up. Rise so high
that the demon appears like an ant.
Crush the ant.
• Feel the blood coming out. Surround the blood with electric violet light and see it being sucked into a black hole.
• Feel powerful standing over the demon
dawning into your mind.
• Feel white light coming onto you from above and feel yourself getting bathed with energy.
• See balls
of black smoke getting
released out of the top of your head, your stomach or
any part of the body which appears tense.
• Release black balls of smoke from your feet.
• Feel a white cloud
of light entering you from the sky.
• Feel that
your whole
body is filled with white
Imagine glowing
a bulb.
• Imagine that you are rising above the ground that held you like a magnet.
• And if your subconscious mind suggests, feel little wings
coming over
which can help you fly.
• Now, feel yourself
going into the clouds,
flying into an imagined place of bliss where you get the love and respect you deserve.
• Feel yourself being appreciated for your positive qualities.
Accept being loved and feel the energy of love in your stomach. Forgive yourself if you have guilt.
• Now, with that energy of being loved, fly back into the
• Feel the memory dissolving as if swept over by a wave of water.
• Now, fill that place with a formless golden or white light
or any happy memory.
• Feel happy for
few moments thinking of a happy imagination or a happy memory.
• Again
check on the sad memory but
let it
be hazy or black
and white. Don’t revive it. Let it go. Feel the sadness from the memory getting separated from it and moving further
and further from you
if it is a ball
being sucked into
the sunlight. As the energy of hurt leaves the memory,
the memory dissolve into nothingness
or into a black hole. Feel lots
of water or
light filling
up that
place so that the memory
is washed away.
• Imagine your soul fragment coming
out of the memory in to you. Learn whatever makes you feel guilty in that
experience. Relive the memory as you would have preferred it to be if
you had been careful.
• Keep the learning and let go of the memory
and pretend it never happened.
Detach from it completely as it won’t
affect you without your emotions
captured in it.
• See the ball of negativity or the whole memory becoming a spot and disappear
into the SUN. The blackness
will go into a black
hole and the light from it will be absorbed by
the SUN.
• Let new light come from the SUN come and fill in its place.
Feel that you have
been enlightened by the light filling in you. You may imagine hearing some intuitive words of
wisdom or feel a ball of knowledge filling you.
• Now, feel relaxed and again visualize white light all over your body. Think of a happy memory or
think of feeling
loved and respected
in your imagination. Inhale the feelings
in your stomach.
Take a breath of silence.
• Thank God that you
have the power to
control your
mind. You have erased the memory. If it comes again, it will be less intense. Repeat the exercise. Overtime, you
will imbibe the learning, detach from it and completely re-script your mind.
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