Thursday, 31 July 2014



There is a law of creation operating in the universe. We, as souls, in human bodies participate in the law of creation, by default.

The implication of this law in everyday life is that it explains the high levels of stress, which almost the whole human race seems to be experiencing today. The high levels of stress are  largely  caused due to internal feelings of emotional dissatisfaction, with the way things are in the world and the constant demands we have to put on ourselves, to cope up with that which exists.
When we blame the external circumstances for our internal emotional turmoil, we need to be aware that the world as it exists today, has been created by us, as souls, through a sustained focus on the negative—from the perspective of emotional satisfaction.
We, being souls, are co-creators of our reality. .………..

The Law of Creation--- states that whatever the soul focuses on at the level of feelings, it mobilizes energy to create the same.

The process of creation, on Earth, involves conversion of unprocessed universe energy into
            physical, tangible form, through energy mobilization.
Whichever feeling the soul expects to experience, it creates a situation where that feeling is created, through mobilizing energy in that direction.

  The soul mobilizes energy for the purposes of creation, through its vibration.

By definition --A soul’s vibration depends on the way it feels.

A feeling is an electric impulse, which creates vibrations in the body. The vibration mobilizes energy movement. Feeling in a certain way causes energy to move in that direction.

Focusing on specific feelings is the tool used by the soul, for mobilizing energy for the purpose of creation, since feelings mobilize energy.

Each soul has the ability to focus on feelings, by default. In other words, Focusing energies is as integral for the soul as breathing is for a person. Whether  aware  that it is focusing energies or not, the soul is focusing energies; be it on a negative situation or a positive outcome, and thus, unavoidably, participating in the process of creation[1].

The soul creates the experience which it focuses on, at the level of feeling.( A feeling is more of a reflex reaction in an untrained soul-mind, as contrasted with a conscious energy mobilization by a trained soul-mind. So, whenever an untrained soul-mind  focuses on feelings, it focuses on what it subconsciously expects to happen , rather than what it desires to happen.)
 In other words, the soul creates not that which it desires but that which it expects to experience. When a person is convinced that a desire would come true, i.e. when he/she expects it to happen--- then, only does the desire   match an expectation. However, in most cases , desire is not the same as expectation.

For example, a person may desire to travel in his own Mercedes car but may not expect to have the money to buy the Mercedes. However, if this soul focuses on the feeling of traveling in the Mercedes without focusing on expecting to own the vehicle , then, sooner or later the person would find himself  traveling in such a car, but likely it would be someone else’s Mercedes. This person’s desire is to travel in a Mercedes, but his expectation or belief is that he cannot own the Mercedes.   Therefore, energy is mobilized such that he travels in it, but does not actually own it.  
To be able to travel in his own mercedes, the person would have to work on his expectations such that he can make himself believe that he can own it. He would  need to believe and visualize specifically that he is buying the Mercedes, instead of just traveling in it.

However, expectations are not easy to manipulate. A person can desire anything, but he cannot bring himself to expect everything.
Ironically, the soul  only recognizes the expectation, not the desire and mobilizes energy such that the expectations come true, irrespective of whether it matches the desire or not.

An expectation is the strongest feeling accompanying a desire, and hence, it causes the maximum mobilization of energy in any situation.

 The feeling of expectation, can be positive or negative, and causes corresponding energy vibrations in the body. The feeling is positive when we are certain that a desire would manifest--just as we are certain that the Sun would rise every morning. The feeling is negative when we are worried that the desire would not manifest. Whichever feeling is stronger is our point of focus. What we focus on gets manifested in physical reality, since, we, as souls, mobilize energy in that direction.

The feelings we focus on, determine how we perceive the external reality. Our present perception of reality, determines our future expectations from reality. Our core expectations determine our point of focus; and, make us mobilize energy in specific directions over others.
Thus, what manifests in the external world is a physical manifestation of our internal energy focus.

It is important to note that the soul does not have to do anything in particular to experience the feeling which it focuses on, in a physical,tangible form. It only needs to focus on the feeling. The process of creation gets activated automatically through focus. The subconscious mind propels the person to think and act in such a way such that the feeling gets manifested, through a physical, tangible experience--over a period of time

For example, a person wanting to lose weight has to focus on how it would feel when   the weight is dropped.  It is not important which method she uses to lose weight. What matters is the expectation she has from using that method. If this person can convince herself that she can lose weight, through one method over another, then, she would do so by whichever method she is convinced about. The same method may not work for another person who is not convinced about it and who does not expect it to work.

[1] If a person feels that he/she cannot focus- they are talking of a positive focus. When we are not focused on the positive, we are, automatically focused on the negative i.e. if the person feels he/she cannot focus—it means that he is focused on the ‘cannot’, and is energizing the ‘cannot’--instead of the ‘can’. The focus is there, albeit, on the negative. The ability to focus is always inherently present in the soul. The only problem is that, at an unconscious level, it is not necessarily directed towards the positive. Directing focus to the positive requires intentional intervention to shift focus whenever it drifts towards the negative.

Wednesday, 23 July 2014


If you enter a dark room and search for a light bulb, you don’t find it easily. You keep seeking till you do.  When you find the light bulb, it’s like a miracle. You feel saved from darkness. You switch on the light and, once the light switches on, the darkness disappears as if it never existed.

Negative thinking will not change overnight
You  have to make it a  priority to be positive
Time is less on Earth and we have to make choices within a lifetime
If we choose to be negative, its our failure to be happy , not anybody else's
Feelings create electric impulses which  are counted karmically
To move towards positivity is always good for the soul and God spreading light
Choose to be happy , ignoring the negative for even if devils suffer its their choice

The process of developing positive thinking habit is like groping for light in a dark room. You don’t find happiness s easily when you are sad. You keep asking yourself WHY and How while you keep searching for the light bulb. Till the light turns on again, your brain does not stop creating doubts in your head. It is only when you find happiness after much seeking that your doubts disappear.

Positivity in life does not come automatically It is a process of thinking , falling down again and again and rising gain to  walk till you learn the correct balance.
A soul in a body is like a person in a car in a video game. Obstacles come to help it balance better. Happiness comes as bonus points but the soul has to stay balanced to get the bonus points. If it falls in difficulties and becomes negative, it loses hope, and gets lost away from the path of its destiny.

Destiny is where happiness is, hope is, optimism, passion, joy are. Destiny is not a material realization. It cannot be counted by the money in your back or the number of cars you have. Destiny is your contribution to the world; it is the area where you help several and you get respect for the work you do. Money or cars are a reflection of that respect but several have realized their destiny being saints, inventors and teachers.
Satisfaction comes in when you find the path to your destiny and stay on. There is balance on this path, you are warned of obstacles and you have to resist temptation to play games where you might lose balance.

A balance between negative energies and positive energies such that the positive feeling predominates over the negative, leads to realization of destiny by the soul.
The following steps can be used to increase positivity in small steps:

First - Look for the positive intention behind every abuse you receive. What does the abuse help you learn and ignore? Often, abuse helps us realize the difference between actual teaching and Hippocratic preaching.
Gold and shit are both yellow in color and most souls need to learn the difference between artificial glitter and real shine.

IF there is nothing you want to learn from getting abused, ignore the abuse. You can use the energy healing techniques given in my book REDEFINING HAPPINESS, taken from hypnotherapy, NLP, Reiki etc.

Second- imagine the difficult situation as a balloon of worry and burst the balloon again and again in your head. Feel sunlight filling in its place.  This process helps in releasing worry as an energy and switch off the light bulb in your head.

Third- Sleep on a positive note and get up with a smile. It does not matter whether your life is happy by definition or not. Release all stress from your head by exhaling out from the crown chakra- the top of your head as if a boiling kettle is releasing smoke.
Take in good, bright light from the sky as if God is filling you with peace. Feel the light enter your brain and fill all the cells with light in imagination. This process is more felt than tangibly realized. The intention clears energy in the soul and your body rejuvenates while sleeping.
Get up with a smile. Thank God, Feel free like a bird flying in the sky with its wings spread out. Feel peaceful in your imagination and thank God with real felt gratitude. Smile for ten minutes while in bed and feel golden light in your stomach. Imagine a sun lightening upon your whole body with glow. This light will remove stress from your aura and help you detach from worries which you cannot solve by staying anxious.

Fourth- don’t poison yourself by staying negative because of your anger. If you feel very angry with a person, scream at him or her mentally and chant OM three times later. Otherwise, you can write your abusive words on a piece of paper and flush/burn the paper away. It is better to react within self than abuse the other person. You can inform him or her of your irritation mildly than scream as screaming invites disrespect.
Shouting at another person will not solve your problem for long term. The person has to change from within. Whether you reprimand once or scream for hours, the effect will be the same. The person will make the same mistakes till he is convinced with love and respect that change is good for him. You will attract respect only when you give respect. Otherwise, people may obey you in fear but they will not make you feel good about yourself. To feel happy, keep anger minimum and try to stay detached from worries of the world, which you cannot solve by your negative thinking. The more you stay in peace, the more peace you will spread in your house and your world, as much as affects you or you can affect. Energy spreads with feelings radiating from the soul.

Fifth- surrender yore worries to God. Write your problems on a piece of paper and see it flying away. Or just mentally tell the angels that you are surrendering the problem to them and to resolve it in a way which helps you remain positive. Ask angels and your spirit guides to help solve this problem in the highest and best way for all concerned. Be thoughtless about your problems as much as you can and react only if your action helps in solving the problem. Surrendering your problems help in removing your mind from staying negative. When you rise to a zero frequency, your energy opens up and loosens itself. That way, you rise above water and can float towards a solution than trying to swim desperately away from the current.

When you become thoughtless, you realize that everything in your life becomes calmer. The external situation may not change as several people’s karma may be attached to it but your life improves. Being positive in the present helps increase happiness s in the future, improves health, brings wisdom to the soul and improves life, in general.

Tuesday, 22 July 2014


REPLACING NEGATIVE WITH POSITIVE ATTITUDE IS NECESSARY TO FIND HAPPINESS. Happiness is nota luxury offered to some. It is the main purpose of soul incarnation. Every soul comes on Earth with an intention to find happiness . Happiness cannot be generalized for all. Each soul has a different conception of happiness.

For example, for one person , happiness may mean a surfeit of cars, while for another it may mean  bonding with a lover .

Whenever we feel sick, anxious, unhealthy, helpless, angry, sad, chained etc. we feel negative.
 The more we feel negative, the more we harm our own body as we release negative hormone sin the body with every negative feeling being focused upon.
According to research, if we feel we are unable to move ahead in life as desired, we have chronic arthritis; if we feel we are not getting adequate support and blame ourselves often for failing expectations, we develop diabetes; if we feel suffocated and unable to voice our soul, we get asthma etc.
Depression is a result to choosing to look at the black side of every situation and yet, not leaving that situation, cancer is a result of constantly feeling angry, helpless and reproaching self and so on.

TO FEEL HEALTHY AND HAPPY, we have to deliberately force ourselves to look at the positive aspect of every situation:

The soul plans its life and seeks to gain something positive from every negative situation. A downfall cannot occur unless the situation is already negative from the perspective of soul ascension. Failure helps in reawakening the soul. Failure is feedback to the person for a need for shifting focus to aligning needs of the soul with that of body and material world.
For example,

JOB LOST – an opportunity to find a more satisfying job, time for rest and peace, a choice to reorient priorities

DIVORCE – freedom from a  suppressive relationship where there was bitterness, an opportunity to love again, a choice to focus on spiritual upliftment to find peace and happiness for the soul

WIDOWHOOD – liberation from karmic debt, release from demands of  material life and evolution to spiritual life, time to spend on self growth , a choice to release old spirits and allow new attachments

ACCIDENT / LOSS OF LIMB – a choice to focus away from physical world to growth of inner soul power, time to spend on activities not possible with an able body where pressure to perform dominates the mind, ability to venture into new creative ways of being

FINANCIAL LOSS – an opportunity to take support from people you hated so that your relationships improve again, a choice to forgive and be a more loving person, finding inner strength to focus away from the material world and learn to stay happy by becoming spiritual, creative etc.

CHILD’S SICKNESS – an opportunity to focus away from conditioned upbringing, a choice to reduce pressure on the child to perform to please standardized norms, developing an ability to think differently from the masses to help the child stay happy

ADDICTIVE BEHAVIOURS – smoking is harmful to hormonal balance as is alcoholism but helps a struggling soul in finding few moments f time for self, being alert to perform in pressure and smoking away anger by exhaling breaths

RAPES – An opportunity to realize that yourself worth does not arise from the body, a choice to move into a spiritual direction to heal the hurt soul, developing capacity to love oneself in spite of being humiliated
RIOTS- are an opportunity to generate waves of compassion in society, an ability to restart life from a fresh, more organized perspective, a choice to let go of feelings of revenge and bitterness to realize peace within self

Everything in life happens for a reason. each experience helps us evolve into better people. we can use a misfortune for evolution or devolve into sickness and depression. but , if we overcome the negative situation while keeping a positive spirit, we move onto becoming happier than we were before the misfortune occurred . Inner development of wisdom leads to greater happiness than following tradition, conditioning or social norms of good and bad.

Each and every negative situation has a positive intention  underlined which would help in soul evolution if we start looking away from the negative energy surrounding us and take in light from God. Seeking the positive helps in  aligning with the divine wisdom.


Positive thinking is necessary to find happiness. Negativity is conditioned into us from childhood which has to be replaced with creation of positive energy in the soul, with awareness, as adults.

Whenever we feel sick, anxious, unhealthy, helpless, angry, sad, chained etc. we feel negative.
 The more we feel negative, the more we harm our own body as we release negative hormonesin the body with every negative feeling being focused upon.

According to research, if we feel we are unable to move ahead in life as desired, we have chronic arthritis; if we feel we are not getting adequate support and blame ourselves often for failing expectations, we develop diabetes; if we feel suffocated and unable to voice our soul, we get asthma etc.

Depression is a result to choosing to look at the black side of every situation and yet, not leaving that situation, cancer is a result of constantly feeling angry, helpless and reproaching self and so on.
TO FEEL HEALTHY AND HAPPY< WE have to deliberately force ourselves to look at the positive aspect of every situation:

The soul plans its life and seeks to gain something positive from every negative situation. A downfall cannot occur unless the situation is already negative from the perspective of soul ascension. Failure helps in reawakening the soul. Failure is feedback to the person for a need for shifting focus to aligning needs of the soul with that of body and material world.

For example,
JOB LOST – an opportunity to find a more satisfying job, time for rest and peace, a choice to reorient priorities
DIVORCE – freedom from a  suppressive relationship where there was bitterness, an opportunity to love again, a choice to focus on spiritual upliftment to find peace and happiness for the soul
WIDOWHOOD – liberation from tradition or institution of marriage, time to spend on self growth , a choice to release old spirits and allow new attachments
ACCIDENT / LOSS OF LIMB – a choice to focus away from physical world to growth of soul power, time to spend on activities not possible with an able body where pressure to perform dominates the mind, ability to venture into new creative ways of being
FINANCIAL LOSS – an opportunity to take support from people you hated so that your relationships improve again, a choice to forgive and be a more loving person, finding inner strength to focus away from the material world and learn to stay happy by becoming spiritual, creative etc.
CHILD’S SICKNESS – an opportunity to focus away from conditioned upbringing, a choice to reduce pressure on the child to perform to please standardized norms, developing an ability to think differently from the masses to help the child stay happy
ADDICTIVE BEHAVIOURS – smoking is harmful to hormonal balance as is alcoholism but helps a struggling soul in finding few moments f time for self, being alert to perform in pressure and smoking away anger by exhaling breaths
RAPES – An opportunity to realize that yourself worth does not arise from the body, a choice to move into a spiritual direction to heal the hurt soul, developing capacity to love oneself in spite of being humiliated
RIOTS- are an opportunity to generate waves of compassion in society, an ability to restart life from a fresh, more organized perspective, a choice to let go of feelings of revenge and bitterness to realize peace within self


TUATION HAS A POSITIVE ENERGY UNDERLINED which would help in soul evolution if we start looking away from the negative energy surrounding us and take in light from the divine wisdom.

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Capital Punishmnet Does Not Help in Training MInd-sets
Capital Punishment cannot work as a tool of cleansing society , The more you force criminals to obey you, the more they rebel as they feel injustice is being done to them.
If you use violence, cruelty or killing, the soul returns in another body and continues in its ways of violence . A thought process has to be changed by training the mind to not use violence, by choice . .
The mind cannot be forced to change by suppressing its vibrations as energy cannot be suppressed by force. Just as you cannot control air, the energy of the soul spreads its vibrations whether alive or dead in body . Consciousnesses spreads negativity until it is transcended into positive frequency .
Positive reinforcement therapy works on the principle of rewarding desired behaviour and ignoring or insulting undesired behaviour; so that the person overtime chooses to behave as desired . If the person obeys the authority, he is given good food, love and praise whereas if he disobeys his problems increase . Overtime, he learns to behave such that all are happy so that his behaviour brings him happiness. Also, he realizes that all cannot be happy unless he is happy within himself because if he remains sad , others catch his negativity and complain more . So, positive reinforcement aims at training the mind  to work in a manner which makes the person satisfied and stop working wherever his efforts increased negativity or tensions.  
However, if society believes that money is the only criteria of happiness, criminals are created as criminals get paid in money for killing and they feel rewarded for killing . Till you reward killing by paying money , you cannot stop criminals from getting created . If success and fame increase by killing or defeating others, and success is supposed to lead to happiness; people think killing is justified.
But, as evidence proves,  success does not lead to happiness unless you get joy and satisfaction from the work you do. In fact, successful people remain anxious and unhealthy if happiness does not accompany their job or life-styles. The poor remain unhappy because they crave for goods which the rich have and hence become cruel or killers. But, when they have money , satisfaction does not come  inspite of all the efforts at earning money . Happiness is not an outcome of money but an outcome from feeling satisfied with teh work you invest your time in. 
Positive reinforcement therapy is based on principles of Applied Behaviour Analysis :
Applied Behaviour Analysis is a specialized branch of psychology which deals with how to regulate behaviours in self and others so that we can get more of desirable behaviors and less of undesirable behaviours.
Negative reinforcement is wherever we self rebuke ourselves for indulging in something we don’t like or scold/punish our children or peers for being in disciplined. Positive reinforcement is where we praise ourselves silently or others for an activity well done and use rewards for ourselves and others to encourage more of that behavior.
Unlike the traditional method of punishing whenever an undesirable bevaiour occurs, this method focuses on positively reinforcing whenever a desirable behavior occurs.
The focus shifts from undesirable behaviors to desirable behaviors- negative to positive.
Whichever behavior is focused upon more rises as the law of repetition in the universe operates on principle of dominant focus. So, when we focus on the good things we do or our children do, the good behavior rises automatically which reduces undesirable behaviors in concurrence.
There are two types of methods used for negative reinforcement to reduce a behavior from occurring again:
Ignoring the behavior and replacing it with a positive behavior as soon as awareness dawns.
Punishment or time out where we discourage the negative behavior by stopping participation in positive activities.
Similarly, there are two types of positive reinforcement commonly used:
Acknowledging any occurrence of a positive behavior through self praise or praising the other, smiling, and using other appreciative gestures
Using Rewards and positive reinforces or reducing negative reinforcement.
This method is against using corporal punishment like beating, physical abuse as that creates only a temporary impact on the mind of the erring child. The child who is punished stops doing that activity for the period of punishment but does not understand why she or he has been stopped. The indulges more in the same wrong activity again whenever the abuser /person in authority leaves the premises just as a rubber bloats again when pressure is ceased.
However, using milder forms of negative reinforcement have been seen to work more effectively. For example, if a child behaves badly, you stop giving him the pleasurable outings he likes or you can stop giving his favorite snacks till he eats food properly. Similarly, if a person smokes but is scolded not to, he does more of the same when he gets a chance. But, if the smoking is accompanied by eating something bitter immediately after, food poisoning or acidity, the desire to smoke automatically reduces.
Positive reinforcement works miracles overtime. If we praise the child loudly or silently whenever he indulges in any desirable behavior like keeping his plates in the kitchen, washing plates, brushing teeth etc. the child starts loving doing these activities as they get him love. When the child is given starts followed by pocket money or eatables on doing homework on time, he is far more willing.

Likewise, as adults, if we rewards ourselves we are motivated like if we buy something for ourselves when we get money for work, or when we look slim in the mirror after the diet and say to ourselves’ wow- my diet is working’; it is self reward and the behavior is maintained, reinforced.

Friday, 11 July 2014


Depression is the opposite of optimism just as feeling dead is the opposite of feeling alive.

Death happens when the body no longer remains functional and the soul leaves the body as it has no more use of the body as a channel of its life force energy. When the soul can no longer radiate its light through the body, it goes on a dormant state just as a computer is kept in a dormant state when it is not being actively used. If the functions of the soul cannot be made alive the soul chooses death of the body.

A depressed soul dies as it feels it cannot come alive with happiness when it finds all doors are closed and it cannot achieve its way out come what may. The depressed soul feels caught in a tunnel. Everything in its life appears to go wrong and it feels that it is lifeless.

 This scenario happens only when the soul’s survival needs are being met and it does not have to struggle for basic food clothing or shelter. Depression is largely a disease of the rich which means that it depends more on a mental attitude than a physical disorder. A rickshaw wala won’t feel depressed while taking customers around in the sun or an office employee won’t feel depressed when he has deadlines.

Depression would be diagnosed only when a person has the time and money to visit a psychiatrist, a feeling of disillusionment in life and a hope inside that maybe medicines can cure what is not really a medical problem.

Though depression is created by negative hormones in the bloodstream, medicines cannot stop the release of hormones unless the person chooses to feel positive.

Hormones are released by electric impulses being produced in the body when a person feels an emotional discharge. Emotions are energies in motion. Feelings create electric impulses in the body. We feel negative or positive on a constant basis. Feeling is as constant as breathing. Electric impulses are released constantly in response to the person’s emotional state. When negative feelings are predominant negative hormones re released. Negative hormones lower the positive functioning of the body and the more you choose to feel helpless, the more your depression would rise.

Circumstances make us depressed but circumstances are partially chosen by us. For example, we feel happy when we are working with passion when there is love in our life and everything appears to be improving.
On the other hand we feel depressed when work no longer makes us feel passionate when we feel we can contribute a lot more than we are contributing, when we have a lot of monotony time, when there is nobody who loves or understands us or makes us feel alive.

The circumstances by which we feel bound by are our own choice and we choose them because of security reasons for fear of change, because of society’s expectations. Our own beliefs about how good life is defined, a sense of responsibility which is misguided etc.

For example, we feel depressed when we are doing a  job which creates boredom and monotony  when there is nothing new to learn from it ; we feel depressed in a  marriage where there is no sex and  financial problems because the husband and wife don’t think alike; we feel depressed when the husband or wife have affairs outside and we feel neglected because there is no understanding, no freshness, no love which thrills the soul anymore; we feel depressed when out child is diagnosed with a  disease and the doctors say there is no cure; we feel depressed when a deep, passionate love affair breaks down and we feel betrayed etc.

Each time depression happens, hope for newness dies; when we feel there is nothing new in life to look forward to – it indicates death to the soul. The parasympathetic nervous system collapses as in a fatal accident and the body goes into a recession mode as it does when a person is recouping from an accident.

Doctors prescribe pills for depression which generate a few positive hormones in the body just to help the body not lose complete hope from life.

However depression cannot be cured unless the psychological issues underlying depression are addressed, when we find ways to let go of a  marriage or work which no longer satisfies our creative zeal or we find ways to satisfy our creative needs elsewhere through meditation, painting, dancing, writing, designing etc.

If the boss or the spouse is extremely critical it means that the person is depressed himself and he would pass on his depressed energies to those working underneath. It is difficult to be optimistic under extreme negativity and it is easier to detach completely than follow orders.

There is no need to be depressed because another negative person scolds you all the time because that negative person would remain the same irrespective of whether you obey orders or not. Being negative is an addiction like smoking or drinking and negative people likes to make other people negative so that they can share their sorrows like alcoholics make other people alcoholic. The virus of negativity spreads like the virus of chicken pox and it has to be prevented by installing shields on self.

Some method to overcome depression is to do all that which we would to recover from physical illness.
We need to do mild breathing and walking exercises to make the body feel alive , laugh as an exercise smile over a minute  or dance mentally or physically , to make the mind feel alive - anything which raises heartbeat mildly works.

2.       We need to smile each time a negative thought pulls us into darkness so that positive hormones release.

3.       We need to keep thinking of bright lights flowers, or make mental films where we feel loved and desired with feeling more than about feeling unloved even if ot means denying an existing reality. What has been created is that feeling which we focused on before. When we change our inner focus our outside reality becomes neutral. We move to detachment from being negative. Overtime it becomes positive as we keep focusing on creation of positive hormones by deliberately smiling laughing, imagining etc.

4.       Holidays need to be taken mentally than physically- means we take time off to stay thoughtless where we are not smoking or drinking as these have side effects which create negative hormones later after the euphoria is over. Making love with feeling trusted,secure helps even if its imaginative. Prostitution is again like smoking or drinking. It leaves negativitity in mind and releases negative hormones later.

5.       We can close our eyes every hour and exhale breath to five counts with a forced smile.. Imagination is as good as real life scenariors for creating positive hormones in the body.

6.       Smiling is the best cure for depression as it literally release positive hormones which replace negative hormones in the body. We need to smile for ourselves in private not only a pretence to the world.

7.       It helps if we spend time on Smiling for ten minutes as soon as we get up with staying thoughtless in imagined brightness and smiling for ten minutes before going to sleep by releasing all stress from mind like bursting a balloon.
These techniques appear simple but are not. If you can try them literally, they will work if you cannot, please read my books available on Amazon or online.
My book REDEFINING HAPPINESS covers concepts, self healing tips and thinking needed to overcome depression. All books are available online or can be ordered through me at

Wednesday, 9 July 2014


When your negative and positive karmic balance is zero, you achieve SALVATION. You are free to rise to a positive state, to be happy.
When you end a negative pattern in your life and are no longer pulled by dark forces underlying that energy cycle, you achieve LIBERATION.
When you rise towards being positive and restore back to the positive state you were in before you became negative on Earth, you achieve REDEMPTION.
When you allow light to come in and rise above illusions of Earth towards realizing your celestial state of being while being alive on Earth, you achieve ENLIGHTENMENT.

Soul seeking happiness has to pass all these stages of evolution. Each stage encompasses tests of enlightenment. Happiness and realization of love are the highest states of bliss which are in sync. With the vibration of the Creator.
If you achieve happiness and contentment on Earth, there is no desire left to reincarnate and face the same cycle all over again.
Everyone desires happiness- be it a sinner or a saint, a murderer or teacher, an actor or prostitute/ Everything that we do is to achieve happiness.

However, we often choose negative paths to happiness when we lose patience , and get influenced by the rich and famous in society who may be following a negative path themselves.
We can’t ne negative and happy at the same time. Happiness is not an end of a  cycle. Happiness is like food. It is needed on a  daily basis to feel alive.

 The first step to be happy if you have been a criminal , a murderer , a prostitute or a sad person , in general ---- is to dissolve the negative energy you have already created by your thoughts, feelings and actions . Energy is created by every feeling focussed upon , not by actions but by feelings underlying the act. Karma is a product of electric impulses created in the body in response to feelings. When we feel positive, we create positive electric impulse and when we feel negative, we create negative electric impulses.

Electric impulses create hormones in the bloodstream. So, when we feel positive, we spread positive hormones in our body and we feel good, healthy, optimistic etc. When we feel negative , we release negative hormones in the bloodstream . We feel sad, angry, restless, frustrated , anxious etc and we develop diseases overtime like blood pressure problems, arthritis, diabetes, asthma, cancer etc.

The cure of all diseases is to make choices in life to feel positive. However, that leads us into a process towards enlightenment, a freedom from cycle of births and deaths. A happy body and a happy mind need a detachment from illusions of reality which we all get conditioned into during our upbringing.

Any process of meditation is effective where you can be focused within your mind and be thoughtless and neutral in feeling or in a positive state of feeling wherein you are releasing positive hormones in the body ,
We can start with one minute in the day, followed by ten minutes before sleeping and ten minutes after getting up. Overtime, this habit to stay positive should become a routine for the mind thereby replacing the earlier routine of staying negative.

Staying positive by choice or making choices to stay positive is necessary to be healthy or happy. Usually, mind control is required to not get swayed in by negative people or influences and temptation to brood has to be resisted, Also, you cannot start worrying immediately after becoming positive in meditation. The energy of being positive needs to be carried forward into every activity. Usually, such a process needs to be followed through the day meaning that whatever activity you may be engaged externally, you remain optimistic inside yourself and keep releasing positive hormones in the body.

The karmic balance is an average of negative and positive feelings being focused upon in the day . You cannot afford to be negative if you seek happiness on an average. If there is worry, process is mentally. If you find solutions, be happy. If you do not fond solutions, be back in your detached state and let go of the worry asking God or angels to help. It is like releasing a kite into the sky .

Staying detached is the best way to find solutions to a  problem as being worried is a negative state and you cannot find a positive solution in a negative state. That is why most solutions come in when we let go, give up and get detached, sleep on it . That way we rise from a  negative state to a ZERO frequency in which the + PLUS frequency of the solution can enter.

Tuesday, 8 July 2014


Devil is always unhappy, so are devil worshippers – GOD IS ALWAYS SYMBOL OF HAPPINESS and all those who are happy also worship God, by natural instinct/ rational coincidence.

 HAPPINESS is created when effort is invested on being happy - when love is a priority , peace is invested in and good health is pursued by investing time on exercise, learning  patience and discipline. God is the energy which represents the positive. 

Happiness is also the energy of positivity. Money is not an energy on its own. Money is physical tool like a vessel is for making food. Like a vessel is made of steel, money is made of paper. Money is finite. It can be burnt.

 Happiness is eternal. It leads to soul ascension. Happiness is that which money cannot buy like contentment is that which food cannot satisfy. Money and food help as the physical body builds on structures but they only are vessels not the energies the soul seeks. On earth, the soul uses money and bricks whereas in space. the soul creates concrete structures  in imagination and can create happiness without money like God does.

God lives because the realm of God is where we, as souls,  want to reach. It is the higfhest realm of happiness, heaven, bliss.

. The devil can create bricks or  money but cannot create happiness. Money by itself does not lead to happiness. In fact, depression is a disease of the rich not of the poor masses. The devil is always depressed, brooding, sinking in the negative loop. Over lifetimes, several souls reject money because they do not want to be depressed. Depression is opposite of meditation and goes when spirituality raises soul dimensions.

The evolution of souls leads to the realization that “I love money because I love myself ‘. The soul asks itself “Do I love money more than myself? No.... Money helps me be happy because I love myself. If money does not make me happy, I don’t love money because I love myself more than money. “Struggle makes the soul stay alive whereas complacency can lead to depression unless the soul learns to discipline its body and mind to learn meditation, fulfilment.

The devil loves money and power which gets crowds who are struggling and seek amusement. The devil seeks power whether it is negative or positive. The devil never smiles except in pretence. HE always feels tense, unhappy, angry and overbearing. The devil never allows itself to be happy or content. It is always running after more. All those who follow the devil’s thinking always keep running like rats for cheese. They can never be satisfied, content or relax in joy. The moment you are happy, you cannot remain a devil.
If you are a devil, you have to be unhappy, by qualification. If you seek Happiness, you cannot be evil – as EVIL and LIVE are opposite frequencies.
To be happy, you have to be positive. To be evil is to be negative. As long as you are negative, you cannot be content from within or peaceful or happy.

Devil gives temporary rewards. You get money which buys liquor or sex but not contentment or love which you seek through the money.
God on the other hand promises long term happiness. God always has lots of abundance and has enough to give away. God is content and complete and yet creative. There is always joy, laughter and enlightening music in God’s realms. Contentment and love are gioven in the lives of those who have faith in God's thinking.

Sadness is addictive for the less evolved souls. Initially, sadness brings success like sad songs make a singer popular or films on crime make a hero successful or manipulations make a politician famous. However, success does not mean happiness. If you follow the devil, you get success but not happiness. Instead of moving forward on being happy, you move backwards away from being happy.

Like a toddler learning to walk, initially starts crawling backwards – a young soul seeking success moves away from soul’s purpose of increasing its positivity by its thoughts or actions... The soul creates destruction of positivity by pursuing success which makes him negative, worried or anxious and not peaceful or relaxed. Overtime, the soul becomes advanced and learns to create constructively and pursues success only if it leads to happiness.

Money represents purchasing power but there are several things money cannot buy like love, peace, passion, good health, agility in body, hope, positive thinking, laughter etc. Nobody can be happy without having these energies in their life and money cannot buy these energies. It can help like food helps or like medicines help or like having a woman or man helps in having sex. But, sex does not satisfy needs of love. Fast food is not needed for a healthy body and prevention of disease is better than taking medicines.
Earning money and taking medicines to remove the stress leads to more unhappiness than joy on life. If you are always sick, you can never be happy.

Relaxation is needed for happiness. You heed to have space, free time, and leisure to be thoughtless, freedom away from worries or discontent. Being content in the present moment is necessary to realize happiness. As long as you are anxious, stressed, worried, revengeful, angry, frustrated, sick, in pain, agitated, running like a rat – you cannot be happy in the future. Just as having money is necessary to bring in money, having happiness is necessary to bring in more happiness in the future. An evolved soul will seek happiness first whereas a struggling soul will seek money first and realize later that money, by itself, does not lead to happiness. The evolved soul gets money when he needs it for increasing his happiness but he does not get sacrificed for money, as the devil does.

Rat race is for rat’s happiness. Human happiness is more evolved and requires more than survival for animals. You can give a bone to a dog and he is happy but a human being is not happy with just food. Hence, rat race does not ensure happiness for the soul. It only ensures bones for dogs which does not suffice.

THE LAW OF REPETITION rules energy cycles, movement of seasons, planets and patterns of life. The energy, feelings, and thoughts we focus upon multiply and create events in our lives. Actions do not matter. Feelings create realities and it is important to feel good to find goodness in life. Schooling does not ensure literacy in human values; Marriage does not ensure love or passion. But inner wisdom ensures a compassionate mind, love, joy, space, peace, passion and good health in life.

Sunday, 6 July 2014


If you want to spread love to the world, love yourself first
The Golden rule of the Creator is that love begins at the core of the soul and then spreads
you cannot sacrifice for others and feel negative for them to be at peace
sacrifice is necessary and helps when your own self love rises because of your good deeds


A woman is selfish if she does a job and leaves her kids for earning money. The same woman is selfless because she earns money to help her kids. Perception is determined by social context. Hence, the judgment between selfless and selfish can be extremely biased or naive.

A man is selfish if he spends all his time at work. The same man is selfless because he sacrifices his pleasure for work.

 A householder is selfish if he uses alcohol for escape from stress. The same action is selfless if escaping from stress helps the man be at peace with other members of his house or community.
A mother is selfish if she leaves her job to look after her kids. The same mother is selfless because she sacrifices an independent income for happiness of her kids.

A father is selfish if he leaves a very successful career to spend time with kids. The same father is selfless if his sacrifice leads to better humans for the future.
A man is selfish of he has extra marital affairs to satisfy his sexual needs. The same man is selfless if he has the affairs because he does not feel sexually connected to his wife and tries to provide for his family by staying married and satisfying his sexual needs outside.

A man   is selfish if s/he wants divorce because he does not feel love for  his wife anymore. the same man is selfless if he wants to free himself and his wife from, a subjugating union of non aligned adults who have tried to think similar ways but could not understand what the other says..

A woman is selfish if she has boyfriends on face book where she porn chats. The same woman is selfless if she is doing some effort to stay in a marriage which suffocates her otherwise.
Prostitutes are selfish because they use sex to make money when sex should be exchanged free for love. The same prostitutes are selfless if they take on other people’s pain without getting any emotional relief themselves.

A wife is Selfish if she does not give divorce to her husband who wants to leave. The same woman is selfless if she thinks her husband and kids need her even if she feels unloved most of the time in the marriage.

A daughter is selfish if she leaves her abusive husband and comes back to the parents after divorce. The same daughter is selfless if the husband is unhappy with her,   demanding to her and to the parents and she wants to prevent their grief or her husband's grief who wants to divorce.

A person is selfish if she does not work and depends on family for support. The same person is selfless if s/he stays as the backbone of the house and ensures peace for everybody through her sacrifice.

A criminal is selfish because he breaks the law. The same criminal is selfless if the law is unjust to those in a weaker position. The criminal sacrifices his security to ensure justice from his perspective.

Karma of a person is determined by his own intention and not by how others think of him or her. If the person feels positive himself, he incurs positive karma and if the person gets influenced by others’ blame and becomes negative, he radiates negative light and incurs negative karmic debt. The action does not matter while spreading good.  Good energy spreads by feeling good from within, of feeling love for the soul in self, forgiving oneself and staying grateful to God for helping in the highest and best way

Every soul is a part of the Creator and every soul does his best to help everyone in the best way she or he thinks he should. However, perception differs.

Selfish or selfless depend on who is affected. People blame a person without understanding the circumstances she or he lives in. The person blames himself for being selfish and becomes negative. If a person becomes negative, he moves away from the positive frequency of the soul and can no longer spread happiness. So, his selfless action actually becomes selfish if he becomes sad at being blamed and reacts in anger or frustration.

The soul incarnates in a body to create life where it can spread its light. The soul is a minute fragment of the light of the Creator and it finds fulfilment in increasing the radiance of the Creator.

The Creator represents Love and happiness, peace and abundance. To be able to stay connected with god, the soul needs to have faith in these positive vibrations of energies. The soul needs to love its own self first before it can spread its light to others.

If the soul seeks to spread its light to others without loving its own self or respecting its own needs, the soul feels negative within. By the laws of energy transfer, a soul which dims its own light to increase light of another cannot increase the overall light of the Creator. To spread happiness in the love so forgers, we have to be the brightest light we can be.

Actions, money or success do not count as much in the spread of happiness as feelings of inner happiness do. Saints spread peace because they are at peace themselves. Housewives spread happiness if they feel happy and relaxed themselves. Men spread joy if they feel fulfilled themselves.

Satisfaction has to arise from within before it can spread to children or employees or students.
He more people sacrifices their own needs to spread happiness in the love of others, the more they feel negative. Their negativity reflects in their behaviours subconsciously and the negative energy spreads. One person who feels sadly sacrificed spreads the energy of sadness to everyone in the house whereas one person who makes choices to feel relaxed in life spreads energies of relaxation to everyone around.

That is the effect of Laws of Creation, Repetition and Attraction in the universe which multiply every feeling we repeatedly focus upon as energy cycles moving independently of ethics, legalities or norms imposed by outside.

To be happy, we have to feel peaceful within us and make choices which fulfil; our needs of feeling at peace and in good health than make sacrifices to please a society which keeps changing its rules with time. Mass consciousness evolves. Change is necessary and people valuing peace and happiness is a necessity over valuing money or success because it is inner feelings which create our core realities.

Friday, 4 July 2014


            Extreme negative to extreme positive states of being – the soul seeks the positive but gets caught by shortcuts just as a toddler seeking to walk falls

1.      Greed vs. need

2.      Complaining vs. acceptance
3.      Worrying  vs. calmness

4.      Alcoholism vs. Meditation

5.      Smoking vs. Relaxation

6.      Judgment vs. forgiveness

7.      Bullying vs. co-ercion

8.      Rat race vs. contentment

9.      Lechery vs. passion

10.  Lust vs. Love

11.  Emptiness vs. Fulfillment

12.  Loneliness vs. Free Space

13.  Rape vs. surrender

14.  Separation vs. completion

15.  Glitter craving like  discos, shopping, Eating out vs. reading , self healing ,soul therapy

16.  Drugs , hallucinations vs. positive visualization, fantasy of being with One space of God

17.  Imbalancing hormones, addiction to fear or anger vs. balanced mind, addiction to love or peace

18.  Vacuum vs. Bliss

19.  HELL vs. HEAVEN

20.  GLITTER vs. GOD

  According to Aryabhatta, Earth supports three frequencies of energies unlike the celestial plane where only positive is experienced and unlike hell where only absence of positive ( negative ) is experienced. Earth exists because a neutral zone exists between the negative and positive.

            The physical dimension is an amalgamation of the negative and positive. Desire spurts from the negative by a focus on what is missing and it is attained by a focus on being positive. In the process of attaining the desire, the person moves from a negative frequency to the positive frequency.

Emotions which create sadness are manifestations of negative energy. Negative energy is needed on the Earth plane for life to survive but it has to be used in the minimum so that a balance remains between the negative and positive. Negative energy acts like fuel to life force energy. If negative energy is allowed to rise in excess, it is like side-effects taking over the good effects of a medicine.
For example,  fire helps to cook, but burns if left free to rise, water helps to quench thirst but creates floods when in excess, air is needed to breathe but tornadoes destroy; likewise, negative feelings help to light up the soul fire .Negative emotions are needed to manifest happiness but create unhappiness when indulged upon in excess.

Negative feeling, usually, comes in areas where we have soul lessons attached. By encountering the negative emotion, and overcoming it, we learn to evolve, as souls.

             VACCUM vs. BLISS …. HELL vs. HEAVEN … GLITTER vs. GOD

            For any creation to manifest happiness on Earth, each thought process has to pass through a zone of neutrality, detachment before it can become positive. While an external desire can be attained by a  focus on converting the external scenario from lack to fulfillment , the internal feeling of happiness desired requires that the spirit goes through a state of being ZERO before a minus moves into a  plus.

Zero state is often confused with vacuum state  whereas ZERO is a state of detached contentment whereas vacuum is a state of craving and non fulfillment.

            The energies of creation on the physical plane include energies of negative and positive frequencies. Positive energies (   symbolized by ‘+’) aid in the process of creation whereas negative energies (symbolized by ‘–‘ ) cut or block the process of creation.
            The negative thoughts/ feelings or energies are dense by nature and, therefore, move at a lower frequency than the normal frequency of the soul.  They are like obstacles on a road which slow down the speed of a car. Negative energy is felt as a dip in oxygen supply. It kind of creates vacuum/swamp like spaces in the soul’s energy. The light of the soul cannot penetrate the dense swamp like clusters of negativity. Hence, the soul feels blocked from spreading its light as the swamp like clusters of negativity resist the flow of positive soul force in the body. The vacuum prevents continuous energy flow and lowers the soul’s frequency or speed.

The most prominent emotion which we focus on influences our whole being, as a soul and slowly our whole life starts feeling as futile or empty as the work we do.
The craving for fulfillment keeps nagging us but when we do not know how to fill it, we give into negativity. Feelings like anger, bitterness, frustration, being sucked into a vacuum, emotional starvation etc. dominate our mental state.

The only way out of this trap of endless craving, is to realize that money and soul satisfaction are co-related. Money would bring in happiness only when, it helps the soul feel it is contributing meaningfully, to its creative potential and to the world it co-exists in.

When a desire comes true suddenly, it may appear miraculous but deliberately using magic, per se, goes against the law of creation or soul evolution. Attaining outcomes instantly through magic only focuses on the surface structure of the desire but does not satisfy the needs of soul evolution, learning which is the reason behind our soul desiring that experience.
It is the process of learning soul lessons while manifesting external desires which leads us to feeling happier from within, and not the attainment of the desire at a purely external, transitory or magical level. In fact, use of black magic even leads to pangs of deep fear,  emptiness and vacuum instead of the happiness we desired by using it.

To illustrate, a person overtaken by a dark force may pursue a path hoping it would give money and hence,  happiness, but may perpetually feel negative while pursuing the choice he has made. The path he pursues does not make him feel happy from within.
Since, the person constantly feels dissatisfied, he keeps striving for happiness through working hard. He creates external success for justifying his choice, but cannot break the negative energy cycle he is stuck in.. He does not change his thinking to focus on changing his path for feeling happy because he is conditioned or mentally overtaken by a negative value-system.

He wants to prove his worth in the world but does not realize that the world is tilted towards a negative mass consciousness due to a history of victory associated with wars. A focus on the external does not lead to effort needed for finding the exact need of the soul to be happy. He does not try to understand what his soul wants to be happy as he places the world’s criteria of success over his own.

The external objects of comfort he buys are empty of life from within. By spending money on the energy of emptiness, he gets more sucked in the vacuum of lifelessness. His soul resonates with the frequency of emptiness and the person increasingly feels less alive as time passes by. The life force energy which seeks to be happy leaves the body or becomes dysfunctional because of the misdirected choices he makes, towards pleasing the world’s image of success over his own sense of happiness.

Such a person often suffers from physical pains and mental depressions. He also prevents happiness from spreading to others, by constantly blaming them for being inefficient, and instigating them to be dissatisfied with themselves.

So, if dark forces are at play, there can be no happiness for anyone involved. One person feels bad, makes another feel bad, the second person makes a third person feel bad and the process of spreading of negativity goes on. Negative energies spread like an epidemic. The spread is infectious.

            The soul’s frequency rises again when it accumulates more positive energy than negative. Whenever the soul’s vibrational frequency rises, it evolves to a qualitatively higher form of existence in the universe where there is greater happiness and less emptiness/vacuum. Literally, as frequency rises, the person feels life is more meaningful than earlier.
 Prayers, meditation , spiritual learning, feeling calm and peace from within, feelings of being loved and complete, remaining connected to the SOURCE of light  such that life force flows freely are all feelings which make life appear meaningful .

Increases in feelings of happiness, peace, contentment etc.  all lead to a rising of soul frequency and ascension of the soul to a higher dimension..

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   Enlightenment is level 7 while ego transcendence is level 1 of enlightenment. Enlightenment...