Wednesday, 30 April 2014


People fall in love when they think alike and understand each other.

However, overtime , their responsibilities in life start diversifying. Each takes a different route to achieve his or her life purpose. Even if a couple get married, the wife has different responsibilities than the man.

Then each partner looks from support in thinking from his or her lover. The man expects sympathy from his wife regarding his work issues, competitive atmosphere , health problems etc. The wife expects love from her husband while dealing with his parents , living in his house, sending children to school etc.

There are several ideological issues which arise which cause conflicts . If the lovers can understand each other, the relationship continues with its liveliness but if the lovers have very different approaches , then the spark dies out.

Disagreements in thinking lead to each partner finding faults with the other which they used to ignore earlier. Like , the husband may start finding the wife fat while the wife may start finding the husband lazy or abusive. When thinking does not match, the body starts repelling.

The person who seems to be as understanding as God before now starts appearing as non understanding as a boss or as parents. Couples start hiding secrets from each other and get into extra marital affairs, duality and cheating just to get the spark back in their lives.

But, the new relationships do not help as positive energy has to be brighter than the negative for it to heal. If the couple cheat on the spouse and have an affair, they still continue living with a non understanding spouse in a routine  and the negativity continues.

Bunking class in school appears thrilling but bunking responsibility as adults leads to more problems than before .

When sexual attraction no longer can sustain a relationship, the marriage starts being suffocating. There is loneliness in being married more than in being single as being married without sex is like going to a restaurant and not eating.

Children are individual beings on their own and need a peaceful atmosphere to be happy. When the partners are tense with each other, children start becoming rebellious , drug addicts and general misfits as they also seek escape from tension in the house.

Continuing a relationship simply because you once made promises is meaningless from the aim of soul evolution. If the partners are sensible and truly in love, their thinking matches by a choice to understand and not find faults. Understanding and sexual life continues to have passion  as the souls are advanced, flexible, light and can evolve with each other’s energies.

Tuesday, 29 April 2014


Love is a union of body, mind and soul. Love is one of the highest vibrations as god represents love. God is the energy of ONENESS where all human beings are parts of one whole.

Love is a way of becoming one with another human being. It is the beginning of a merging process with the Creator. ALL SOULS SEEK TO MERGE IN THE LIGHT OF GOD after completing cycles of rebirth.
When the soul’s thinking matches completely with that of the Creator, it merges in the light of god as then the energy of god and the soul matches in all aspects. The body dissolves upon death.

If the thinking of the soul matches that of God, the soul’s energy goes into the energy of god just as a river merges into the ocean and becomes one with the ocean.

However, the person’s thinking doesn’t match with that of the Creator, the person cannot merge into the light of the Creator and has to enter another cycle of birth to purify its thinking to match the positive frequency of light.

A relationship of deep love with another person is like a relationship of deep love with god. The lovers see God in each other. The merging of bodies through sex is a complete merging of all energies as becoming one.
Some lovers see two snakes merging as one during sex as it is the merging of two souls.

 The moment of sexual orgasm when both partners release together into a halo of; light above their heads is a part of tantric salvation process. It is like two beakers of water falling into the ocean at the same time and becoming one. A combined sexual release completes the energy union and release as one into the light of God.

The image of god Shiva shows the pure water of Ganga releasing from the head... where he conquers the tiger under him – indicating that he conquers his sexual desire and releases the energy from the head as pure , holy water . The process of breathing up and exhaling from the back of head,  at the moment of orgasm transcends red energy into blue energy , and literally converts the restless energy of passion into a focused energy of  creativity .

Monday, 28 April 2014


As souls, we take birth in a body to create life a part of the Creator. Earth is like a learning game where we build forms of life to experience energies of creation. Energies are felt through our feelings. When we feel good, we experience forms of positive energies.

All positive energies are manifestation of The Creator. The Creator is a powerful being of positive energies. Every positive and powerful feeling takes us closer to our soul mission and every negative feeling or feeling of compromise takes us away from the thinking of the Creator.

Prostitution involves compromise for money. The buyer compromises love when he accepts sex for money while the prostitute feels like dead meat being eaten for flesh.

Sex is an act of love. Love takes us closer to the creator when it is pure and involves happiness. When lovers have sex, they feel secure with each other. There is no feeling of being used or fear of being abused. There is emotional dependability of each other and a sense of responsibility. Lovers feel compassion for each other’s problems, experience joy in each other’s company, get involved in activities where they are creatively together like sharing films, thoughts, outings, lovemaking etc. True lovers find peace and happiness in each other’s presence even in complete silence.

Sex between lovers involves an experience of a variety of positive emotions like joy, compassion, creativity, passion, responsibility, dependability, security, peace and happiness.

The soul experiences life to increases its positive energy and the more it feels positive, the more its positive frequency rises. Love makes the soul experience intense positivity in moments of complete pleasure and surrender. The actual act of sexual love involves surrender of identity as we surrender with God in the faith that we are secure and admired. The moment of orgasm is where the soul experiences complete thoughtlessness and can be one in the light of God.

When the soul is completely positive at the moment of thoughtlessness, the point of orgasm creates an opportunity for merging with the Creator. If the couple experience orgasm together, they merge at the point of thoughtlessness and in the light of god, as in tantric Sex. The couple visualizes a light at the top the head and releases energy as one being in two bodies  entering the light, it breathes in the light and spreads the life force throughout its body. This process releases the Creator’s life force in the body and radiates power which leads to soul ascension.

Prostitution on the other hand gives momentary relief from frustration as smoking does but leaves negative side effects.

Thursday, 24 April 2014


As souls, we take birth in a body to create life a part of the Creator. Earth is like a learning game where we build forms of life to experience energies of creation. Energies are felt through our feelings. When we feel good, we experience forms of positive energies.
All positive energies are manifestation of The Creator. The Creator is a powerful being of positive energies. Every positive and powerful feeling takes us closer to our soul mission and every negative feeling or feeling of compromise takes us away from the thinking of the Creator.

Prostitution involves compromise for money. The buyer compromises love when he accepts sex for money while the prostitute feels like dead meat being eaten for flesh.
Sex is an act of love. Love takes us closer to the creator when it is pure and involves happiness. When lovers have sex, they feel secure with each other. There is no feeling of being used or fear of being abused. There is emotional dependability of each other and a sense of responsibility. Lovers feel compassion for each other’s problems, experience joy in each other’s company, get involved in activities where they are creatively together like sharing films, thoughts, outings, lovemaking etc. True lovers find peace and happiness in each other’s presence even in complete silence.

Sex between lovers involves an experience of a variety of positive emotions like joy, compassion, creativity, passion, responsibility, dependability, security, peace and happiness.

The soul experiences life to increases its positive energy and the more it feels positive, the more its positive frequency rises. Love makes the soul experience intense positivity in moments of complete pleasure and surrender. The actual act of sexual love involves surrender of identity as we surrender with God in the faith that we are secure and admired. The moment of orgasm is where the soul experiences complete thoughtlessness and can be one in the light of God.

When the soul is completely positive at the moment of thoughtlessness, the point of orgasm creates an opportunity for merging with the Creator. If the couple experience orgasm together, they merge at the point of thoughtlessness and in the light of god, as in Tantric Sex. The couple visualizes a light at the top the head and releases energy as one being in two bodies  entering the light, it breathes in the light and spreads the life force throughout its body. This process releases the Creator’s life force in the body and radiates power which leads to soul ascension.

Prostitution on the other hand gives momentary relief from frustration as smoking does but leaves negative side effects.

Monday, 21 April 2014


The fear of injustice is created by the devil
reality is that we create what we beleive exists
if we are told there is injustice and we beleive it
we will keep manifesting sadness in our life because we beleive it exists
if we believe there is harmony and love, so it will be
when partners change or parents betray, it is  karmic
karmic debts get cleared thru pain and happiness rises
sacrificing priorities is necessary to be one with God's definition of being happy

There is divine justice in God’s world.  This statement is true if we view life from God’s Perspective.

The soul is a part of God. If we view the God as the Sun , the soul is a ray of the sun. Several souls radiate from the light of the Creator and merge back into the Oneness after their journey of life is complete.
Everything that the soul creates on Earth is a concept of the mind. The soul cannot see, hear, touch on its own. Just as a person creates a car to move faster, the soul creates the body to move in the physical dimension.

From the perspective of the soul, life is an illusion, a film which the soul experiences through being in the physical body. The soul by itself is of a  positive frequency but it experiences negativity when it enters the physical body.

Negativity as experienced on earth cannot be felt on the celestial dimension. The feelings of injustice, revenge, anger , Pain and difficulties we go through on Earth are created by our own inner vibration.
The more we experience negativity, the more light we have to create within us to overcome it. We connect to God as the source of inner light when we encounter negativity.

Divine justice happens because we take back the light we radiate in the same life at the level of feelings and over life times at the level of material or Earthly manifestations.
For example, if a  soul has been an abuser or a murderer, he  would feel negative while killing. He may kill for the need of achieving justice for himself but the act of killing would be brutal and would involve the use of negative energy.

Typically, the soul who kills connects to those he kills at an energy level and subconsciously takes over their karma . Soon, the abuser soul would have to repay the karma of all those people he kills to feel happy himself.
Till he repays that karma, the karmic debt would weigh upon him and not allow him to be haPPy.
People who kill for revenge or justice rarely feel satisfied after the act because they pick up energies of  the souls of those murdered inside their own body and feel more negative subsequently.

Even if a  God comes down and kills the dark forces, he would have to repay the purpose of life of all those who had to leave their journey of life because of him . The God would then ensure that justice is given to people and happiness spreads so that the negative energy created by killing is transcended by radiance of positive energy of a greater magnitude . The only way to evacuate darkness is to switch on light bulbs.
The souls who are unjustly treated get payback over lifetimes if they start viewing life in terms of soul happiness and not by  how it is ritualistically defined.

For example, if you are cheated of money and roved that you are worthless by an abusive soul, then you can go to a monastery or live a simple life to maintain your peace inside. If you indulge in revengeful feelings, you would become an abuser yourself and be more negative than the abuser. But if you allow him to get away, you will pass on all your karmic responsibilities to him. If he does not repay you directly, he will repay others in same positions as you and suffer till the karmic debt is cleared.

 By connecting To God, you will radiate the positive energy of the spirit and meet your responsibilities through the energy plane than taking active part on the physical plane as by meditation or healing on spreading peace, God awareness etc. By taking away your rights and your work, the abuser would ensure that you have no karmic duties left . Hence, you can just resign and be at God's service till you are told by God to rise again in a  peaceful manner .
The more you fight, the more you will fuel the cycle of disharmony . But the more you surrender to God, the more you will allow God to show you the math of light. This process will help you merge with the energy and thinking of God and be a part of the Creator .

Tolerating abuse and staying with the abuser feeling victimized would not get you justice as you will continuously be feeling trampled over. The only way to justice is by feeling positive within. When you feel  positive inside yourself as  soul, you radiate positive light and your spirit rises to rule over your body.
But if you keep getting defeated and feeling weak , you allow the abusers to rule over your body as his or her thinking now determines your karma . Therefore, abusing and tolerating abuse are both considered as karmically negative under DIVINE JUSTICE.

God gives justice by taking away health and happiness from those who are negative and increasing peace and healthy in the life of those who strive to remain positive.

Your feelings at the moment of death determine the pattern of your next life,. If you live your life behaving like a dog, your next life will be that of a  dog as your soul would devolve to working for basic needs . If you live your life like a God or a  saint, where you forgive others and spread love, and die happy at the moment of death , your next life will be in a  higher positive dimension. But if you love like a saint and die feeling crucified, you may die feeling angry and anger may rule over your next few lives till you can create  a life where you die  feeling non defeated and in peace . You will reach a higher dimension only if you die feeling positive, peaceful, harmonious and  content  as aligned with God.

As is explained in my book CREATION OF HAPPINESS: THE ENERGY WAR
“The soul before it begins its journey in the universe is a part of the whole quantum of life force energy which can be referred to as the Light or Oneness. This Oneness can be visualized as one whole big soul. When parts of it segregate, they form little individual souls. Initially the individual soul has no awareness of its distinct identity as separate from the whole.
       The soul starts developing its own unique consciousness when it mentally separates from the Light while physically continuing to be a part of the whole. In this way, the soul forms an illusory wall of belief around itself wherein it believes that it is single or alone in the world and is not connected to the Creator.
      This conceptual separateness helps in soul evolution as when the soul feels it is single, it is forced to take individual responsibility for its choices and whatever that creates in its life.
      From the soul’s perspective, by taking responsibility of overcoming obstacles and creating happiness in its life, it becomes powerful.

      The process of individualization involves soul evolution. From a higher perspective, the positive intention behind training the soul to take responsibility of its own life is that it would no longer blindly blame a higher consciousness for things going wrong in its existence.
       If we are aware that we are a part of the Creator and not puppets in the hands of God, we would not use phrases like –‘ Why is God making me suffer ? Where was God when I was going through trauma etc.’

      With awareness that we are a part of a bigger plan of evolution, we would know that difficulties are planned by us at the soul level or created by our negative focus and learn how to use them for our growth, than escape learning of soul lessons by blaming God.

      As the soul passes through different life experiences, its awareness of being an entity, by itself, develops. It understands how it contributes to the whole process of creation.
            Metaphorically, the soul’s experience is the same as that of a single cell when separated from the whole body. The qualities and functions of the individual soul and a single cell are similar in several ways. Each single cell is a part of the whole organ, and yet distinct.

            Similarly, the soul is a part of its Higher Self, which is like an organ in the body of the Creator and yet has a distinct identity. Also, each cell has a unique function in the body and needs to function optimally while working in synchronicity with other cells so that the whole body functions optimally. Similarly, the soul has a unique contribution in the universe and needs to learn how to co-exist with other souls while evolving itself so that the universe as a whole evolves.

            The individual soul developing consciousness is like the individual cell developing a sense of responsibility for its contribution in maintaining the whole body. Whenever the soul experiences negativity it seeks to overcome it. For overcoming negative experiences the soul has to manifest better forms of its own existence. In this process, it is forced to improve its contribution in the whole process of creation.
            The journey of the soul can be perceived as going in a circle. The soul separates from the Oneness to learn the art of creation on its own, then it seeks to evolve with each life and when the soul becomes highly evolved, it seeks to integrate with the Oneness again. However, when it integrates again in the Oneness, the soul can make a more powerful contribution than it could have when it separated.
            After experiencing several lives, the soul consciousness rises to being highly evolved. Through evolving in consciousness, the soul gets fine tuned for higher purposes of creation.  Then, the soul proceeds to learn how to evolve greater forms of creation as a collective consciousness, which cannot possibly be created by a single unit of existence. “


Wednesday, 16 April 2014


Love happens to every normal human being who is not insistently a machine. Love is a feeling of high dimensional energy which vibrates with God.
God is the highest expression of love and happiness. Whenever we feel love or happiness, peace or faith, we move closer to God.

Humans evolve as souls to becoming closer to God. The evolution happens through feelings.
Love takes us closer to God as it involves ups and downs of emotions. Emotions are energies. Energies make the soul vibrate.
We as souls incarnate on Earth to feel energy movement. Emotional upheavals and traumas are stored in the soul memory more than good events of life. That is because the soul incarnates to experience negative energies through negative emotional encounters.

When we can convert this negative experience into a positive soul lessons, the negative energy transcends into positive and we evolve above that dimension.
All the challenges we experience in relationships help us encounter negativity so that we can convert it into positivity.

We attract partners with whom we have karma from previous lives. The partners we love belong to the same realm as we exist in. They face the same survival issues that we do at the time of pour life. Experiencing the same difficulties creates an energy resonance and the partners get pulled by each other. For example, if we put water in a beaker of water, it gets absorbed. But if we put water on a stone, it gets rejected.

Similarly, if we love a person whose energy is like ours we feel absorbed but if we love a person who is like stone to us we feel rejected.

As we learn our soul lessons feeling optimistic, we become more and more positive and brighter in soul frequency.
If our partner evolves with us, she or he would continue to make us feel loved and love us.
However if our partner does not evolve with us we would start feeling rejected often.
That is because as we evolve, we become more flexible in our approach and the partner appears rigid like stone.

People fall out of love if they evolve at different speeds and one partner becomes much evolved compared to the other or they may evolve in different directions.
For example, if a man marries a woman when he is poor and she is poor, they can fall out of love when their financial status improves.

That happens because the common thread of understanding that they shared because both did not have abundance, breaks down. If one person starts feeling successful and the other person continues to feel low in confidence, the relationship collapses due to lack of understanding or energy matching.

On the other hand if one person becomes spiritually much evolved and the other person remains materialistically ambitions, then also the relationship breaks down because both start focusing energies in different directions.
Love in a relationship can survive only if there are similar problems both encounter and both find happiness in similar things. If the perspective of what is a problem changes, love cannot remain because the energy frequency mismatches.

If we continue with a marriage or a love affair after the understanding has vanished, then we constantly feel rejected. Feeling rejected makes us feel negative e and that pulls down our soul frequency. As the soul evolves it flies like a kite. If the soul is tied to a person who is like a stone then she or he feels like a kite tied down to a stone. The person seeks freedom from a relationship which binds his or her evolution.

Usually if this person starts meditating. She or he finds that he is in love with another person who is at the same or higher level of evolution than he is. The soul seeks to be with this new person who matches his energy.
If the person allows himself to trust God, she or he would divorce by allowing circumstances to take over. 

Money or alimony would not be a problem in a divorce where soul evolution is at stake. The spiritually evolved person is easily able to let go as she or he knows that money is an instrument to gain happiness and not an end in itself. The fear of loss subsides as the person evolves.

Children usually are unhappy in a marriage where the partners are tense with ach other and prefer staying with one parent than both parents who resent each other. Children need love and peace than a man and wife living together. As long as their financial needs are met and they feel emotionally loved by a parents, they do not require parents staying together. 

Usually when partners feel rejected by each iother, they keep arguing and the negativity passes onto the children. Children like the partner who is progressive in approach than orthodox. It is possible that one partner remains quiet in order to avoid an argument but in that case, the children feel suppressed than validated. Divorce helps kids live in peace also than in fights.  If these persons can rise above society’s fears, she or he would be able to divorce and move on to higher dimensions.

In the second relationship if both evolve together, the marriage or love affair will continue. But, if one person evolves at a greater speed than the other, it would break down sooner than the first one.

However, an evolving soul would seek love and oneness as love takes us closer to God. Therefore, she or he would attract relationships till she finds a partner who can evolve with her and then a deeper understanding of life can come about.

Giving up on love leads to heart problems and black hole in the heart. In intermediate stages, it is better to love God as a spirit than be negative about love. As long as we love a soul, we love God and our faith in goodness lives on.

Monday, 14 April 2014


“Happiness cannot be limited to a person or a thing. Happiness is an internal feeling; and what you need from an external situation - through a person you love, a thing you desire, or a position you seek - is a means of satisfying that deep emotional longing which connects you to your purpose of life and to your soul’s positive state of being.”

There is a feeling which we seek to satisfy through indulging in any action which we may think we do to attain an externally desire. This feeling is called the intention behind an act.

Usually, a disparity exists between our intention, action and its consequence which is the main cause of stress and negativity in our lives.

This means that after the act is done, we realize that the consequence was not that which we had desired/intended initially. Hence even if we succeed, we continue to feel stressed and negative after a temporary feeling of euphoria.

For example, a person may work very hard to keep his family happy, but in the process may lose emotional contact with his family members and eventually may get separated from the family itself. If he had taken some time off and focused on his core desire, and whether or not his actions were leading to the desired outcome, he may have chosen a more congruent method to keep his family happy.

Whenever we feel helpless or victimized deep within, while pursuing a path, even if we are okay with the compromise, it is not the path for the soul.
Since the soul is a part of the Creator , we should always feel like a Creator on the path of the soul, not as a victim of circumstances.

A life is meant to help the soul evolve, but a life focused on satisfying short-term goals, which spread more negative energy than positive may lead to weakening of the soul.

For example, some people feel in control when they hit others.  Dev, the lead character in the book, ‘In Search Of Happiness; the soul’s perspective’, often did so. He often indulged in aggressive behavior to release the tension in his mind. It gave him short-term relief. But during therapy, when he looked deeper in his mind, he realized that this act was causing him greater stress than relief. It was an act, which he was compulsively drawn into like a drug and the more he indulged in it, the more he craved for it, and the more his stress increased at the soul level.

He was surprised to find that, internally, he was not getting the emotional satisfaction he was seeking by hitting other people. His soul did not desire a path of violence but his conscious mind thought that it did.

At the conscious level, the feeling he was seeking to satisfy was a need to feel powerful because he had a deep inner urge to feel powerful. But in his pursuit of power, he missed out on why the soul craved power

The soul craved for a feeling of power because that gave him the strength to fight against injustice. Fighting against injustice was his core soul mission.

So a conflict arose when Dev chose a method of pursuit of power by hitting others. He wanted to feel powerful like soldiers do. Hitting other people and defeating them is a historically accepted conventional method of seeking power.
But this conventional method which he came upon by following mass Earth thought was not the method which satisfied his soul needs. The soul’s very purpose of seeking power was defeated by the method chosen by his conscious mind to gain power.

It created negative vibrations within him which harmed his soul energies. The feeling of power that he got by defeating weaker people was accompanied by a feeling of emptiness and desperation.

So, Dev was never able to achieve the emotional satisfaction he was seeking whatever he did since all his actions were based on the belief that hitting others makes one powerful. He never found the kind of power the soul sought, because his whole thought pattern went against the soul’s purpose.

There was constant disharmony between the needs of the soul and the method his conscious mind chose to satisfy that need. To find the feeling of inner satisfaction that he desired, he needed to reflect on the method he was choosing to meet his innermost desires. At a conscious level, what he thought was an appropriate means of fulfilling his desires was not so at the soul level.

Like Dev, we do not focus on the fact that it is the method of pursuit which is important and not the goal by itself. In our pursuit of a goal, we choose to ignore the warning which our subconscious mind often gives us that even after attaining this goal, we may not get the emotional satisfaction we desired while pursuing this goal.

Thursday, 10 April 2014


We live in a competitive society where we are trained to perform for survival. The human civilization in its evolution has not been very different from the animal world where only the fittest could survive.

However, this same law of Survival of the fittest has led to negativity in the human world. Unlike animals, human beings could do a lot of mind work, imagine and create.

Aeroplanes computes, mobiles are all inventions of the human genius which cannot be used in the animal world.

If we use the same principles of existence as animals do in the jungles, then we continue to live in an uncivilized manner. The law of the jungles still rules the human world and power or wealth rule over intellect and love.

All inventors, creative artists and people who have created a shift in human thinking have led very difficult lives. A few fought with the structure and created new ways of life but their life was beset with struggle and rejection. People like Thomas Edison who invented electricity or Shakespeare were repeatedly ridiculed. Jesus Christ was crucified. Socrates was poisoned.

Their positive energy spread only after they died when they did not have to be paid royalties. Other people gained from their hard work but the souls perished under pressure, at the moment of death.

There may have been several souls who had inventing abilities who could not bear this struggle and gave up in between to follow the laws of the conventional world. We may have lost on several inventions because human society followed a competitive structure.
In a competitive world, everyone has to conform to the same way of thinking as you can be best only when you do what everyone else is doing. You can win a race only if you run like the others do.
But if you are different and have a different style of working you cannot conform or fit in. Several children who have unique talents are suppressed in the competitive race.
For the world to evolve to being a happier place, we have to give up on being competitive. Each one has to be motivated to perform his or her own best and not an imitative best. Children should find joy in the work they do rather than work for marks or rewards.
It is feeling of joy which creates positive light in souls and helps them rise to their brightest soul frequency. If souls work only for external rewards, they do not care if they get inner joy from their work or not.
The soul becomes negative from the work it does, then it loses out on its purpose of life. The law of repetition starts operating as soon as the child starts thinking coherently and energies start getting repeated in life. Feelings keep repeating themselves and when negative feelings are not addressed or released, they create sores in the energy field of the body. All diseases and depressions occur because the soul focuses on feeling negative rather than getting joy from its choices in life.
The choice to be negative or positive is our own. If the competitive structure breaks down, we would not perform or dress to keep others happy and hence a lot of tension would reduce.

"From our soul’s perspective, we are taking unnecessarily challenging roads to happiness by seeking external success, money and power while grossly ignoring our soul needs of evolution.

Yet, empirical evidence proves that these traditional routes to success have failed in leading us into a happy world.
In spite of the technological kingdoms that our industrialists have created, we face the same jealousies, fears, betrayals and traumas as people did thousands of years back, for example, when Cleopatra was alive.
Kingdoms have largely been replaced by democracies and battlefields by boardrooms but the manipulative power games continue.
We seek to be successful managers, teachers or doctors without caring about whether the paths of success we pursue help us feel more content or compromised, within ourselves, as souls!
In the rat race to succeed, happiness is usually left far behind as we choose to be like rats running after cheese than peace, forgetting that we have evolved above being just animals.

Monday, 7 April 2014


We incarnate on Earth as souls taking bodies to achieve a specific life purpose.
The soul works on Earth to achieve this life purpose.
The soul’s work is in alignment with its life purpose if it feels good to the person and gets joy and peace while doing the work.

Any work done with a spiritual intention takes the soul to a higher positive frequency. A spiritual intention is the feeling behind the action.
A spiritual intention is feeling behind the act. Only a positive feeling can be called spiritual. Any action which increases positive energy for the person be it drinking water, washing vessels, writing books, acting , singing , painting , cycling, inventing an aeroplane is spiritual because it satisfies a need of the soul.
The soul needs to feel joy and love while working for money for its action to be spiritual. Money, by itself, does not lead to increase in positive energy. Money is a tool by which it is presumed that happiness can be bought by buying products. Just as young children work for chips and chocolates, older souls work for money.

The toys and chips which satisfy little kids become complicated as the children grow up and adults require mobiles and pizzas to feel good. However, the underlying energy remains the same.  If the soul gets joy from the work it does, it evolves. However, if the anxiety, stress and depression rise from the work, the soul becomes negative.
Any work which is done with a non spiritual intention creates more problems for the soul than happiness. The soul may get money from the action in the short term but becomes diseased in the long run due to a continuous discharge of negative hormones.
Money is earned to get happiness but if it goes in paying medical and insurance bills, then the work is futile for the soul. The soul does not get any joy from its work and feels that life is meaningless, dull and a compromise.

A soul who feels more negative than positive by making choices of life which make it feel compromised than powerful, works in a direction opposite to its purpose of evolution. Such a soul creates more negative energy than positive energy with his actions. The life purpose gets lost in zeal to earn money and effort goes down the drain as the money fails to buy happiness or peace for the soul.
A soul working only for money does non spiritual work.

Saturday, 5 April 2014


Our soul is the life force in the body. The body is the packet and the soul is the light within. Without the soul the body is meaningless.
Our life is planned by our soul for achieving a  specific purpose. The purpose of life is unique for each individual but works on generalized principles.

The soul come son Earth to learn the art of creation in the physical dimension. The physical dimension as Earth is an amalgamation of positive and negative energies . The negative energies as experienced on Earth cannot be deciphered on the non physical dimensions as heaven or other planets. Our body is like a car in which we, as souls, sit to drive the path on Earth . Our body is a physical channel which helps us access other physical energies.

All the diseases we face, are a part of the challenges faced by the soul while learning the art of creation on Earth.
The diseases are a sign than the body is facing negativity and the  soul is getting negative feedback while making its choices . The diseases indicate that the person needs to think positively about its choices or change iots choices on life so that it can be positive.

All diseases come when the person feels predominantly negative about some aspect of life .
For example, asthma comes when a person feels suffocated in speaking his mind out. This person feels helpless as if drowning with the pressures of life , unable to stay alive freely and collapses at intervals to regain strength.

Cancer comes when the person stores anger in the body and chooses to dwell on it than let go . The  person feels helpless about the situation and immunity fails in the body as an indication of the helplessness.
Diabetes comes when there is guilt stored in the body. The person feels that s/he is not performing as expected and feels unloved while blaming himself .

Sinusitis comes when there are constant conflicts in the mind and the person chooses to follow other people’s thinking than listen to his own inner voice and follow a different path.

Blood pressure problems arise when the person becomes too excited about triviatlites and gets stuck in details. The person suppresses anger and release negative hormones in the body in a zeal to perform in society  being driven by competition. The person spends time on meeting a ritualistic definition of happiness and does not seek to find calmness as through meditation.

All problesm can be traced to a mental cause and healed by choosing to think positively about the situation we feel helpless about; like eczema indicates feeling constantly irritated, indigestion indicates being unable to digest some ideas being imposed constipation indicates storing past hurts and unable to let go, spondylitis indicates choosing to carry unnecessary burdens, spinal problems indicate choosing to focus on financial problems , materialism over spiritualism etc.

Every disease indicates to the person that s/he is making choices  which are taking him in a  negative direction , away from the main purpose of life. Medicines or surgery suppress diseases in one aspect but the thought pattern continues and the disease manifests in other organs.

Though surgery and medicines help as a last resort, they may lead to complacency , compromise and an inability to think differently. Short cut treatments give quick results but take the soul away from feeling positive or changing choices as the soul needs to be happy.

Alternative methods of treatment are longer but more beneficial in life  like naturopathy, energy healing, Reiki, Pranic healing, past life therapy spirit release , meditation ,connecting to spirit guides and angels , NLP etc are far more effective in helping the person recover from physical problems and choose to think positively.

Thursday, 3 April 2014


Revenge is an intense emotion which makes us act in anger,
But revenge is futile as a means to be free from the abuser,
We need peace to be free from attach of the negative,
Revenge makes us think like the abuser and makes us be him or her,
We lose our peace of mind in a zeal to seek revenge,
We become more attached negatively to the energy of the abuser,

To get peace, we seek to detach our energies from that of the abuser,
Detachment is possible only when we become immune to the influence of a terror,
By raising our soul frequency to become closer to the Creator...
Thru meditation we train our mind to stay positive in face of danger,
Slowly the energy shifts its hold and negativity washes away,
We stop feeling negative and hence, do not attract more filth from an abuser

We cannot blindly depend on rain for water, similarly we cannot blindly
Depend on prayer to save us,
We have to seek God within us and create happiness by moving away from any negative doer,
Killing the negative person cannot save us from the energy of his negative thoughts,
When the negative person dies, thoughts stay alive and travel to another,
We can only prevent the negative from attacking by not focusing on it,
When life force of the soul stops reinforcing a thought process,
Slowly the negative energy loses its hold and our soul cleanses itself,

A negative person is more foolish than a happy person but does not know it,
To get entangled with stupid people only makes us more stupid than wise,
A person who seeks to become negative in order to kill another negative,
Strengthens the dark forces by increasing the quantum of the negative

Negative people have to be extinguished in vacuum by not giving them light, power or life
Revenge is successful only when the negative person becomes positive and grows in intelligence,
Only when we can transcend negativity into positive energy,
Can the negative stop affecting us as a whirlpool of energy,

Happiness is in being at peace irrespective of the influences of another,
If we encounter meanness or foolishness, it is part of our soul evolution on Earth to overcome it,

Revenge is a desire of the soul to teach other souls a lesson,
But it is a misguided action because the intention is to teach another something good and positive about living,
Anger can be controlled and redirected by aligning INTENTION- ACTION – CONSEQUENCE

When we think and act, we would save ourselves from drowning when  the current is flowing towards the negative than flow with it and kill our soul in anger,

The soul is a positive life force and stays in body only when we feel good,
If we feel negative, our positive life force cannot stay in us and life becomes stressed, diseased or mechanical automatically,
To be happy and in peace, it is necessary to stay healthy and be wise,
And not get carried away by insults from people who we know are stupid

Happiness is a choice and  is not dependent on eternal circumstances,
Difficulties come as part of learning our soul lessons of evolution
We have to move on towards becoming more positive with our life choices
Seasons change but we carry umbrella in rain not stop walking

Wednesday, 2 April 2014


karma is energy we create through our soul vibrations
we create positive energy and negative energy as we breathe impulses
every breath has an electric impulse which creates a feeling 
if we feel positive positive karma is created
if we feel negative negative karma is created
negative karma stays as karmic debt in our aura
the karmic debt has to be repaid by converting negative into positive
we plan soul tests where we have to convert negative feelings into good energy
if we hurt others we take revenge against ourselves in order to repay their suffering

We all feel hurt and betrayed by various people over a life. Usually, the biggest abuses come from close relations – like parents, siblings, lovers, wife or husband.

The soul plans its life on Earth before being born in heaven. Usually encountering difficult circumstances is a part of the life plan as the soul seeks to overcome the negative energy and become positive.
The soul is a positive life force and it incarnates on Earth to become more positive by creating a life it desires on Earth. The soul brightens its life force by converting negative energy into positive. Soul Light glows brighter when darkness converts into light.

Usually, once on Earth we plan to learn how to be positive by experiencing challenges and overcoming them. We do not have a conscious memory of our life plan or our previous lives. Yet, all that which happens in our life is a carryover from our life plan and the karmic debt from previous lives.
People tend to run away from difficulties but cannot run away from relationships. Hence, the most difficult challenges are planned in relationships which we cannot escape. One the soul lesson is learnt, the relationships break away and the soul becomes peaceful.
Usually, karmic debts are repaid by being born in a family which the soul abused in an earlier life. 

For example, if a soul was a murdered in a previous life and killed three people, it may be born in a family where those three people are its parents and brother /sister.
The soul may plan to suffer death repeatedly by this people in order to repay the karma of murder. Each time the soul is severely abused by his parents or sibling it is like experiencing a death by the soul. The physical death is repaid by a series of emotional deaths.
This helps the abused soul learn the lessons of patience forgiveness and compassion.
Another way of suffering and repaying karma is when the soul plans to get murdered by the souls it killed. But, usually if a murder is repaid by another murder, the soul fails to learn its soul lessons and revengeful feelings rise whenever the soul is murdered. If a soul is murdered in one life, it may want to murder the person in the next life and may become more negative.
The cycle of taking revenge may continue over life times.
Instead  if the soul plans revenge against itself , it may plan to get hurt repeatedly till it becomes immune to negative people and moves away from them.

Methods of Karma Repayment

Karma is a measure of energy exchange. It is the amount of positive energy created versus the amount of negative energy created in the thought process accompanying an activity. If more negative energy is created, we, as souls, create a negative energy pool in which we fall or devolve. The negative karma thus created has to be converted back into neutral or positive for soul evolution or for realizing happiness. Otherwise, in the negative energy pool, we keep attracting negative energy in the form of situations which create sadness, hurt, depression, anger, fear etc...

According to the karmic law, there are two methods of karma repayment or karmic balancing –

The first method is that the soul chooses to suffer itself in the same way as it made another soul suffer previously i.e. if it was an abuser in a past life; it chooses to be a victim in the present life.
For example, if a soul is a slave-owner in a life and abuses slaves, it chooses to be a slave in the next life and gets abused.
This step is necessary to help the soul understand that it committed a mistake by hurting another soul, which it may not realize automatically.
In the initial stages of evolution, the soul is young or less evolved. It is like a small child. When the small child hits another child, it does not usually, realize it hurts unless it is hit back. So, the soul chooses to get hit back so that it realizes the effect of its action on others.

However, if the soul, when victimized, can ignore/neutralize the hurt as it receives it by learning positive thinking techniques like meditation, tolerance, patience, compassion, forgiveness etc. ; it would be able to break the karmic cycle then and there by its  positive focus.
 It would emit positive energy which would help it come out of the negative loop.
Also, by facing the trauma of abuse, the soul would know inherently that this method of pursuing power is humiliating to others; and therefore, is a wrong method to pursue. Henceforth, it would shift its focus to achieving its purpose, through another method which is more positive. In this process, of finding another method, it would learn its soul lessons.

 Suffering, usually, does not ensure karmic pay-back. Self-realization of cause and effect takes a long time to come. Meanwhile, suffering leads the soul to feel more negative in the short run, leading it to indulge in revengeful acts. So, with suffering as the repayment method chosen, the karmic cycle can continue endlessly unless a higher level of realization comes into the soul with evolution.

In the second method of repayment of karma, to repay karma, the soul has to create as much positive energy for another soul as it had created negative energy by indulging in abuse.  For example, if the soul had enslaved other people, it may choose to become a missionary and help slaves or rescue them, in the next life.

This step of karmic repayment can get activated only when the soul evolves to a higher level of consciousness, and can empathize with other souls. Continuing on the above example, a small child cannot help another child who is hurt but an older child can. While protecting other children, the older child would understand that hitting is wrong, and therefore, choose not to hit itself. That way it would learn its soul lesson, without getting directly hurt itself.

This second method of karma repayment, usually, involves a focus on healing other souls, which one harmed in the abuser’s life and not suffering itself.
 The soul still has to suffer itself in some way, since it has a negative karmic debt. But, the form of abuse mellows, because of the life-plan.
For example, physical abuse may get converted into emotional abuse, i.e., if this soul had humiliated other souls by beating or raping them in a past life, it may face humiliation of the same kind in this life but without getting beaten up or raped. The humiliation would be experienced at the level of feelings and not physically, like by being unfairly rebuked, bullied or scolded.
The emotional suffering in place of physical suffering ensures that extreme negative feelings like revenge remain under control while positive feelings like patience, tolerance and compassion develop. Hence, the focus can remain on helping other souls

The second step is usually adopted by the souls in their life-plan when the first method fails. Whenever we get a chance, we take revenge and hence, abuse again. So, the karmic cycle continues when our focus remains on our suffering. The more we suffer, the more we multiply the energy of suffering as it gets reinforced with constant focus.
When we heal other souls, the pattern of suffering breaks as we start focusing on a different aspect of thinking.
To be able to do this, before choosing to act, we have to understand the intention behind the act, and then, make the choice of whether to act or not.

If we want to get rid of a  soul in our life because s/he is abusive it is better to move away through separation or divorce than take revenge because if we take revenge, we would focus on the other soul and increase his/her hold on our mind. Breaking away brings peace and justice than taking revenge than abusing or murdering other souls because when we break away from negative people, we move into a dimension of happiness.
Metaphorically, the situation of the soul in a karmic loop can be compared to a student failing in a class and repeating the same class again and again.
 As the student keeps repeating mistakes, the soul keeps repeating lives with the same karmic pattern. Just as the student can pass only when it makes an effort to study in a more responsible manner, the soul can move up the evolutionary scale only when it learns its soul lessons, and can create positive energy in place of the negative karma it had created, i.e. correct its mistakes.

However, if the soul does not get over its belief that it has to suffer because it has sinned, it only keeps suffering life after life but does not rectify its mistakes. Past life therapy helps because the soul like the student suddenly becomes aware that it made the same mistakes in the past, as it is doing now.  By realizing that the methods he used did not help him create happiness for itself or others in earlier lives, it may choose to change.
But, the choice remains with the person.

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