In a world dominated by depressions and disease,
we need to think differently to be happy,
if we follow rules of success as set by a war torn history,
we would kill other people's emotions to be successful ourselves,
negative energy spreads from one soul to another thru breathing and electric transmissions,
what we send out radiates back to us & we will die ourselves emotionally when we betray others,
happiness can come in only when our soul brightens to a positive frequency,
when we feel happy inside, we spread out happiness to others by default
We live in a world centred on winning. Everybody wants to
win success, money, rewards, lotteries and relationships.
Winning is equalled with happiness. However, winning leads
to increase in responsibility and may drain the person of happiness if its in
the wrong direction.
For example, if a person is happy pursuing music and arts,
is forced to win an exam in maths and physics, he would lose out on happiness. Subsequently,
if he wins a job in a scientific career, but his happiness is in arts, he would
further lose out on happiness. The responsibility of winning is such that he
sacrifices his happiness to win success for another person’s happiness who
considers his scientific career important.
However, after a life time of winning for others’ happiness,
people realize that they are unable to increase happiness in the lives of
others by their sacrifices.
It is often found that the people who forced them to
sacrifice happiness for success continue to remain as unhappy after their success
as they were before. Only the point of focus shifts away to some other area of
complaining, but the negativity remains.
That is because FEELINGS REPERAT THEMSELVES. You cannot make
a negative person positive by your efforts unless he brings about the change
from his core being himself. You may sacrifice your happiness again and again
but the problems of other people would not cease to exist.
The only way to make people happy is to help them change
their own focus of thinking to positive by making them realize that your
sacrifice is not increasing their happiness.
You would spread the energy you focus upon. If you focus
upon happiness, you would spread happiness. The actions you do after focusing
on happiness may be traditionally incorrect or bohemian, but the actions would
not matter. It is the feelings you focus upon which will multiply. If you focus
on being happy and peaceful in your core, your energy will spread to others.
But, if you focus on other people’s problems and worries and
become negative yourself, you will become negative like them even if you win.
LOSING becomes important when you are winning to let the
negative people flourish more. If negative people succeed because you win a war
or a race or an award for them, their negativity will rise. You will not
realize this while alive. But, your soul will keep feeling unsuccessful and
your happiness will keep decreasing.
At the moment of death, your soul will feel like a failure
even if you win all the wars for a tyrant.
There are very few souls who choose success in their life
plan. Souls plan different experiences over lifetimes so as to experience life
in several ways.
A soul who may be a scientist in one life may choose to be
an actor in another life or a soul who chooses to be a queen may choose to be a
common housewife in the next life. A nun may choose the life of a prostitute; a
president may choose the life of a business man etc.
However, the pattern of the soul remains the same. The
success on earth does not matter for the soul as actions are not counted in
The soul incarnates to brighten its soul frequency. The soul is like a ray of the SUN where the
SUN is the Creator. The soul comes on Earth to overcome challenges in way that
its light brightens further and it can increase the light of the SUN.
The light of the soul brightens by feeling positive. The
light of the soul dims by feeling darkness. If souls feel caught in a trap of
darkness, they lose in achieving their purpose of life even when they win races
or success,
Souls who live very successful lives as celebrities or
leaders may die feeling negative. Hence, they choose rebirth in situations
where they can be peaceful and neutral, hoping to have less responsibility and
stay non negative. By rising to a zero frequency from a negative frequency,
their soul light becomes brighter. Several souls chose lives where they cannot
become negative even if they keep losing in races in the life-time.
Several souls choose to be born as trees to be completely
peaceful. Souls choose lives as special needs children to help spread
compassion and love in other people’s hearts.
Everybody cannot win. Every soul has a life plan. If some
souls choose to win, other souls choose to lose. Souls who win may gain rewards
but may lose peace. Souls who lose may get ignored and hence, may gain peace.
Everybody wins something in God’s plan. God does not measure
success by winning money or rewards. God measures success by the brightness
with which the soul can vibrate. A successful soul is that who can radiate
health and happiness in his life and peace with his presence, A positive soul
frequency is necessary to stay happy even if means that you lose all the races
which makes you feel negative in the
long run.
Before choosing to win or lose, it is necessary to develop
immunity to criticism or being challenged. We need to win a job or a reward
only if the effort increases happiness in our own lives. If we sacrifice our
happiness for meeting another’s criteria of success, we would lose positive
energy and hence, increase negativity in our lives and the lives of others, by
energy transmission laws of the universe.
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