Sunday, 24 August 2014


Mythological stories have deep lessons ingrained
If Goddess Sita had not wished to rescue the deer,
Ravana would not have kidnapped or humiliated her,
Was it the deer's lesson to save itself from the lion ?

 Maybe it was Sita's lesson to not rescue anybody who smiled sweet and asked for help
Or was it God Ram's lesson to ignore every cry for help by those he loved in depth, 
Maybe the war was inevitable and everyone was programmed accordingly
But for the Golden Age to return, we have to de-condition ourselves mentally
Help can only be given to those who think positive, who receive positive light energy
Everyone who needs help has to discipline his own mind to  let go of thinking negative by own choice

Death is immaterial as life is eternal ; had the deer died, he would have been reborn as a lion

Rescue of other people is a motive which drives all of us . We work more to help other people or to meet society’s expectations than for our individual happiness.

However, we are barely able to give other people the happiness they demand and feel helpless ourselves because of their sadness.
This is a deep soul lesson , which is the cause of much suffering, wars and ego battles.
Fighting for others always needs to be carefully evaluated than supporting the weak blindly .
Very often, the people we seek to help have their own soul lessons to learn. Be it children or dependents, everyone has soul lessons to learn. To an extent, we are responsible for other people’s happiness as much as our parents are responsible for our happiness which is minimal degree to the extent that  God is responsible for our happiness .

We all know that we cannot hold other people responsible for our miseries because the choices made are finally ours. We always have the choice to let go , to stop appearing good, to stop trying to fit into other’s mental moulds but we are afraid of hurting others. However, we inevitably hurt the very people we seek to protect by staying negative ourselves.

When rescue is not possible within our means, it means that those who seek rescue have to rise to learning their own soul lessons. They are put to a test only when they have been trained to meet the grind. If they fail to take responsible choices to think positive, everyone loses peace. Yet, God cannot allow us to win a war which makes other people more dependent /weak than responsible / confident.
For example, if a mother feels depressed because her adult children are unhappy or irresponsible , it is meaningless worry and leads to soul devolution than being one with God’s thinking.

As souls, we incarnate in human form to rise to a higher positive frequency than before. We need to be happier than before whatever choice we made. Choice is usually at the mental level than at the level of action. We need to think positive more than take actions which are defined as positive by others. Keeping fasts to make others happy, doing prayers to increase peace in the house while neglecting core issues like sexual disharmony or addictive behaviours cannot lead to overall increase in positive energy.

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