Human society cannot develop to a higher level of happiness, where peace,
love and good health pre-dominate over anxiety, loneliness and sexual starvation;
given the way our traditional structures influence mass thought. These
structures set the rules, and human beings have a tendency to follow rules
blindly, even after the rules become redundant.
For instance, all over the world we have built places of worship and we
believe we should go there to pray. The concept is useful for influencing mass
thought but not by itself, effective from the perspective of reaching God. God
is a powerful soul of high positive frequency.
God does not exist in the physical dimension and cannot access our
physical prayers. It can only access the energy behind the prayers for which a
place of worship is not the priority, as much as purity of intention is.
While praying, we need to take the Light or pure frequency of God in our
own body. We cannot pray externally and remain negative internally. That does
not help us reach God. The candle has to be lit inside the body, not only
For example, rituals have a message for the soul and following them
without imbibing the message does not help in reaching God. Like, the incense
stick or the lamp, which we light outside in front of God was probably, meant
to be a reflection of the light we feel in our body. It is useless to light the
lamp without feeling pure within.
We cannot light the lamp outside and feel we have done our prayers to
reach God because praying means feeling positive. The intention of praying is
to raise soul frequency to positive. Hence, we have to align with God’s
frequency, by feeling positive within during prayers. The cat by itself does
not matter as much as the intention, for raining energy frequency. We cannot be
the other way round, because we cannot be forced to feel positive from outside.
Happiness is an internal feeling, and it has to be developed internally, by
connecting to God from the soul level. The soul feels happy when it receives
the positive energy of the life force which it comes from.
Irrespective of whether we ritualistically pray or not, whenever we
connect to alife force energy of a high positive frequency in meditation, and
become positive, we access God. We feel God’s presence, at an energy level, as
a ball of Light which is bright and clear and electrically charged with
positive life force, like the Sun, when we clear our own frequencies from
negativity and feel at peace within.
Because of lack of awareness of underlying energies behind forms, most
people go to places of worship in moments of distress or for the need of
following a ritual and they feel negative while praying.
They speak the words of prayer but do not feel the positive energy behind
the words. Taking action without matching energy frequencies is fruitless.
Instead, we would connect to God more if we made the effort to respect
life and feel happy and clear in our intentions, as the Creator does. Feeling
kind and confident like the Creator would allow us to align with God’s ways of
thinking and working. When we feel happy and good within, we would allow God’s
high positive frequencies to enter us.
There is no harm in praying in a place designed for worship if we do not
misuse the ritual to not connect to God. Sometimes, we think that our soul work
is done as we have paid homage to God by going to a place of worship or
following a ritual. Then, we remain negative in our everyday life and keep
wondering why God does not help us when we pray religiously.
We have to be crystal clear in energy for prayers to help us in being
happy. It is not the prayer which helps, per se, in reaching God. The prayer is
a human metaphor for accessing a positive frequency. It is being in a positive
frequency which makes the difference. Being happy enables us to create more happiness
in our lives by letting a higher frequency, more intelligent life force energy
penetrate our soul frequency.
When we feel positive
within, only then, we are with God. We do our soul work if we allow ourselves to
attain peace. We need to raise our soul frequency by focusing on the positive
energiesof being like God, without crying or cursing externally or internally.Places
of worship should not be used for gossiping about problems in our life because
then they behave as centers of sorrow from the energy perspective. While
praying, we have to connect to the Oneness as radiant flames of light and enter
into a few moments of complete bliss where we move away from the illusory world
and its problems and are one with the Light.
Our dinosaur-like institutions need to evolve to a higher level of consciousness
themselves, so that they allow rapid movement of creative thought without
crushing it with dogmatism. There are several people who would succeed in their
ambitions if their dreams are not constantly suppressed by people who doubt
The general thought patterns of what can be realistic and what cannot be,
need to be modified so that more flexible structures can take their place for
facilitating evolution of consciousness.
The NEW AGE would foster the free will of each soul, respect for each
life, trust in humanity, belief of abundance and encouragement of creative
Essentially, happiness is individual and needs to be recognized that way.
But, maintaining dinosauric, structural institutions blocks recognition of
individual needs because people sacrifice their individual intellect to uphold
the principles of these institutions.
Only if the human race is ready to look at why institutional structures in today’s civilization on Earth
are the base of negative thinking can it subsequently remove these causes of
unhappiness from the roots, and replace them with more easy flowing,
contemporary organizations.
But, if the human race is not willing to look at life from a fresh
perspective, then the predicted Dooms Day is not far.
When our base is weak, the structure collapses under pressure, as is
happening now. We, the human race, need to be aware that our race is killing
itself by its focus on negative feelings. Our mental addiction to self pitying
and feeling unloved, as souls, only increases negative adrenalin flow in the
body. It is self-destructive.
Due to changing consciousness of the planet, we can expect an increase in
floods, epidemics and wars in the next three decades, as the planet’s frequencies
rise. The negative energy clusters would be shaken up and broken so that they can
be replaced by positive energy concentrations.
The positive outcome of any catastrophe be it the Tsunami floods, or the
bird flu , is that it causes waves of sympathy and compassion to be generated, while
simultaneously forcing people to focus
away from the negative aspects of their individual lives.
In face of sudden trauma, human minds shift momentarily away from their
personal miseries to focusing on something else. So, existing negative energy
circuits break with a break in dominant focus point.
Simultaneously, a need for rescue gets created. The traumatized human
mind asks God for help in intense moments of emotion and is willing to believe
anything which promises to be positive. We, humans believe God exists only when our externally
oriented scientific development no longer offers us rescue.
The wave of momentary belief created clears the energy cycle of doubt and
allows positive energy/light to enter. That helps in raising human frequencies
to match that of the fourth dimension.
With a shift away from the routine thought process, existing webs of
negative reasoning get broken. By being grateful for life, people look beyond
their external, material needs and focus on their soul selves. Also, positive
thought/energy waves are generated as people join in a mass effort to respect
human life.
For further reading , please refer to the book CREATION OF HAPPINESS : THE ENERGY WAR - a soul's perspective
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