Friday, 17 April 2020


Marriage needs to survive on mutual love and respect rather than because of fear of survival or fear of loneliness or fear of breaking tradition.
For home-makers, marriage is like a profession and like any profession, it has to be continued if it gives joy rather than for survival needs. Home-makers need to understand like other work employees do, that they cannot sacrifice their soul needs for satisfying a general definition of love or success or happiness. Love is the reward for staying married but if love dies out, continuing with the marriage is like continuing a job without being paid for it.

Staying married for the sake of being tied to a ritual increases negative feelings of being exploited, non-understood or sexually deprived. A ritualistic, compromised marriage takes the involved people away from God, because marriage is a sacred union and the sacredness comes from the purity of intention, not the ritual involved.

If the partners do not love each other and still stay married, then they cheat God because they become negative and move away from the positive frequency of the Creator.

Any close relationship would be a part of a soul-plan and would have karmic challenges. A marriage like any other work has challenges but the test of whether staying married is a part of a soul plan or not is, whether the union leads to more happiness or distress in our lives.

If the marriage helps us achieve our soul purpose, staying married  would make us feel at peace even if there is friction. Our future would be happy if staying married creates more happiness in our lives than negativity. If it does not, then, maybe, detachment and breaking of redundant values is the soul lesson involved.

For further reading , please refer to the book  CREATION OF HAPPINESS - THE ENERGY WAR , a soul's perspective .

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