Sunday, 26 April 2020

Concepts Of Heaven and Hell From The Soul’s Perspective

This is an excerpt from he book CREATION OF HAPPINESS, THE ENERGY WAR - a soul's perspective of co-creation of realty , chapter 16,updated version 2020. 

HELL as a realm/dimension is dissolving with the shifting of Earth  to a higher dimension . All the spirits stuck in hell will be given opportunities for ascension and salvation. Those who refuse to take the choice would be sent to animal kingdoms or planets that will restart life from the beginning like Mars, so that the spirits can erase their karma and restart the soul evolution process from a  fresh canvas of creation .

The concept of hell was previously created in tune with the principles of punishment so that realization arrives . However , the concept ha backfired due to low levels of realization . Therefore, it will be dissolved in the future and spirits taken back to animal kingdom if the behave like animals in human form. Matching frequencies would be allotted. eg . a person who is loyal to good and evil equally, chooses lust over love and has no concept of soul evolution , would have frequency of a  dog  and given a  matching set of problems in the body, to repeat lessons of surviving with faith  whereas a person who is always positive by deliberate effort , is loyal to positivity ,betrays negativity and chooses true love even if sex is absent would have frequency  matching a God and given matching positively oriented body in a higher dimension than Earth to further learn the process of co-creation of reality.

Up till now, from the soul’s perspective, Heaven and Hell represent different dimensions of evolution. Heaven supports highly positive frequencies and Hell supports very negative frequencies. If we can let go of thoughts which generate negative feelings we can enter Heaven.
 We, scientifically, enter the dimension whose frequencies match with our own energy frequencies, as souls.

As  Christ said, we can create the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth by choosing to think like the Creator here and now.

If we think positively, we would create happiness but if we think negatively we would create problems, diseases and pain for ourselves which would virtually feel like hell on Earth, from the soul’s perspective.

The New Age leads to a so-called Day of Judgment, because our planet would no longer be able to support negative energy in souls of very low frequency.

 So, souls which have dropped very low in frequency by choosing to remain pessimistic would have to go to another dimension which matches with their own individual frequencies, while souls who willingly raise their frequencies to positive would be able to remain on Earth.

 However, God is not coming to punish us on a Day of Judgment. We, as little souls, are part of the Higher Life-force which we denote as God, just as cells are a part of the body. If some cells dysfunction, the body does not need to punish them. They automatically, get thrown out by the immune system protecting the body.

Whether we enter Heaven or Hell is purely our individual choice, depending on whether as souls, we choose to believe in Light/happiness, or in Darkness/suffering, as the ultimate truths of life.

If we follow positive frequencies, the body or the soul energy group we belong to would not need to throw us out, but if we block Earth’s rise to a higher frequency or our Higher Self’s creative energies by being negative, we would automatically get pushed down to a lower dimension where survival and faith are tested for achieving happiness or evolution ..

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