Thursday, 27 February 2020


The following exercises is taken from my book SPIRITUALITY IN EDUCATION ( Redefine success as rising peace, optimism and happiness ) :


Using visualization and silent meditation is one of the easiest ways to increase concentration. The following meditation can be done anytime of the day and would take five minutes.

1.      Imagine exhaling all your problems out of your head like black smoke coming out of a kettle of boiling water.
2.     Imagine a ball of light above your head and feel rays of light entering your head. Feel your head filled with this light filling up the cells like bulbs glowing in your head.
3.     Be in silence inhaling the light and spreading it all over your body.
4.     Imagine concentrating on your books with complete silence around you. Even if there are noises around you, your total concentration remains on the books, and you absorb the subject you are studying with interest.
5.     Imagine yourself concentrating for an hour by imagining the clock dials after an hour. Feel good while studying.
6.     Feel yourself absorbing the lesson as energy going inside you. Imagine yourself writing the main points briefly and imagine yourself recalling the main points whenever needed. Then imagine closing the books and relaxing with closed eyes. Feel the silence for a minute and wake up.
7.      After this concentration exercise: ground yourself. Imagine yourself as a tree and your roots going deep into Earth.
8.     Also, practice being silent for one minute with a smile, every morning as soon as you get up and concentrating on your books easily during the day.
9.     Practice being silent in your mind for one minute before going to sleep and thank God imagining that you could concentrate well during the next day.

This exercise CREATES a thought wave in your mind which focuses on concentration. The repeated focus on this thought wave would strengthen the thought wave of concentration. Overtime, as this thought wave strengthens, it would attract more thoughts of matching frequencies and you would find yourself concentrating automatically more than you could ever before.

Practical exercise 27 (PE 9.2)

For a more detailed exercise, use the self- hypnosis script given below:

1.      Sit straight in a chair.
2.     Imagine black smoke exhaling out of the top of your head
3.     Imagine a Golden Sun above your head sending its rays into you and golden light filing in your head.

4.     Imagine the concentration area of your brain symbolically enlarging and absorbing more information.
5.     You may imagine the concentration area of your brain as a garden with weeds growing around it, initially.
6.     Now, imagine that the weeds are cleared by huge vacuum cleaners coming from the sky and clay is filled on that place, after which grass is sown. Now imagine flowers and plants growing in that garden in your mind in place of the weeds.
7.      Feel the space and cleanliness in your mind.  Imagine flowers growing all over your mind as bulbs glowing brightly in the garden. Feel the light of the bulbs and allow the light travelling down to your body.

8.     Feel a SUN like energy glowing in the center of your mind and spreading rays all around. Breathe into the SUN for five seconds. Feel the rays spreading all around your head.

9.     Send the light down to your neck, chest and stomach. Feel a SUN glowing in your stomach and spreading rays all over your body.

10.  Feel the light going down into your legs and feel it reaching your feet. Imagine black clouds of smoke leaving your feet and light filling up your whole body.

11.   Breathe in the light for one minute and smile.

12.   Now imagine yourself studying with complete concentration. Imagine how it would be to have complete concentration. Create the thought wave of feeling concentrated and enjoy the thought wave.

13.   Give the lesson a shape, a sound, a vision. A touch, a taste, a smell and a feel. When you use all your sensory organs, learning is more easily absorbed.
14.   Imagine yourself writing or practicing the exercises given for a few seconds. Feel that you can briefly summarize the main points for recall. Then, imagine yourself remembering the main points once the lesson is over. Next, imagine yourself remembering the lesson after a week and recalling it easily. Feel good that you have made the process of learning easier and more enjoyable.

15.   If you do not like studying, imagine yourself concentrating while watching a television film. Then, replace the film with your books and imagine concentrating on your books as you could on the film. Feel yourself enjoying your books as you enjoy the film and smile. If you can concentrate while watching a film, concentration isn’t the problem. The problem is motivation which can be addressed by replacing the film with books, subconsciously.

16.   Keep replacing the image of studying in your mind with an enjoyable film over a month. With consistent repetition, you will start liking your books as much as the film. This technique of replacing a bad image in the mind with a good image to convert a DISLIKE into A LIKE is called a TRANSPOSE technique (This technique is a part of neuro-linguistic programming of the subconscious mind). If this transposing technique does not work, the issue of motivation has to be addressed separately by using therapeutic methods of age regression and parts integration.

17.   Imagine yourself absorbing all that you are learning with interest. Give the imagination a film - sound, a visual, a touch, a taste and a feeling.

18.  Feel content while studying in your imagination. Focus for five seconds on the feeling of contentment. Make the picture big, bright and welcoming. Feel Yourself “I can do it”

19.   Then feel yourself like a tree and your roots going deep into Earth.
20.  Stay grounded for five seconds and open your eyes.

Do this every day for a month. Within a week, your concentration will start improving. With consistent practice, you will be concentrating automatically in about six months to a year.


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