Saturday, 14 September 2024

New Age (Satiyug)


Calculations by Aryabhatta are scientific. Calculations by King Parikshit in the Mahabharata are not matching with current cosmic changes and may have been politically manipulated and falsely made to hold some positions of power

The blog is an excerpt from my book - Creation Of Happiness: The Energy War chapter 16 ,written in 2011.

Due to some astronomical changes which take place every 75000 years, the frequencies on planet Earth are expected to undergo a change in the next few decades. Every 25000 years, the planet Earth goes through a shift on the astronomical plane. Every 75000 years, this shift is expected to be a major one, as is happening now. 

The recent earthquake in Japan (2011), in which land shifted by 8 meters, and there was supposedly a movement in the axis of Earth; is an example of the kind of changes we can expect in our geographical structure due to the Shift.

This Shift has been astronomically and astrologically predicted and is symbolized by THE NEW AGE.

In the New Age, beginning in 2012, Earth will revolve at a higher speed of vibration around its axis. Its frequency will rise, as it will move to a higher positive dimension of the universe. As mentioned in chapter four, right now the planet exists in the third dimension on the universal plane. In the year 2012, the planet would start graduating to a dimension which supports more positive frequencies, viz. the fourth dimension. 

Due to the shifting of its axis, in correspondence with the New Age, Earth would have a different point of dominant focus and enter a new energy cycle, where it would still revolve around the Sun, but from a slightly higher plane. Earth would be able to resonate with more positive energies, on this higher plane of existence.

As the frequencies of the planet evolve, the overall physical and energy composition of the planet will undergo a change. Everything would adjust to align with a more positive frequency. All that which cannot align with a more blissful state of being, would be automatically dissolved.

Because of this shift in the overall energies of the planet, the mass human consciousness of the planet would also have to undergo a transformation, as thoughts of low frequency would no longer be supported by the planet. 

With the coming of the NEW AGE, thought waves which are focused on generating predominantly positive feelings would resonate with the planet’s higher energy frequencies, whereas thought waves carrying negative feelings would not. That is because thought waves encompassing largely negative feelings vibrate at a low frequency. Hence, thoughts of negative frequencies would face rejection by the planet at a physical energy manifestation level.

Explaining Through an Analogy

Metaphorically, the planet Earth can be compared to a car picking up speed. When a car is standing, it collects a lot of dust. Negative energy is like dust. Dust gets thrown off as the car picks up speed. Similarly, negative energy accumulates in periods of stagnation but it cannot remain in periods of rapid change. It needs to get discarded to facilitate change. 

Likewise, thought patterns which focus on negative feelings are slowing down human development today. For human development to pick up speed, either the negative thinkers need to leave the planet or they have to motivate themselves to think positive.

Souls which continue to have frequencies of third dimension while the planet shifts up to fourth dimension, would get thrown off the planet like energy dust. Only people with thoughts which focus on positive feelings would be able to remain on this planet.

From an energy perspective, this means that the planet would seek to throw off clusters of negative energy .Negative energy would fall off the planet since its speed of rotation would be so high that energies of low frequency which are usually stuck or slow moving would get swept off; as towns have been getting swept off in the Tsunami floods. 

The shift of energy may result in a large-scale eradication of human species, which is focused on the negative aspects of life. Diseases, epidemics, accidents, natural and man-made calamities like wars etc. would aid the planet in extinguishing energies which are no longer needed for evolution.

A Difficult Transition

As a consequence of the physical energy shifts, the transition to the fourth dimension may be difficult for the human race. Right now, human beings have a consciousness whose energy frequency matches the third dimensional energy frequency of Earth. 

Individual consciousness is largely focused on negative feelings in the third dimension; and hence, the soul energy in each body vibrates at a low frequency.

Now, the planet will exist in the fourth dimension. To rise up with the planet, human beings have to consciously raise their energy frequency, from predominantly negative to predominantly positive. 

An energy shift in the body ensures that the soul is able to receive life force from its Higher Self and is able to radiate it out for creating more light/happiness by revolving at a high positive frequency. 

To rise up with the planet, the soul frequency needs to vibrate at a speed, which is in resonance with the rise in the vibrational frequency of the planet, as a whole. 

Intellectually, this entails letting go of the habit of focusing on negative energies which block creation, and developing a higher level of awareness of what is being created through our focus.

At a physical energy manifestation level, the transition required virtually, necessitates shifting the axis of our thoughts, in resonance with the shifting of Earth’s axis.

This change in human frequency cannot occur automatically, because the energy frequency of a body can change only when the person inhabiting the body changes her/his thoughts, willingly at a conscious level. The change to feeling positive from within cannot be enforced. It requires a change of heart towards believing in a positive world, and allowing positive soul force to function optimally by opening the chakras or energy centers of the body. The shift to positivity cannot come about by a sole belief on  science or a blind belief in religion. The external world of science needs to be balanced with the internal world of the soul so that the soul can create through using the scientific , physical world as a medium.

Souls, on Earth, can raise their consciousness and vibrations to higher frequencies, if they are ready to deliberately shift their focus to feeling positive, through disciplining their minds to not worry about the negative.

The test of whether we feel positive, internally, or not is the increase in the flow of positive hormones in the body, compared to when we did not use positive visualization or meditation to feel better. Even if our mental conflicts rise or our health deteriorates before becoming better, we should feel mentally more at peace if we are focusing on positive energy of happiness, than on negative energies of worry or gloom.

When we shift focus to feeling happy from within, we think differently. We no longer need to fool ourselves by compromising to an external definition of happiness without feeling calm from within. If we are internally positive, we should feel positively expectant about life. The resulting positive energy should make us feel happier and healthier than we did before shifting focus to the positive.

To internally focus on staying positive, we would have to learn to make our decisions in life expecting positive outcomes and not make choices, out of to fear of negative outcomes.

After the transition, to the NEW AGE, love and compassion are expected to become the driving source in all human interactions, in place of the existing driving forces of fear and competition. 

The choice to raise or not to raise its consciousness lies with each soul. Those souls which cannot raise their consciousness and continue to engage in thought patterns which focus on negative feelings, violence or suffering, may no longer be able to survive on this planet.

Though most human beings choose to focus on rational, conventional modes of thinking and operation, it cannot be denied that human science has not been able to explain how we choose to die. The moment of death is a pure soul decision be it by an illness, an accident, a flood or a war . Even if we insist that we cannot give up feeling negative because of a forecast that we would die, we cannot be sure that we won’t.

 The creation of floods, famines or earthquakes has up till now been unexplainable except in terms of geographical changes. Nobody has been able to control the geographical upheavals which have lead to human calamities, because the science of energy phenomenon has not been explored or researched in depth. 

In the chapters ahead, we would study a bit about how human energies cluster to create famines, earthquakes, floods and wars ; and how these calamities aid our planet in dissolving excess negativity and restoring its energy balance between the negative and positive. 

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