Saturday, 2 November 2024

Emotional Management From The Spiritual Perspective

 Emotional Management includes Past Life therapy, inner child healing, neuro-linguistic programming, Reiki, Pranik healing, Theta Healing, Life between Life Healing, Psychology based behavior analysis and vibrational colour therapy given through energy healing. This methodology of healing is based on healing the feelings of a person. Feelings affect the energy field of the human being and create his /her reality of life. The negative feelings are healed through analyzing the soul’s vibrations so that the negative energy which creates diseases and anxieties is released, by choice to let go, and the soul’s vibrational axis is balanced. The healing helps to shift the vibrational axis of the soul shifts to positive automatically by removing the past negative energy which tilted it to negative and awakening the person subconsciously, to his present reality, at the soul level. .

Emotional Management has developed since research has expanded to soul healing in the NEW AGE in alignment with the need for balancing the Axis of Earth.Emotional Management is an energy healing therapeutic science which facilitates movement towards happiness for individual, as well as, mass consciousness.

 Just as Earth’s axis was tilted more towards the left, humanity ‘s axis was tilted towards left brain more than the right brain. Hence, there was a lop-sided focus on technological/machine based/stresscreating development at the cost of neglecting development of the free, creative spirit/spiritual /positive emotional development. Due to this lop-sided focus, negative energy increased on the planet which created imbalances in human welfare.

Earth as a planet seeks to restore its axis balance to being centrally aligned. Being balanced helps Earth move up to a higher frequency in alignment with the needs of the NEW AGE.

Calamities happen as the planet Earth throws off suppressed negative energy by bursting it into earthquakes, volcanoes or floods. Recently, due to the earthquakes and other calamites, nature’srebalancing has shifted Earth’s axis.

In the New Age, as the human race strives to survive by matching frequencies with the planet’s energies movingtowards the fifth dimension; a corresponding rebalancing in the human mind is needed, for balancing the human axis. The human brain is balanced by equally emphasizing the spiritual/emotional and material/technological aspects of life.

Emotional Management facilitates the shift towards the right brain. An Energy shift towards the right/ spiritual side of the brain would address soul needs. As consciousness uplifts, there would be a need to invest time, money and effort towards spiritual ascension and addressing emotional needs to be healthier in the body. Attention goes wherever money and time are invested. As long as Earth’s axis was tilted, money and time were invested on largely technological development. In the New Age, Money and energies would be invested on energy healing and emotional management for uplifting soul frequency towards feeling optimistic and thus, raise overall positive frequencies on the planet.

This blog is an excerpt from my book - Emotional Management 


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