Sunday, 1 September 2024

Multiply Emotions of Positivity To Get Victory


Victory for the Soul is Higher Positivity Over Negativity internally at the level of vibrational transmission of electric life force energy . Your life is successful when your electric units of watts are higher at death than when you were born i.e you are more optimistic , clearer ,brighter from within !

This blog is an excerpt from my book- Emotional Management,a soul's perspectives

Emotional management helps a person learn how to remain positive when negative energy attacks in the form of difficulties. If the person does not understand how to manage emotions such as to convert negative energy into positive by choice , his/her soul starts radiating depression as negative energy takes over the positive life force of the person. The person’s thinking, spoken words and soul vibrations vibrate out the energy of predominant feelings being focused upon.  A person dominated by negative emotions allows the energy of compromise to rule his mind and his body starts behaving dis-satisfactorily like  a bulb glowing with less light.

Every person on Earth encounters difficulties which have to be overcome while the soul endeavors to master the art of creation on Earth , as a co-creator or part of the Creator. 

Difficulties come in the path of achieving emotional desires and are planned by the soul itself before incarnating in a life-plan . The difficulties have to be overcome such that the soul remains optimistic about attaining its desires in the future,  as a soul who has no desire would not co-create anything positive . For example,  human civilization developed from a desire to build houses. 

If man had given up the struggle, we would still be animals living without houses in jungles. Therefore, difficulties have to be overcome such that desires continue to motivate the person to create a better life, which is possible only when positive emotions dominate over negative emotions through learning how to apply emotional management in everyday life. 

Our soul is like  a driver while the body is like  a car . A soul who can maintain a healthy body and an optimistic mind through rough patches  of life increases its power as  a co-creator and helps God just as a driver becomes better in his skills after crossing over speed obstacles; while a soul who feels helpless through life and keeps compromising reduces its vibrational frequency, develops diseases in the body , restlessness in mind and practically, lowers the potential power of the Creator . 

Happiness is an energy of a positive frequency and has to be attained by defeating the thinking of dominating negative frequencies which exist around the soul by either converting the situation to feel positive as desired or moving away from the negative person and situation by understanding detachment. 

Usually, people fail to learn the necessary emotional skills and hence, are unable to achieve happiness as desired. 

Just earning money, success or fame are not enough to find happiness, good health or peace on earth, as the soul incarnates with a life plan, to help itself master the process of creation just like a painter learning how to paint with accuracy.

For achieving any desire with satisfaction, it is necessary to learn the art of applying energies as paints over the canvas of life. The soul learns how to be happy by applying emotional skills like passion with perseverance, optimism with discipline, motivation with calmness, organization with patience, detachment with forgiveness, ambition with compassion etc.

To understand the art of creation on Earth, the soul makes a detailed life plan before birth which can be accessed in the Akkashik Records through specific questions on areas of concern.

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