Monday, 1 April 2024

Trust on Positive Vibrations

 A happy or positive or peaceful state of mind is a result of focusing on feelings of optimism, patience and peacefulness as deliberate choices of being, irrespective of what you are doing. (In case, you are constantly running a race, you need to create moments of peacefulness at regular intervals)

Vibrations are released sub-consciously through the small electric impulses radiated underneath each feeling. These electric impulses release hormones in the body. Positive feelings generate positive/ happiness hormones in the body while negative hormones generate negative/stress hormones in the body. 

Positive hormones improve health while negative hormones create sickness. For example, problems like asthma, headaches, colds and coughs are aggravated by continuously fueling the energy of feeling compromised (negatively pressurized, in conflict and suffocated, respectively) due to a choice to focus on negative circumstances of life.

Good Health and happiness are created by a deliberate choice of fueling an internal dominant focus on detached or positive feelings. Over a period of time, the consistent release of neutral or positive hormones helps you make choices of eating, exercising, thinking and meditating which heal the body and allow the mind to be free of overwhelming stress.

The most dominant feelings which are focused upon manifest as real situations, by activating changes in circumstances. It may take weeks, months or years for a new reality to manifest but a deliberate creation of imagining happiness in your future is better than leaving happiness to chance through depending on a trial and error process.

This blog is an excerpt from my book - Spirituality in Education, chapter 4.

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