Tuesday, 30 April 2024

Reasons for problems & Soul Healing Therapy

 Soul healing therapy aims to uplift frequencies of the soul to remove the soul from clutches of non ending problems .

Financial or health worries as commonly 

assumed are not the root cause of difficulty

but are only guidelines to the desires of 

emotional satisfaction which the soul seeks to attain. All difficulties are a part of soul 

growth/advancement and come in the path of attaining emotional desires of love, respect, 

acknowledgement etc . which radiate high 

frequency energies that help the soul uplift to 

a higher positive vibrational frequency.

From the soul’s perspective , difficulties are 

co- created by negative thinking and have to 

be vibrationally healed at the energy plane by 

deliberately fueling energies on positive 

enlightening positive frequencies.  so that the dark, negative frequencies 

can be overpowered on the physical plane by balance through obstacles.

If the person does not understand how to 

manage emotions such as to convert negative 

energy into positive by choice, his soul gets 

stuck in the obstructions which come in the 

path of attaining success and happiness.

A person who is stuck by negative energies 

starts radiating bad/depressed/unhappy 

vibrations as negative energy takes over the 

positive life force of the person. Sadness and 

anger spread like a viral infection. Thought 

waves travel in the same way as sound waves 

or light waves do. The energy contained in a 

thought spreads from one being to another 

like breath spreads. Thus, the energy of 

difficulty or happiness expands though the 

energy spreading is experienced differently by 

different souls depending on individual 

receiving frequencies. 

Negative energy spreads and multiplies in all 

those host bodies who subconsciously indulge 

in sadness and anger by a choice to stay 

negative, because they have no awareness of 

the soul’s science of co-creation. 

Soul healing helps the person 

learn how to remain positive when negative 

energy attacks in the form of difficulties just as 

a course in car driving would help a driver.

This blog is extracted from my book - a course in emotional management 


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