Thursday, 1 July 2021

Your Dominating Emotions Work Literally As Energies Of Co-Creation Fuelled By You

This blog is an excerpt from my book - A COURSE IN EMOTIONAL MANAGEMENT


Principle 1- Your Emotions are Instructions to your Body

The subconscious mind operates on instruction of the conscious mind and the soul. It is the link between the conscious mind and the soul’s intentions. 

Metaphorically, the subconscious mind is like the crew of the ship while the conscious mind is the captain and the soul is the owner of the ship. The soul decides why and where the ship has to go viz.  the destination where the person has to reach. The conscious mind thinks on how to take the ship to where it has to reach and the subconscious mind organizes the functions. The subconscious mind follows the directions of the conscious mind, literally without any questions asked.

The crew of the ship follows the orders of the captain blindly without trying to judge whether he is right or wrong.  Similarly, the subconscious mind follows the feelings focused upon by the conscious mind, as instruction. The subconscious mind produces in the body exactly the feelings which the person focuses on by conscious choice, as physical manifestations, without caring about whether the instructions produce good health or bad health for the person.

The conscious mind remains happy and the body remains healthy if the person follows the chosen priorities as set by the soul. However, the person makes choices in alignment with the soul’s purpose of life, when the body, mind and soul are aligned.

If the soul, body and mind are not aligned; the person feels lost in track, sick and anxious. Non-aligned decision-making is akin to the owner, driver and engine of the car preparing to go in different directions. In ideal conditions as conceived on heaven, the soul makes priorities of life in a life plan designed before incarnation. The mind desires those priorities to be achieved as ambitions in life and the body helps the mind take action to achieve its pre-set priorities. 

On Earth, the ideal conditions get diluted by practical considerations like society’s expectations, parents’ ideologies, school imbibed cult, work demands etc.  which influence adult criterion of conventional success. If the mind gets in the trap of conditioning on Earth and starts taking over ambitions of society or other people as its own, it starts moving away from its own soul destination. Imitation becomes a greater focus than original thinking. The mind of a person who does not follow his own soul plan remains unhappy and anxious as s/he knows inwardly that the path is lost. To move back to being happy, the soul plan has to be followed all over again even if you are far from the planned path. For moving back on the soul plan, the conscious mind has to restart attuning with the subconscious mind. There is a slow, consistent rise in happiness and peace of mind as you move back on the soul path from a far away destination. The feelings of being lost slowly subside and your health improves along with a rise in self-confidence.

However, if anxieties continue, it means that you are not attempting to move back on your soul plan and are still in the trap of negative thinking which rules over mass education on Earth.  

A test of whether you are on the soul plan or not is your feeling of well-being and in good health. If there are depressions and diseases in the body, it means that the soul, mind and body are not aligned and the conscious mind has to become aware of its routine thinking to change its priorities of life again and move back to feeling positive as an inner focus.

For example, if the subconscious mind produces asthma in the body of the person, it is because the conscious mind of the person has chosen an emotional focus which made the subconscious mind to create asthmatic conditions to warn the person that s/he is moving away from the planned destination.

Nobody likes to be sick but you become sick by your own choice because of lack of awareness about emotional and neurological connections. By a choice to feel helpless, you focus on certain sad emotions over others. Sad emotions create negative hormones which lead to diseases in the body.

How we develop diseases by a misguided focus on feeling sad, is explained below:


Examples of How Emotions pass instructional data to the subconscious mind:

Each emotion you focus upon passes as instruction to the body through an energy released with the emotion, which creates a hormone discharge. Each time you feel, you release a hormone in the bloodstream. Feelings are as continuous as breathing but the type of hormone released depends on the type of energy focused upon in the feeling.

Diseases manifest when you feel negative in the same way continuously over years by remaining stuck in similar patterns of life situations.

Electric signals to the subconscious mind on how to control your autonomic nervous system are sent continuously through the way of feelings/emotions repeatedly. People who feel nothing remain in the same level of happiness irrespective of success or no success in the external world. Their body is maintained at neutral. Progress of the soul towards a life purpose is recorded when happiness rises and unhappiness falls as that leads to a rising in positive vibrational power of the soul as the co-Creator.

If the person pursues only success or fame, he may compromise on happiness and get more stressed than happy, over a period of time. If the negative frequency of the soul becomes higher than the positive soul frequency, the soul becomes unhappier even if the person feels successful and appreciated in the external world. Such a person starts feeling helpless against circumstances as the power of the soul reduces when positive vibrational frequency falls. Negative focus leads to negative hormones being released on a sustained basis in the body. Manifestation of a negative physical condition happens over years of repeated negative focus. Hence, the physical health of organs reflects the way a person constantly feels in affected parts of life.

This principle when generalized causes fatal diseases. If there is no increase in happiness over a period of time, the soul chooses to leave the body and the body starts decaying into diseases.

For example, if you feel you can move, your subconscious mind sends the necessary blood supply to your legs to move.  Continuing on the same principle, if you feel you cannot move, your subconscious mind blocks the supply of blood to your leg, so that you find it unable to move.

Overtime, if you constantly feel that you are unable to achieve in life what you want to achieve because your circumstances are not allowing you to move as you would want to, you experience leg pain / joint pain/arthritis etc. or you may feel less energetic while doing your daily work.

Similarly, if you constantly feel you cannot speak as freely as you desire to, your subconscious mind would record emotions of suppression/ suffocation. These feelings would create congestion in your chest, leading to asthma/bronchitis/chronic cold.


A continuous choice to feel negative releases energy which acts like slow poison for the body. Just as a poisonous acid corrodes a cement bowl overtime, negative thinking corrodes the body organs overtime. According to research, a disease manifests in the body when a person has been focusing on a negative emotion for about seven years.

Each organ of your body has a specific emotional function to play. For example, your hands reflect your confidence in your working abilities, your legs reflect your belief that you can move, and a healthy blood flow represents an unobstructed flow of life-force energy in the body.

So, when you have obstruction or pain in any part of the body, you need to reflect on what function that part of the body is responsible for and how you have been feeling inadequate about your ability to do that function. Obstructions/blocks /pain in the smooth functioning of organs are created by feeling blocked in that specific genre of life. For example, a sudden onset of asthma happens because the respiratory organs weaken overtime due to a focus on feeling trapped within oneself while compromising with social norms.

It is necessary to heal a negative emotional mind set to cure a physical problem for long term. Healing chronic physical problems through accessing the subconscious mind requires past life therapy and spirit release and is beyond the scope of this book. However, to stop a disease from enlarging at the outset, you need to stop the seed of negative thinking from growing bigger by checking your negative feelings with awareness.  

You can remain healthy and happy by choosing to focus on positive feelings whether in imagination or reality. As long as you keep your focus on positive vibrations, positive hormones will keep getting released in your body and improve the health of your organs.

Every person needs to be aware that by shifting his/her inner focus to positive feelings, s/he can heal his body of diseases by a sustained, deliberate release of positive hormones activated in the body.

Life is more a vibrational science than a philosophical debate. Irrespective of ethics or tradition, your subconscious mind will create exactly those symptoms in your body, which you believe to be true at an emotional level. Your physical health in the future will be a reflection of your present mental /emotional problems.


Learning task 8 – Find the Connection between an Emotional Problem and a Physical Problem


Think of the most prominent emotional problem in your life. Write it down in clear words. Write down the thought/feeling which you constantly focus on involuntarily.

Now, think of the most prominent physical problem in your life. Write that down in clear words, exactly as the symptoms come to your mind (not in medical terms. Don’t use labels - put in words just the exact physical symptom- i.e., the changes you experienced in your body).

There will be a connection between the two. Keep writing down the symptoms of both in detail till your energy connectivity awareness starts opening up.  You will realize that what you feel emotionally is manifesting physically.

Clues: –


 Physical Problem – “I cannot breathe freely. I feel breathless and tired. I am unable to work hard’’

Emotional Problem – “I cannot express myself freely. I am unable to change the situation because I cannot speak out freely. “

Energy connection – “I am unable to express freely (breath or words)

This connection has been derived through researching self and several clients who have been cured of diseases through energy healing therapies. This interpretation may take some practice on your part.

 However, as a beginner, you can find the link between your emotional mind-set and your physical problems, by focusing on the similarity of energies underlying the surface problem and your emotional status.

The following details clarify further, as explained: - In asthma, the physical problem is a difficulty in staying alive because of difficulties in breathing. Breathlessness leads to difficulty in expression, speaking and movement, accompanied by a feeling of tiredness in the body.

The usual thought patterns of people who have asthma are –‘I cannot express myself freely due to difficult life circumstances/ I feel exhausted with life. I cannot struggle anymore/ I need rest / I need my own space to be/ I wish I could die than cope up.”

Since the person constantly feels restricted in expression and has a desire to escape, rather than fight to live with respect, the same feeling gets transferred to the body. First, the organ for expression, viz. the throat gets congested. Secondly, the breathing ability gets impaired.

Breathing gets affected because if you cannot breathe freely, you give yourself space to rest and recover. A lack of breath is felt as momentary death by the body. For the eternal soul, death is a space to break routine and have space to rest, heal and recover its original strengths. So, metaphorically, when you keep passing on a desire to escape, by feeling sad, the major problems you face are in breathing, as you are forced to rest if you cannot breathe. As an asthma patient, you feel pressured by demands of others. You allow yourself to rest only when your life feels threatened. Subconsciously, you allow your life to feel threatened so that you get space to rest and other people do not complain that you are not performing...

If you have awareness of emotional management, you would use meditation techniques to free yourself from the negative chains of life than allow a life-threatening disease to take over.

Preventing negative feelings from rising from the outset by focusing on inner space, helps in maintaining good health, which is necessary to stay happy. If you stay unhealthy, you are not happy. If you think you are happy but are not in good health, you may be falling into a trap of disillusioning yourself into believing you are happy while compromising with negative situations; because you are letting traditions or some dominating forces to rule over your individual sensibilities.


Every physical problem begins with a negative focus in the mind which starts as a seed but grows big due to lack of awareness to control it from the beginning, by shifting energy focus on the positive aspects of life...

As in asthma, a similar connection can be found between other organs of the body and the emotional problems we face.

For example, constipation is created by an inability to release trauma of the past. The soul carries over trauma from past lives and it gets aggravated by the subconscious habit of holding onto sadness in the present life. The person who has constipation also has a habit of brooding about the past... The emotional trauma has to be understood and the person consoled with positive energies for the problem to heal. A focus on understanding energies leads to unearthing of memories suppressed by the rational mind


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