Sunday, 27 June 2021

Subconscious Mind (Soul)Chooses Pleasure Over Pain

 This blog is an excerpt from the book : A Course In Emotional Management

Principle 2 –The Subconscious Mind Chooses Pleasure over Pain


The subconscious mind is the storehouse of all information, which you have acquired since your conception, as a soul. Your soul lives eternally. Each life is taken as an experience of learning how to co-create a better world for self and all. Mistakes are taken as learning lessons and the subconscious mind is programmed to help you to not repeat mistakes.

The subconscious mind retains the learning which you derived, from your past mistakes made in childhood or past lives. The experience is stored as an equation in the subconscious mind and a response program is created subconsciously so that you don’t repeat the same mistakes in the future.

This response program creates impulsive reactions in your body. You feel a certain way in a situation because your subconscious mind brings up the stored learning whenever a previously encountered emotional experience again arises.

The subconscious mind seeks to avoid pain. If a situation created trauma in a person’s life earlier, it is recorded as a painful memory and the subconscious mind makes the program to avoid the recurrence of the pain. Hence, when a similar situation arises which threatened a person in his past, then the subconscious mind may create anxiety or panic in the body.  Panic arises to make the person avoid that situation or react in an inappropriate manner to escape from that situation as soon as possible.

For example, if you are an emotional person and get hurt soon, the subconscious mind will try to avoid the pain of feeling rejected or criticized.  Suppose drinking alcohol helps you avoid that pain. Then, the subconscious mind will create physical feelings, which urge you to drink so that you can avoid thinking about the situation which causes emotional hurt.

The subconscious mind cannot think by itself and urges you to escape feeling negative though, you may become an alcoholic in the process of choosing pleasure over pain.

The subconscious mind chooses pleasure over pain, without caring about your health or soul purpose. Its operative system is like a hard disk made to help you be free of problems. If you give it a problem, it provides you a solution without thinking of whether that solution is good or bad for your well-being. You have to programme the subconscious mind to give you solutions while taking your health and soul purpose into consideration. Your subconscious mind has a search engine like an internet network connected to celestial intelligence. In semi trance state of focus, you can ask it for solutions as you ask questions on the search engine of a computer.

The more specific your question, the more precise is the answer. If you ask for short cuts to problems, you get answers like taking drugs or liquor to avoid confrontations with your inner conflicts. But if you ask your mind to search for long term solutions, you may find yourself desiring to meditate than drink alcohol to calm your nerves. Your subconscious mind will help your body feel healthy if you decide to focus on positive feelings deliberately.


While using intuitive guidance during meditation, if you clearly instruct the subconscious mind that you need a solution for your emotional problem, without harming your body, then the subconscious mind will compute another solution which will help you without getting addicted; though the solution may require long-term patience and diligence.


All undesirable habits are installed in the subconscious mind and have corresponding energy circuits or neuro-pathways which get strengthened by constant focus. The subconscious mind will choose that which is more pleasurable. It is up to the conscious mind to decide and rectify the damage.

When you focus on positive feelings, positive electric impulses are released and positive hormones are absorbed by the body. Positive hormones help you make choices which ensure that you stay healthy.

So, the conscious mind has to deliberately change the feelings it focuses on to change an undesirable habit. A change of focus leads to neurological changes in the subconscious mind.

When your emotional needs are addressed and resolved, you will find it easy to de-addict.

To be able to successfully change an undesirable habit, you need to find a habit which is more pleasurable because the subconscious mind chooses pleasure over pain.

For example, in case of alcoholism, the desire is to escape from worries by staying thoughtless. Thoughtlessness can also be achieved - through mind control and meditation.

Instead of drinking and cribbing, you can imagine yourself free of chains and exhale air in silence, use day dreaming to feel happy or positive visualization. A habit of sleeping more can also be developed, by using appropriate breathing exercises, which, overtime, becomes a more pleasurable habit than drinking alcohol. The subconscious mind is happy as long as pain can be avoided, and you can derive pleasure if you can escape, sleep, fly or dance in your meditative/imaginative films than harm the body.  


Meditation leads to a feeling of controlled thoughtlessness. If practiced regularly, meditation gets you in as hallucinated a state as alcoholism, while helping improve your physical health and peace of mind in the long run.


In a gist, every undesirable habit has a positive intention and the undesirable habit can be successfully overcome only when the positive intention can be satisfied through alternate methods.

For getting free from undesirable emotional patterns of thinking, conflicts or addictions, it helps to use self –hypnosis combined with naturopathy for changing inner emotional focus. When the positive intention served by the undesirable habit can be deciphered, alternate methods of pacifying the subconscious mind can be developed.



Learning Task 9 – What are the Positive Feelings You Gain from 

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