Thursday, 29 April 2021

Spread Peace On Earth By Using Visualization


Creation is an art, and like any art, it involves trial and error. We may not succeed each time in creating what we desire in the external world. This would hold true, especially if our desires are unrealistic or pre-mature from the perspective of technological evolution in the physical world. Or if our frequency does not match the frequency of the desire.


For example, if you desire traveling in a flying car, it may not happen soon, literally. You would not be able to make yourself believe it can happen and partly that would be the reason why it won’t manifest soon enough technologically. However, through reinforcing the feeling of sitting in a flying car especially while in a traffic jam you would accentuate your speed of travel.

Through imagining positively, even if you do not literally fly, at the level of feeling, you can feel as good as you would when you travel in a flying car, and thus increase the inflow of positive energy in your body. That will also help in mobilizing energies for the same technological innovation in the future.   In the meantime, by feeling that you are travelling stress free as in flying, you may shift to a city where you have to travel less or where roads are emptier.


Always remember that  when we don’t succeed,  it would only be because we let negative energy block the flow of positive creation. Or it is because he energy we seek does not match with the form we seek it from; i.e. ,by realizing the desire we have would not lead us to the kind of happiness weare focusing upon from it.


We err in using the laws of creationby having doubt or disbelief in the universe’s or the creator’s or your own ability to create.


The more frequently we practice experiencing the feelings of happiness which we desire to manifest, the more perfect we would get in the art of creation. As we succeed, our trust inour own abilities would increase.

As we try incorporating each and every aspect of our life, while practicing the art of creation, we would be able to create the life we desire to live at the level of feeling and hence, help ourselves realize our mission as a soul.

Through raising our soul frequency, we would increase the inflow of positive energy in our life from the Source. That would make us happy in ways, we may not have defined till now.

 An example Of the art of Creation :


To Spread Peace on Earth


It is not possible to spread peace by simply preaching about peace. The preaching has to be applied in everyday life, such that people’s thinking changes from the core.

Our core thinking patterns are set by our early education. It is the  thoughts our minds get conditioned into before we are seven years of age, which setthe foundation for how we evolve as adults. When we are children, we do not argue back on the rules of life taught to us. Therefore, the early teaching affects our subconscious minds the most as we are like sponges then, ready to absorb all that which is fed.

Hence, to spread peace on the planet, Peace has to be taught in schools as a practical subject like sports or painting.

Instead of focusing on teaching English or Maths or Painting or Skating, it is necessary to teach children how to share with each other, how to enjoy helping , how to express love and compassion, how to create what they desire by focusing on thinking the right way and how to use energies of music or painting or dancing or games to feel good internally, than perform externally. The grades need to be given for creativity, joy and compassion rather than for rote learning or imitating well.

Education should be more fun for the students than stress. The learning needs to be automatically imbibed, than forcibly inculcated.

If children are force to compromise from the beginning, they will develop negative thinking habits. They have to be encouraged to enjoy learning by making education flexible and convenient.


It is only when our minds are free to create, that we will evolve above being humans like monkeys, running after bananas to being humans like Gods who fly freely in bliss.


To live on a peace loving planet , we have to love peace in our everyday life. We cannot keep fighting with our inner selves and expect peace to radiate from our beings.

At a mass consciousness level, our mind’s focus needs to be on the energy of how it will be when peace exists rather than on worrying that peace does not exist. The more we worry about riots and terrorism, the more we energize these negative manifestations of restless minds on the planet. When we deliberately focus on feeling peaceful within, ignoring a restless external reality, we will energize the spread of peace on Earth.


 This blog is an execerpt from my book ; CREATION OF HAPPINESS; THE ENERGY WAR  , a soul's perspective , appendix 2.


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