Monday, 10 May 2021

3 Techniques of Meditation Through Self Hypnosis

 These 3 exercises are taken from my book - A COURSE IN EMOTIONAL MANAGEMENT -  (moving towards happiness in steps)

 Self - Hypnosis Using Progressive Relaxation


1) Sit in a chair in a relaxed position, spine straight but relaxed, feet flat on floor.

2) Keep both hands open, fingers spread out. Place hands on legs.

3) Relax your facial muscles and your shoulders.

4) Feel balanced in your body posture. Be comfortable and in control. Know you are safe and allow yourself to get more relaxed...

5) Now, keep your chin parallel to the ground.

6) While keeping your chin parallel to the ground, bring your eyes down and begin to watch both your hands simultaneously.

7) Keep on watching both hands for some time maintaining focus on both hands, simultaneously.

8) Also, be aware of your incoming breath and outgoing breath.

9) In case your eyes feel tired, you can close your eyes while maintaining awareness of the two points and your breathing. In case you lose focus, bring it back as soon as you are aware you have lost focus. Be in this state for a few seconds.

10) Going deeper - Now, just focus on your breath. Relax your hands and body .Breathe deeply and start counting backwards from 25-0. Count slowly. (While counting down you can also visualize going down a staircase. Imagine yourself on top of a staircase and count from 25-0. Imagine your body remaining on top of the stairs and just the soul moving down as an energy form. At 0, you are at the bottom of the stairs, feeling light and relaxed as the soul.)

  • At 0, you are in a deeper level of your subconscious mind. Take a deep breath, exhale and say relax for yourself. You are in a relaxed state of mind now.
  • Touch yourself on your forehead for 5 seconds. Remove your finger. Be in silence.
  • Now, whenever you touch yourself on your forehead, you will be in the same relaxed state as you are now.


Progressive Relaxation:

  • Now, move onto progressive relaxation. Focus on the crown chakra on the tip of your head. Exhale at the top of your head. Imagine black smoke leaving out. Feel your crown chakra expanding and filling with light. Feel the light travelling down into your brain and all your cells filing with light.
  • Next, feel the light travelling down to your forehead, eyes, nose, chin, ears, and neck.
  • Focus on your neck and feel black smoke going out. Now feel light feeling in your throat chakra
  • Feel the light travelling to your shoulders. Feel the light travelling down to your hands and chest. Feel your heart filled with light. Feel the light spreading in your chest.
  • Exhale from your chest and feel the light filling down to your solar plexus. Feel the light spreading its rays in your stomach.
  • Let the light travel down to your navel. Feel a SUN at the center of the navel .Feel light filing in the Sun. Imagine the rays of the sun expanding all over your stomach, and moving to your whole body. Feel light radiating from your stomach all over your aura. Feel your power center expanding to fill in light. Exhale the brightness out all around your aura.
  • Feel the stress release out of your body as the ball of sunlight fills you up. Feel peaceful as you keep breathing in and out.
  • Feel the light travelling down to your hands, elbows, wrists and fingers. Exhale out tension from your fingers and feel light filling your fingers. Feel your fingers lighted up.
  • Let the light travel down to your hips, thighs, knees and lower legs.
  • Imagine large balls of smoke leaving your feet and feel your feet filled with light.
  • Thank God in prayer and be in silence feeling the light for five seconds.
  • Now, imagine any pain in your body being healed by the light. Feel the affected area filling up with light and releasing the tightness .Imagine the pain area expanding to absorb light and healing.
  • Feel your resistance to healing your pain getting dissolved.
  • Imagine yourself pain free and moving around feeling healthy and happy. Be in this visualization of completeness for five seconds and absorb the happy feeling. Allow yourself to feel complete and happy.


11) Feel your healed light body integrating with your physical body. Feel calm and thoughtless, as bright as a body of light. Try to be in this state for a few minutes, at least 2-5 minutes.

Imagine circles of happiness radiating from your center and multiplying in your auric field. Feel Vibrations of YES fill you up and imagine yourself saying more YES than NO to your expectations of happiness. Visualize the changes in you as your positive self-response of YES increases while NO and negative self-talk reduce. Count good qualities in yourself and think expectantly with happiness about that which you want to happen in your life.


Waking up:

12) After a few minutes, take a deep breath. Slowly bring yourself back into conscious awareness. Tell yourself - When I count up from 1-5, At 5, I will open my eyes. When I open my eyes, I will feel grounded, refreshed and relaxed.

Now, count up from 1-5. At 5, Eyes Open, Wide Awake.


Alterations – In the beginning, counting 25 – 0 will help. Overtime, you may count down from 10-0.  Once you have had practice, just closing your eyes with intention to access your subconscious will take you in a deep state of mind.



You may need the process of grounding and integration more after this process since you have gone deeper.


Learning Task 21: Learning To Visualize Happy Thoughts In Self-Hypnosis.


1.      At step 11 or after progressive relaxation:

2.      Think of a happy event in the past or something you would like to happen in the future.

3.      Focus on first impressions coming up - Is it black and white or colors.

4.      Is it near or far? Bright or dim? How big is it? Are you in the picture or out of the picture? Is it focused or defocused? Is it moving or still?

5.      How close do the sounds feel?

6.      What is the feeling in the body, pleasant or unpleasant? If unpleasant, choose a picture which brings up pleasant feelings.

7.      Now, imagine there is a remote in your hand. Make the picture brighter, more colorful, focused, life-size, and moving. Bring the picture near and get in the picture.

8.      Hear the sounds clearly. Feel it as if it is happening now. FEEL JOY RISING THROUGH YOUR HEART. DELIBERATELY FOCUS ONLY ON FEELING HAPPY. BE IN THE EXPERIENCE.

9.      Do not think of doubts or fears or impossibility of the task. Feel the ground underneath you and breathe out any fears to the ground. Thank Earth for helping you. Thank God for helping you. Feel your spine lighted up with the energy of support as you feel connected to earth and the sky.   Dissolve all doubts as negative illusions and just focus on feeling happy, loved and joyous, healthy or peaceful. Feel the positive feelings in your body.

10.  Physiology and the emotional state are connected. The happier you feel, the healthier you will be.

11.  Now, Say RELAX to yourself calmly and take a deep breath of relaxation. Next, touch yourself on the space between your eyebrows on your forehead, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Make this touch your ANCHOR for relaxation. This state is now anchored in your body and mind.

12.  Each time you touch your forehead and say RELAX to yourself, you will feel as RELAXED as now. Increase the feelings of relaxation as if you have remote in your hand and you are turning up the feeling of lightness and relaxation. Breathe into the relaxation for five counts at least.

13.  (We will do anchoring in more detail later)

14.  After you feel relaxed, keep imagining creation of the happy feelings for as long as you can. Stabilize yourself as you imbibe the happiness in your being.

15.  After a few seconds of being relaxed, remember to count yourself up from 1-5 and say Eyes Open, wide awake.



  1. Anytime you feel stressed during the day, you can touch yourself on the forehead and say RELAX to yourself. Almost instantly, the same feeling of relaxation will rise in your body. Deliberately focus on that feeling.
  2. Take time off to relax your mind for a few seconds as soon as you get up. Focus on the feeling of relaxation in your imagination and breathe into the relaxation for a few counts. Allow the feeling of relaxation to come up again whenever you can spare a few seconds, in the day. Energizing relaxation in your inner being with focus for a few seconds, will keep your mind and body calm during the day.


  1. Use this process just before sleeping at night. Do not wake yourself up. Sleep with the relaxed mind.
  2. Also, use this process or just the anchor to relax as soon as you get up. After using the anchor, think of something that pleases you or just imagine a flower or a smiling baby. Get into a happy feeling. SMILE. Now, wake yourself up from 1-5,



Technique 3: Self – Hypnosis through Peripheral Vision Technique


1)      Pick a spot on the wall. As you focus on it, become aware of everything to your right.

2)      Now, become aware of everything on your left.

3)      Allow your eyelids to get relaxed.

4)      Relax  your shoulders and facial muscles

5)      Keep focusing on the spot on the wall while maintaining focus on everything around you.

6)      If your eyes start getting tired, close your eyes.

7)      Keep maintaining focus on everything around you.

8)      Also, focus on your breathing.

9)      Be in this state for as long as you can. Try to be thoughtless.

10)  Smile to yourself and think of a God or angel near you filling you up with positive vibrations of energy. Keep smiling and count 10.

11)  After counting 10 breaths, say THANK YOU, GOD. Feel happy in your stomach. Imagine a lighted wire filament in your stomach and spread its light all over your body. Feel yourself lighted up like a bulb.

12)  Smile again and take a deep breath and wake up.

13)   Count up from 1-5. At 5, say Eyes Open, Wide awake and then, open your eyes.



Learning Task 22- Using Peripheral Vision Technique For Self-Healing


·         Count yourself down from 10-0 .Go into a deeper level of peripheral vision.

·         Think of one negative belief you have about yourself. E.g. “I am ugly/I am fat/ I am poor / I am sick / I cannot perform well” etc.

·         Focus on where and when you got it. Accept any hazy memories coming to your mind without questioning why or how. Just focus on the feeling underlying the experience and not on the details of the picture.

·         Think of the negative person who passed this negative belief inside you; or the incident when this belief first came in your mind. It does not matter whether the person is dead or alive, as the focus will be on releasing the energy out of your body and back into its own body. If the person is alive, the spirit you release will go back to his/her own body. If the person’s dead, the spirit will fly away into sunlight or in a black hole or into the ocean. Just allow the first impressions which come up to guide you.

·         Do not get into rational arguments with yourself. Focus on energy release.

·         Ask your subconscious mind what is its positive intention for keeping this belief. Accept any first words coming to your mind. Absorb the words in energy forms. The learning will open up intuitively like a file opening up in your subconscious mind, later when you are relaxed and detached.

·         During this release process, accept the learning coming in as a golden ball of energy or blank white paper coming inside you. Then, see yourself absorbing the white/golden energy of learning and letting go of the belief as a balloon leaving your aura and bursting in the sky. Simultaneously, .feel the negative person’s spirit walk away from your body.

·         Again think of the belief as an energy ball/paper and post that person`s residual energy back to him or her. Send him the energy ball or a paper written of his own words or an object and see him accepting it or destroying it. If the person refuses to accept, visualize the negative energy of the belief being blown apart by electric violet light and sucked in a black hole and golden light filling up in its place.   

·         Imagine that person’s spirit leaving your aura and walking back into his or her own body.

·         Next, imagine a rope or cord between you and him/her which symbolizes an emotional connection. Cut that cord.

·         If the negative energy still nags your mind, again, imagine sending an energy ball back to him or her. Imagine the person taking back his energy. See him returning back your energy. Take your energy back in your body.

·         Cut the cord again.

·         Now, put an energy shower over him/her and imagine blackness leaving him or her as dirt washing off. Feel that black colored water is going into a black hole.

·         See the person`s picture and words being sucked into the Light. Feel that the person has gone away to in his or her own body or in the sunlight. While that spirit is leaving you , tell him/her that his purpose in your life is over and it can take back its own energy and leave your life to go to where it belongs ; while returning back your own spirit remaining with the person. Feel your soul fragment / your own younger self or a child, leaving him and returning back to you. Integrate the child’s energy into your own and feel the soul of the child becoming big as your adult self is. Feel yourself one with the soul fragment, feeling stronger and wiser.

·         Feel an energy shower coming over you and see all your hurt and sadness washing away as a memory dissolving in light. Imagine the size of your body growing double and see your aura bright and clear. Feel yourself after one week, healthier and happier, without this belief.

·         See yourself in one incident of your life without this belief. What changes do you notice in your attitude towards yourself, others and your performance?

·         Focus on the positive picture for as long as you can. Freeze it.

·         Then take an energy shower of happiness pouring on you and come back in your body. Wake yourself up from self-hypnosis.

·         Say “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Eyes Open, Wide awake “. Smile with confidence as you absorb your new positivity.

 For further reading , please refer to the book - a Course in Energy/ Emotional Management 

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