Saturday, 24 April 2021

Competition as an Evil Driving Force

 "The moment you switch on the Light, the fear vanishes. Everything becomes 

clear. You can see things you never thought existed earlier. Similarly, the trick 

to discover the joy of life is to banish fear from ruling our minds; by making an 

effort to find where the Light is and switch it on. Unless you believe that light 

exists, how can you make the effort to find the switch which puts on the Light?"

Competition as the driving force

Competition is again a tool used by the dark forces to spread negative energy. 

The positive intention behind the original development of the concept may have been to reward those souls who put in their energies intensely into any work they do or any thought of creation they focus upon. The idea was to reinforce utilization of a person’sfull potential by rewarding his/her best performance.

However, over the years competition became a process by which the person was led to perform his best at the cost of undermining other people’s efforts. It started leading to creation of negative energy rather than positive energy because some souls started thriving materially, by creating blocks in the progress of other souls.

Positive energy in the universe, as a whole cannot grow if one soul feels positive and another soul feels negative in the same context. 

The negative cuts the positive exchange of energy. We need to perform our best as a whole. We cannot hope to find happiness if 

we thrive individually at the cost of others’ suffering, because happiness is an energy. Happiness cannot spread freely when negative energy rules over positive energy. The work needs to be done well to feel satisfied within and not for defeating others or for meeting demands of society which may not lead to self growth.

Competition is a useful concept as long as it implies that we should work at performing our best. However, on the negative side, competition leads to performing for impressing others than for meeting our soul needs. The need to win becomes a priority, even if our happiness gets sacrificed during the act of pursuing conventional success.

Over the centuries, success has become materialistically defined.

Instead of being a measure of happiness, it has become a measure of wealth or power. 

Wealth or power can lead to happiness only if they are used for spreading positive energy. The wealth by itself does not equal happiness but if it leads to creation of positive feelings; then, only it helps in increasing happiness. It is the investment in creating positive energy which makes us feel more loved, creatively successful or healthy.

Money or power do not make us happier, if they increase our anxiety of losing or make us escape from our soul lessons by enabling resorting to short term gains of materialism. 

A wealthy person may try to fill his emptiness by drinking, taking drugs, going to prostitutes, eating heavy foods or shopping excessively more than a poor person would. These addictions may depress him even more by increasing the gap between his soul needs of satisfaction, and the inappropriate measures he takes to satisfy his inner cravings for love, respect or peace.

His escapism prevent him from working on achieving soul satisfaction ; whereas a person with less wealth in the same situation may be forced to lead a more disciplined life style or resort to meditation to find peace. 

That would help his soul evolve to a higher positive frequency and realize happiness, than empty materialistic pursuits ever could.

Competitive pursuit of money or power can also lead to karmic imbalancing. Wealthy people can become more depressed than moderately successful people, if their wealth is a result of unhappiness in the lives of others. That is because the negative energy which gets reinforced by their actions spreads into their own lives, as well. 

Due to our erratic school conditioning which leaves creation of happiness to chance, we often equate having wealth with having respect or happiness forgetting that money , power or fame are just tools not the energy of happiness. 

For further reading , please refer to the book- CREATION OF HAPPINESS: The Energy War , a soul's perspective. 

1 comment:

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