Saturday, 23 May 2020

Realizing Happiness is An Energy War Between Positive & Negative Energy Of Thinking within.Self

Realizing happiness in life for the soul is like winning an Energy War between negative energies which block our happiness by making us focus on fear and competition and the opposing positive energies within us. As souls, we seek to express our inner pure self freely, so that we can experience joy and laughter while going through the walks of life. But, usually we lose the war when we live feeling stressed and die feeling diseased.

The soul continues on the same journey of challenges till it can radiate its light fully i.e. till it realizes happiness in the path chosen, even if the process takes several life-times.

So, if we make choices which make us feel pangs of emptiness often, where we keep questioning why we do what we do but keep feeling obliged to remain bound by a system of organization in order to meet our financial or traditional commitments; then, we need to be aware that if our body dies feeling compromised in any area of life, we would reincarnate with similar problematic circumstances. Death will not solve problems.

 Our soul would not die with the body and the thought we die with would remain with us in the next body till we can transcend it. The energy which makes us feel negative never dies. Only the physical matter dies.
The energy remains and tries to free itself from feeling bound or compromised again, in whichever area of life it dies feeling negative.

Hence, as souls, we keep repeating experiences , which make us feel incomplete, underutilized and helpless till we can transcend the difficulties, as obstacles to be overcome, find what happiness means to our individual sensibilities and realize it.

Our soul seeks to win the Energy War it finds itself entangled in the ups and downs of life, by defeating the negative energies which prevent it from feeling happy or content from within.

The soul has to succeed in feeling happy, successful and joyous in order to evolve to a higher positive frequency; and usually the war is more within the self than external since how worthy or powerful, we feel internally affects how we define satisfaction externally.

For further reading ,please refer to the book _ Creation of Happiness :the energy War, a soul's perspective.

Sunday, 17 May 2020

Why Is Being Thoughtless Important To Bring About A Positive Energy Shift?

 ( From the book : Creation OF Happiness : The Energy War , a soul's perspective - appendix 1  -

Zero is the position of absolute peace, stillness of the mind. It comes between + and -. Hence, being neutral is an essential phase of transition, whenever one moves or desires to move from a negative state to a positive state of mind. In other words, a positive state of mind cannot be achieved unless the person succeeds in achieving neutral states of mind.

From the energy perspective, when energy flows strongly in a negative loop, the only way to break the circuit is to stop the flow of energy in that direction by not thinking. Once the energy current stops flowing in the direction it has been flowing in, it can be made to flow in a different direction. But, if one attempts to shift the energy flow to a different direction while the current is strong, one would fail because it is almost impossible to do so.

Most attempts to shift to positive thinking fail when people try to think positive while feeling negative. The only way to shift to positive thinking is to first learn to stay neutral or thoughtless.  Positive visualizations work only when the mind is free of dominating negative energies.

The mind has to be kept neutral whenever one is free and has nothing to think about. If the mind is not deliberately kept thoughtless, it drifts into thinking negative very soon because the mass consciousness   pulls it down.

Mass consciousness viz. the sea current, in these times, is predominantly negative. Once the mind is allowed to focus on negative feelings, the negative currents take hold again and all attempts at positive thinking collapse.

The person feels he is drowning again because he gets too tired trying to swim against the current. However, drowning in a negative whirlpool of thoughts cannot help in achieving happiness.

To create happiness in our future, we need to follow up being thoughtless by shifting the mind deliberately to focus on positive feelings, in the present.

On achieving the neutral/thoughtless state for a few moments or seconds, the mind can be smoothly glided to creating positive visualizations/ imaginary films. Since the negative flow stops, energy can flow freely for feeling positive during visualizations, without continuously being obstructed by doubts, fears and other negative vibrations.

General Techniques of Being Thoughtless

The state of being thoughtless means that we focus on a single energy movement. We can choose any energy movement to become thoughtless.  We can focus on the clock ticking or on our breathing going in and out or on hearing the tap trickling water or on listening to a musical note or on doing any kind of chanting meditation - anything which stops the existing thought flow and shifts our focus away from worrying,  helps.

However, being thoughtless is not possible while we are impatient or anxious because that means we continue to energize focus on the negative energy. Negative feelings (like doubting our intuition about a positive outcome) cause energy to move in opposite directions and prevent the positive from manifesting.

Below are given some exercises to develop thoughtless, positive states:

1.      Start the day with this process of feeling positive, because the first feeling you would get into, in the morning, would keep coming back to you through the day.
2.       Begin the process as soon as you open your eyes in bed when you are still drowsy. You may keep your eyes open or closed
3.      Feel relaxed as you lie down on your bed or wherever you are comfortable.
4.      Then, imagine yourself in the clouds. Feel a shower of energy filling you up. As if you are taking a bath in water at an energy level. Feel energy entering from your crown and filling your body with light, and feel negative energy leaving you like dirty water as this energy fills you. Then, feel yourself going deep into Earth and coming back inside your body and focus on your body filling with Light.
5.       Next, think of a happy feeling, like looking at a beautiful flower or hearing a soothing note or any memory you have of being happy; or focus on how you would, literally, feel when your desired future manifests.
6.      Or just let go of all your worries for a few seconds, and instead focus only on the soothing light flowing through your whole body. Feel the light touching your toes and fingertips, your spine and stomach, your neck, face, hair and so on. Feel yourself filling your whole body with light at one go, as if you are a body made of light.
7.      Stay in the light happy feeling for a few seconds and then allow your mind to quieten and focus on being thoughtless. This happy feeling causes a positive energy flow in your body. Still your mind or feel your breath moving in and out with this positive energy.
8.      Try to stay thoughtless for another few seconds or minutes.
9.      Towards the end, before getting up, just imagine how you would like to feel through the day, and the feeling you would like to be at the end of the day, that is, at the time of reflection when you go to bed at night. Imagine that you are feeling satisfied or loved or relaxed at the end of the day.
10.   Inhale deeply while thinking of the last feeling, thus inhaling the feeling within you, and feel sure that this feeling would come true at night. Let all your reservations go to the wind for just one second.
11.   Now, get a smile on your face. Smile for a few seconds with focus on your stomach as if you are smiling in your stomach. Feel the smile even if it is forced. Feel being happy and thank the universe or the God you believe in or your own Higher Self. Then, start your day. The positive energy with multiply with consistent focus.

Be patient with yourself if the day does not go instantly as you planned. Results will take time, especially if your negative vibrations are too strong. Also, the results would first start manifesting at the level of feelings.
You would slowly start feeling good more often, if you practice feeling good early morning as an exercise. Overtime, your feeling good would manifest on the physical plane, and your external reality would shift in alignment with your inner focus.
 If positive solutions take time, it is better to stay thoughtless as much as possible, and wait with patience, rather than worry about why the outcome is not happening or how or when it would come.

When we begin the process, it may be difficult to stay thoughtless even for a second, but over a period of time, which may vary from days to months to years we can acquire the habit of staying thoughtless for hours together. Usually, a few minutes every morning are enough to break negative energy circuits, overtime.

It is necessary to practice being thoughtless for a few minutes each day, be it any time of the day, and especially at moments, when you are tempted to worry or brood. Force yourself to smile instead of crying.
Smiling from within causes energy shifts in the mind.  The smile would release positive hormones in your body and defeat the energy of being negative. If you can smile more intensely than cry, you would realize that disappointments cannot hold you back for long. Your positive vibrations would rise, the flow of negative hormones would reduce, and you would start releasing suppressed negativity or anger from your body.

If your mind wanders while you are practicing being thoughtless or smiling inwardly, all you need to do is to bring it back to a thoughtless position, as soon as you become aware that the mind is wandering. Then, redirect your mind to focus on a positive feeling from being thoughtless but do not allow yourself to fall into feeling negative, as long as you can hold your mind.

For further reading , please refer to the book  CREATION OF HAPPINESS: THE ENERGY WAR , a soul's perspective ......

Saturday, 16 May 2020

Meditation Method For Relaxation With Achieving Thoughtlessness


The following is an excerpt from my book Creation Of Happiness : The Energy War, a soul's perspective ( appendix 1) 

Exercise 3 - A Step By Step Technique For Remaining Thoughtless

1.      Sit in a relaxed position with feet flat on the floor or in a lotus position.
2.      Suspend your hands from elbows, and stretch them out in front.
3.      Close your eyes, and roll eyes upwards.
4.      Maintaining the suspended hands position, imagine light falling on your palms accompanied with cool fresh air. If the weather is very cold, just imagine any soothing air, instead of the cool air.
5.      Try to feel the fresh air on your palms. If you cannot feel it immediately, imagine how it would be if you did feel the fresh air on your palms.
6.      Maintain this position for a few seconds or a minute, if you can.
7.      Then, raise your left hand a little above your head and imagine feeling cool /fresh air on the top of your head.
8.      Now, feel the cool or fresh air on both positions-the top of head and the right palm.
9.      Maintain the position for a few seconds or a minute.
10.   Now, bring back the left hand and take the right hand up, a little above your head. Feel the cool/fresh air circulating on your head.
11.   Now, feel the cool /fresh air on your palms and your head.
12.   Maintain the position for a few seconds or a minute.
13.   Now, bring back the right hand and again take the left hand up. Feel the cool /fresh air on the top of the head and on your right palm, suspended outward from the elbow.
14.   Maintain the position for a few seconds or a minute.
15.   Bring back both your hands. Join them together, and take them close to your chest. Take a deep breath and integrate the light energies inside your heart.
16.   Stay silent for a few seconds.
17.   Open your eyes. Feel the world looking brighter.
18.   Take a deep breath in and Relax.

Congratulate yourself for you were successful in being in a high vibrational state of relaxed thoughtlessness for a few minutes. Your oxygen intake would have increased, and you would feel healthier if you practice this regularly.

Doing this exercise every morning or whenever you are free would help you remain calm during the day and make it easier to break cycles of constant negative thoughts. By breaking negative energy circuits, you would be able to change your expectations of the external reality and thus, make life easier for yourself.

Necessity of Breaking Rules/Traditions Which Create Negative Energy

Rules or traditions help to simplify life because they prevent us from going through the lengthy process of decision making, each time we need to make a choice.

However, very often we follow rules blindly and then they cause us more harm than good.

Rules create negative energy when the contexts in which they were made become obsolete, or when the rules are followed without understanding the intent behind them.

For example, when you are small you may have been taught that you should always listen to your adults. That is an important rule for young children, especially under the age of five. Adults are in a better position to help very young children than they themselves are.

However, the same rule may become a sore point if you insist on sticking to it as an adult because of your being subconsciously conditioned into it. As adults, you do not always need to listen to older people or people in superior positions while taking decisions of your life.

In fact, listening to older people may make you choose negatively in several contexts, as they may be taking decisions out of fear of future problems, due to a negative mass conditioning.

Thus, the rule that we must always listen to adults is relevant when we are little children but becomes out of context as we grow up. Yet the rule may be so deeply ingrained that whenever we rebel from a conventional thought pattern, we may feel guilty of hurting them or afraid of going wrong; and hence, may manifest their negative expectations into our future.

Therefore, the intention behind following the rule/tradition must be checked before deciding to follow any set pattern of thought.

Friday, 8 May 2020

11 Steps of Meditation To Stay Positive For Higher Immunity

1.Be seated or lying down. Only focus at the top of your head. Do not think . Allow detachment from constant chattering of the mind..
2. Focus on your crown chakra at the top of your head . Imagine light of God or golden light on top of head ,inhale white light or calmness , breath out black smoke or anxiety .
3. SMILE internally with gratitude or detachment. Internal smile sends out positive vibrations. Look up while smiling to remain thoughtless. Looking up prevents thoughts. Do not look down and worry at this time .Feel positive. Vibrate with positivity in breath. You can take breaks to look down and then look up again.
4.If thoughts try to enter again and again ,ask all worries to come later,after meditation. Thought energy follows your commands. Queries and worries come later after Meditation.
5.Ignore all voices around you. Focus internally.
6. Keep checking on your vibration. Feel White circles of light radiating out from your centre . Ensure vibration is positive with mind control.
7.Keep drinking water whenever thirsty .Water keeps the soul alive.
8. Stay clean. Take shower of energy to release negative energy out of your body. Visualize dust falling off and filling yourself with white light, in shower. Be a clean bulb of light.
9.Meditate for two hours, if possible at a stretch. Otherwise, you can look up and smile mentally for one second to a minute in every hour, or as many times as you can remember.
10.Thank Earth, God, Clean Air, Clean Water, sunlight.
11.Count positives in your life. Choose to stay positive. Internal positivity and strength are essential to stay alive now.


Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Zero, Plus and Minus Factor in Creation of Happiness as a CO-Creator of Reality

The ‘-‘,’0’,’+’ Vibrational Frequencies : Usefulness Of Maintaining Thoughtless States

Initially, we are in a negative loop when we start the given processes of mastering consciousness and developing mind control for expecting a positive reality.

To take an analogy – Being in a negative loop means that our car has been going in the wrong direction and we have suddenly discovered that we are lost. We, hence, need to change our direction to be able to reach our destination. The first step would be to apply the brake, so that we do not continue going wrong. Only after braking, can we reverse the direction of the car.

Similarly, when we are focused on the negative, we are creating a negative reality for ourselves at the emotional level or soul level. The first step to stop reinforcing that negative reality, which is already created, is to put a brake on our flow of thoughts. Only by applying the brake can we stop the flow of further energy to that reality which causes us so much pain or anguish.

We can put a brake on our thoughts by becoming thoughtless. Only after becoming thoughtless, can we turn our focus towards the positive.

Explaining symbolically, if we imagine energy current in our mind and body to be flowing in a straight line graph, then, positive would be the plus position, negative would be the minus position and zero would be the neutral or thoughtless position.

 IMAGE 11– Zero, Plus and Minus Factor in Creation of Happiness as a CO-Creator of Reality

As you can see, being in a thoughtless state or zero position is better than being in a minus position, because zero is closer to the
positive vibrations, than the minus or negative is.. That is why often solutions come only after we let go.

              IMAGE 11

 When we are neutral or detached from an outcome, we are at a higher state of vibration than when we are negative or worrying. That is simply because when we are thoughtless, we are in a state of not worrying. Hence, we are in a position to energize a positive energy mobilization with clear focus.

 When the graph of our energy dips downward, we are at the minus position. In the minus position, we are focused on negative feelings. The energy which gets created through negative feelings moves in a negative direction. Thus, when we are in a negative loop we, subconsciously, mobilize energy towards creating a negative reality, which is opposite of the positive reality which we desire.

When this graph moves upwards, we are in a state of positive vibration. Our feelings of happiness and well-being, rise in this position.

Why Is Being Thoughtless Important To Bring About An Energy Shift?

Zero is the position of absolute peace, stillness of the mind. It comes between + and -. Hence, being neutral is an essential phase of transition, whenever one moves or desires to move from a negative state to a positive state of mind. In other words, a positive state of mind cannot be achieved unless the person succeeds in achieving neutral states of mind.

This blog is an excerpt from my book CREATION OF HAPPINESS : THE ENERGY WAR. a soul's perspective - Appendix 1 on self help

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