Sunday, 2 February 2020

The meaning of' I'

Your identity ,I, is not your ego ..the I is your soul essence .

The following is an excerpt from my book CREATION OF HAPPINESS- THE ENERGY WAR ,a soul's perspective :

Once in a body, the soul is the life force energy, which gives the person his or her essence, making her/him unique or different from other persons.

The soul can be called the I of the person.
The I, viz. the soul energy of a person, is there when she is new born, and has no conscious awareness. The person gets awareness that she is an I, a unique person, as she grows older, and when she starts referring to himself/herself as I or me.
The ‘I’ remains the same when the person grows up from a child, to become an adult, and later an old man/woman. To himself/herself, the person is an I, whether she is five years old or fifty years old, whether she is fat or thin, healthy or sick, rich or poor.

Thus, our body keeps changing but the I, our soul or life-force energy, remains the same.

The I, in us, viz. our soul continues to exist when the body dies, just as it existed before joining the physical body at the moment of birth. It is the body which dies. The soul, or the I, never dies.

Our soul lives before birth and after death. It is not dependent on the physical body for its life. It is the other way round.

The physical body is dependent on our soul, the I, for its life energy. Just as a torch is useless without a battery, the body is useless (or dead) without the soul. Yet, the battery is not useless without the torch, nor is our soul non- existent without the body.

Since, it is the soul which gives us our sense of identity, and not the body, understanding what the soul desires is necessary for achieving any kind of satisfaction at the physical or bodily level.

Soul Lessons for a life-time

The planet Earth is like a school for the soul .Each soul plans a life on Earth to learn the process of creation by mastering its consciousness, because creation happens when the soul focuses its mind or consciousness on certain aspects of reality over others.

Each life is like a class for the soul, where it has to master some soul lessons. Soul lessons are lessons of emotional maturity like developing patience, compassion, humility, sense of justice, detachment, forgiveness etc. Learning soul lessons creates positive energies for the soul and for the world it lives in .Soul lessons are such that they help the soul to live with other fellow souls in peace and harmony, so that the whole body can work in alignment.

 In this process of learning, the soul has to experience and overcome certain negative emotions like anger, fear, hurt etc..

An emotion or a feeling, is a moving electric impulse and hence energy in motion. Negative emotions are essentially negative energies in motion.

Negative emotions or negative energies block the process of creation by creating obstacles in the flow of positive energy. They prevent thought-flow directed towards creation of a positive reality, just as a doubt blocks manifestation of a belief.

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