Wednesday, 23 December 2020

Stopping A Negative Energy Cycle With Gap States Of Vibrations


To stop anxieties and problem based thinking ,creating A GAP Or BRAKE-

STATE in the Mind’s Restless 

Activity is essential.

The mind has to stop feeling restless and 

worrying about the same problems for a

negative energy cycle to stop and a new 

positive cycle to start. Problem cycling has to 

stop by a focus on the brake. By investing 

energy on the problem, you keep adding fuel 

to the negative energy cycle instead of 

applying a brake on it.

Metaphorically, the mind’s thinking is like a 

speeding car. If the car is moving in the 

opposite direction, it is not possible to 

reverse the car without applying the brake. 

The person driving has to stop the car, apply 

neutral gear and then reverse the car in the 

desired direction. Similarly, a person who is 

absorbed in negative thinking has to stop 

thinking completely about worries to 

become calm or neutral. After the person 

learns to break the problem thinking cycle 

by being detached in mind, s/he can reverse 

his thinking, as desired, to focus on happy or 

positive feelings. The problem gets resolved 

after a positive cycle of thinking becomes 

stronger than a worrying cycle. 

Meditating through using Self-Hypnosis 

helps to activate a calm state of mind of 

neutral focus, which is akin to applying 

the brakes of a car. After applying the 

 brakes, you can reverse the energy flow 

without losing your balance. 

Self -Hypnosis facilitates detachment from 

staying negative, by choice so that you can 

move on towards being happier and 

healthier with trust in the wisdom of a soul 

plan, entailed in the subconscious mind. 

To become neutral from being negative 

requires soul evolution. The person moves 

upwards on the positive energy frequency 

scales by developing a LET GO attitude to 

problems, which is called a state of 

detachment in meditation. Happiness comes 

in after mental detachment is acquired from 

the negative, as clean energy can come in 

only after dust and debris are cleared up. In 

quantum physics terms, positive frequency 

of experience can be reached only after zero 

state is acquired as being at ZERO is higher vibrationally than being negative. 

This blog is an excerpt from the book - A COURSE IN ENERGY MANAGEMENT, moving towards happiness in steps -by Shiva Swati 

Friday, 11 December 2020

Clinical Hypnosis aims at healing of disease

 The emotions which create diseases are stored in the subconscious mind as energies in binary units. These energies of positive or negative frequencies impact the hormonal balance of the body. Diseases are created byimbalances, due to excessive negative influence, which acts as virus in the body. 

A person in conscious mind cannot focus on his/her own irrational aspects, effectively. 

Usually, the conscious, reasoning mind finds subconscious symbols strange but when aperson’s conscious mind is less active, as in clinical hypnosis, s/he can reprogramme impulsive impulses by changing the subconscious repertoire. 

Clinical hypnosis brings spiritual healing out of the confines of magic and miracles as Age regression, Past Life regression and Time Line therapy have systematic processes which help in decoding symbolization of events stored in energy forms, and healing the body without using medicines or surgery. 

Medicines help only at the peripheral levels as the problem arises due to negative emotions spreading poisonous acids in the subconscious/soul mind. Hypnosis helps to access the subconscious mind and remove toxins in the thought cycle and in the body.

How the process works is briefly explained below:

The subconscious mind cannot distinguish between imagination and reality as it reads only energies. ( Hamilton.D.,2014)

Since an idea is impacted on the subconscious mind through an emotion, the subconscious mind responds to the imagined emotion because it releases the same amount of energy, as if it were real. The more intensely the emotions are imagined, the more real it seems to the subconscious mind.

For example, if you do not want to get angry over minor things, you can practice other choices of internal response through self-hypnosis. To reprogramme your reactions, you can relive the same situation in your mind while in a self-hypnotic trance and reframe your reactions. 

You may choose being immune to the stress creating situation in your imagination or you may choose ignoring the situation .

For further details,  please refer to my book - A Course in Emotional Management by Shiva Swati 

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

rat race has to end for happiness to rise as a way of life

 A focus on integration of soul needs along with material ,physical needs while teaching how to make choices in everyday life is essential to create peaceful adults. A training in integrated Emotional and Spiritual development is the only way to permanently increase peace and happiness in the world.

Though we blame everything else except our thinking patterns for the problems in our life , a regular focus on grades/marks/ performance ability, success and money has been the core negative thinking principle which has led to a lop-sided development of humanity wherein inner peace of the mind has been sacrificed for a need to perform due to external pressure.

This lop-sided ,imbalanced development has led to creation of imbalanced individuals who have no training on how to resolve complex emotional issues and resort to violence or addictions to vent out frustrations in an attempt to find inner peace. 

Human happiness cannot be manifested as a side-effect of success. You cannot get balanced, peaceful and happy adults by pursuing mechanical/academic success as the goal of education. 

Mind patterns are set in childhood and are affected by mass culture which is affected by education, predominantly. Since, the focus of all education has been on becoming successful at the cost of neglecting training in development of peace and inner happiness, people are driven towards a rat race to earn success. 

Training young minds to think that working mechanically for successful performance is all that is needed to be happy makes them feel comfortable about ignoring complex emotional development , which actually aids human mind towards evolving to be happy and healthy through the obstacles which adult life projects. 

Children driven towards winning above being peaceful, start finding short-cuts to success which are manipulative and corrupt. 

A pattern of mass thinking has developed such that respect is measured by money. If you are not aiming at happiness or inner peace, money for success can be earned by being manipulative and corrupt more than by being good and helpful. 

However, happiness and satisfaction come from a job well done whether it is acknowledged as successful conventionally, or not. 

Winning always is not necessary to be happy. Trial and error arecommon processes involved in research and inventions. Through the process of overcoming failure, happiness and satisfaction continue to motivate the person towards achieving success with satisfaction.  Like inventors, students need to be trained to be motivated from within by a system of education which rewards the process of achieving satisfaction and not just the result. 

A balanced training between inner satisfaction and outcome/ happiness vs. success ensures internal and external satisfaction even if the money earned is less than conventionally well defined. But, a pure focus on results/money/success leads to neglect of effort towards being happy. 

Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Reforms Needed to Teach Positìve Thinking Through Education

 The present education system has created a revolution in technology 

but has not solved problems which affect happiness directly like 

depression, psychological sickness, relationship breakdowns, 

corruption, terrorism etc.; hence, unrest and violence in society have 

increased. An understanding of what the soul needs from improving 

its efforts, is necessary to realize inner happiness as a direct outcome 

of effort and not as a side effect of success. 

All technology innovations which we are so proud of as human 

beings, have been made only in the direction of improving external 

display or comforts without sufficient attention being given to our 

internal emotional and spiritual needs.

Happiness comes from satisfying the needs of emotional satisfaction 

along with acquiring bodily comforts. Becoming successful without 

feeling happy is like painting the walls of the house without the 

people feeling brighter. Happiness and good health are co-related, as 

will be explained. ... Good health can never be maintained by 

focusing on just the needs of material success and using the body as 

a projected image with the inner mind in unrest. 

Since science only focuses on the external, observable world, a 

purely scientific approach which aims at only focusing on improvements in scientific/technological development will never 

lead to evolution of peace and harmony within the soul or in society. 

Due to neglect of soul needs in the education curriculum, 

human development has failed to realize feelings of peace and 

contentment. To be happier or more peaceful, a training in 

systematic understanding of emotional complexities, needs to be 

inculcated with the same zeal as mathematical skills are taught. 

A focus on integration of soul needs along with material needs while 

teaching how to make choices in everyday life is essential to create 

peaceful adults. A training in integrated Emotional and Spiritual 

development is the only way to permanently increase peace and 

happiness in the world.

Though we blame everything else except our thinking patterns for 

the problems in our life , a regular focus on grades/marks/ 

performance ability, success and money has been the core negative 

thinking principle which has led to a lop-sided development of 

humanity wherein inner peace of the mind has been sacrificed for a 

need to perform due to external pressure.

This lop-sided development has led to creation of imbalanced 

individuals who have no training on how to resolve complex 

emotional issues and resort to violence or addictions to vent 

out frustrations in an attempt to find inner peace. 

Human happiness cannot be created as a side-effect of 

success. You cannot get balanced, peaceful and happy adults 

by pursuing mechanical/academic success as the goal of 


Mind patterns are set in childhood and are affected by mass culture 

which is affected by education, predominantly. Since, the focus of 

all education has been on becoming successful at the cost of 

neglecting training in development of peace and inner happiness.

This chapter is an excerpt from the book - SPIRITUALITY IN EDUCATION ( Redefine success as rising peace ,optimism and happiness)


Thursday, 15 October 2020

Changing Early Morning Self Forcing Getting Up Habit For Increased Positive Focusing

 Early morning mind-set is very rigid in today’s world. However, 

the habit has to be broken because forcing oneself to get up 

from deep sleep is the reason for people feeling forced through 

life in every job they undertake. Feelings repeat themselves and 

the feeling you get up with sets the tone of the day. If you get 

up feeling compromised, you live feeling compromised. If you 

get up feeling relaxed, life appears to be a relaxing journey.

Incomplete rest during sleep is a big reason for headaches, lack 

of concentration, irritability in temperaments, inability to sleep 

peacefully at night, need for alcohol and drugs to relax, inability 

to focus on original thinking/creative tasks, food indigestions, 

diseases which get created by a habit of worrying, release of 

stress- related negative hormones in the body and several 

aggression problems of society which are a result of feeling like slaves at work. 

The early morning drill makes the body feel like a running 

machine which suppresses peacefulness of the soul, thus 

reducing happiness. In semi drowsy states, the mind gets 

conditioned, mechanically into focusing on the first feeling it 

gets into repeatedly. Getting up feeling angry and grumpy 

creates a negative thinking cycle which keeps rotating around a 

point of negative focus automatically, and external 

circumstances are created such that this negative focus remains 

maintained (By the Law of Vibrations) 

A life-long cycle of stress and resentment starts because 

children are forced to get up when they can be trained into 

feeling peaceful as an energy cycle, by allowing them to get up 

naturally later. The violence which boys exhibit can be reduced 

substantially by allowing them to get up late, feeling peaceful 

and relaxed. The mind has to be conditioned into resting 

peacefully in the morning for it to remain peaceful and focused 

as a habit during the day.

The restlessness is forced by making children get up to work 

when they can be allowed to sleep in a natural state of resting.

Training children like oxen for work or donkeys to slave creates 

clerks in thinking who obey orders more easily than taking 

independent, responsible decisions. 

This blog is an excerpt from the book

SPIRITUALITY IN EDUCATION, Redefine success as rising peace, optimism and happiness , chapter 11. 

Sunday, 27 September 2020

How The Mind Gets Programmed Into Negative Thinking From Universal Consciousness

Programming of the subconscious mind 

happens in moments of deep emotional 

distress or through conditioned values & 

beliefs imbibed through popular culture or

childhood. (Past lives and spirit 

attachments also play an important role in 

healing subconscious programs but these 

subjects are beyond the scope of this 


If the subconscious mind is programmed 

to focus on the sad aspects of life, you 

would not be able to feel happy. Your 

health will also worsen, overtime, as the 

internal balance of positive and negative 

hormones in the body would be tilted 

towards the negative. 

Your general established pattern of 

working, and your belief or disbelief in 

your own abilities, affects your ability to 

receive information and process it to 

manifest positive or negative health 

vibrations, at each moment of your life. 

Energy flows in your body in automated 

circuits which run in tune with an internal 

song. In other words, your mind repeats 

the same feelings as a tune of words over 

and over again. Your emotional frequency 

is determined by this fixed mind-set and 

you keep feeling the same way, 

repetitively even when your external life 

changes its course; till you can redirect the 

automated energy flow in your body 

through changing your mind-set tuning 


For example, deprivation is a common 

traditionally conditioned mind program. 

We are programmed to feel deprived by 

our parents or teachers or peers from 

childhood, by a general mass conditioned 

mind training which insists that focus 

remains on the missing aspects of life. e.g., 

my grandmother and mother felt that 

money was always short in our childhood. 

That same song kept playing in my ears 

throughout adult life and I kept feeling 

money is short whether I lived in India or 

abroad, was unmarried, married or 

divorced, went to school, college or 

worked, had children or taught children, 

watched television or attended workshops

song. In other words, your mind repeats 

the same feelings as a tune of words over 

and over again. Your emotional frequency 

is determined by this fixed mind-set and 

you keep feeling the same way, 

repetitively even when your external life 

changes its course; till you can redirect the 

automated energy flow in your body 

through changing your mind-set tuning 


For example, deprivation is a common 

traditionally conditioned mind program. 

We are programmed to feel deprived by 

our parents or teachers or peers from 

childhood, by a general mass conditiining. 

song. In other words, your mind repeats 

the same feelings as a tune of words over 

and over again. Your emotional frequency 

is determined by this fixed mind-set and 

you keep feeling the same way, 

repetitively even when your external life 

changes its course; till you can redirect the 

automated energy flow in your body 

through changing your mind-set tuning 


For example, deprivation is a common 

traditionally conditioned mind program. 

We are programmed to feel deprived by 

our parents or teachers or peers from 

childhood, by a general mass conditioned 

mind training which insists that focus 

remains on the missing aspects of life. e.g., 

There is a usual  feeling that 

money is always short conditioned into children in childhood. 

That same song keeps playing subconsciously 

throughout adult life and people keep feeling 

money is short whether they live in India or 

abroad, are unmarried, married or 

divorced, go to school, college or 

worked, have children or taught children, 

watch television or sports. Its a univeral feeling passing on irrespective of circumstances. 

The same background 
tune created all my life experiences such 
that money remained short even when 
earnings improved because expenses rose 
simultaneously. It took me years to 
understand that this tune was 
subconsciously governing my internal 
feelings and my choices of response. 
Happiness is determined by feelings
which are the body’s internal response to
external situations. You feel sad if you are 
used to feeling sad in a given situation 
even if there is no need of feeling sad 
given the change in context over life. For 
example, if a child is slapped by an adult, 
he would feel sad as he is be-littled and 
too small to respond. But, if an adult is
slapped by another adult, the adult does
not need to feel suppressed by physical 
abuse. The automatic internal response of 
feeling suppressed by a slap or verbal 
abuse can be redirected to a more self-
empowering, rational response with 
For example, with self-confidence, adult can walk away in anger by assuming 
that the abuser is a devolved soul or
ignore the abuser as a negative, irrelevant 
entity or slap back to revert back energy 
exchange or give advice on being peaceful 
or meditate in a positive vibration when 
alone, to transmute the negative energy 
received into positive. (Meditation 
neutralizes negative energy inside you 
such that your own frequency rises and 
you move away from people who make 
you sad by choosing detachment, 
But, due to an automated energy circuit in
the emotional mind, you are not aware of 
the changing external environment within 
your subconscious mind. The subconscious 
mind only records energy changes and 
cannot distinguish between past, present 
and future. The child’s reality remains the 
same for the subconscious mind unless 
the adult reprograms himself/herself with 
the awareness that time has elapsed and 
s/he is no longer a child, but an adult who 
is as mentally as big as or bigger than the 
negative, abusive person. 

From - a course in emotional management ' 

the A Course in Emotional Management

Course in Emotional Management


Sunday, 20 September 2020



Self-Healing Meditation - Be in silence for ten minutes while just focusing on your breathing, smiling and being thoughtless. Meditation creates GAP SPACE in your routine thinking. Breathe in smiling golden light and exhale out imagined heaviness in the body as you meditate. Maintain silence in your inner mind and try to keep smiling as you would if you were happy and free. While maintaining a silent mind-set, focus for a few moments on counting ten blessings in your life and then feel the happiness which you desire on an imagined vibration. Raise your vibrational frequency deliberately by mind control. After focusing on positive feelings, again move back to being in silence.

Do not allow your mind to run away to becoming negative again.. Maintain a slow, deliberate focus on feeling silence or bliss. Do not allow focus on doubts about how your positive desires would be attained during this meditation time. Do not activate any negative feelings for these ten minutes. Only focus on neutral or positive feelings.

Focusing on feeling pure positive feelings increase more positive feelings in the future as subconscious energies get redirected from focusing on the negative aspects of life to activating energies for feeling positive. The positive hormones released by smiling, counting blessings and creating positive expectations in imagination mobilize the movement of energies which create a happy life in the future.

Being in silence for ten minutes every day in free mental space, while choosing deliberately to not think of the chains/worries which distress you in life, would help you release or transform the binding chains overtime. Focusing on feeling freedom would mobilize the energy of being free in your real life by reducing control of subconsciously held values/beliefs which have become redundant for your further happiness or soul evolution. Overtime, your circumstances would change and relationships would break or evolve such that you feel more liberated. As you keep meditating, you would discover your own priorities and make different choices automatically.


Breaking free starts with creating gap space before taking action. Negative thinking which binds you in chains is like fat which binds your body from movement. The chains or energy circuits binding you in your mind melt away like energy dissolving in free space during the gap spaces where you are not focusing on anything.

With awareness of your feelings, it helps to work with a detached attitude in the same areas where you worried earlier. Detachment with outcome creates BRAKE STATES in your thinking. Being free of worrying or negative thinking uplifts your soul vibration. Overtime, by creating freedom in your mind from worries, your soul frequency would rise such that your life restarts automatically on a fresher, less conditioned, more positive note.

The more you allow yourself to feel deprived, the more you uphold the negative energy circuits together. The Brake State / Interval Space or Gap Space breaks energy clusters of childhood conditioning, traditions, greed, traumas and restlessness in the mind which hold you in chains. Chains which seem impossible to break in the present moment vanish suddenly  when you make it a habit to be completely free of thinking about what is missing and focus on the blessings of life, instead.


 This is an excerpt from my book ' A Course in Emotional Energy Management : train the mind to manage health, emotions and peace )


Wednesday, 16 September 2020



"Quality of education cannot be measured by quantity of syllabus taught or number of hours put into school.  Several children who excel in life are drop outs from school because school discipline curbs creative thinking, due to the stress on the drill more than on enterprise.

Apeism & restlessness is being encouraged by focusing on imitative tasks than a movement towards than human evolution to a higher quality of peace & happiness. Creating a good quality of education and understanding of the mind requires teaching and rewarding patience. Increasing patience in life requires a choice to be peaceful by making changes in life-style which are creating anxiety, restlessness, anger or harassment.

New methods of focus which improve quality of education imparted would help to evolve human consciousness towards a more peaceful existence."


Schools have been running like armies to ensure mass obedience. However, the same principle of obedience creates terrorists, assassins and alcoholics who are so dominated by the obedience cult that they rebel and start obeying negative methods of earning and relaxation . thus becoming obedient to negative patterns of existence. They do not break free from the obedience mindset by rebelling from traditional culture and obeying norms of hyped culture . As they are not taught to invest on learning emotional management which teaches methods of developing creativity , meditation and original thinking ;they cannot use original thinking to defend their own conscience. Hence, children have to be taught to systematically disobey blind discipline, break rules only with the intention of being more positive and voice their opinions to enable evolution of consciousness to a higher positive dimension.

It is the norm to start the day early in today’s modern world. Everybody is pressurized and running to meet targets. However, this created anxiety overtime becomes a habit of the mind and the reason for increasing frustration in society, discontentment, restlessness, anger and violence.

Anxiety has to be reduced by choice to decondition the mind from feeling pressured.

Exercise Getting Up Late. Even if your eyes open, stay in bed in silence and try to meditate. Make your sleep timings flexible. Allow your body clock to shift itself and relax with the shifts. Reschedule your work. Allow the robotic mind-set to break with gaps in thinking so that the mind is forced to think differently.

You will be less angry if you rest more and overtime, be more creative. Happiness and peacefulness rises if your day starts feeling rested in your own space.


The following explanation is given for this radical approach to breaking mind-sets:


Getting up early is traditionally considered good training for survival. However, traditional thinking is based on stereotyped thinking carried over from the primitive perspective of survival. Early morning was useful for the kind of schedule which primitive man used when no work could be done after sunset.

However , in today’s word, there does not need to be stress on early mornings, as electricity is available and work can be done at nights as much as in the mornings. It was presumed that mornings are good for working in earlier times because the mind is fresh in the morning but in the modern world, the mind is stressed in the morning and no longer fresh as most people like to stay awake late at nights with electricity on. People like to use the night time for private work which could not be done in the hustle-bustle of the day. Several parents who come home late like to spend the night time with their children which they have to sacrifice to force the kids to sleep early to get up for school.  The pressure of sleeping early and getting up early causes stress to several parents and children.

Also, creative people are known to prefer working late at nights which prevents them from keeping an early morning schedule .From the perspective of  optimum brain rejuvenation also, early morning time is the best time for sleeping peacefully . Early morning sleep is supposed to be the most restful.

Early mornings is also the best time for meditation as it gives free space away from a crowd of voices and thoughts which camouflage clear thinking during the day , whether you are sleeping in bed or walking alone in free space .  Everybody does not have problems in getting up early in the morning but several people have severe problems due to an early morning schedule, which can be avoided simply by allowing them to get up later and more relaxed.

Early morning mind-set is very rigid in today’s world. However, the habit has to be broken because forcing oneself to get up from deep sleep is the reason for people feeling forced through life in every job they undertake. Feelings repeat themselves and the feeling you get up with sets the tone of the day. If you get up feeling compromised, you live feeling compromised. If you get up feeling relaxed, life appears to be a relaxing journey.

Incomplete rest during sleep is a big reason for headaches, lack of concentration, irritability in temperaments, inability to sleep peacefully at night, need for alcohol and drugs to relax, inability to focus on original thinking/creative tasks, food indigestions, diseases which get created by a habit of worrying, release of stress- related negative hormones in the body and several aggression problems of society which are a result of feeling like slaves at work.

The early morning drill makes the body feel like a running machine which suppresses peacefulness of the soul, thus reducing happiness. In semi drowsy states, the mind gets conditioned, mechanically into focusing on the first feeling it gets into repeatedly.  Getting up feeling angry and grumpy creates a negative thinking cycle which keeps rotating around a point of negative focus automatically, and external circumstances are created such that this negative focus remains maintained (By the Law of Vibrations)

A life-long cycle of stress and resentment starts because children are forced to get up when they can be trained into feeling peaceful as an energy cycle, by allowing them to get up naturally later. The violence which boys exhibit can be reduced substantially by allowing them to get up late, feeling peaceful and relaxed. The mind has to be conditioned into resting peacefully in the morning for it to remain peaceful and focused as a habit during the day.

The restlessness is forced by making children get up to work when they can be allowed to sleep in a natural state of resting.

Training children like oxen for work or donkeys to slave creates clerks in thinking who obey orders more easily than taking independent, responsible decisions.

Changing school timings to start at around 10 am would give parents, teachers, staff and children more time to relax and finish early morning chores before rushing to school.

11 a.m to 4 p.m will ensure that the same school schedule remains .If 11 a.m is too late, schools can start with timings of 10 am to 3 pm, assuming that six hours is needed in school.

Further research needs to be done on reducing the school duration to find how many hours are needed for optimum quality performance over focus on quantitative results.

Ideally, six hours of schooling is not needed. Children get very tired in a six hourly schedule .Adults work for eight hour shifts. Schools can work at four or five hour schedules for more quality work. Long school timings produce more quantity work than quality improvement in intelligence.

 A school which starts at 11 a.m can close at 4 pm and a school which starts at 10 a.m can close at 3 pm. less number of hours would motivate children to give more concentration to the hours they work. These timings need not necessarily apply to schools which have a morning shift and an afternoon shift .However , most public schools have  a single shift and can afford to make the shift in schedule to start later in the day .


Five days school routine is better than a six days school routine. A four day school routine is also advisable, where a day in between the week can be kept off. A holiday in between will keep spirits motivated through the week and will reduce grumbling and self -pity further, with no reduction in quality of education. The habit of practicing the drill needs to be replaced by a habit of being self - motivated so that people do not feel like slaves, in adulthood.

Quality of education cannot be measured by quantity of syllabus taught or number of hours put into school.  Several children who excel in life are drop outs from school because school discipline curbs creative thinking, due to the stress on the drill more than on enterprise.

Apeism & restlessness is being encouraged by focusing on imitative tasks than a movement towards than human evolution to a higher quality of peace & happiness. Creating a good quality of education and understanding of the mind requires teaching and rewarding patience. Increasing patience in life requires a choice to be peaceful by making changes in life-style which are creating anxiety, restlessness, anger or harassment.

New methods of focus which improve quality of education imparted would help to evolve human consciousness towards a more peaceful existence.

 This chapter is an excerpt from Chapter 11- Structural Improvement of the book SPIRITUALITY IN EDUCATION


Sunday, 6 September 2020


 due to lack of awareness of the 

impact of emotions on health, peacefulness 

and evolution , people allow themselves to 

become sad and thus, fuel negative thoughts,

which subsequently , increase problems.

Training in emotional management is 

necessary so that each individual soul 

deliberately chooses to be happy with 

awareness of how each emotion which is 

repetitively focused upon releases energy that 

influences peacefulness in everyday life and in 

the world. 

Our soul reads emotions as energies. 

However, our mind labels energies of different 

frequencies as different emotions . If we were 

to use the mind’s labels for energies and name 

emotions, we realize that emotions of positive 

energy frequency are happiness, contentment, 

satisfaction, peace, joy, optimism, passion etc. 

while emotions that radiate negative energy

are anger, fear, hurt, guilt, pain, sadness, 

anxiety etc. 

At the individual soul’s level, positive  emotions spread hormones to improve health 

& peacefulness while negative emotions 

create diseases and anxieties. At the mass/

world level, positive emotions increase 

peacefulness and creativity while negative 

emotions increase aggressiveness and destroy 


A negative emotion can be transcended to a 

positive emotion by systematically learning 

how to remove the negative energy 

component from its energy circuit through 

redefining beliefs about life, changing 

expectations and deleting negative memories.

Traditionally , it was believed that just earning 

money , obtaining good education and a good 

job was enough to be happy and healthy . 

However, just pursuing money or success is an 

external pursuit of gratification which 

presumes human life to be simpler than it can 

be with the advanced human brain. To be 

happy or healthy, the human brain seeks 

emotional gratification unlike the animal brain 

of the primitive man which was focused on 

survival needs of food & shelter.

For further reading, please refer to the book EMOTIONAL ENERGY MANAGEMENT by Shiva Swati

Saturday, 29 August 2020

You Create Weeds Of Sadness With Negative Thinking & Depression Which Can Be Avoided with Training In Positive Thinking In Schools


To create contentment in adulthood, instead of just focusing on good external performance, mind patterns which focus on development of happiness and inner peace of mind have to be inculcated by redefining the education curriculum.


Negative thinking predominates mass thinking in today’s world because people are not taught how to be peaceful in schools. This repeated pattern of negative thinking can be solved only by adding spiritual awareness to the concept of success; wherein development of peacefulness and compassion in children is as much awarded as good performance.


Children trained into being peaceful would make peaceful adults and create a peaceful world whereas restless children who are constantly asked to perform for success,  make anxious adults and a restless world, which is prone to anger and violence.


A basic training in emotional management and the ability to create optimism with awareness ; are necessary to overcome all problems with a positive attitude and live a comfortable life; with the inner self being more in peace than being violent or angry.


 If a connection to the subconscious mind and training in being peaceful are cultivated from childhood, escapism into depression or anger would not be the most natural route available to adults if marriages break down or finances collapse. Peace and emotional satisfaction will automatically rise in society and replace conflicts, anxiety and unrest.


The need for maintaining good health, optimism and contentment would spread as being as important as needs of education once a spiritual understanding of happiness is integrated along with being monetarily and mechanically successful in the education system.

Negative Thinking leads to ANARCHY in creation . You create what you do not desire to experience. Positive Thinking leads to harmony in creation where you create what you desire to experience.

Thursday, 20 August 2020



The present education system has created a revolution in technology but has not solved problems which affect happiness directly like depression, psychological sickness, relationship breakdowns, corruption, terrorism etc.; hence, unrest and violence in society have increased. An understanding of what the soul needs from improving its efforts, is necessary to realize inner happiness as a direct outcome of effort and not as a side effect of success.


All technology innovations which we are so proud of as human beings, have been made only in the direction of improving external display or comforts without sufficient attention being given to our internal emotional and spiritual needs.


Happiness comes from satisfying the needs of emotional satisfaction along with acquiring bodily comforts. Becoming successful without feeling happy is like painting the walls of the house without the people feeling brighter. Happiness and good health are co-related, as will be explained. ... Good health can never be maintained by focusing on just the needs of material success and using the body as a projected image with the inner mind in unrest.


Since science only focuses on the external, observable world, a purely scientific approach which aims at only focusing on improvements in scientific/technological development will never lead to evolution of peace and harmony within the soul or in society.


Due to neglect of soul needs in the education curriculum, human development has failed to realize feelings of peace and contentment. To be happier or more peaceful, a training in systematic understanding of emotional complexities, needs to be inculcated with the same zeal as mathematical skills are taught.



A focus on integration of soul needs along with material needs while teaching how to make choices in everyday life is essential to create peaceful adults. A training in integrated Emotional and Spiritual development is the only way to permanently increase peace and happiness in the world.


Though we blame everything else except our thinking patterns for the problems in our life ,  a regular focus on grades/marks/ performance ability, success and money has been the core negative thinking principle which has led to a lop-sided development of humanity wherein inner peace of the mind has been sacrificed for a need to perform due to external pressure.


 This lop-sided development has led to creation of imbalanced individuals who have no training on how to resolve complex emotional issues and resort to violence or addictions to vent out frustrations in an attempt to find inner peace.



Human happiness cannot be created as a side-effect of success. You cannot get balanced, peaceful and happy adults by pursuing mechanical/academic success as the goal of education.


Mind patterns are set in childhood and are affected by mass culture which is affected by education, predominantly.  Since, the focus of all education has been on becoming successful at the cost of neglecting training in development of peace and inner happiness, people are driven towards a rat race to earn success.


Training young minds to think that working mechanically for successful performance is all that is needed to be happy makes them feel comfortable about ignoring complex emotional development , which actually aids human mind towards evolving to be happy and healthy through the obstacles which adult life projects.



Children driven towards winning above being peaceful, start finding short-cuts to success which are manipulative and corrupt. A pattern of mass thinking has developed such that respect is measured by money.  If you are not aiming at happiness or inner peace, money for success can be earned by being manipulative and corrupt more than by being good and helpful.


However, happiness and satisfaction come from a job well done whether it is acknowledged as successful conventionally, or not. Winning always is not necessary to be happy. Trial and error are common processes involved in research and inventions. Through the process of overcoming failure, happiness and satisfaction continue to motivate the person towards achieving success with satisfaction. For example, Thomas Edison continued to fail for thirty years before he finally created an electric bulb. Like him, students need to be trained to be motivated from within by a system of education which rewards the process of achieving satisfaction and not just the result.


A balanced training between inner satisfaction and outcome/ happiness vs. success ensures internal and external satisfaction even if the money earned is less than conventionally well defined. But, a pure focus on results/money/success leads to neglect of effort on feeling satisfaction, peacefulness or freedom from anxiety



The need to never be peaceful is conditioned as a habit of thinking during schooling years, due to the stress on external good performance above inner peace. Children are judged as being good or bad by external measures of success like school grades which later are replaced in adults by external measures of success like cars, clothes or jewels.


However, getting good grades or performing well in sports or dance or music or art or earning good money in adult life does not lead to contentment in adult life. Children, always motivated to perform for pleasing society’s norms of success, cannot, naturally, focus on inner contentment.

For further reading, please refer to the book SPIRITUALITY IN EDUCATION, Preface

 available on amazon  from


Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Law Of Attraction Works Alongwith Law Of Creation and Repetition on Internal Feelings, Not Desires

The law of Attraction  works alongwith the Law of Creation and The Law of Repetition only on feelings or energies in motion, not on desires, directly. 

The Law of Creation states that whichever feeling the soul 

focuses upon mentally, it mobilizes energy to create the same

feeling at the level of physical experience.

The Law, essentially, illustrates the theory of cause and effect in the 

process of creation. As seeds grow to bear flowers, thoughts grow 

to create reality.

The process of creation gets activated when a thought gets focused 

on creating a reality, by repeatedly moving in that specific direction,

as an energy movement. 

The actual movement of energy takes place when the soul energy 

vibrates. Thus, the soul mobilizes energy for the purposes of 

creation through its vibration.

The soul’s vibrations are created when it experiences electric 

impulses in the body. Electric impulses are generated through our 


Therefore, it is not just thinking but thinking with feeling which activates the 

process of creation.When we feel in a certain way, we cause energy to move in 

that direction. Since feelings mobilize energy, focusing on specific 

feelings over others, is the tool used by the soul, for mobilizing 

energy for creating that which it desires to experience. 

At any one moment, the energy of a person is focused either on 

feeling negative or on feeling positive. When the person focuses on 

positive feelings, positive electric impulses are created. Hence, 

positive energies are created and mobilized; and a positive reality 

gets manifested. 

When the person focuses on negative feelings, negative electric 

impulses are created. Therefore, negative energy is created and 

mobilized. Because negative energy is mobilized, a positive 

outcome gets blocked. 

Instead of the positively desired outcome, with a focus on a 

negative such as fear or worry, its oppositenegative outcome gets 

manifested. So, even if succeed in a task but are worried through its 

manifestation process, then we do not feel positively happy even after we get success. The happiness gets blocked due to our 

negative focus and worry continues to be our state of being.

Every thought or action has an energy attached to it in the form of 

an emotion or feeling. Even the simple act of drinking water has 

emotions attached to it viz. that of satiating deprivation. The 

thought of drinking water aims to fill the feeling of thirst. So, the 

action which follows is an experience of the emotion of fulfillment, 

and we literally feel the bliss of fulfillment if we drink water with 

focus. We would not go to drink water if we did not feel deprived 

in the first place.

It is always only the feelings behind the thoughts and actions 

which activate the process of creation because feelings cause 

energy shifts in the body. The soul records the energy shifts 

and mobilizes energies. By achieving emotional satisfaction,

the soul seeks to raise its frequency to more positive 

If we undertake an act without clearly focusing on the feelings we 

desire to experience through that act, the action may not lead to the 

positive feeling or outcome, we desire through our effort.

For example, if you are fat and are exercising to be slim, then it is not the 

exercise only which will make you slim. It is the belief or the feeling that 

the exercise will make you slim, which will cause your subconscious mind 

to make all the necessary changes in your life-style to become slim.

If you exercise without being sure whether it would help much or not,

then your subconscious mind would follow the suggestion that the 

exercise would not help much. You, as a soul energy, would be overtaken 

by the constant negative doubt over your positive desire because usually, 

the negative suggestion is magnetically denser and hence, more addictive

than the positive one. 

With the negative suggestion coming up again and again, it is likely that 

you will give up exercising soon, thinking it is not really helping. The

action of exercising, would not count as much at the level of energy 

mobilization, as the feeling behind the act. It is your beliefs 

accompanying the actions you take, which make a persistent difference in

thefuture creation of your reality, not the physical acts by themselves. The 

mind matters more than the body at the level of creation, as the soul’s life 

force activation, is influenced by the electric impulses reaching our subconscious mind....

From chapter 7 , Creation of Happiness: The Energy War, a soul' s perspective .

Energies revolve around a central focus called the point of internal dominant focus ( IDF). My book "Creation Of Happiness: The Energy War, a soul 's perspective "explains this concept with examples in detail .

Tuesday, 4 August 2020

Basic Definitions Of Soul Evolution For Understanding Your Life Purpose

All the metaphysical concepts outlined here have been established through reports given by several people who have undergone past-life and inter-life sessions with different regression therapists.

inter People have reported similar encounters in their -life sessions, even without any prior knowledge about what to expect.

The concepts, as explained, also incorporate notes from various books and workshops on hypnotherapy, past life therapy, life between life therapy, spirit release therapy, neuro-linguistic programming, reiki, pranik healing, theta healing, etc.

Even then, these conceptual descriptions are by no means exhaustive as there is much scope for research and exploration.


The soul is a tiny unit of life-force energy, which radiates light through the body. It can be compared to the filament of a light bulb. Metaphorically, if we view the soul as the filament of the bulb, then the body would be the glass wall of the bulb through which the filament radiates light. The body is, thus, the vehicle of the soul.

The Soul gets its power from a bigger source of light, which can be called the ONENESS or the Creator, like the filament of the bulb gets its power from the main electricity line.

Just as a bulb is useless without its filament, the body is useless without the soul. It is the soul which gives life force, as well as an identity to the body. The sense of self which a person has is his/her soul. For example, if you say ‘My body is beautiful or my body is fat’, then, the ‘my’ is the soulthe life-force energy within you.




Just as a bulb is useless without its filament, the body is useless without the soul. It is the soul which gives life force, as well as an identity to the body. The sense of self which a person has is his/her soul. For example, if you say ‘My body is beautiful or my body is fat’, then, the ‘my’ is the soulthe life-force energy within you.

The soul is a being made of life force energy. It is always moving at a certain speed called its vibrational frequency. The speed of vibration at which the soul vibrates is called the soul frequency.

Soul frequency varies depending on the level of soul advancement. The more positive the soul frequency, the more power it has to create. The more advanced souls have a higher soul frequency, while the Creator, the most advanced soul, has a very high positive frequency.


The Soul, by itself, is a Co-Creator of the universe. It is made of the same quality of energy as that of the Creator. It radiates the power of the Creator, just as a ray of sunlight spreads radiance of the Sun.

All creation in the universe can be called manifestations of one collective consciousness, called the ONENSS or the Creator’s consciousness.


If we imagine the Creator to be a big body of light, then the soul in a physical human body would be a tiny cell of light, which is a part of the whole, and yet distinct.






Each soul takes birth to find its own identity while remaining a part of the whole. It seeks to understand its contribution in the overall process of creation.

Since the soul is a tiny part of the Creator, it participates in a course of soul evolution wherein it learns lessons on creation in various dimensions of the universe. Earth is one of the learning schools for the evolving soul.

Earth is a physical dimension of the universe where positive and negative energies interact to manifest physical forms.

The soul learns the art of creation on the physical plane by learning to transcend negative energies into positive during its life on Earth.

The learning occurs while overcoming obstacles which come in the process of creating desirable life experiences.

The life experiences we desire to create are meant to lead to feelings of happiness but don’t if the focus on negative energies remains greater than on the positive energies during the process of working towards attaining success or happiness.

The purpose of encountering the negative energy which creates difficulties/problems/negative challenges on Earth, is to overcome it and transcend it towards a positive direction of creation.

Difficulties come as soul tests. They are created in order to help our soul learn how to transcend negative energy into a differently directed energy of positive frequency. Energy needs to be guided so that it can aid the Creator’s concept of creation of happiness and not work against it.


If we stay worried and anxious because of problems being there, we fail in our soul tests because we destroy our happiness rather than increase its positive intensity, as we are meant to by overcoming difficulties.

Through its many life experiences, the soul understands how negative energies which block the creation of happiness can be overruled and how our effort to attain success or love can lead to creation of happiness in our lives and not the opposite of it.


Hence, in order to evolve, our soul has to learn to ignore doubts and failures and direct its creative energy towards manifestation of happiness in life.


In each life on Earth, we, as souls, plan to achieve a specific purpose. The purpose of life involves focusing energies on creating a particular kind of physical reality, which would help us attain happiness in that life.

Different souls have different life purposes and they are born with a skill set necessary to attain that purpose. For example, one person may have a desire to be a dancer while another may desire to be an engineer. In the process of the pursuit of these desires, the soul moves towards attaining its life purpose.

To attain this purpose, we make a life-plan, at the soul level before incarnating on Earth. All the steps on this plan are designed to lead us to attaining the level of emotional training required to achieve the life purpose.

The steps are coded at an energy level and they keep motivating us to pursue certain instincts over others. Through successfully making choices which help us feel happy/positive from within while manifesting our external desires; we can evolve to achieving our life purpose. The path towards achieving the life purpose is difficult but is accompanied with a high quality of emotional satisfaction.

Since the soul is a unit of life force energy, it understands its reality in energy terms and not in physical or tangible terms.

From our soul’s perspective, the praise, money, respect, success or power we seek to gain through our efforts on Earth, are emotional experiences. The soul feels positive or negative through these external experiences but does not perceive them directly, physically. It only reads these external aspects of life from an internal emotional scale.

The individual life purpose, therefore, is a unique emotional experience that the soul seeks to accomplish during that specific journey on Earth. For an individual, incarnating, little soul, this purpose is the main reason for being born.

This individual purpose is also connected to a purpose for the world, i.e., for the planet Earth, as a whole.

In other words, when the soul seeks to raise its individual energy frequency to positive during the process of evolution on Earth, it also has to ensure that the planet’s energies also become more positive, through the work it does.

Negative energies, which come in the form of negative emotions such as fear or doubt, act as obstacles in achieving happiness while pursuing the soul’s purpose of life.

These fears and doubts aim to divert the soul away from the life purpose into a meaningless pursuit of success or power which cannot lead to any feelings of emotional peace or happiness for the soul.

For example, in the case-history given, you would read that the soul’s main purpose of incarnation was to experience becoming powerful for helping the weak and oppressed achieve justice. We find that the soul repeatedly becomes powerful, over life-times, but fails to use that power to achieve justice for the weak and oppressed. To establish justice, the soul has to overcome the pull of negative energies like greed, selfishness, anger, revenge, impatience, helplessness, starvation etc. which prevent him from spreading justice for the weak.

There may also be other purposes alongside the primary one. Some general reasons for incarnation, which have been found in research, are

Karmic balancing

Developing mental capacities like intelligence, knowledge, understanding, insight, wisdom etc.

Growing emotional capacity—like sympathy, compassion, joy, peace and love

Growing self-reliance, freedom and responsibility

Growing capacity for action, doing, making and creating

All these purposes are usually intertwined and one serves the other. For example, while developing a greater understanding of relationships as a soul, you may also be repaying your karmic debt from past lives towards people you have abused.

 For further reading , please refer to the book IN SEARCH OF HAPPINESS ( How past lives affect the present life, a soul's perspective )

7 Steps of Enlightenment starting from Ego Transcendence

   Enlightenment is level 7 while ego transcendence is level 1 of enlightenment. Enlightenment...