Sunday, 6 September 2020


 due to lack of awareness of the 

impact of emotions on health, peacefulness 

and evolution , people allow themselves to 

become sad and thus, fuel negative thoughts,

which subsequently , increase problems.

Training in emotional management is 

necessary so that each individual soul 

deliberately chooses to be happy with 

awareness of how each emotion which is 

repetitively focused upon releases energy that 

influences peacefulness in everyday life and in 

the world. 

Our soul reads emotions as energies. 

However, our mind labels energies of different 

frequencies as different emotions . If we were 

to use the mind’s labels for energies and name 

emotions, we realize that emotions of positive 

energy frequency are happiness, contentment, 

satisfaction, peace, joy, optimism, passion etc. 

while emotions that radiate negative energy

are anger, fear, hurt, guilt, pain, sadness, 

anxiety etc. 

At the individual soul’s level, positive  emotions spread hormones to improve health 

& peacefulness while negative emotions 

create diseases and anxieties. At the mass/

world level, positive emotions increase 

peacefulness and creativity while negative 

emotions increase aggressiveness and destroy 


A negative emotion can be transcended to a 

positive emotion by systematically learning 

how to remove the negative energy 

component from its energy circuit through 

redefining beliefs about life, changing 

expectations and deleting negative memories.

Traditionally , it was believed that just earning 

money , obtaining good education and a good 

job was enough to be happy and healthy . 

However, just pursuing money or success is an 

external pursuit of gratification which 

presumes human life to be simpler than it can 

be with the advanced human brain. To be 

happy or healthy, the human brain seeks 

emotional gratification unlike the animal brain 

of the primitive man which was focused on 

survival needs of food & shelter.

For further reading, please refer to the book EMOTIONAL ENERGY MANAGEMENT by Shiva Swati

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