Plant and Animal Reincarnations
Often all human bodies have
four or five animal spirits attached who depict their core values. Shamanism
as a therapeutic practice entails communicating
with the animal spirits to take healing energies from their support. These
animal spirits are attached to the auric field of a person and influence the person’s thinking .
At the point of death, these
spirits also detach from the body and get released into light or go back to
Earth frequencies to reincarnate.
A spirit may fragment at the
point of death into several parts. While some parts off the person may be
enlightened and may go to celestial realms, other suppressed soul fragments
which are not positive vibrationally and cannot reach the celestial realm, may choose
to repay karma and convert negative thinking into positive energy, by reincarnating
as plants or animals.
Plant Reincarnations
Reincarnating as a plant is usually a peaceful
experience for the spirit as plants do not feel physical pain. Plants can feel
emotional pain and joy as has been proven by research but they do not feel pain
of being plucked or broken , As plants
can feel emotional peacefulness, the spirit in a plant can repay negative
karmic debt by existing in neutral energy frequencies thus converting negative
energy frequencies to positive frequencies. At the physical plane, the plants
transcend energy by converting carbon dioxide to oxygen, The plant experience
is like a Buddhist experience of JUST BEING in the body and feeling the breath.
The plant life contributes to growth of peacefulness without taking actions.
Some plants serve humanity by being plucked as vegetables or fruits without
feeling any physical pain or suffering.
Restless spirits who are too
attached to food, sex, lust, consumption , fear , anger or killing for
survival, are usually reborn as animals as their total focus of existence is on
feeling like a helpless animal while being alive in a human body.
Some spirits can also choose
to be reborn as animals to simplify the understanding of suffering. For
example, a soldier’s spirit who has karmic debt of taking several innocent
lives in war , would have to repay the karmic debt to all the people s/he
killed to free itself from their sadness at the point of death and hence, rise
to a higher level of happiness. Such a spirit may be repeatedly born as a
chicken who is killed again and again to feed someone.
The frequency which a spirit
dies with in its thinking pattern, sets the course of its next life. A spirit
focused on fear maybe reborn as a rat or a mouse while a spirit focused on speeding
for success, running fast, enjoying power but feeling anxious about its own
survival, maybe reborn as a leopard. A
lion’s spirit would be of a soul who died feeling responsible towards other
people while a tiger’s spirit would be of a person who died while feeling more
focused on surviving itself.
Every feeling which a human
being dies with which is a carnal / physical experience, can be converted into
an animal life for the reincarnating spirit to help its soul ascension in
subsequent lives.
The animal life is simplified and has simple
soul lessons with less complications attached. The animal mind is focused on
one or two dominating frequencies.
Though the animal can feel
physical pain but cannot process a high emotional intensity of experience, with
its limited brain capacity. It can feel negative or positive but cannot label
negativity as sadness, betrayal rejection or hurt as a human mind can.
Guilt and sympathy are human
emotions and cannot be experienced in an animal body, at all. If you have high
degrees of guilt which are non- warranted, it indicates that your soul lesson
is complex as you have to understand and overcome the negative energy of guilt
such that you can rise to a high level of happiness by learning from mistakes
and choosing not to repeat them in the future so that guilt foes not arise.
Guilt is an intermediate human emotion which you could not have understood in
an animal body and experiencing the ability to feel guilty indicates soul
while a plant life just feels emotional energy variances and no physical pain;
and an animal life feels physical pain but not much emotional pain; a human
life can feel physical pain and emotional pain in a variety of complex energy
frequencies and has a multitude of labelled experiences. A human mind can move
in energy frequency from hurt to sickness to anxiety which are experiences of
the mind as distinguished from the body.
A spirit would reincarnate as an animal only
if it is too attached to the body or a karmic purpose is served by living in
the body of an animal. For example, a
spirit who has been very flirtatious and has been cheating on lovers while
being loyal to an employee for money, food and survival, maybe reborn as a dog. The body of the dog would simplify soul
lessons to one or two experiences wherein the dog repeatedly suffers
disrespect, with humility. Suffering without having the ability to take revenge
would aid the spirit in a future life to understand complicated lessons of loyalty.
Soul Lessons of loyalty have
to be learnt such that the spirit can distinguish between loyalty which fuels
growth of peacefulness and construction of happiness vs. loyalty to evil, which
fuels negative thinking, destruction and growth of disharmony.
An animal birth may be
inevitable for a person who has been serving evil or a low frequency mind-set.
Negative thinkers have thinking pattern which is animal like and irresponsible
to commitment or construction of happiness. It is easier for the spirit to
learn its soul lessons in the body of an animal who has a short life span and feels less emotional
complexities than the body of a human
being who maybe again tempted to cheat and serve evil than be happy by choice.
A person who dies with
intense sadness craving for lust or feelings of revenge, may automatically be
born as an animal who only works for the body’s survival and not for inner
A spirit focused on imitating
others maybe born as an ape while a spirit which can cheat itself or others for
survival of traditions, but foes not feel powerful may be reborn as a fox or a wolf.
A spirit focused on feeling unloved may be born
as a lizard which radiates repulsion more than self love from the core while a
spirt focused on feeling passion and flexibility may be born as a snake.
Spirits who die in floods or
in the sea maybe reborn often as a fish or a crocodile, a seal or an otter
depending on the individual spirit’s frequency at the moment of death.
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