Sunday, 16 July 2017

Detachment Makes Death a Healing Process For the Soul

Death is a healing process when the spirit whose body dies has a peaceful release and the soul reaches heaven or a higher celestial realm. A peaceful death is usually facilitated by soul ascension and/or karmic debt clearance. The spirit who suffers and forgives or who learns to be positive and detached through difficulties attains a positive karmic frequency and karmic upliftment. The soul when freed from the body, hence, reaches a higher positive realm of soul awareness than being in the body offers, after death.

The Concept Of Ascension: Process of Spirit Release    

At the point of death, the releasing spirit, feels a light around and enters it. The light is of an ascending positive frequency and radiates more calmness than the energy felt by the spirit while being tied in a body on Earth.

The light may not always be visible but it can be visualized or felt by the dying person to move onto a celestial realm, by choice or training.

Usually, in a past life therapy session, spirts of past lives or attachments of deceased friends or relatives are released through using visualizations of the celestial realm of peacefulness and using hypnotherapeutic suggestions to be in the calming frequencies given to the subconscious mind. Steps of Spirit Release are given in my book REDEFINING HAPPINESS or can be learnt through workshops or online material.

The same process of spirit release, as used to release spirit attachments or past life spirits, can be applied on self at the moment of death in the present life.

The departing spirit needs to cut its energy cords with all people including enemies, friends and relatives whose energies keep pulling it back by sending their imagined forms, energies and spirit animal fragments  back to them and taking its own soul fragments , energy forms and animal spirits back in itself. All karmic debts can also be imagined to be cleared at the moment of death.

After energy exchange, the person needs to wash its spirit in a shower of light/ positive energies. The light would fall as clear water from the sky on the spirit and clear its energies in the auric field such that the spirt looks bigger, taller and brighter. The person needs to   see all sadness, illness and regrets of the present body leaving as dirty water leaves the body while bathing such that the body and mind appear to be completely healed in imagination.

After the energy exchange is done and the body is imagined to be completely healed, the departing spirit may imagine or see a halo of light or a door of light and enter it; or it may see positive beings of light vibrating peace & love coming to take it back to the celestial realm or hear its name being called by positive energies as that of angels or departed relatives, friends or lovers in celestial realms or it may see a train /vehicle taking it to spirit realms.

( All spirits do not reach celestial realms but it is always wise to plan ascension to find happiness and abundance in your present life and after death, a a spirit in non -physical realms.

 It helps to make your choices on Earth to stay positive within the body, so that you can go to heaven or a celestial frequency. The process of ascension is easier if you have learnt the spiritual ability or feel an automatic pull from your soul which helps you to detach from Earthly attachments.)

Ascension is facilitated by choices made in the present life such that you can fulfil your soul desires, attain your karmic purpose and feel satisfied with every choice you make, over feeling anxious. As satisfaction rises, your spirit can leave with a positive mind-set that you have fulfilled your present life purpose, cleared your previous karmic debt so that, at the point of death, your karmic purpose allows you to leave in a peaceful frequency.

 Those who do not reach heaven are usually reborn on Earth with the same karmic plan that existed in the previous life as explained further, and continue with the same life purpose as existed earlier though the circumstances, family and place of rebirth may change.

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