Sunday, 16 July 2017

Detachment Makes Death a Healing Process For the Soul

Death is a healing process when the spirit whose body dies has a peaceful release and the soul reaches heaven or a higher celestial realm. A peaceful death is usually facilitated by soul ascension and/or karmic debt clearance. The spirit who suffers and forgives or who learns to be positive and detached through difficulties attains a positive karmic frequency and karmic upliftment. The soul when freed from the body, hence, reaches a higher positive realm of soul awareness than being in the body offers, after death.

The Concept Of Ascension: Process of Spirit Release    

At the point of death, the releasing spirit, feels a light around and enters it. The light is of an ascending positive frequency and radiates more calmness than the energy felt by the spirit while being tied in a body on Earth.

The light may not always be visible but it can be visualized or felt by the dying person to move onto a celestial realm, by choice or training.

Usually, in a past life therapy session, spirts of past lives or attachments of deceased friends or relatives are released through using visualizations of the celestial realm of peacefulness and using hypnotherapeutic suggestions to be in the calming frequencies given to the subconscious mind. Steps of Spirit Release are given in my book REDEFINING HAPPINESS or can be learnt through workshops or online material.

The same process of spirit release, as used to release spirit attachments or past life spirits, can be applied on self at the moment of death in the present life.

The departing spirit needs to cut its energy cords with all people including enemies, friends and relatives whose energies keep pulling it back by sending their imagined forms, energies and spirit animal fragments  back to them and taking its own soul fragments , energy forms and animal spirits back in itself. All karmic debts can also be imagined to be cleared at the moment of death.

After energy exchange, the person needs to wash its spirit in a shower of light/ positive energies. The light would fall as clear water from the sky on the spirit and clear its energies in the auric field such that the spirt looks bigger, taller and brighter. The person needs to   see all sadness, illness and regrets of the present body leaving as dirty water leaves the body while bathing such that the body and mind appear to be completely healed in imagination.

After the energy exchange is done and the body is imagined to be completely healed, the departing spirit may imagine or see a halo of light or a door of light and enter it; or it may see positive beings of light vibrating peace & love coming to take it back to the celestial realm or hear its name being called by positive energies as that of angels or departed relatives, friends or lovers in celestial realms or it may see a train /vehicle taking it to spirit realms.

( All spirits do not reach celestial realms but it is always wise to plan ascension to find happiness and abundance in your present life and after death, a a spirit in non -physical realms.

 It helps to make your choices on Earth to stay positive within the body, so that you can go to heaven or a celestial frequency. The process of ascension is easier if you have learnt the spiritual ability or feel an automatic pull from your soul which helps you to detach from Earthly attachments.)

Ascension is facilitated by choices made in the present life such that you can fulfil your soul desires, attain your karmic purpose and feel satisfied with every choice you make, over feeling anxious. As satisfaction rises, your spirit can leave with a positive mind-set that you have fulfilled your present life purpose, cleared your previous karmic debt so that, at the point of death, your karmic purpose allows you to leave in a peaceful frequency.

 Those who do not reach heaven are usually reborn on Earth with the same karmic plan that existed in the previous life as explained further, and continue with the same life purpose as existed earlier though the circumstances, family and place of rebirth may change.

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Plant And Animal Reincarnations

Plant and Animal Reincarnations     


Often all human bodies have four or five animal spirits attached who depict their core values. Shamanism as  a therapeutic practice entails communicating with the animal spirits to take healing energies from their support. These animal spirits are attached to the auric field of a  person and influence the person’s thinking .

At the point of death, these spirits also detach from the body and get released into light or go back to Earth frequencies to reincarnate.

A spirit may fragment at the point of death into several parts. While some parts off the person may be enlightened and may go to celestial realms, other suppressed soul fragments which are not positive vibrationally and cannot reach the celestial realm, may choose to repay karma and convert negative thinking into positive energy, by reincarnating as plants or animals.

Plant Reincarnations
 Reincarnating as a plant is usually a peaceful experience for the spirit as plants do not feel physical pain. Plants can feel emotional pain and joy as has been proven by research but they do not feel pain of being plucked or broken ,  As plants can feel emotional peacefulness, the spirit in a plant can repay negative karmic debt by existing in neutral energy frequencies thus converting negative energy frequencies to positive frequencies. At the physical plane, the plants transcend energy by converting carbon dioxide to oxygen, The plant experience is like a Buddhist experience of JUST BEING in the body and feeling the breath. The plant life contributes to growth of peacefulness without taking actions. Some plants serve humanity by being plucked as vegetables or fruits without feeling any physical pain or suffering.

Animal Reincarnations

Restless spirits who are too attached to food, sex, lust, consumption , fear , anger or killing for survival, are usually reborn as animals as their total focus of existence is on feeling like a helpless animal while being alive in a human body.

Some spirits can also choose to be reborn as animals to simplify the understanding of suffering. For example, a soldier’s spirit who has karmic debt of taking several innocent lives in war , would have to repay the karmic debt to all the people s/he killed to free itself from their sadness at the point of death and hence, rise to a higher level of happiness. Such a spirit may be repeatedly born as a chicken who is killed again and again to feed someone. 

The frequency which a spirit dies with in its thinking pattern, sets the course of its next life. A spirit focused on fear maybe reborn as a rat or a mouse while a spirit focused on speeding for success, running fast, enjoying power but feeling anxious about its own survival,  maybe reborn as a leopard. A lion’s spirit would be of a soul who died feeling responsible towards other people while a tiger’s spirit would be of a person who died while feeling more focused on surviving itself.

Every feeling which a human being dies with which is a carnal / physical experience, can be converted into an animal life for the reincarnating spirit to help its soul ascension in subsequent lives.
 The animal life is simplified and has simple soul lessons with less complications attached. The animal mind is focused on one or two dominating frequencies.

Though the animal can feel physical pain but cannot process a high emotional intensity of experience, with its limited brain capacity. It can feel negative or positive but cannot label negativity as sadness, betrayal rejection or hurt as a human mind can.

Guilt and sympathy are human emotions and cannot be experienced in an animal body, at all. If you have high degrees of guilt which are non- warranted, it indicates that your soul lesson is complex as you have to understand and overcome the negative energy of guilt such that you can rise to a high level of happiness by learning from mistakes and choosing not to repeat them in the future so that guilt foes not arise. Guilt is an intermediate human emotion which you could not have understood in an animal body and experiencing the ability to feel guilty indicates soul ascension.

Thus, while a plant life just feels emotional energy variances and no physical pain; and an animal life feels physical pain but not much emotional pain; a human life can feel physical pain and emotional pain in a variety of complex energy frequencies and has a multitude of labelled experiences. A human mind can move in energy frequency from hurt to sickness to anxiety which are experiences of the mind as distinguished from the body.

 A spirit would reincarnate as an animal only if it is too attached to the body or a karmic purpose is served by living in the body of an animal.  For example, a spirit who has been very flirtatious and has been cheating on lovers while being loyal to an employee for money, food and survival, maybe reborn as a dog. The body of the dog would simplify soul lessons to one or two experiences wherein the dog repeatedly suffers disrespect, with humility. Suffering without having the ability to take revenge would aid the spirit in a future life to understand  complicated lessons of loyalty.

Soul Lessons of loyalty have to be learnt such that the spirit can distinguish between loyalty which fuels growth of peacefulness and construction of happiness vs. loyalty to evil, which fuels negative thinking, destruction and growth of disharmony.

An animal birth may be inevitable for a person who has been serving evil or a low frequency mind-set. Negative thinkers have thinking pattern which is animal like and irresponsible to commitment or construction of happiness. It is easier for the spirit to learn its soul lessons in the body of an animal who has  a short life span and feels less emotional complexities than the body of a  human being who maybe again tempted to cheat and serve evil than be happy by choice.

A person who dies with intense sadness craving for lust or feelings of revenge, may automatically be born as an animal who only works for the body’s survival and not for inner happiness.

A spirit focused on imitating others maybe born as an ape while a spirit which can cheat itself or others for survival of traditions, but foes not feel powerful may be reborn as a fox or a wolf.

 A spirit focused on feeling unloved may be born as a lizard which radiates repulsion more than self love from the core while a spirt focused on feeling passion and flexibility may be born as a snake.
Spirits who die in floods or in the sea maybe reborn often as a fish or a crocodile, a seal or an otter depending on the individual spirit’s frequency at the moment of death.


Spirit fragments which feel helpless, body focused and blame  external circumstances all through life while making no attempts to awaken the soul within the body are born as animals who have  a simpler life where the soul is virtually inactive for shaping  circumstances, as is explained in my updated version of the book and the next blog:


Spirits which are negative in a complex manner and cannot be reborn as animals who have  a simplified mind-set , would be reborn in energy frequencies that are more negative than the low vibrational frequency due to the LAWS OF VIBRATIONS governing movement of energy frequencies .  By the LAWS OF VIBRATIONS, you amplify the energies you focus upon .

Thus, people dying in extreme sadness or anger amplify the energies which surrounds their mind by their choice to feel angry or revengeful at the moment of death. They are reborn in misery simply because they die in misery as they do not choose to uplift their frequencies to positive before death.

Some spirits who feel very helpless, negative or have been criminals and irresponsible, reach extremely traumatic energies of hell.  They are reborn in families which are so sad and negative that it feels as if they are reborn in hell. They find darkness all around and cannot connect to God as an energy vibrating in a physical and  metaphysical plane, simultaneously.

Heaven and Hell can both be felt on Earth. Hell, is a dimension of  self awareness which is dominated by low energy frequencies where you feel as if you are being sucked by rejection, lack of love, emptiness, wherein every experience seems to be filled with vacuum or you feel repetitively angry and helpless as you would if your spirit were burning in fire, metaphorically.

Spirits who believe they would not reach heaven and would dissolve or reach hell at the point of death die in a mental vibration which makes them enter a womb of a mother who is always negative in orientation and focused on struggling for survival.  

The choices of life which make a person a criminal or a  killer or force  a person to commit suicide, lead the spirit to move into hell at the moment of death . The negative thinking pattern which is constantly dependent on approval by others, feels rejected at the smallest of rejection, blames itself to the extent of punishing its own body by fueling anger and self- pity or punishing others by using revenge and betrayal as tools of balancing karma; gets the spirit reborn in a family which is struggling with sadness and survival, as if burning in fire.
Karmic payback follow the life of a killer but a death by suicide can to be avoided by recognizing the need for suicide and subsequently, developing a detached mind-set.

A death by suicide is extremely traumatic not only before the death but after the death for the reincarnating spirit. You feel very sad as a spirit after committing suicide which often prevents you from entering the realm of God as you need to trust God and believe in happiness, to enter a celestial realm. 

The spirit who commits suicide does not reach heaven but gets attached to another person or is reborn almost immediately. After death, the sad spirit falls in sadder frequencies which leads to an extremely difficult life after rebirth. The spirit who kills another or takes its own body by force, enters a realm where sensibilities fail to help and you feel angry, helpless and wish to die again and again.

 You blame your circumstances and have no gratitude for your blessings as you reincarnate e with the feeling you die with always.

When you die with feeling helpless as if you are literally living in hell, you are reborn in hell. The energy vibration radiating from your core is of a  self -hatred frequency and you can only see problems and difficulties.

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