Thursday, 28 July 2016

To Find Happiness, Match the Energies of Intention, Desire, Action & Outcome

Simplified Practical Exercise to increase positive energy :
Visualize or think of  something you desire and imagine that you are feeling satisfied after receiving your desired toy or bag or book or clothes or acknowledgement. Wait for an hour/day.
Test Yourself- Increasing feelings of satisfaction in all other areas of life would indicate that you have focused on the energy of satisfaction in one area of life . Energies travel from one sphere to another

Satisfaction in one area of life increases satisfaction in other areas of life ; whereas feeling deprived in one area of life reduces energy of positivity /happiness in all other areas of life .

 This is an excerpt from my upcoming book on how to teach positive thinking and spirituality to children through the educational route.

As explained below : 
The Law of Creation states that you will create every feeling in your life which you focus upon by default.
By default means that your experiences will verify your internal dominant feelings whether your focus is intentional or non-intentional. An intentional focus is where the person has an awareness of the impact of his thinking on his future. An awareness of inner focus is created by observation of the feelings one chooses to focus upon and a positive future is created by focusing on positive feelings which can be visualized in imagination.

The Law of Creation gives unpredictable outcomes if the feelings/ desires being focused upon are different from the intentions being focused upon.
 For example, if you desire a new friend or lover, your intention needs to be clear. If you desire respect, you need to find someone who would give you respect and not just coffee. If you accept less as the final outcome, there will be boredom and detachment with what you have manifested and craving will continue till you receive the respect which you sought originally. 

Every desire which you believe would get you happiness may not get you the contentment you have envisaged if your desire is a mirage. People in adult lives keep working to become financially successful while ignoring their inner needs for relaxation and freedom; but the money they earn fails to bring them the contentment they desire. Similarly, wars were fought in history for getting justice to the masses, but the victories did not lead to increase in mass welfare of the common people. People still suffer from the same traumas of injustice as they did hundreds of years back as money from the victories was not spent on developing emotional welfare but was wasted on opulence or establishing religious supremacy.

The same logic which applies to complex phenomenon applies to Base experience. You would feel dissatisfied with an outcome if your intended feeling desired- intention desires - action planned - expected outcome are not in alignment with the originally desired positive frequency .

For example, you may be consistently desiring a new car/marriage./ house/ clothes etc. and feeling deprived that you do not have what you crave for. You may believe that you will be happy after you get the car. However, when the new desire comes in , you may not feel the satisfaction you expected . You keep craving for more and remain dis-satisfied .  This mis-match in desire and outcome happens because your dominant focus was on the feeling of being deprived of the desiire; hence, the dominant focus of dis-satisfaction/deprivation continues after  some time. The euphoria des and the same routine of negative thinking sets in even when you have the marriage/ car etc., as an external reality is not  perceived by the soul . The subconscious mind would not record the positive shift in your external reality unless you feel the gratitude in your inner self when you have the car/ love and continue to focus on feeling content,  internally .

To manifest happiness with success, and get the desired feeling of satisfaction, you should have focused directly on the feeling of satisfaction and not on the dominant feeling of deprivation of not having. If you love yourself already or of you believe you are rich already before beg married or before buying a car, you would continue feeling the same in a multiplied energy forum after the desire manifests. But, if your primal energy cycle is negative your circumstances will mould so that the negative thinking continues even after the desire manifests.

From the perspective of mobilizing vibrations – “I have/ I want to have … “is a higher positive vibration than “I don’t have and I want … ” If you focus on wanting without feeling negative, your dominant focus would move from neutral to positive automatically .

A direct focus on the feeling of satisfaction with the new car/ marriage/ love/ child etc. would lead you sooner to receive the desire . Also, you will receive the desire which makes you feel happy and satisfied as you have earlier visualized that specific feeling and not any desire which may not get you satisfaction even if it appears nice on the surface.  

Very often, people buy things or enter relationships based on surface glitter which do not lead to internal satisfaction later because the focus is on  external display and not on the spirit of satisfaction. However, by focusing on inner satisfaction than on the external glitter, you would be intuitively led to choose a product which gets you satisfaction. Even if you do not have any hope of receiving a new car or getting married, a focus on the feeling that you have the desired  satisfaction , would automatically mobilize your circumstances such that the desire and satisfaction manifest.

Practical exercise 6 (PE 6.3) – Activation Of Negative Feelings
Visualize something that you desire and feel deprived that you do not have it . Feel the tension . Wait for an hour/day . Observe the energy spreading.

Test yourself- Feelings of tension and unease in other areas of your life would indicate that you have focused on negative feelings in one area of life.

  Practical Exercise 7 ( PE 6.4)- Activation Of Positive  Feelings
Before focusing, deliberately connect Intention with Thought & Action.Mentally imagine a sequence of Intended Feeling - Action - Outcome – Satisfied Feeling.

Visualize something you desire and imagine that you are feeling satisfied after receiving your desired toy or bag or book or clothes or acknowledgement. Wait for an hour/day.

Test Yourself- Increasing feelings of satisfaction in all other areas of life would indicate that you have focused on the energy of satisfaction in one area of life . Energies travel from one sphere to another

Satisfaction in one area of life increases satisfaction in other areas of life ; whereas feeling deprived in one area of life reduces energy of positivity/happiness in all other areas of life .

Note – Desires are often short-cuts which do not lead to the happiness you seek. To get happiness, you need to be clear on the feeling you desire before taking action. If you plan to be happy and not just successful from the beginning of your effort-making, your  desire to succeed will come true only if it would lead to the happy, satisfied feeling you have envisaged; otherwise, the desire will change overtime to facilitate the satisfaction/ happiness imagined.

The problem of endless craving can only be resolved by matching the energies of feeling desired - Intention desired - action- outcome before the desire manifests, in imagination.  The more you visualize / energize/ fuel feelings of contentment, the more your manifestation, work performance and choices would raise contentment in your life with the choices which you make impulsively.

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