Sunday 2 June 2024

Soul Frequency

This blog is an excerpt from my book - Creation Of Happiness: The Energy War, a soul's perspective

 shiva swati

The speed at which the soul energy vibrates is called its vibrational frequency or soul frequency.

             The concept of soul frequency is important because the soul’s power of creation depends on its vibrational frequency. The higher the frequency of vibration, greater is the soul’s power of creation.


            This concept is further explained below:

            All life in the universe is made up of energy, which we shall call matter. Matter can be solid, liquid or air .All matter or energy vibrates, i.e. oscillates in circular / cyclical motion.

            Different forms of matter vibrate at different speeds. The speed of vibration of a form of energy matter is called its frequency. 


            Energy which vibrates at a higher rate is said to have a higher frequency than that which vibrates at a lower rate.

            The frequency with which matter vibrates distinguishes its form. Solid, liquid and gas are distinguished by the fact that the atoms and molecules in each of these vibrate at different speeds or at different frequencies. The atoms and molecules in a solid are more densely attached and vibrate at a lower frequency than those in liquid or in air.


            Similarly, soul energy vibrates at different frequencies.

            The soul vibrates at a lower frequency in a physical body than in a non-physical state, since the physical body is made of solid matter and vibrates at a low speed, compared to a non-physical spirit form.

            Spirits, choosing to incarnate in a physical body, from the celestial planes, have to lower their frequency to be able to enter the physical dimension.

            Also, once they enter the physical body, different souls vibrate at different speeds, depending on their level of evolution. Advanced souls vibrate at a higher speed or frequency than less advanced souls.




Qualities Of Soul Advancement


            Advanced souls have different qualities than the less advanced souls. They are usually older souls who have been on the journey of evolution longer than the younger or less advanced souls.


            Hence, they have more experience of cause and effect relationships on the physical plane; and are more used to handling the ups and downs of life with the awareness that if they become sad, it will only hurt them more than help them. They are aware of metaphysical realities and of the trap of the vicious circle of negative energies.

            Therefore, they are naturally emotionally stronger, compassionate, have greater wisdom, are less perturbed by negativity in the world and have more control over their choices than less advanced souls.


            The choice to raise its frequencies or to lower them lies with the soul. The souls who learn their soul lessons and evolve develop a higher soul frequency, than souls who choose to play with their time on Earth and get caught in the trap of negative thinking.


            Soul frequency rises whenever the soul is able to manifest a reality it desires at the level of emotional experience, which makes it feel positive. Soul evolution entails rising to ever higher positive frequencies. To be able to create a happy reality, the soul has to learn soul lessons which help it control and manipulate the energies of creation, by using its will - mind power over anarchic negative thinking.


            The energies of creation on the physical plane include energies of negative and positive frequencies. Positive energies (   symbolized by ‘+’) aid in the process of creation whereas negative energies (symbolized by ‘–‘ ) cut or block the process of creation.


            The negative thoughts/ feelings or energies are dense by nature and, therefore, move at a lower frequency than the normal frequency of the soul.  They are like obstacles on a road, which slow down the speed of a car. Negative energy is felt as a dip in oxygen supply. It kind of creates vacuum/swamp like spaces in the soul’s energy. The light of the soul cannot penetrate the dense swamp like clusters of negativity. Hence, the soul feels blocked from spreading its light as the swamp like clusters of negativity resist the flow of positive soul force in the body. The vacuum prevents continuous energy flow and lowers the soul’s frequency or speed.


            The soul’s frequency rises again when it accumulates more positive energy than negative. Whenever the soul’s vibrational frequency rises, it evolves to a qualitatively higher form of existence in the universe, where there is greater happiness, and less emptiness/vacuum. Literally, as frequency rises, the person feels life is more meaningful than earlier.


             At higher frequencies, the soul’s power of creation automatically increases.

            A high energy frequency helps in creation as the high speed facilitates faster energy flow. The faster speed prevents interruptions of the energy flow by negative blocks. Practically, when the soul energy moves at a high speed, it has a highly positive state of mind. Hence, it keeps rejecting negative doubts, beliefs and worries, because the negative energy does not resonate with the high positive frequency of the soul.

             For instance, if water in a river is flowing at a high speed and a rock comes in between, the rock gets thrown off. It cannot stop the current. But, if water in a river is flowing at a slow speed, the rock can significantly lower the current further. A negative thought is like the rock, and the speed of flow of water is the frequency of the soul.

             The rock creates obstacles in the flow. A high frequency soul throws off the rock or the negative thought, but a low frequency soul gets blocked by it.


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