Saturday, 29 June 2024

Process of Perceiving Reality Or Falsehood

 This blog is an excerpt from my book: Creation Of Happiness: The Energy War, a soul 's perspective, chapter 2

From a layman perspective, we believe that we feel the way we do about reality because that is how it exists. However, contrary to popular presumptions, from the scientific perspective, our feelings or our perception of reality is not dependent on what happens in the external world.

Our mind receives millions of sensations at any given moment, but it can process only a few, at a given time, due to its limited focusing capacity. So, our mind has to give selective attention to the reality happening outside. Thus, it gives attention to some external stimulus only, and ignores/rejects the remaining bits of information coming its way. 

At any one moment, about 2.3 million bits of informationpass our way. However, we can focus on and internalize, into our subconscious mind, a maximum of 7 + or -2 units of information. The remaining information gets rejected. 

At an energy transmission level, the external stimulus which the mind gives attention to is chosen in the following manner:            

Each form of physical energy in the environment, whether it is light, sound, touch, smell, or taste, is a manifestation of energy, since everything in the universe is made up of energy. 

Matter or energy is always vibrating at a certain frequency .Different forms of energy are distinguished depending on the frequency each vibrates in. For example, solids are distinguished from air or water because the atoms or molecules in each vibrate at a different frequency.

Every thought which is recorded in our mind carries energy, in the form of an attached feeling. The feeling has an energy component and an individual frequency.

This energy component in the thoughtmakes us aware that something exists in the external world. For example, when we think of our work, we have some kind of a picture coming to our mind which has a feeling attached. 

Any thought which does not have a feeling attached is a fleeting thought and is not recorded by the mind, because its energy component dissipates as soon as the physical stimulus which created it disappears. E.g. The color of our colleagues’ shirts.

 In other words, we only record thoughts which have feelings attached to them and do not record thoughts which do not have feelings attached to them. 

Instructional data passes from the conscious awareness level to the subconscious level through the path of feelings. Feelings cause energy transmission, which is why probably the term emotion denotes ‘energy in motion’.

Each feeling is an electric impulse and has a specific frequency. Thus, each information coming from the external world, which is deciphered by our sense organs and recorded in the mind as an electric impulse, has an individual existing frequency.

This also means that the thoughts which have been recorded in our mind already, i.e., what we hold to be the truth, are made of a certain frequency; because they were first converted into an electric impulse and only then recorded in the mind. 

The frequency of our recorded thoughts (from past experiences, beliefs, values etc. ) determines the existing internal energy frequency of our mind.

For the resonance of any two objects,  the frequency of one has to match with the other; otherwise, one will not fit in the other. 

For example, if we put stones in a container of water, the stones and water will remain separate; but if we put more water in a container of water, both will completely mix with each other. 

Similarly, for two bits of information to resonate, the frequency of one has to match with that of the other. 

Our sense organs pick up, and pay attention to, only those bits of information whose energy frequency matches the energy frequency of information that already exists in the mind, i.e. we pick up only that information, which matches in perspective, with what we already believe in.

In other words, the filters in our mind internalize only that information from the external world, which matches with the existing energy frequencies of our subconscious mind at any given moment, and, reject millions of bits of information which do not match with its existing frequency. 

The information which is accepted by our mind fits in withourexisting concept of reality. The information which is ignored /rejected by us is assumed as not conforming to reality, simply because its energy frequency does not match ours. It gets thrown as being significant/unreal/fantasy/illusion etc.

Practically, this means that each individual’s perception of reality is different because each individual’s internal frequency is different, in correspondence with his/herthoughts.

Thoughts are stored as beliefs about life and the experiences the person has recorded at the subconscious level of the mind.  Each person’s thinking is different. Therefore, different people notice different things in the environment.

Any one individual rejects at least some information which another perceives as real, depending on the frequency of information stored in his mind.

For example, if you believe that a shopping mall is a good place to relax, you would pick up all those aspects of the shopping mall which make you feel relaxed e.g. you would notice the abundance, the lights, the music, the grandeur etc. You would pick up all the information whose frequency matches with the frequency of your internal belief. Thus, you would relax, feeling that the mall is a wonderful place to be in. Your belief would be reconfirmed by the information you pick up and internalize. 

However, if your spouse sees the shopping mall as just another shop, where she has to spend money,she may dread going there. With her/his mind focused on the expense, she will not notice the lights or the abundance; and would wonder what you like in the shopping mall. 

So, if you like going to a shopping mall for an outing and your spouse dislikes it, it is because both of you are looking at different aspects of the same reality. You take in information which you already believe in; and your spouse takes in information which he already believes in. Both of you take in only that information as real, which matches with your individual internal frequency, and ignore the rest as not confirming with reality.

Thus, irrespective of the multitude of activity happening externally, only limited amount of information, is deciphered by the mind and internalized by the subconscious mind as reality. 

This concept has critical practical implications in our everyday lives. We use this information which we take in from moment to moment to form a continuing picture of the external reality. 

This picture that we form is, automatically, in consonance with the picture of the external reality or the model of the world which we already have in the mind.

 All the new information which does not fit in with the information already existing is thrown out, unless the impact of the new information is very big, so big, that it causes a shift in the internal energy frequency of the body. (This point will be discussed later in chapter 10 –The Law of Repetition)

In a gist, the picture that we form of the external reality is, usually, the same as that which we already believe reality to be. When our beliefs change, this picture also changes. But, usually, in a life-time, our beliefs do not change more than four or five times and hence for long periods, we continue with the same perceptions about our reality.

Thus, though the external picture of reality keeps changing, as our life moves from one phase to the next, our perception of reality, be it negative or positive, remains the same over prolonged periods of time. 

For instance, if our focus is on feeling deprived, we continue to feel deprived even if we become successful in external terms; or if our focus is on having failed in meeting our own expectations, we continue feeling failed through different spheres of life. Likewise, if we feel we are appreciated in the external world, but feel unreal inside ourselves, we continue feeling appreciated through different walks of life but lose touch with our inner selves.

The role of a dominant focus point of feelings

While taking in information from the external world, we only take in information which matches with our internal energy frequency, at that specific moment. 

The internal energy frequency at any specific moment depends on the dominant feelings we are focusing upon in that moment.

     The energy frequency of our body is the frequency of the electric current flowing in our body. The electric current flow in the body is in synchronization with the electric impulses which are constantly created as feelings are produced. These electric impulses/feelings carry an electric charge and so, have individual frequencies. The positive and negative charges get averaged out and an average is established.

Therefore, the frequency of our body at any one moment is the average charge/frequency of all the electric impulses being produced at that moment. This average frequency is called the dominant focus point of the body. 

Our dominant focus at any one moment is most influenced by the most dominant electric charge in our body. The most dominant electric charge is that of the most dominant feeling we are focusing on. 

Hence, the dominant focus point or the average energy frequency of our body at any one moment is most affected by the most dominant feeling we keep focusing on.

Our dominant focus can be negatively or positively charged depending on which feelings we focus upon more. 

At any one moment, we feel either predominantly positive or negative.

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