Tuesday, 30 April 2024

Reasons for problems & Soul Healing Therapy

 Soul healing therapy aims to uplift frequencies of the soul to remove the soul from clutches of non ending problems .

Financial or health worries as commonly 

assumed are not the root cause of difficulty

but are only guidelines to the desires of 

emotional satisfaction which the soul seeks to attain. All difficulties are a part of soul 

growth/advancement and come in the path of attaining emotional desires of love, respect, 

acknowledgement etc . which radiate high 

frequency energies that help the soul uplift to 

a higher positive vibrational frequency.

From the soul’s perspective , difficulties are 

co- created by negative thinking and have to 

be vibrationally healed at the energy plane by 

deliberately fueling energies on positive 

enlightening positive frequencies.  so that the dark, negative frequencies 

can be overpowered on the physical plane by balance through obstacles.

If the person does not understand how to 

manage emotions such as to convert negative 

energy into positive by choice, his soul gets 

stuck in the obstructions which come in the 

path of attaining success and happiness.

A person who is stuck by negative energies 

starts radiating bad/depressed/unhappy 

vibrations as negative energy takes over the 

positive life force of the person. Sadness and 

anger spread like a viral infection. Thought 

waves travel in the same way as sound waves 

or light waves do. The energy contained in a 

thought spreads from one being to another 

like breath spreads. Thus, the energy of 

difficulty or happiness expands though the 

energy spreading is experienced differently by 

different souls depending on individual 

receiving frequencies. 

Negative energy spreads and multiplies in all 

those host bodies who subconsciously indulge 

in sadness and anger by a choice to stay 

negative, because they have no awareness of 

the soul’s science of co-creation. 

Soul healing helps the person 

learn how to remain positive when negative 

energy attacks in the form of difficulties just as 

a course in car driving would help a driver.

This blog is extracted from my book - a course in emotional management 


Monday, 22 April 2024

Main reason for Negative Emotions


The main reason for predominance of negative emotions is being money minded/ marks oriented  over satisfaction oriented while pursuing success.  If we continue being money-minded and mechanical in thinking, problems would rise rapidly on the planet as has been happening in

The past decade . Human evolution over

Centuries has displayed increasing

dissatisfaction and it has become evident that

The creation of more money, power, fame,

cars, mobiles, big houses, fancy clothes,

jewelry, alcohol, helicopters, spaceships or

weapons has not helped people in feeling

calm in everyday life or acquiring the self –

empowerment skills which lead to mastering

of love, contentment, routine good health or



While weapons of technology have been

invested on, peacefulness has been neglected

as a side-lined priority . As a result, wars and

terrorism have been increasing while peace & harmony have been declining leading to growth of discontentment, violence & depression in human society in spite of huge scientific advancement.


To find love, contentment & happiness,

 investment of human life force energy needs to be on pursuit of emotional management

Along with scientific advancement

negative emotions is the pursuit of success

over happiness which works on the false

presumption that monetary success would

automatically lead to happiness that is

scientifically impossible as energies multiply

by subconscious focus and not by traditionally

imposed preaching .

Essentially, pursuit of external goals of success

while neglecting inner needs of satisfaction, is

the continuation of the primitive man’s ape-

like thinking. Pure monetary success was the

goal of the newly evolving primitive/ ape man

but just having surplus security of wealth

does not satisfy an advanced human soul if

the money earned/inherited is devoid of

emotional energies that constitute love &


The human soul is an advancement of the

animal soul and hence has needs for more

energies than would satisfy animals. A human

being not only requires food, sex & shelter but

also desires fulfillment in love, respect for

effort, good health and peacefulness in mind to be happy .

If we continue being money-minded and

mechanical in thinking, problems would rise

rapidly on the planet as has been happening in

the past decade . Human evolution over

centuries has displayed increasing

dissatisfaction and it has become evident that the creation of more money, power, fame,

cars, mobiles, big houses, fancy clothes,

jewelry, alcohol, helicopters, spaceships or

weapons has not helped people in feeling

calm in everyday life or acquiring the self -

empowerment skills which lead to mastering

of love, contentment, routine good health or


While weapons of technology have been

invested on, peacefulness has been neglected

as a side-lined priority . As a result, wars and

terrorism have been increasing while peace &

harmony have been declining leading to

growth of discontentment, violence &

depression in human society in spite of huge

scientific advancement.


To find love, contentment & happiness,

investment of human life force energy needs

to be on pursuit of emotional management

along with scientific advancement.

This blog is an excerpt from the book - Spirituality in Education - note for the reader.


Sunday, 14 April 2024

Smile Inwardly To Heal

 Our subconscious mind picks up the 

energies/self-talk we repeat as commands . The feeling 

focused upon in the present creates further 

reality. It is better to be in the feeling that the 

pain is gone than being in the vibration that 

the pain exists. Feeling that the negative 

energy has passed away will create the 

situation in the future that it passes away.

We create in the future what we focus upon 


The first step to get out of feeling negative is 

to force our mind to stop focusing on the 

accident, situation or sickness which is 

creating the pain and be thoughtless or focus 

on something else, which is non-negative.

We can cry it out but smile as soon as we 

regain control of our energy waves. We cannot 

afford to be lazy mentally and brood instead of 

controlling the mind from feeling negative.

We increase negative energy by focusing on a 

negative situation or a problem. We have to 

check the virus of negativity before it grows 

into fungus. The negative situation needs to 

be overcome in the initial stages of attack 

before it becomes a traumatizing memory in 

the mind or triggers a sickness in the body.

This blog is an excerpt from my book - Redefining Happiness 


Monday, 8 April 2024

Feelings Create Vibrations Of Reality Before Actions Happen

 Integrating spirituality in education means spreading the awareness that each soul is a co-creator and creates its own reality by feeling specific vibrations while participating in collective creation of a world reality. The responsibility of education is to ensure that each soul concentrates on feeling positive/happy by choice and hence, energizes creation of happiness and not destruction of happiness.


 This blog is an excerpt from my book - Spirituality In Education (Redefine success as rising peace, optimism and happiness - with 75 self help exercises)

Feelings create reality more than actions. Reality is perceived by the soul through feelings which underlie experiences of happiness, success, misfortune or disease.


Feelings release electric impulses which create vibrationary energy movement in the direction which the feelings focus upon (positive or negative).  Reality is co- created by each person (man, woman or child) by focusing on the vibrational movement of energy along specific emotional paths called neuropathways or energy circuits.


A happy or positive or peaceful state of mind is a result of focusing on feelings of optimism, patience and peacefulness as deliberate choices of being, irrespective of what you are doing. (In case, you are constantly running a race, you need to create moments of peacefulness at regular intervals, as will be elaborated in the exercises given from chapter 8 onwards.)


Vibrations are released sub-consciously through the small electric impulses radiated underneath each feeling. These electric impulses release hormones in the body. Positive feelings generate positive/ happiness hormones in the body while negative hormones generate negative/stress hormones in the body.


Positive hormones improve health while negative hormones create sickness. For example, problems like asthma, headaches, colds and coughs are aggravated by continuously fueling the energy of feeling compromised (negatively pressurized, in conflict, suffocated etc.) due to a choice to focus on negative circumstances of life.


Good Health and Happiness are created by a deliberate choice of fueling an internal dominant focus on detached or positive feelings. Over a period of time, the consistent release of neutral ( zero frequency of energy ) or positive hormones ( plus, +, frequency of energy ) helps you make choices of eating, exercising, thinking and meditating which heal the body and allow the mind to be free of overwhelming stress (negative, - , frequency of energy).


The most dominant feelings which are focused upon manifest as real situations, by activating changes in circumstances. It may take weeks, months or years for a new reality to manifest but a deliberate creation of imagining happiness in your future is better than leaving happiness to chance through depending on a trial and error process; because if you do not use your soul energies for mentally imagining happiness or creating inner peacefulness, you automatically invest your energies on fueling worries, sickness and stress.



While my other books viz. “Creation Of Happiness: the Energy war, a Soul’s Perspective “, “How To Be happy In Difficulties “ and “A Course in Emotional Management” ,

 focus on explaining these vibratory concepts for adults, in more detail, for improvements in health and peace of mind; the focus of this book is to teach how to apply the laws of vibration in everyday thinking from childhood. Hence, the three main laws of Vibration are simply explained in brief, in this book.


There are three main Laws of Soul Vibration which affect the vibrational movement of energy and creation of any reality in human life.




These three laws are













The Law of Creation states that you will create every feeling in your life which you focus upon by default.


By default means that your experiences will verify your internal dominant feelings whether your focus is intentional or non-intentional.



An intentional focus is where the person has an awareness of the impact of his feelings on his future. An awareness of inner focus is created by observation of the feelings which you choose to focus upon and a positive future is created by focusing on positive feelings by a deliberate choice to uplift the spirit.


A focus is non-intentional when you focus on a negative feeling subconsciously or experience a depressed ener

Monday, 1 April 2024

Trust on Positive Vibrations

 A happy or positive or peaceful state of mind is a result of focusing on feelings of optimism, patience and peacefulness as deliberate choices of being, irrespective of what you are doing. (In case, you are constantly running a race, you need to create moments of peacefulness at regular intervals)

Vibrations are released sub-consciously through the small electric impulses radiated underneath each feeling. These electric impulses release hormones in the body. Positive feelings generate positive/ happiness hormones in the body while negative hormones generate negative/stress hormones in the body. 

Positive hormones improve health while negative hormones create sickness. For example, problems like asthma, headaches, colds and coughs are aggravated by continuously fueling the energy of feeling compromised (negatively pressurized, in conflict and suffocated, respectively) due to a choice to focus on negative circumstances of life.

Good Health and happiness are created by a deliberate choice of fueling an internal dominant focus on detached or positive feelings. Over a period of time, the consistent release of neutral or positive hormones helps you make choices of eating, exercising, thinking and meditating which heal the body and allow the mind to be free of overwhelming stress.

The most dominant feelings which are focused upon manifest as real situations, by activating changes in circumstances. It may take weeks, months or years for a new reality to manifest but a deliberate creation of imagining happiness in your future is better than leaving happiness to chance through depending on a trial and error process.

This blog is an excerpt from my book - Spirituality in Education, chapter 4.

7 Steps of Enlightenment starting from Ego Transcendence

   Enlightenment is level 7 while ego transcendence is level 1 of enlightenment.  www.pastliferegressiontherapy-shivaswati.com Enlightenment...