Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Happiness & Health improve by being positive

 Happiness and Health 

rise by increasing positive 

power of the Soul by 

understanding its voices,

The Soul 

communicates its unrest 

throughthe subconscious

mind’s personalities, 

Positive frequency of the 

Soul needs to be 

accentuated by skill and 


Creating Happiness is as

skilled an effort as

swimming in deep waters 

This is an excerpt from the book - Emotional Energy Management 

( www.shivaswati.com)

Emotional Management aims to increase positive hormones of the body to improve health, mind power and happiness by using self-help exercises to heal sadness and other blocking factors which reduce health or happiness. In place of medicines, logical skills of reasoning are used to understand the inner self and heal diseases through automatic control of instructions going to the subconscious mind. 

subconscious mind. The conscious mind is 

the rational, reasoning, analytical mind. It is the mind as we are aware of in the here and 

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