Saturday, 2 January 2021

Desire For Excess Moves Against Cosmic Design Of Harmony

 This blog is an excerpt from the book-' the life plan of creation astrology report,  a soul's perspective' by Shiva Swati. 

Each spirit is driven to make a life plan which entail 

its specific desires that lead to a planned 

frequency of inner satisfaction. The incarnated 

spirit as the soul, has to pursue desires to evolve, 

leave the desires which create more unrest than

inner satisfaction and focus on multiplying efforts 

on desires which lead to contentment needed for 

long run happiness such that average soul 

satisfaction increases over a course of evolution. 

For example, if you have a desire to eat excess food, 

you will get more indigestion than peace in your body 

and hence, you have to slowly give up on the desire to 

eat excessive food to find satisfaction. If you cannot 

give up your craving, your soul difficulty will continue 

at the same level of discomfort over your lifetime and 

you will never heal indigestion till you decide to detach, 

end that class of difficulty and move onto the next 

grade where you eat healthy food. The difficulty may 

get over in the same lifetime or the next or may 

continue over several lifetimes; till understanding, 

detachment and positive eating are acquired as habits 

of choice...

When the soul thinks in alignment with the higher 

perspective, it seeks to overcome negative energy and 

manifest positive energy as the Higher Self wants it to. 

If the soul makes choices which are not in alignment 

with its Higher Self, it would be metaphorically, like a 

cell making choices against the choices of the whole 

body. If each cell competes with others, it would add 

to destructive force and destroy the essence of being 

alive. Also, if each cell wants to go in a different 

direction, the body would be in chaos and the cell wound not find happiness either 

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