Saturday, 30 January 2021


A  professional session of spirit release takes 2 to 5 hours depending on the extent of healing needed by the spirit on the present and past lives  before a complete release is possible and karmically permitted with learning of soul lessons and future planning of remaining karmic debt.

These steps are for routine release that do not have many complications.  Complexities can vary and professional energy healing therapy is required if the spirit does not leave in peace. 

 Usually, spirits are glad to leave if you can convince them you would be fine without 

them. Even if you cannot be fine without them, convince yourself to raise your emotional strengths and allow them to leave.

As far as possible, whenever a person dies, do a quick spirit release.

Steps Of Spirit Release:

• Sit in a semi trance state where your 

mind is calm.

• Now, visualize the person at the mom

ent of his or her death.

• See a spirit coming out of his body. Let 

your imagination be free and accept first 

impressions coming to your mind

• If the spirit is going up, you will see it revolving and becoming light in frequency as it goes up.

• If the spirit looks lost or is moving toward Keep a glass wall between you and the spirit.

• Imagine golden light coming up on top of the spirit’s head.

• At the same time, show the spirit a halo 

of light above its head. Ask the spirit to look into the light. As the spirit looks up to the light, it will enter the light.

• If the spirit is restless, he may have 

concerns which he is unable to let go. 

Convince the spirit to look up at the light and 


• However, if you feel that the spirit looks 

nervous/restless, hear whatever it wants to say. You may use the steps involved in the 

process given previously of talking silently.

• Feel words coming into your mind 

as from your own subconscious or from 

nowhere. Accept the first impressions coming to your mind.

• If you get the feeling that the spirit has 

any resentment him his dead body and again 

point to the light.

• If the spirit dies in an accident or 

suddenly, it may be too shocked and too full of  another person, call the dead person by 

responsibility to leave. However, it cannot fill 

its responsibilities if its body is gone. So, it has 

to let go. Convince the spirit to go in the Light 

once by imagining it is there. Once it goes, it 

will understand the life plan and why it died. 

While convincing the soul to go up, you may 

say that it can heal and come back if it does 

not like it in that dimension.

• If the spirit is unable to let go and still 

appears concerned, ask it to visualize that his 

responsibility is being met by another person 

on Earth.

• Explain that it has to leave as it will not 

be able to achieve any purpose by staying on 

without a body.

• Tell the spirit repeatedly that its body is 

gone. Say that its purpose of life is over 

because the body is gone and it cannot 

achieve its purpose unless it goes to heaven, 

heals and returns. Ask it to let go of all 

sadness and look up at the light.

• Once the spirit can visualize the light, ask 

him to imagine it is in the Light. Then, you will see it flying up to the Light.

Cut your ENERGY CORD with that 

person and just see him disappearing into 

Light and let go.

• As it goes into the light, you may see it 

passing through an energy shower of light and 

all black energy falling off it like grey smoke 

falling off. The spirit may start glowing and 

appear younger.

• Next, you may see it entering a golden 

gate and going to heaven.

• The spirit will be cleansed in heaven and 

informed of its remaining soul plan. You may 

even see it coming back and entering a baby’s 

body or a parallel body.

• Before ending the process, do an energy 


• Imagine sending all of the spirit’s energy 

to him out of your body.

• Then, feel that your energy has come 

back to you as the spirit goes into light.

• If the spirit says again and again that it cannot see light, ask the spirit to look around 

and imagine light somewhere above its head. 

You can also imagine light around its head as if a door towards a dimension of light is 

Cut your ENERGY CORD with that 

person and just see him disappearing into 

Light and let go.

• As it goes into the light, you may see it 

passing through an energy shower of light and 

all black energy falling off it like grey smoke 

falling off. The spirit may start glowing and 

appear younger.

• Next, you may see it entering a golden 

gate and going to heaven.

• The spirit will be cleansed in heaven and 

informed of its remaining soul plan. You may 

even see it coming back and entering a baby’s 

body or a parallel body.

• Before ending the process, do an energy 


• Imagine sending all of the spirit’s energy 

to him out of your body.

• Then, feel that your energy has come 

back to you as the spirit goes into light.

• If the spirit says again and again that it 

cannot see light, ask the spirit to look around 

and imagine light somewhere above its head. 

You can also imagine light around its head as if a door towards a dimension of light is 

opening. You can imagine gates of heaven 

opening for the spirit. Then, see an angel or a 

loved one coming to take the spirit into the 

Light. See the spirit holding his hand and 

going into the Light.

• If the person cannot enter the light, ask 

him to stand under an energy shower and 

release balls of smoke. Imagine negativity 

falling off him as rocks falling off. See animals 

or objects or weapons being released and 

being sucked in a black hole. Now, the spirit 

will appear freer and brighter.

• Now, feel a golden energy entering him.

• Then, see him going into the light.

• Cut your energy chord, do an energy 

exchange and see it flying away.

Some spirits do come back after getting 

healed in the celestial dimensions. They return 

to finish their unfulfilled responsibilities and 

join parallel bodies.

A parallel body is another incarnation of the 

same soul in a different body.

(Our soul comes from a huge quantum of life 

force energy. The Higher Self is a part of the 

Creator. It is like the SUN and each SUN can  

have several rays. A spirit in a body is like a 

ray of the SUN. If we were to compare the 

body with a bottle, the spirit in the body is like 

water in a bottle. Several bottles can be filled 

from the same stream of water which is its 

Higher Self. The concept of parallel lives is 

explained in detail in the book In Search of 


Steps Of An Energy Shower After 

Spirit Release

Using the Energy Shower METHOD is useful 

to cleanse ourselves after a person has died. 

It helps if we feel overtly uneasy or depressed. 

The idea is to release spirit attachments which may be making us feel negative.

• Be in a semi trance state.

• Fly into the clouds as if you are a bird in 

your imagination.

• Enter a door. See yourself in a beautiful 

garden with a shower or fountain of energy.

• Stand under the shower of energy.

Feel energy pouring on you like water 


• Feel all parts of you getting bathed, inter

nally and externally

• Feel light filing inside you.

• Now, see the person you have just 


• Collect your sadness in a bowl and give it 

to him and her.

Take your energy back from that person. Cut 

ENERGY CORD. Feel light pouring on 

yourself and appear brighter.

• Keep standing in the light. Imagine 

golden light in your stomach and open a door 

in your stomach. Command all spirit 

attachments inside you to come out. Put torch 

light in your stomach. You may see faces of 

people or animals. Flash light on their third 


• Ask the spirit to go where it belongs. You 

may see it enter into a golden door and 

disappearing into the light. Or you may find 

that it dissolves in a black hole or the sea.

For further reading,  pleaee refer to the book REDEFINING HAPPINESS, CHAPTER 18 - 'Overcoming The Grief Of Death' 

Thursday, 14 January 2021

The Files OF Memories Are Stored By Emotionally Matching Frequencies


This blog is an excerpt from the book 


 Moving towards Happiness in Steps

 Version 2

(Integrating Mind & Body’s Choices With Soul Needs )"

Shiva Swati

To remove painful memories, undesirable habits or any belief which causes stress, you first have to shake, loosen and break the neurological/energy circuits which uphold these negative patterns as intertwined energy strings in the subconscious mind; just as to remove fat stored in the body, you have to shake up your energy balance of eating and exercise. Like diet or physical exercise, emotional management works better when techniques of mind control are applied and adapted to self needs with deliberate perseverance.

The subconscious mind is like the hard disk of the computer. It stores information in files. Everything which can create an emotion is contained as a file in the subconscious mind.  Emotions constitute energies. Any activity which does not create an emotion cannot be stored in the subconscious mind. All your memories have emotional content. If you cannot feel emotions underlying experiences, you cannot store them in your subconscious mind.

There is a category for each type of information. For example, there is a file for positive emotions and a file of negative emotions. Energies of like frequencies get clubbed together and separate from energies of different frequencies. Broadly divided, there are files for LIKES and there are files for DISLIKES. The positive and negative are further subdivided into several categories. For example, there are categories for abuses and loving memories, laughter and sorrows, painful and relaxing situations etc...

The emotions are clubbed in overlapping categories in your subconscious mind. The same emotions are clubbed with matching frequencies and stored in several files. Physical attributes accompanying the emotions like the people involved, place involved, color, sound, taste etc. are also stored as memories with pictorial component. However, these sensory attributes become hazy overtime and only the emotions retain a hold as energies impacting the subconscious mind. The emotions stored may have components of fear, hurt, sadness, rejection, love, attraction, admiration, respect etc.


In energy terms, there are two basic frequencies of all human experiences – negative or positive i.e., you either have a negative or a positive experience.

Emotions are simplified as rules in the subconscious mind. Every experience creates a rule for taking positive action or reacting negatively, on its repetition – a Yes or a No.

The subconscious mind has a core reservoir of energies experienced at the deep levels which match the surface level experiences. The feelings on the surface level are matched with similar frequencies in the deep levels and stored as energies of positive or negative frequencies; in several categories of complexities. Any experience that does not create any feeling are discarded by the brain as useless. But, any experience which creates feelings gets added to the data-base of the subconscious mind as a program repertoire.

Rules of absorbing beleifs change overtime but the process of change and upliftment requires huge energy shifts, as internal energy reservoirs have to be diluted, dissoluted and broken within the subconscious categories. Changing rules to feel happier is a process of soul evolution.

The soul evolves while changing rules as change towards being happier requires effort with positive expectations. Changing subconscious rules is an uphill climb whereas remaining sad and unhappy is a downward slope for the soul. It is easier to fall down than rise up. Without awareness, a person stuck in negative traps of life, falls more into negative frequencies or worsens in debility overtime. Problems increase if there is no desire to change values which create unhappiness in the mind.

Upgrading inner rules of YES and NO by using energy healing methods, is the easiest way to move on towards happiness. When you can redefine what happiness means by changing your energy cycles subconsciously, you can keep adapting yourself to maintain peace with changing people and anxieties. However, without an attempt to upgrade your soul consciousness, you would fall into depression, stress and sickness due to an inability to free stuck soul energy trapped in subconscious negative energy circuits.


Rekindling feelings by self-hypnosis in therapy helps to access the memories of an old physical experience and changing inner rules of YES and NO. What maybe a YES earlier but has created negativity or bad health has to become a NO overtime. However, this energy shift requires breaking and reframing the subconscious wiring to create change within the body.


A simplified example is given below:

In tangible items of likes and dislikes, ice cream is usually a food, which is liked. So, it would be recorded in files, of YES – YES files represent positive energies. This single experience will be clubbed under several categories in the subconscious mind. It will be stored in files which constitute likes of all types, then in files which have specifically likes in food items. Ice-cream may also be clubbed with other likes as sweets, in other health component files as fats and maybe in files of some negative experiences of acidity etc.  All these parts of our mind get activated while eating ice cream.


Each new information is added to the existing information as accumulated energy.


For example, if eating ice creams has been a good experience 1500 times (1500 YES) in your lives and it was good this time also, then it is added in the data base - Good experiences for eating icecream-1501 (1501 YES)

If for some reason, a part of the experience of eating ice cream becomes bad, then another file is created in the bad experiences section: Bad experience of eating ice creams – 1 NO.


While accessing memories for reference, the stronger energies crop up first. For instance, a fat person may find eating ice-cream bad since he became fat, but he may like the taste of ice-cream more and hence, ignore the BAD aspect of the experience. The negative effect will, thus, be ignored, unless the negative energy becomes stronger than the positive experience. So, 1501YES viz. positive experiences are recorded and 1NO viz. negative experience is recorded in the subconscious mind.


 Hence, impulses take over unless the files are deleted and replaced by systematic methods of beleifs change that include therapy.

For further details; please refer to the book " A COURSE IN EMOTIONAL MANAGEMENT "

There are several specific files created for each physical, emotionally arousing experience. Experiences which do not 

Saturday, 2 January 2021

Desire For Excess Moves Against Cosmic Design Of Harmony

 This blog is an excerpt from the book-' the life plan of creation astrology report,  a soul's perspective' by Shiva Swati. 

Each spirit is driven to make a life plan which entail 

its specific desires that lead to a planned 

frequency of inner satisfaction. The incarnated 

spirit as the soul, has to pursue desires to evolve, 

leave the desires which create more unrest than

inner satisfaction and focus on multiplying efforts 

on desires which lead to contentment needed for 

long run happiness such that average soul 

satisfaction increases over a course of evolution. 

For example, if you have a desire to eat excess food, 

you will get more indigestion than peace in your body 

and hence, you have to slowly give up on the desire to 

eat excessive food to find satisfaction. If you cannot 

give up your craving, your soul difficulty will continue 

at the same level of discomfort over your lifetime and 

you will never heal indigestion till you decide to detach, 

end that class of difficulty and move onto the next 

grade where you eat healthy food. The difficulty may 

get over in the same lifetime or the next or may 

continue over several lifetimes; till understanding, 

detachment and positive eating are acquired as habits 

of choice...

When the soul thinks in alignment with the higher 

perspective, it seeks to overcome negative energy and 

manifest positive energy as the Higher Self wants it to. 

If the soul makes choices which are not in alignment 

with its Higher Self, it would be metaphorically, like a 

cell making choices against the choices of the whole 

body. If each cell competes with others, it would add 

to destructive force and destroy the essence of being 

alive. Also, if each cell wants to go in a different 

direction, the body would be in chaos and the cell wound not find happiness either 

7 Steps of Enlightenment starting from Ego Transcendence

   Enlightenment is level 7 while ego transcendence is level 1 of enlightenment. Enlightenment...