Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Impact of a Curse In Everyday Life

A Curse Is a Scientific Attachment

 Past lives, curses and spirit attachments are normally denied by people too absorbed in escaping into materialism, alcohol, fatty foods and having fun. Acknowledging a curse or a spirit attachment means that you have to acknowledge that karma pays up and you cannot be happy in the future if you continue being evil . The existence of past lives proves that a murderer gets punished by misery in a future lifetime or that there is no escape from karmic imprisonment.

Usually, we focus on a world where there are abusers and the helpless. However, the helpless can curse the abusers and they usually do so in silence when tortured. As a result of this curse, the life of the abuser becomes miserable as he loses all love and peace in life. He may get sick and he may get severe depression. The curse ensures that revenge is taken at an invisible level and the helpless get justice. The curse given in a moment of intense emotion has the power to break a castle of dreams.
However, Revenge does not ensure justice. A person may take revenge but continues to suffer himself. A curse similarly does not ensure justice to the victim though it makes the abuser suffer as much or more than the victimised. 

The victim may be suffering due to his negative vibration and the curse makes the vibration even more negative, thus increasing logical suffering to paranormal levels. The curse effects both the giver and the receiver For example, if a woman curses a man who cheats on her that he will never be happy till she suffers , it ensures that she keep suffering  so that the man is never happy . A curse is a double bind. It pulls the spirit down long after revenge is over and soul lessons have been practised. 

It continues as long as the mistake which created the curse is being repeated in some level. For example, if a man continues cheating women, the curse would keep ensuring he stays unhappy. Or if a woman is very abusive, a curse on her would ensure that she never finds peace as she desires.
The curse uplifts with awareness that behaviour has to be changed in all public and private moments and thinking has to be converted from exploitative or competitive to compassionate. Past life therapy helps in viewing a curse ands in breaking it down such that the soul lessons are understood. The curse ends with past life therapy if the soul lessons have already been learnt and only awareness was needed to realize the reason for problems. 

The problems ends after a past life session if the soul makes the necessary changes in thinking patterns to become a more positive person vibrationally. The curse ends only if the person changes from within and becomes a wiser and more peaceful human being.

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