Saturday, 13 June 2020

Happiness Comes With Confronting And Overcoming Problems

Happiness and enlightenment cannot arrive by ignoring problems to be happy or by denying that problems exist .Instead of preaching spirituality as being always good and being critical of routines difficulties; happiness arrives by overcoming difficulties with a  positive spirit while participating in the joys of life. Being alive entails consumerism, fashion, love, passion and joys of the creative soul other than work pursuits, and it is necessary to be aware that facing negative setbacks experienced in family life and relationships, propels life force towards attainment of higher positive frequencies.
The struggle for happiness, over lifetimes, leads to realization of inner peace and enlightenment . Difficulties create higher wisdom for the spirit who overcomes problems with optimism, hope and feeling peaceful than brooding over the negative setbacks.
Soul ascension to happiness is a process of acquisition and detachment wherein you acquire strength through worldly means to climb the next step on the ladder of ascension ; but detach from the lower ladder  of bad health, deprivation or lack of peace for moving onwards to a higher soul frequency.
Enlightenment is a process which is attained after a  spirit feels fulfilled , loved and acquires peacefulness by choice. Hence, to be happy and emotionally balanced, it is necessary to balance the need to spend on passions with the art of practicing detachment than completely force detachment as punishment on self. As research has proved through applied behaviour analysis, positive reinforcement and intermittent rewarding gets better work done from children than negative reinforcement or punishment. The same theory applies while training the self to achieve more positivity . Rewarding the soul and praising small achievements helps more than depriving the self, as was the traditional route to enlightenment .
The balancing of consumerism with spiritualism and detachment leads to inner feelings of peace  while forcing hunger/ emptiness on self leads to  feelings of negativity and helplessness . As contrasted with greed which is akin to over-eating,  disciplined indulgence takes a soul closer to being happier for matching higher positive frequencies of the Creator .
While spiritualism helps you remain detached from over eating /over indulgence, the process of materialism helps you appreciate all that which is created by other souls seeking to rise with positive vibrations. On the ladder of ascension to happiness, it is necessary to spread happiness than compete to be happier than others.
Thus , the process of ascension to enlightenment has to be balanced with family life & Earth’s responsibilities so that you can appreciate and encourage the creative work of other rays of THE CREATOR while moving up to a high positive frequency . Ascension happens when your frequencies completely agree and merge with the creative consciousness, thus brightening the light and knowledge of the Creator.
The movement from negative thinking to positive thinking involves a state of losing balance at a lower negative state of being; and rebuilding balance, at a higher vibration which may be less grounded /secure than a negative, tense balance but is closer to ascension . On a positive soul frequency and a higher soul vibration, happiness and health improve,  the fear of death is reduced and there is meaningfulness felt in being alive. 
You cannot be happy unless you are healthy.
During the process of self- actualization, improving health and peace/happiness are necessary guideposts of being in the right direction  . When you keep focusing on the feeling of being neutral, the detached feeling, over-time leads to a feeling of inner bliss as the energy loosens from feeling tied in negative/sad energy circuits and moves up towards feeling freer and happier. The more you feel happier, the more you feel healthier as life force increases with release of positive hormones in the body.

If darkness exists, it cannot be hidden and believed to not exist. The dark has to be converted into light by deliberate choice of the soul to feel internally calm so as to transcend the negative energy into positive energy. Feeling calm activates zero frequencies in difficult areas of life which overtime leads to solutions. Feeling calm also prevents spread of negative energy and helps to be healthy in all facets of life. Focusing on happiness while on a difficult path is like seeking light while going through a dark tunnel.
Efforts to stay positive and healthy convert the energy of negative thinking into its opposite energy of happiness over a period of persistent focus on finding the blessing in every difficulty.
 For further reading, please read the book EMOTIONAL ENERGY MANAGEMENT , chapter 22 (

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