Sunday, 9 December 2018

Depression - Seek To Change than Be in Chains

Depression leads to soul evolution if overcome with a zeal for developing optimism, positive thinking , hope , satisfaction and meditative abilities “

Depression is spreading like rapid fire these days.  Problems appear to rise when people start talking about them whereas they may have been dormant through centuries. However, problems can also literally increase when there is excessive accumulation of trauma in the mass consciousness and immunity falls for society, as a whole; thus , leading to each falling backwards. This analogy is similar to pollution of air. When there is too much pollution, breathing of each is negatively affected. Similarly, when there is too much hypocrisy in society, well-being of each thinking person is negatively affected.

While rational logic can be devised on theoretical layers and medicines prescribed by research on chemical grounds, there is much need to understand the energy underlying the spread of depression to check its exponential growth. Usually, depression is caused due to the circumstances of a person which are affected by a multitude of factors that cannot be controlled as chemical reactions can be. However, the circumstances can be deciphered through methods like hypnotherapy so that the person can view his or her own self -deception.

The healing of depression requires release of suppressed tension by either changing the circumstances of viewing the self from a detached, observer’s perspective. Depressions goes into the background when  illusions of a  perfect world , a perfect education scenario, a perfect self , a perfect marriage and a perfect job break  while  imperfections are accepted as a natural norm of life, such that freedom replaces chains in the mind.

Depression is largely a result of self- deception .You become depressed when you feel helpless because things are not as they should be and you cannot do anything about the situation.
For example, depression in school children can be traced to inadequate sleep patterns, trust being broken repeatedly, unfair criticism, unnecessary performance expectations and excessive pressure on the child’s mind to fit into success norms of the world which have been proven to have failed in creating satisfaction or happiness.

Children feel insecure and are over stressed often due to irregular family timings or an aggressive family atmosphere. While preaching discipline to the young minds, at a theoretical level, their own practice does not match the preaching, leaving kids confused and sad.  In practice, adults in a modern life style have irregular timings and aggressive relationships since everyone is running the rat race along with seeking some semblance of fun, with hardly any time left for harmonizing the body, health and inner space. There is last priority effort invested on stress release as the traditional concept of fun is connected with rebelling secretly while compromising conventionally with the hypocrisy in which you are expected to fit in. Thus, there is dancing, alcoholism, partying, excessive eating, socializing in clubs, pubs or discotheques which creates even more stress once layers of self- deception creep up in the subconscious, leading to seeds of depression .

A healthy mind is an outcome of making a priority to invest some time towards being in peace in free, inner space where there is no pressure to perform in any manner, not even by the clothes you wear or by the ways you choose to differ from others’ thinking; where you have time to just be and contemplate on your positive energies. Feelings of peace and inner space help in healing depression by opening up chains in the mind. Adult fun in today’s world is centred around competitive lies , deceit and image keeping.

However, young adults or teenagers find it difficult to understand this hypocrisy as it onsets suddenly. A growing up child can feel disillusioned and collapse with the energy of surface lies as a fish without stability when the water is found dirty and infected with the virus of hypocrisy.
A minimum help which can be given by schools can be more time to sleep by keeping flexible timings or afternoon shifts for children who prefer sleeping late; as sleeping is atleast one form of rest where you are free of pressure. Extra sleeping time can help children have inner space to contemplate and resolve their issues without feeling pressured by studies or sports or other performances.
Extra sleeping time also helps to improve memory as it clears up suppressed cobwebs in the mind. You need to be alone for about two or three hours every day other than the regular 8 sleeping hours ,  to self reflect and release the energy of sadness or abuses which you encounter in everyday life. You can sit in a restful state even if you don’t get asleep in the extra two hours allotted to you .

 You need to take this time to be in your private space instead of watching television or socializing which may increase your tension, Being alone and non- judged would help you calm down your nerves and balance your hormones.  By calming down your nerves, you will have time to unwind your space which is needed to improve your mind power and health . Extra rest or meditation  time where you can be away from everyday worries ,thoughtless or day dreaming ,  improves quality work performance and reduces the need for active fun which is stress creating . Whether you dance or paint or sing or study, being alone in a positive state of mind , whether asleep or awake, would improve your performance more than slogging out endlessly by activating release of positive or neutral hormones over stressed,  negative hormones.

Sleep time is especially required by patients of depression to feel balanced. If pressurized continuously, they become suicidal. Depressed patients need hours of thoughtlessness so that the mind rises from negative thinking to neutral or detached activity. Positive thinking is possible only after neutral states of mind are activated and maintained.

Hence, flexible timings and less pressure are two large scale rational healing methods which can be applied for addressing depression from the schooling years by changes in the school structure to allow late schooling. Once a base of feeling free in inner space is secured from childhood, other methods of healing can be added to this wider inner space for feeling more alive.

Where circumstances are challenging and there are incidents of molestation, rape, excessive beating or verbal abuse, lowering of self- esteem , poverty etc. there is a need to address these situations at an emotional level for the soul to heal .

Adult depression is much more deep-rooted and takes much more emotional work to heal. Medicines often make the depressed person sleepy because they aim at calming down the negative hormones by releasing positive hormones in the body. However, if the person’s rate of thinking negative thoughts /negative feelings is higher than the rate at which the medicines produce positive feelings and positive hormones, the medicines fail to help. All medicines increase sleep as sleeping helps the person since ideally, she or he does not think negative thoughts at the time of sleeping.

Sunday, 11 November 2018


Studying optical Illusions is not only relevant for science students …   illusions rule our everyday lives, with or without our conscious awareness…….   
 To prevent ourselves from swaying into worries and depressions, which are usually a paradox of negative belief vs. illusion - we need to often ask ourselves – Do we believe what we see or do we see only that which we already believe in?”

Reality or Illusion

 When we start studying abstract concepts, like, the soul, our first mind-set is often that of speculation. Our mind revolves around myths, or religious stories, we have heard and scorned. The rational, conditioned mind seeks tangible evidence over understanding our inner self.
 We get caught in a maze of reality or illusion when we encounter the term ‘soul’. The soul feels real but there is no ‘real’, ‘defined’ evidence which can prove it exists.
 Entering the world of our soul can prove to be very useful in helping us find our core strengths and weaknesses. Yet, the common doubts we come across are: “Is there a soul in real? Could concepts like the soul being a co-creator be as real as the fact that a wooden table is made of wood, or are they simply illusions, or part of a fantasy world, which may or may not exist? “
 While worrying about what is reality or imagination, truth or illusion in abstract aspects of life, we need to be aware that reality is not an absolute concept, but more a matter of perception. Everything is not made of wood and hence cannot be measured on the same scale.
 Peace, happiness, love, joy, optimism are all energies which cannot be measured by sensory evidence yet, we know that these energies exist as abstract feelings within us.
 The concept of the soul is an abstract concept as concepts like peace, relaxation, honesty, God or heaven are.  The belief that the soul exists cannot be seen or touched by the naked eye, as the wooden chair can be.
 Animals cannot think in abstract terms but human beings can. Hence, if we carry over our animal mind-, we seek evidence which can be seen or touched.
 Historically, we have moved around in circles of doubt as we seek to grasp the soul, which cannot be touched, but can only be felt. In this series of books, we will not waste time on discussions about the reality of the soul, as it cannot be proven by our limited sense organs.
  Those who have a problem with believing in the term ‘soul’, can also use alternate terms like ‘‘the inner self’, ‘the me within’ etc.
 The soul cannot be touched, seen, heard, tasted or smelt as it exists as an energy. The soul is the life-force energy within us which gives life to our being.
We have to move beyond the need for so-called ‘real’ evidence which is limited by the capacity of our sensory organs to feel our soul.
    Feeling ourselves, as souls, is necessary to be happy AS A HABIT. Our inner life force is positive. Our focus on difficulties dilutes its positive light whereas our focus on the positive energy spreading out from within us reduces the darkness of our difficulties. 
When we focus in silence on our inner consciousness, the soul energy spreads like rays spreading from the SUN in the center of our being. This focus helps empower the soul and we start understanding our inner being. Understanding the needs of our soul helps synchronize the body, mind and spirit so that a resonance is achieved between the inner needs of ascension and our physical desires.
   This resonance between external or bodily needs, and our internal or soul needs works to ensure that the efforts we put in towards achieving what we desire externally, also gives satisfaction internally.
Otherwise, it has often been experienced in our world that hard work gets us fame, success and money but does not necessarily lead to good health, peace or happiness.
  When we discover our soul identity, we break free from the negative clutches of a so-called reality of life, towards an alternate perception of reality, i.e., the reality, as viewed from our soul’s perspective.
 For example, a life-threatening problem which may cause us intense anxiety from the worldly perspective appears an illusion from the perspective of the soul which cannot die. When we realize this illusory dimension of worldly matters, we seek to understand what the soul is gaining from creating these negative experiences which are essentially unreal.  That knowledge aids us in healing ourselves by defeating the fatalism within us.
 In this process, we arrive at a more complex dynamics of all the nuances which life on Earth entails. Thus, we ascend to a higher level of consciousness, positive frequency and happiness.

For further reading, please refer to the book 


Friday, 19 October 2018

FOCUS on your Internal EMOTIONAL FOCUS to Stay Healthy & Happy

“A specific cause and effect relationship exists between the pattern of negative emotions a person focuses on and the diseases produced in the body.”

 The independent variable is the pattern of negative emotions being focused up and the dependent variable is the physical disease produced in the body by the action of the autonomic nervous system and the somatic system which receive signals in the form of sensations or electric impulses, from the brain.

Data will be collected for three diseases- e.g. Asthma , Arthritis and Diabetes from about 25 people.

Further rationale is explained through the following Excerpt from the BOOK – EMOTIONAL MANAGEMENT
“When our body organs start malfunctioning as in diseases, pains and aches, the subconscious mind is held responsible for the problems. However, the problems in our physical body are a physical manifestation of a negative emotional state of mind.
 For example, diabetes occurs when a person feels wronged by his environment. The person typically feels frustrated after a self-imposed, rigorous, unrewarding routine and has a deep desire to rest which s/he ignores. Feelings of guilt, self-reproach and disappointment with the world, continue over a prolonged period of time before physical symptoms begin to develop. A feeling of exhaustion comes due to an emotional conflict between balancing different aspects of life. Body symptoms are created such that insulin (a component of   life-force energy) stops flowing adequately to all organs of the body in response to the person feeling that s/he is not doing justice to all aspects of his life.
The person eats in an undisciplined manner out of a need for comfort but feels worse because the digestive system cannot take the strain due to deficiency of insulin.
 In the cure of diabetes, disciplined eating, long walks, acknowledgement of self-achievements and meditation help to regain control of life. Eating less and more frequently is better than taking large meals which stress the body. Deconditioning from a traditional heavy  eating habit helps because it makes the person feel emotionally free while relaxing the stomach. Meditation without allowing the mind to worry for the allotted time along with self-praise/ acknowledgement of efforts already made by the self, help to reduce harmful effects of negative thinking.
 But, if the person takes no care to discipline his habits and keeps worrying while meditating or taking medicines, the mind remains stressed and the body feels sick. Negative thinking keeps blocking the flow of positive hormones and reinforcing the physical symptoms of deficiency in the body.
Therapy helps in erasing the mind’s habit of guilt and self –reproach by deactivating a negative thinking energy circuit from the subconscious mind while a new energy circuit of positive thinking is installed in its place for regenerating the cellular subconscious programme which ensures an adequate flow of insulin that controls diabetes naturally.

Similar to diabetes, other chronic diseases are a physical manifestation of a specific focus on negative feelings underlined in the routine thought processes.
Illustrated briefly –
Asthma is a result of constantly feeling emotionally suffocated, non-understood and chained. If emotional guidance is given with medication, effects of medications would be much. Without the use of medication, treatment can use naturopathy and para psychology. Asthma reduces by undertaking past life therapy. Asthma  usually has past lives attached where the person may have died by drowning, poisoning, being suffocated to death in burial etc. Asthma heals by freeing the spirit from feeling breathless by releasing the wounded soul by viewing past life memories and addressing emotionally similar present life problems which make the person trigger awake the energy circuit of memories of death by suffocation. However, even after viewing past lives, emotional counselling is required to help the person cope with present life problems with an optimistic spirit.
Arthritis involves rigidity of thinking and a feeling that one is unable to move ahead in life as desired. This rigidity in thinking patterns has to be addressed for arthritis to heal.
Throat problems reflect an inability to communicate clearly etc. For example, patients with thyroid report a problem in expressing themselves freely, suppressed anger felt in interactions with family members or work colleagues and ambitions of singing or expressing vocally which remain unfulfilled. Circumstances which inhibit speaking lead to throat problems etc. and counselling is required to help the person cope emotionally.

 The exact emotional causes of the disease in each person have to be specifically found through therapeutic intervention for the energy circuits of the disease to clear and positive signals to flow in the neurotransmitters of the autonomic nervous system of the person. It has been found that receptive signals are inhibited in people having stress disorders.
 Through therapy, our subconscious mind can be directed to stop manifesting physical problems by manifesting a positive shift in thinking patterns. Healing happens through a process which involves transcending the negative energy created in our mind into neutral or positive. The essential requirement is to simultaneously make a conscious effort to release focus on negative energies from the mind, while taking medicines to heal the body.”
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Excerpt from the book, EMOTIONAL MANAGEMENT by Shiva Swati, published in  2017

Thus, it can be established that , all physical organs have an emotional component attached whose functioning the organ is responsible for. For example, throat is responsible for free speaking and expression. An inability to express one’s mind freely restrains the organ and creates diseases like asthma or thyroid.

To illustrate further, “if a patient comes for curing of asthma, it is found that she feels emotionally suppressed in speaking freely with her family members along with feeling extreme exhaustion and helplessness in coping with her circumstances. Thus, there are breathing problems in her throat. A typical patient of asthma feels tired of his/her responsibilities, has respiratory problems, and feels suffocated, as s/he decides on her own that she has no freedom to express her needs as nobody is interested in hearing her problems. The pessimism affects the recreative hormones ,thus impacting the organs which are for respiration and  for speaking. Once s/he is given counselling to be optimistic, take rest and express the self through different means, it has an effect of reducing the wrath of asthma along with the other medication taken; but without focusing on emotional healing & release, just the steroids do not help for long term in improving breathing abilities as the problems recur. This emotional healing effect is more permanent than just medical treatment.
Medical treatment supplements emotional counselling but cannot substitute it. Likewise, emotional counselling can be complemented with medical treatment wherever para psychology is unacceptable. “ (How to Be Happy In Difficulties, Published Book, By Shiva Swati, 2015 )

Anotther study by Dr. Hedaya (2010) which examines insulin resistance, diabetes and mental health, says that:
“The connection between obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes and mental health problems is no longer questioned. There are number of reasons for the association, including the use of psychotropic medications which cause weight gain, and promote the metabolic syndrome; the social stigma associated with obesity and the lifestyle changes associated with diabetes; and inflammatory activation due to poor diet, high insulin and glucose levels, which in turn changes brain neurochemistry.
A recent study (McIntyre et al. brain volume abnormalities and neurocognitive deficits in diabetes mellitus: points of pathophysiological commonality with mood disorders?: Adv. Ther. 2010 Feb;27(2):63-80. ) reviewed the literature on brain changes in type one and two diabetes, and concluded that the brain areas which are affected in mood disorders and DM diabetes mellitus, significantly overlap. The association is so compelling that one article in 2007 (Ann. Clin. Psychiatry; 2007 Oct-Dec;1994):257-64) was titled: "Should Depressive Syndromes Be Reclassified as "Metabolic Syndrome Type II". The association with diabetes (and obesity and insulin resistance) extends beyond just mood disorders, to anxiety disorders, and major psychiatric syndromes such as bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.”

A study in 2017 by Rachel Nall, RN, BSN, CCRN, reviewed by Suzanne Falck, MD, FACP, researched on 
1.             Diabetes and mood swings

2.            Effect of diabetes on mental health

The study through surveys, established that :
 Diabetes is a condition that impacts the way a person's body uses sugar for energy. However, diabetes affects much more than blood sugar. It can impact nearly every body system and have an effect on a person's mood.
Stress associated with managing diabetes as well as concerns about potential side effects can all contribute to changes in mood. In addition, the actual highs and lows of blood sugar levels may also cause nervousness, anxiety, and confusion. It is important for people to recognize their own individual symptoms of high or low blood sugar. They must also ensure they seek support for any concerning mental health symptoms they might experience.”

A study By Marga Frontera/Getty, conducted in 20o9, on Arthritis and its effects on mental health says that  :
“Chronic pain conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis can hurt mental health.
People who live with chronic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis may experience more than physical pain and disability. Their illness could also affect their mental health. While sometimes the illness directly causes mental health issues, more often than not they arise because of the changes brought about by chronic illness.”

Similarly , other diseases can be diagnosed as having a link with emotional/mental problems.
A study on Breathing Disorders, Asthma, by “The Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center (MEDVAMC) in  2012 observed that :
The prevalence of anxiety and depression was measured in a large sample of persons with a chronic breathing disorder diagnosis who received care at the MEDVAMC, using the Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders (PRIME-MD) screening questions. The positive predictive value of the PRIME-MD questions was then determined. The prevalence of anxiety and depressive diagnoses in patients determined to have COPD was then measured, using the Structured Clinical Interview for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental DisordersFourth Edition (SCID)
Of patients screened with the PRIME-MD, 80% screened positive for depression, anxiety, or both. The predictive value of a positive phone screen for either depression or anxiety was estimated to be 80%. In the subsample of patients who had COPD and received a diagnosis using the SCID, 65% received an anxiety and/or depressive disorder diagnosis. Of those patients, only 31% were receiving treatment for depression and/or anxiety
It is troubling that a mere 31% of COPD patients with depression or anxiety are being treated, particularly given their high prevalence in this population. Practical screening instruments may help increase the recognition of anxiety and depression in medical patients, as suggested by the excellent positive predictive value of the PRIME-MD in our study

Tuesday, 2 October 2018


 Religion as followed up till now, has failed to increase peace and happiness in the world. The symbols of religion have been negative. Only symbols reach the subconscious mind. All that you speak or think is converted into energy before you act on it. The energy which is accessed by the subconscious mind is symbolic. All your choices are made from the subconscious mind.
Visual symbols are read faster by the subconscious than words. The subconscious mind collects data in the form of visual and sound as memories which have feelings & beliefs encoded.
A symbol of Jesus Christ crucified is a negative image for the subconscious mind. Th crown of thorns represents doubts which pass into your head as nails blocking the positive faith.

It passes on the energy that if you follow the path of God, you will be killed. As is proven again and again, the good people are killed by the bad ; since whatever you believe manifests. Each of you is a co-creator of reality. Some have more power than others but each spirit matters. Just as each cell matters for the health of the body, the happiness of each soul matters for the overall health of the creator as God is a summation of several living beings .
The life force which makes up God is vast and pure but all negative thoughts corrupt the flow of positive energies to Earth. By crucifying Jesus Christ, as a symbol, you crucify your own faith.
When you worship God with doubts in your head, creation does not happen. The thorns and nails represent doubts. The resurrection symbolizes happiness after death. the indirect message is that you cannot achieve happiness while alive.
This negative imagery spreads negative light on Earth and people become more and more depressed by believing that optimism cannot work.

On the astral realms, Christ has not healed yet since 2000 years. A part of the spirit  still remains in coma in dimension 11, because of the pain which transmitted to the head due to the shock of being betrayed. It is said that Jesus Christ had only 12 disciples while alive. People flattered him when he did miracles but mocked his teachings and did not follow the path of faith themselves. When he was captured by the king, it was declared that even if one followed opposes the crucification, he would be spared. But now even one person came forward to save him. His body was crucified but the spirt went in shock. Thought parts of him got released, there were dark parts of him which were caught by the devil and used to spread the belief that you will die if you worship good and God.

Hence, if you truly believe in Christ, you should remove the image of Christ being crucified as a sacrificial goat on the cross to take the sins of humanity. Human beings have to stop sinning themselves to be happy race. That is possible only be removing competition and poverty consciousness from the education structure.
Jesus Christ can be worshipped by seeing an image of him holding the Cross. The NEW AGE symbolizes the returning of God. God can return only if he is respected and not crucified. Hence, the crucified image has to be deleted from all human minds and be replaced by a confident image of Christ upholding the Cross.

Thursday, 13 September 2018

Enlightenment Leads to Possibility of Solutions

Once the soul overcomes all need to interact with negativities as experienced on Earth, it reaches a stage of enlightenment , after which,  it can choose to no longer incarnate in the Earth school. After being enlightened on Earth, the spirit continues its process of evolution on Higher dimensions where problems are furthermore fine tuned and complicated like healing planets, creating new galaxies , rivers, trees etc.
Through the journey of human life, spirits solve mathematical equations of energies in the literal sense on the physical realm which come through occurrence of positive & negative real-life experiences.  
Enlightenment initially starts coming in as a flash of light metaphorically through as a solution while seeking an answer to problems of life. A connection to God’s positive frequencies is created automatically by overcoming negative feelings and desiring answers in positive frequencies to be able to evolve to high positive dimensions. 
An enlightened spirit realizes that all emotions are experiences of different energies occurring in varying frequencies.
Seeking happiness and good health are necessary for the spirit to brighten its vibrational light into a higher positive frequency and move towards enlightenment.

Negative energy comes in the form of negative people or negative circumstances which create negative beliefs and values about life.
At the core, the process of learning how to be healthy, peaceful and happy necessitates an understanding of detachment as the stage of detachment creates a zero frequency in the body which is a bridge between the negative and the positive.

Learning task 15 – Practice Detachment
Think of a big worry in your life, something which you have to do, some exam which you have to clear , some relationship which you have to work on.
Now , write it in brief on a piece of paper or mentally . See it outside of yourself , as on a  paper on in space in a ball of light .
Next, breathe through the paper, Just stare at the paper or at the ball of light and breathe in and out without worrying about the problem at all while breathing  . In imagination, you may feel the energy circuits of the problem detaching from you as wires loosening or stones dissolving/
Breathe for a minute, two minutes or ten minutes till you feel you have stopped thinking about the problem i.e.  are detached from the problem or are no longer feeling tense because of it.
 Feel your inner energy rising above that level of tension to  a higher level of freedom and a higher vibratonal frequency. Now, smile, thank God and return to your everyday tasks. Overtime, this problem would either dissolve or you would realize you do not need to worry about it as its external to you and not your karmic lesson.
 For further reading, please refer to my book :

This is an energy healing method by which you will find  a solution to a problem which appears un-resolvable otherwise or  involves people other than you. You would find the solution if it exists . For example , if you worry is to build a house and you have no money, breathing through the problem may make you realize that you don’t need to get into the tension of building a house or it may make you realize that you will have the money to build the house, at the required time on your soul path.

Sunday, 26 August 2018


In God’s world, education is that which spreads happiness in the masses.

We all crave for an ideal world where we would not lack love, respect or money.

 However, just the ability to think or use good English vocabulary does not ensure that you are thinking in the direction of creating happiness. Most Shakespeare’s tales are centred around failures, manipulation and misery. There is hardly any literature which focuses on how to create happiness.

The only way to change the external scenario is by changing the schooling system. The beliefs and values developed in early childhood and teenage remain through life. To ensure emotional management necessary to remain healthy and happy through life , Schools have to teach us how to be content. 

Instead of teaching competition, schools have to reward co-operation. Sharing, giving and receiving love, enjoying work rather than feeling forced to perform, learning to relax, be stress free etc. Have to be taught by schools. Classroom need to allot time to meditate on being thoughtless and breathing free for short intervals.

Practical training needs to be applied than theoretical knowledge. Children should be allowed flexible school timings instead of being grilled to get up early morning. The experience of life needs to be happy from beginning. Only then the Universal LAW OF REPETITION would ensure that the experience of life remains happy through life.

If we force our children to cry every morning to go to school, we train them into crying through life because the Law of Repetition starts operating and emotional experiences get repeated. If we make our children feel rejected from childhood for not studying ,  they feel they have to perform for success even as adults and are unable to love with compassion..
Terrorism, rapes, wars etc. Are a result of bad values inculcated in school where completion of a task  is rewarded over love and sharing. Terrorism aim at completion of a bullying agenda not at sharing of thoughts.A rape aims at completion not at sharing of love . Wars aim at completion of stealing foods and riches of others not at sharing of riches. 

Our schooling system encourages competitive violence,  corruption , cheating , bullying , mocking others, manipulation etc. By rewarding all children who defeat the weaker ones .

In the present society, our schools focus on lack . The schools have to teach subjects like RESPECT, COMPASSION, TOLERANCE , CO-OPERATION ,  PHYSICAL ENDURANCE etc. These subjects. By incorporating stories and problems around Instead of mathematical theorems or distance from the moon. These are specialized subjects which are not needed by all in adult lives but emotional management is needed by everyone to be happy in life.
If schools were giving marks to children for being co-operative, for showing empathy, being compassionate, children would enjoy sharing as a habit of the mind.

As the Delhi government has started  a basic  happiness curriculum, other states need to follow  . The curriculum needs to be regularly reviewed and revised by testing whether there is increasing peace or violence in society .

If there is increase in violence, it indicates that children are aggressive and schooling is fostring competition 

The world needs peace of mind not weapons of war .. .Weapons are needed only when peace of mind is not invested upon. 

Our governments needs to focus on developing a new education system  rather than giving money to soldiers for killing

Wednesday, 27 June 2018


Your soul takes birth on Earth to evolve its brightness to a higher positive frequency .By taking the birth on Earth, it attempts to increase the power of its life force energy through a process of co-creation. Earth is a planet where reality exists on a physical plane and happiness comes through physical contact with people or objects unlike the celestial plane where life exists on an energy plane. It requires more soul energy to dream and create reality on the physical plane, than on the spirit energy plane just as it requires more energy to move a solid object compared to moving a feather. Spirits are made of air and their reality is manifested differently in celestial space than on the physical space of Earth. The soul lessons of creation which are learned by overcoming difficulties on Earth can also be learned on celestial space but it is a slower process as negative energies are not so intense on the non-physical planes. It is believed that coming on Earth is a faster way of learning soul lessons than being in space as it is far more difficult to create happiness in the physical dimension than in the dimension of light.

The soul has a far greater essence than being just a body. It is a part of a higher awareness, which is called the Higher Self of the soul in a body.     
           Just as the bulb derives its power to radiate from the main electricity line, the soul derives its power from this greater source of life-fore energy, viz. the Higher Self, wherein the Higher Self derives its power from the main source of Life, viz. the Creator.

           The incarnated soul on Earth is a minute fragment of its Higher Self. Metaphorically, if the single soul in a body is like a small torch battery, the Higher Self is like an electric generator of a building. Or if the single soul is like a single ray of sunlight, the Higher Self is like the Sun. It is the same quality of energy as the soul but is much bigger in terms of power or energy involved and therefore, much more powerful than the single soul.

           The Higher Self exists in non-physical dimensions of the Light in spirit form. It has a much greater frequency than that of the soul in a physical body and therefore, it generates much more power than the soul of a physical body. The single soul is connected to this Higher Self and gets its sense of identity from the larger whole.

            The soul energy is by itself formless. It incarnates in a physical body which has a form. Being in a physical body is like giving an expression to a painting which the Higher Self’s consciousness creates in alignment with its purpose of incarnation.

 The soul takes birth in the human body to learn the art of mastering the process of creation on the physical dimension. By virtue of being the part of the Creator, the Soul is the Co-creator of the Universe.

Like a painter paints a body form with his visualization, it is our Higher Self which decides whether the soul would incarnate in a male body, a female body or a unisex body. The problems which a soul might face while being in the body like ill health, mental or physical handicaps etc. are also decided upon before birth in a life-plan made in consensus with the Higher Self.

           The physical body is an approximate projection of the soul just as a painting is an approximate projection of the painter’s mind. That means that the soul is not exactly what the body represents. The soul is not fat or thin, tall or short by itself. The soul is formless, and assumes the form of the body just as water assumes the shape of its beaker, but is a formless fluid energy by itself. Thus, our soul is not the body. It is the life force in the body.
           The Higher Self envisages a particular kind of body for the soul so that it can mobilize the soul for mastering energies which would help it create the body it desires. How good or bad the body is created depends on the kinds of negative energies which the Higher Self is planning to overcome through the body.
           The more accurate the soul becomes in the art of creation, the more accurately it can create a body which depicts its core identity, over its life-time.

7 Steps of Enlightenment starting from Ego Transcendence

   Enlightenment is level 7 while ego transcendence is level 1 of enlightenment. Enlightenment...