Sunday, 26 August 2018


In God’s world, education is that which spreads happiness in the masses.

We all crave for an ideal world where we would not lack love, respect or money.

 However, just the ability to think or use good English vocabulary does not ensure that you are thinking in the direction of creating happiness. Most Shakespeare’s tales are centred around failures, manipulation and misery. There is hardly any literature which focuses on how to create happiness.

The only way to change the external scenario is by changing the schooling system. The beliefs and values developed in early childhood and teenage remain through life. To ensure emotional management necessary to remain healthy and happy through life , Schools have to teach us how to be content. 

Instead of teaching competition, schools have to reward co-operation. Sharing, giving and receiving love, enjoying work rather than feeling forced to perform, learning to relax, be stress free etc. Have to be taught by schools. Classroom need to allot time to meditate on being thoughtless and breathing free for short intervals.

Practical training needs to be applied than theoretical knowledge. Children should be allowed flexible school timings instead of being grilled to get up early morning. The experience of life needs to be happy from beginning. Only then the Universal LAW OF REPETITION would ensure that the experience of life remains happy through life.

If we force our children to cry every morning to go to school, we train them into crying through life because the Law of Repetition starts operating and emotional experiences get repeated. If we make our children feel rejected from childhood for not studying ,  they feel they have to perform for success even as adults and are unable to love with compassion..
Terrorism, rapes, wars etc. Are a result of bad values inculcated in school where completion of a task  is rewarded over love and sharing. Terrorism aim at completion of a bullying agenda not at sharing of thoughts.A rape aims at completion not at sharing of love . Wars aim at completion of stealing foods and riches of others not at sharing of riches. 

Our schooling system encourages competitive violence,  corruption , cheating , bullying , mocking others, manipulation etc. By rewarding all children who defeat the weaker ones .

In the present society, our schools focus on lack . The schools have to teach subjects like RESPECT, COMPASSION, TOLERANCE , CO-OPERATION ,  PHYSICAL ENDURANCE etc. These subjects. By incorporating stories and problems around Instead of mathematical theorems or distance from the moon. These are specialized subjects which are not needed by all in adult lives but emotional management is needed by everyone to be happy in life.
If schools were giving marks to children for being co-operative, for showing empathy, being compassionate, children would enjoy sharing as a habit of the mind.

As the Delhi government has started  a basic  happiness curriculum, other states need to follow  . The curriculum needs to be regularly reviewed and revised by testing whether there is increasing peace or violence in society .

If there is increase in violence, it indicates that children are aggressive and schooling is fostring competition 

The world needs peace of mind not weapons of war .. .Weapons are needed only when peace of mind is not invested upon. 

Our governments needs to focus on developing a new education system  rather than giving money to soldiers for killing

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