Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Be Happy Or Walk Out - Exercise on Understanding Chains Of Life

Most people feel chained in life by responsibilities and targets. However, though you may feel negative about having these chains around you, you also need to be aware that you have kept these chains alive for gaining some emotional benefit from these relationships or work ambitions.

To stay positive, it is essential that your focus remains on the benefits you gain from having the chains around you than on the loss of freedom you may experience.

Metaphorically, a stray dog would feel more sheltered if kept as a pet but the same logic does not hold true for a human being. Unlike the dog that has low frequency compared to a human spirit,  the more powerful human soul would not be satisfied with just being maintained with food, clothing and shelter. A human soul needs more than satisfaction than  basic needs to not feel chained.

A human being may feel mistreated if kept as a pet dog/ cat etc.. For example, a woman may feel chained with a husband who  provides food and shelter but abuses her in anger as if she were worthless. Similarly, a man may feel chained in the house or a work environment which does not give him the respect to express his creativity or originality.

Your chains would help you or block you depending on how you expect to be treated and respected.
For instance, a wife or husband feel suffocated in a sexless marriage, where loyalty to the marriage institution may lead to staying sheltered as a pet than being loved or respected as a human vibration .
 If you have chains around you which make you feel more dis-respected than loved, it is possible to break the fear which binds you to stay in chains.

Therapy in emotional management aims at increasing your self -esteem so that you can utilize your soul potential for your highest good. All negative situations which lower your soul frequency can be released for your soul upliftment through meditation, self healing or therapy as explained subsequently.

The following simplified exercise would help you decipher which chains of your life are unnecessary and which chains are necessary. 
In effect, positive chains continue to give you happiness and purpose in life whereas negative chains continue because of tradition.
Only a persistent focus on self-healing leads to breaking of the negative chains that a person feels bound in life which creates a distressed mind and a non-healthy body…

Learning Task 3 –Redefining Responsibilities By Understanding Positive Intention Of The Soul

Make a list of the chains you feel bound by in your life. For example, chains of relationships e.g. Work, parents, spouse, children etc.
Now, recall whether the chains are there because they make you feel better being with these people than alone.
Think of a situation where these chains did not exist. Would you feel more positive or worse?
 Would being free of the chains make you feel happier or more lonely and direction-less?
Now, think if the chains were made of flowers and not steel, where you feel bound but have freedom to move in your own space without having the fear of breaking off and left alone? Does that make you feel better?

Be Aware That The Chains Do Not Exist Except In the Mind
In your  self- allotted space or silent time, as you review your subconscious choices, create GAP states . Stop thinking of your worries by deliberate mind control . Force a GAP STATE  and smile within yourself for one second or two seconds .
As you keep practicing thoughtlessness in meditation, you would develop training in detachment .   Overtime,  you would move into a spiritual journey of self healing and if needed,  invest in soul healing therapy  .
Keep asking yourself in silent moments if you can allow yourself to feel unchained and yet gain the positive energies which the chains are yielding.
If the chains help you feel better, make it a habit to focus on the positive vibrations which the chains yield in your life than on cribbing about the responsibilities. Complaining and worrying would release negative hormones in your body and harm your health whereas focusing on positive aspects of life would release positive hormones in the body which improve health and happiness.

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