Sunday, 12 November 2017

Addictions Arise from Following the Rat Race

Imitation is more natural than  obedience in a rat driven race mind-set
You imitate the whole package usually & not just one trait,
When you imitate competitive behavior, you also imitate bad habits hidden under the sheet 
While you adore a successful image of a model, you pick up hypocrisy ,lies & tears subconsciously 
You are addicted to junk and often blame yourself but you may not realize that you enjoy the state of thoughtlessness which munching aimlessly or smoking or alcohol offers. That same state of thoughtlessness can be more easily achieved through mind control, meditation or visualization but you are afraid to be caught sitting idle by society norms which are addicted by the rat race.It has been established by research that children imitate the behavior of their parents more than follow their verbal advice.
Body language, visual aids, tonality, sounds of environment and the general current of silent energy impacts your decisions more than words spoken.  Energies from other people also pass through as advice given by them for your welfare, but the impact of words is about 7 % compared to 21 % impact of the tone used and 63 % impact of the body language.
Your subconscious mind is most influenced by its own inner chatter. Advice does not influence you as much as your ownself-talk.Your soul vibrations are influenced by the feelings you automatically focus upon in your daily assessments. Repeated advise by other people influences your vibrations but only if the warning is greater than your own self-assessment.
 For example, you may be addicted to over eating or smoking or something else. Other people advise you that you should quit your addictions as they are bad for health,but you usually, take advice in a detached manner and it hardly creates any disturbance in your usual state of emotional and hormonal balance.
Whenever there is no emotion created when other people advise you, it is not absorbed in the subconscious. (As a vibrational rule, words spoken without any internal emotional energy impact on your base feelings, never affect you.)
 Your subconscious mind has a rational reason why it chooses addictions over safe health norms . Till now, you have liked over eating junk foods or smoking cigarettes but you have not experienced any visible signs of bad health except maybe, fatigue, irritation and restlessness; which go when you eat or smoke a cigarette again.Anyway, work sometimes bores you. So, you may welcome fatigue at the subconscious level. Besides, the pleasure of munching away stress or smoking cigarettes thoughtlessly is far morerelaxing than the irritation which causes the addiction.

For you, avoiding thinking and just enjoying that state of bliss is more important than listening to warnings about bad health. You think it is necessary for you to eat or smoke to relax in the present moment than worry about long-term health effects...

You are addicted to junk and often blame yourself but you may not realize that you enjoy the state of thoughtlessness which munching aimlessly or smoking or alcohol offers. That same state of thoughtlessness can be more easily achieved through mind control, meditation or visualization but you are afraid to be caught sitting idle by society norms which are addicted by the rat race. External addictions are a result of not wanting to confront anyone which can happen if you are caught sitting idle. The more actively engaged you stay, the lesser you think about resolving problems and the lesser you evolve to happiness. Though addictions promise short-term happiness, they lead you away from long-tern happiness by increasing yourself blame tendencies.
Addictions get created in the process of escaping confrontations with society norms, inner conscience and arrogant authorities but confrontations help in soul evolution. Arguments and conflicts lead to awareness that problems exist which can subsequently be resolved peacefully by evolving to a higher consciousness with mutual agreement or rejected with open disagreement.
Using addictions to escape means that you want to avoid hurting others. Escaping disagreements in thinking leads to hurting the self if you use addictions than meditation for escape. All addictions release negative, poisonous hormones in the body.
It may help to heal the need for addictions by being aware that protecting others from hurt is meaningless as over protection can harm in their realization of truth and delay their soul evolution just as protecting yourself from emotional pain by not confronting anybody can make you more negative by continuing to tolerate  a suppressive atmosphere.

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