Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Be Happy Or Walk Out - Exercise on Understanding Chains Of Life

Most people feel chained in life by responsibilities and targets. However, though you may feel negative about having these chains around you, you also need to be aware that you have kept these chains alive for gaining some emotional benefit from these relationships or work ambitions.

To stay positive, it is essential that your focus remains on the benefits you gain from having the chains around you than on the loss of freedom you may experience.

Metaphorically, a stray dog would feel more sheltered if kept as a pet but the same logic does not hold true for a human being. Unlike the dog that has low frequency compared to a human spirit,  the more powerful human soul would not be satisfied with just being maintained with food, clothing and shelter. A human soul needs more than satisfaction than  basic needs to not feel chained.

A human being may feel mistreated if kept as a pet dog/ cat etc.. For example, a woman may feel chained with a husband who  provides food and shelter but abuses her in anger as if she were worthless. Similarly, a man may feel chained in the house or a work environment which does not give him the respect to express his creativity or originality.

Your chains would help you or block you depending on how you expect to be treated and respected.
For instance, a wife or husband feel suffocated in a sexless marriage, where loyalty to the marriage institution may lead to staying sheltered as a pet than being loved or respected as a human vibration .
 If you have chains around you which make you feel more dis-respected than loved, it is possible to break the fear which binds you to stay in chains.

Therapy in emotional management aims at increasing your self -esteem so that you can utilize your soul potential for your highest good. All negative situations which lower your soul frequency can be released for your soul upliftment through meditation, self healing or therapy as explained subsequently.

The following simplified exercise would help you decipher which chains of your life are unnecessary and which chains are necessary. 
In effect, positive chains continue to give you happiness and purpose in life whereas negative chains continue because of tradition.
Only a persistent focus on self-healing leads to breaking of the negative chains that a person feels bound in life which creates a distressed mind and a non-healthy body…

Learning Task 3 –Redefining Responsibilities By Understanding Positive Intention Of The Soul

Make a list of the chains you feel bound by in your life. For example, chains of relationships e.g. Work, parents, spouse, children etc.
Now, recall whether the chains are there because they make you feel better being with these people than alone.
Think of a situation where these chains did not exist. Would you feel more positive or worse?
 Would being free of the chains make you feel happier or more lonely and direction-less?
Now, think if the chains were made of flowers and not steel, where you feel bound but have freedom to move in your own space without having the fear of breaking off and left alone? Does that make you feel better?

Be Aware That The Chains Do Not Exist Except In the Mind
In your  self- allotted space or silent time, as you review your subconscious choices, create GAP states . Stop thinking of your worries by deliberate mind control . Force a GAP STATE  and smile within yourself for one second or two seconds .
As you keep practicing thoughtlessness in meditation, you would develop training in detachment .   Overtime,  you would move into a spiritual journey of self healing and if needed,  invest in soul healing therapy  .
Keep asking yourself in silent moments if you can allow yourself to feel unchained and yet gain the positive energies which the chains are yielding.
If the chains help you feel better, make it a habit to focus on the positive vibrations which the chains yield in your life than on cribbing about the responsibilities. Complaining and worrying would release negative hormones in your body and harm your health whereas focusing on positive aspects of life would release positive hormones in the body which improve health and happiness.

Sunday, 12 November 2017

Addictions Arise from Following the Rat Race

Imitation is more natural than  obedience in a rat driven race mind-set
You imitate the whole package usually & not just one trait,
When you imitate competitive behavior, you also imitate bad habits hidden under the sheet 
While you adore a successful image of a model, you pick up hypocrisy ,lies & tears subconsciously 
You are addicted to junk and often blame yourself but you may not realize that you enjoy the state of thoughtlessness which munching aimlessly or smoking or alcohol offers. That same state of thoughtlessness can be more easily achieved through mind control, meditation or visualization but you are afraid to be caught sitting idle by society norms which are addicted by the rat race.It has been established by research that children imitate the behavior of their parents more than follow their verbal advice.
Body language, visual aids, tonality, sounds of environment and the general current of silent energy impacts your decisions more than words spoken.  Energies from other people also pass through as advice given by them for your welfare, but the impact of words is about 7 % compared to 21 % impact of the tone used and 63 % impact of the body language.
Your subconscious mind is most influenced by its own inner chatter. Advice does not influence you as much as your ownself-talk.Your soul vibrations are influenced by the feelings you automatically focus upon in your daily assessments. Repeated advise by other people influences your vibrations but only if the warning is greater than your own self-assessment.
 For example, you may be addicted to over eating or smoking or something else. Other people advise you that you should quit your addictions as they are bad for health,but you usually, take advice in a detached manner and it hardly creates any disturbance in your usual state of emotional and hormonal balance.
Whenever there is no emotion created when other people advise you, it is not absorbed in the subconscious. (As a vibrational rule, words spoken without any internal emotional energy impact on your base feelings, never affect you.)
 Your subconscious mind has a rational reason why it chooses addictions over safe health norms . Till now, you have liked over eating junk foods or smoking cigarettes but you have not experienced any visible signs of bad health except maybe, fatigue, irritation and restlessness; which go when you eat or smoke a cigarette again.Anyway, work sometimes bores you. So, you may welcome fatigue at the subconscious level. Besides, the pleasure of munching away stress or smoking cigarettes thoughtlessly is far morerelaxing than the irritation which causes the addiction.

For you, avoiding thinking and just enjoying that state of bliss is more important than listening to warnings about bad health. You think it is necessary for you to eat or smoke to relax in the present moment than worry about long-term health effects...

You are addicted to junk and often blame yourself but you may not realize that you enjoy the state of thoughtlessness which munching aimlessly or smoking or alcohol offers. That same state of thoughtlessness can be more easily achieved through mind control, meditation or visualization but you are afraid to be caught sitting idle by society norms which are addicted by the rat race. External addictions are a result of not wanting to confront anyone which can happen if you are caught sitting idle. The more actively engaged you stay, the lesser you think about resolving problems and the lesser you evolve to happiness. Though addictions promise short-term happiness, they lead you away from long-tern happiness by increasing yourself blame tendencies.
Addictions get created in the process of escaping confrontations with society norms, inner conscience and arrogant authorities but confrontations help in soul evolution. Arguments and conflicts lead to awareness that problems exist which can subsequently be resolved peacefully by evolving to a higher consciousness with mutual agreement or rejected with open disagreement.
Using addictions to escape means that you want to avoid hurting others. Escaping disagreements in thinking leads to hurting the self if you use addictions than meditation for escape. All addictions release negative, poisonous hormones in the body.
It may help to heal the need for addictions by being aware that protecting others from hurt is meaningless as over protection can harm in their realization of truth and delay their soul evolution just as protecting yourself from emotional pain by not confronting anybody can make you more negative by continuing to tolerate  a suppressive atmosphere.

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Success & Satisfaction Follow Opposite Chakras Revolutions

Success and Satisfaction Follow Opposite Rules- Chakras move opposite directions- anti- clockwise vs .clockwise
The human body has seven main chakras
The bottom three chakra move in anti clockwise direction. These chakras are responsible for shelter, success & food viz. root ( mooldhara ), sacral ( swadhisthan ), solar plexus ( manipura). They are animal like – i.e. convert animal instinct in human form. E.g. A tree converts into house as a place of shelter when an animal spirit transcend into human
The top four chakras move in clockwise direction. Heart Chakra ( anahata), throat chakra ( vishuddha ), brow chakra ( ajna) and crown chakra ( sahsrara) .These chakras are very insignificant , virtually not present in animal bodies. These chakras are responsible for human emotions like love, wisdom, intelligence and health problems/maintenance of the human body.
The bottom three chakra are responsible for human survival, success and power on Earth. They move with the motive of HAVE NOT to HAVE …. The more you miss ‘have not’, the more you focus on the desire   ‘having’. For example “ I have no house” to “ I want a house”
The top four chakras are responsible for love, expression, wisdom and intuition /connection to God. They move from having less to having more i.e. in clockwise direction. For example “ I have intelligence “ to “ I am brilliant “ or “ I have  a good heart “ to “ I am kind hearted.
 Satisfaction increases with already having satisfaction. If you focus on deprivation, you will manifest food not satisfaction.
If you say “ I have no intelligence” , you will become retarded in the long run as these chakras move straight forward unlike the animal chakras which move reverse .  Similarly, if you focus on” I have no love “, you will be more deprived of love in the long run and develop heart problems your heart chakra multiplies the emotion or feeling which you focus upon directly.
If you struggle or worry about love as you run after money or feel hungry for love , you will manifest sex with a prostitute or lust with friend, as deprivation feelings activate sacral chakra and not heart chakra . to manifest love and satisfactoin from sex, you have to focus on feeling loved and satisfied s a choice of focus so that positivity multiplies more of the same. 
On the other hand, if you are focused on getting food, money or work, you have to focus on hunger, deprivation or emptiness to manifest the desired outcome. You will go to get work when you are not having work, you will get food only when you are hungry and you will seek money when you are having less.
But if you pursue love when you don’t love yourself, you will attract a negative soul-mate as the higher chakras move clockwise. You have to love yourself to attract a person who loves you with positivity.
Similarly, if you speak when you feel suppressed, you will speak angrily . If you want to speak clearly, you have to understand yourself and express your own needs to self . Only then, you will be able to multiply clearly what you feel inside in words.
Likewise, your intelligence develops when you invest on your brains instead of on your clothes or shoes which are your root , sacral chakra needs. If your energy goes in meeting image requirements, your sacral chakra dominates your mind and your intelligence becomes more ape like , imitative than original. Sacral chakra meets animal needs whereas intelligence is a human need. Hence, to find satisfaction, you need to invest your money and time on developing intelligence.
Crown chakra I your intuition, connection To God Self, awareness of soul purpose. You have to focus on developing connection to God, on receiving intuitions, meditation, calmness, peace and invest money and time on developing your celestial connection. If you invest on a house, only your structural need will be met but satisfaction will arrive when you are attaining your soul purpose while being in that house for which you will have to invest on books, spiritual workshops, alkaline organic food, crystals, vastu and other intuition developing products .
For achieving a soul purpose, all chakras have to work together on the same priority set.
The bottom chakras are responsible for establishing your base on Earth, creating money, and maintaining the power needed to continue working towards the sole purpose.
The higher energies of respect, expression, intelligence and intuition are maintained by the higher chakras.
The heart chakra shows you what you love doing. It is also responsible or giving and receiving love in relationships.
So, if you pursue money to be happy by focusing on not being happy, you will get money but not happiness. To be happy, you have to focus on being happy but wanting to be more happy. 

7 Steps of Enlightenment starting from Ego Transcendence

   Enlightenment is level 7 while ego transcendence is level 1 of enlightenment. Enlightenment...