Inventions take centuries but there has to be visualization before the invention can manifest.
Mobile phones appeared an impossibility about fifty years back but people had started craving for easy communication while driving cars and sitting in buses. Feelings create electric impulses by the soul to mobilize reality. The thought waves you create reaches mass consciousness and somebody who has the capability to invent, materializes the inventions.
The more people fell a reality happening in the now, the sooner it happens.
Aero-planes were designed 400 years back but took several hundred more years to materialize. There were repeated failed experiments. Gliders were made on the design of Leonardo Da Vinci of the aero-plane which subsequently became famous as aeroplanes.
Similarly, flying cars are a need now. There are traffic jams everywhere in the world. People complain and get frustrated but how many of us can visualize flying in car???
The dream of a flying car is not an impossibility. The flying car has already been invented in the West but the possibility of a flying car used by masses, is still far as the flying car is still very expensive to manufacture.
However, a product is expensive only till it is not produced in bulk. Once a product or service can be bulk produced, its sale price goes down as the cost of manufacturing ONE is almost the same as the cost of manufacturing THOUSANDS of the same product as the machine cost remains the same. The sale price is divided into thousands of people and hence, goes down.
However, flying cars cannot become a reality till individuals imagine flying on their own and not as a group or herd. Aero planes fly groups. You are supported by several by flying. But, when you use flying cars, you are alone or with a small family and taking complete responsibility of the flight.
Fear blocks people from imagining flying alone. While you can imagine flying in groups where several support your thinking. Flying alone appears to be a much greater risk.
Gravity pull you down individually whereas the same gravity does not pull down an aeroplane which is a far bigger machine and far more difficult to life in the sky.
Imagining flying in a car in peace is a vibration, which is necessary to create for flying cars to become a reality.
Try imagining flying in a car now and you will feel afraid to go up higher. Break your fears and you will fly, higher and higher in the sky with no visible support underneath except your loved ones by your side, and the clouds passing by.
Difficult – but necessary.
Given today’s air pollution, traffic jams, congestions in streets and rising frustrations in masses, it is necessary to create imaginations of flying in cars . Imaginations will mobilize the soul’s power as co-creator as every deeply felt imagination releases thought waves in the universe which manifest over-time, as reality.