Sunday, 26 July 2015


Man is a social animal. Human beings live in societies and seek social upliftment to execute power and gain respect. The rat race starts in childhood when teachers praise the children who get more marks. However, as the children grow up, marks no longer matter in the race for money, and power.
Children are taught that money gets them respect. Hence, as long as they keep earning money, they keep respecting themselves irrespective of whether they get fulfillment from their efforts or not.
If people face blocks in earning money, they feel that they are in difficulties and as soon as the money comes in, their social standing will rise again and the difficulties will go away.

However, when money comes in, several more difficulties come along with it. Money tags along responsibilities, work pressures and abuse from those in superiority. Since money comes in with negative energy, it fails again to bring fulfilment. The race continues and there is demand for more and more money but contentment does not come in, in spite of the increase in money power.
Your social standing may rise as you keep focusing on earning money and fame but you will never feel contented inside, unless you make efforts at SOUL UPLIFTMENT.

Contentment comes in only when your soul frequency rises from a lower dimension of being to a higher realm where you can perceive positivity in the same areas which appeared negative earlier. Soul upliftment is the process of becoming more positive and strong emotionally with every choice you make in life.

If you do not want to feel helpless and trapped in cycles of greed and manipulations, you need soul upliftment, not social upliftment.

You may be a celebrity or you may be a common businessman, but your happiness would depend on how powerful you feel as a person inside yourself. You success depends on whether you are able to take decisions which make you feel content as a being inside the body. Very often, for social upliftment, you make several choices which make other people happy but you feel sad, bored and compromised because you are not feeling happy with the way you are forced to live.

 You may follow all rituals and traditions to please God but happiness will not rise till you connect to God at the soul level and make choices in your everyday life which make you feel empowered and not bound in a cage of social appropriateness. God represents freedom, love and happiness. Till you make choices to  feel free, loved and happy, you are not completely receiving the light of God as your mind is preventing you from receiving wisdom from The Higher Force. Surrendering the mind’s worries to light and feeling freedom and love for some time everyday activates a new cycle in your life which is positive from its source.

It is important to take time off for meditation on a daily basis just as you take time off for physical exercise because you want to be healthy or  look physically smart. Meditation helps release negative energies from the brain and makes you mentally smart. Forcing yourself to stop worrying about everyday problems and just surrender your being to feel pure light travel through yourself helps in removing thoughts stuck in chains of traditional conditioning. Consciousness evolves when you allow yourself to meditate and be free from divisions of caste, creed or religion. Everyone is same in God’s realms and it is necessary to feel the Oneness with divine energies to activate your inner potential to find true contentment.

Man has been stuck in cycles of greed and doom. Where greed stops, doom will also stop.

Soul upliftment is not about helping the poor as those who are poor today, become as greedy and selfish when they become rich, as was proved by the French Revolution. (Royalty was eradicated because it was corrupt but corruption did not stop when the common man became king either.) The very nature of the human being has to evolve from being animal like to being God like for the soul to uplift itself from traps of self-created chains of illusions. Social upliftment does not help you make powerful but soul upliftment does. 

Through meditation, you become thoughtless and new power comes in from the gaps of thinking,  which being thoughtless creates. You take in life force from the Creator’s pure, unconditioned being and generate inner power which radiates from inside you and changes your core to being positive. Meditation makes you healthier and happier as social upliftment never can.

Monday, 13 July 2015

Soul Evolution vs/ Soul Devolution – Happiness vs. Helplessness

Soul evolution is the process which is necessary to attain peace and happiness in life. Soul evolution happens through spending time on being in silence with your inner self, meditation, walks, naturopathy and exercise. Your soul energy heals when you make choices to understand your soul needs, your health improves, abundance rises and you feel supported by God. As you keep rising in soul frequency, your connection with the Creator re-opens. You are able to generate more life force and your inner capacity to overcome hurdles and create joy improves.

Happiness for the soul is not the same as attaining success on Earth in terms of earning money or power or fame. Money, power and fame are illusions created by dark forces to trap souls in cycles of misery where they keep searching for contentment but keep running after battles of success. Money, power or fame , directly , do not lead to soul evolution or happiness. Catching the nose from behind is unnecessary effort and does not always help when the nose can be caught easily from the front as well. 

A person who is very rich and arrogant can be miserable inside. A soul whose levels of peace are low cannot be an evolved soul. An evolved soul focuses on being content, healthy and peaceful by choice.
Where there is no soul evolution, peace and happiness erode/vanish with time. The person degenerates in health and loses hope in life. A quest for wisdom is replaced by contentment with compromise. The soul who does not evolve, automatically devolves.

Devolution of the soul means going back to a lower level of quality of existence. You become unhappier because only when you feel crushed by difficult circumstances of life. Difficulties are energies of negative frequencies and can be overcome by feeling peaceful, learning to detach from unnecessary ambitions and finding happiness through different avenues of being. If you remain stuck with one goal of life which your parents or teachers conditioned into your mind, you cannot evolve as a soul with awareness of his /her own inner needs. If you escape difficulties by using alcohol or drugs or prostitutes, you suffer more, overtime and may be reborn as an animal in the next life; wherein you have to solve a much simpler set of difficulty.

You either evolve or devolve as a soul. If you do not rise to a higher level of peace, happiness, health and contentment in the same life; you will devolve to a lower grade of existence where soul tests are simpler.
For example, a man may be born as a dog, cat, ant or a tree in his next life. Typically, you become the animal whose dominant nature pervades over your senses while being a human being. For example, if you feel starved all your life for a flow of love, you may become a camel in the next life where you hoard water (water symbolizes a flow). Similarly, if you have sex with anyone who gives you a little attention or money, you may become a dog who is loyal to anyone who feeds it something. If you kill people emotionally or physically, for power or money, you may become a tiger. Similarly, if you kill people while looking after a tribe, like a robber does, you may become a lion. All animals have a bigger struggle for survival than human beings but their emotional lessons are much simpler.
Most human soul fragments reincarnate as animals, birds or plants in their next life to complete a soul lesson of emotional contentment which is left incomplete in the human life where the mind is preoccupied with other things.

You can also be reborn as a human being in past time. For example, you may die in 2015 A.D., but be reborn in 1920 A.D. or even in 3000 B.C. You can be reborn at any-time where your karma has been left incomplete and you have to complete some soul lessons before you can attain happiness in any future life.

Karma recycles. People who have been very arrogant in one life usually have to live as poor people or in some sickness where they have to accept charity with insults from others. Arrogance is transcended into positive energy by allowing arrogant people to insult you with a detached attitude. The more you become negative when insulted, the more your karmic debt increases. Similarly, if you have been a dacoit, you will be cheated in another life. 

Largely speaking, abusers have to become victims in another life to repay karmic debt and rise to happiness. However, happiness comes through detaching from abusive people and letting go of the benefits they offer by accepting a more peaceful life by choice.

Happiness does not come by abusing others, bullying people and taking away all the rewards for yourself. You get punished by diseases, sickness and other mis-fortunes coming in your life till you learn to detach from money, power and fame and work with a need to evolve your soul to a higher level of peace and contentment.

More of these concepts are covered in my book:

7 Steps of Enlightenment starting from Ego Transcendence

   Enlightenment is level 7 while ego transcendence is level 1 of enlightenment. Enlightenment...