Sunday, 29 March 2015


Loyalty is a misused emotion by people who abuse
Loyalty is used by blackmailers to get away with being rude,
Loyalty needs to be reviewed and stopped if person is increasingly becoming negative,
God represents loyalty to positive energy, even if people change , die, dissolve or become extinct

Loyalty is a big reason for making choices.
People make choices where they keep suffering because they feel loyal to a person, a family, a lover, a relationship or a person in authority.

Loyalty is also the characteristic feature of a dog. Dogs are loyal to their masters even if the master is abusive because the master gives it food and shelter. However, being loyal like a dog does not lead to soul evolution. Loyalty can be completely misused by the master to ensure that he person remains his or her slave in return for a few gifts. An abusive person gets away with being mean and selfish because the victimized person feels LOYAL.

Being loyal is a virtue but loyalty needs to be to the concept of goodness, love and positive energy. 
GOD is the opposite of DOG and there is a reason for energy symbolism in the universe.

Being loyal to a negative person can be extremely harmful for evolution of happiness for everyone.
The negative person may say that she or he needs you when he is in a good moo but behave abusively at other times. This person will never heal if you keep succumbing to his unreasonable demands. 

An abusive person blackmails by threats that he will beat you or commit suicide himself or herself if you do not comply with her demands. Pleasing person in the fear that she will die is like pampering a child in the fear that it will cry. You will harm the adult, abusive person by being good to her in fear that she will commit suicide, just an s naughty child becomes spoilt if you fear it will cry.

It is necessary to be firm and understand your own needs than give in to unreasonable demands. A parent pampers a child till he or she doesn’t feel drained but if the parents starts becoming exhausted and sucked of positivity because the child is unreasonable, the parent has to learn to say NO. 

Similarly, a husband or wife need to learn to say NO if the other person is abusive and sucks him of his peaceful energy. Saying NO hurts but it will also help the soul of the person evolve.

Leaving a person mid-way because she or he is badly behaved and negative is not loyalty. But it is necessary if the person is not listening to your sensibility and is just using you like a slave for sexual needs or harassing you like a servant.

Similarly, Loyalty to an abusive boss or a parent who is orthodox is traditionally correct but very harmful for souls of those who abuse. The person ho abuses is sadder than the person who is abused and the more you allow the person to abuse you in fear of hurting her, the more you allow her negativity to grow.

Sunday, 22 March 2015


What will happen if we accepted that past lives are real?
Will we make the same choices if we know we have to live with them eternally?
Would our perspective of life remain the same if this cycle were never to end?
Would Hitler have killed so many people if he knew that nobody dies and all the people who he suffocated would return and suffocate him over life-times?
Would there be so much crime and theft if people were sure it would return?
Would you hit your friends if there was a teacher who hit you back immediately and made you realize you were hit because you hit your friend?
Would men hit their wives if they knew that the same souls who are wives hit them back as husbands in other lives?

The answer to all these questions is NO. If people are made aware that every energy they send out recycles, they will not make decisions for short term or one life.
If you do not like your wife or husband in this life, and you knew you have to live with that energy over life-times, you would make efforts to change yourself or raise your soul frequency through meditation; so that you can detach from that person’s energy, or eternity. Till you are in the same soul class, you are soulmates; be it as teacher/student relationship or same peer relationship. Disabled people are usually teachers or ascended masters who come on Earth to teach lessons like patience, love and compassion for those who make selfish choices but want to evolve to happiness.

 People do not go away from your life simply by death or divorce. People leave you when you choose to let them go and you move to a different level of soul awareness. To break away, you need to vibrate at a different or higher soul frequency than they do, by using meditation, self awareness or prayers to help you detach from misery. There are some souls who evolve very differently and these knots have to be broken by choice to be free, to rise to happiness.

The same scenario which holds for relationships holds for professional and health problems. If you have cancer and you die, you will be reborn with work problems where you feel irritated , which can lead to cancer, or emotional issues which led to cancer. You will carry over impulsive anger,finickiness, impatience etc. as all these emotional imbalances lead to cancer. Similarly, if you die of asthma, suffocation, poisoning, drowning or any problem where your throat felt constricted, you will be reborn with throat problems, inability to speak freely, speech shyness, breathlessness in negative atmospheres, self-blame, feeling of defeat etc.

Problems carry over and do not get solved by death. Past life therapy helps to resolve problems in this life so that they do not become worse over life-times. The seeds we sow to heal ourselves now make us happier in our present life and in our future life-times. If we do not end the cycle of misery through self- improvement in this life, the same cycle repeats over life-times.

Most of our misery comes when we cannot make other people happy who we care about. But, by pulling ourselves down due to their inability to learn, we do injustice to God. When a student does not learn, it is not the fault of the teacher or the syllabus but more often a disagreement in the mind of the student which makes him lazy or an escapist.

Disabilities and health problems are karmic.  If our child is retarded and we keep blaming ourselves for our inability to help, we indirectly blame God’s plan of karmic justice. We are not responsible for anybody’s death, disease, suffering or choices of life. We can only spread positive energy with our intentions to help. Whether they receive help or don’t is their own choice. Each person’s suffering, is his own karma. We can only help others as much as they chose to help themselves and the more we stay positive, the more we help spread happiness.

There are several religions who deny the existence of past lives like Christianity or Muslim religion but violence and crime rates are highest in these religions.


Happiness requires that we follow our soul urge . Our purpose of life is connected with work left unfinished in past lives. Our relationships, desires and ambitions reflect the soul's need to evolve to a  higher consciousness. Most of us deny that past lives exist and continue to live with problems , diseases and taking medicines instead of working on healing soul vibrations, to rise above the frequency of problems.

 What will happen if we accepted that past lives are real?
Will we make the same choices if we know we have to live with them eternally?
Would our perspective of life remain the same if this cycle were never to end?
Would Hitler have killed so many people if he knew that nobody dies and all the people who he suffocated would return and suffocate him over life-times?

Would there be so much crime and theft if people were sure it would return?
Would you hit your friends if there was a teacher who hit you back immediately and made you realize you were hit because you hit your friend?
Would men hit their wives if they knew that the same souls who are wives hit them back as husbands in other lives?

The answer to all these questions is NO. If people are made aware that every energy they send out recycles, they will not make decisions for short term or one life.

If you do not like your wife or husband in this life, and you knew you have to live with that energy over life-times, you would make efforts to change yourself or raise your soul frequency through meditation; so that you can detach from that person’s energy, or eternity. 

Till you are in the same soul class, you are soulmates; be it as teacher/student relationship or same peer relationship. Disabled people are usually teachers or ascended masters who come on Earth to teach lessons like patience, love and compassion for those who make selfish choices but want to evolve to happiness.

 People do not go away from your life simply by death or divorce. People leave you when you choose to let them go and you move to a different level of soul awareness. To break away, you need to vibrate at a different or higher soul frequency than they do, by using meditation, self awareness or prayers to help you detach from misery. There are some souls who evolve very differently and these knots have to be broken by choice to be free, to rise to happiness.

The same scenario which holds for relationships holds for professional and health problems. If you have cancer and you die, you will be reborn with work problems where you feel irritated , which can lead to cancer,or emotional issues which led to cancer. You will carry over impulsive anger, finickiness, impatience etc. as all these emotional imbalances lead to cancer. Similarly, if you die of asthma, suffocation, poisoning, drowning or any problem where your throat felt constricted, you will be reborn with throat problems, inability to speak freely, speech shyness, breathlessness in negative atmospheres, self-blame, feeling of defeat etc.

Problems carry over and do not get solved by death. Past life therapy helps to resolve problems in this life so that they do not become worse over life-times. The seeds we sow to heal ourselves now make us happier in our present life and in our future life-times. If we do not end the cycle of misery through self- improvement in this life, the same cycle repeats over life-times.
Most of our misery comes when we cannot make other people happy who we care about. But, by pulling ourselves down due to their inability to learn, we do injustice to God. When a student does not learn, it is not the fault of the teacher or the syllabus but more often a disagreement in the mind of the student which makes him lazy or an escapist.

Disabilities and health problems are karmic.  If our child is retarded and we keep blaming ourselves for our inability to help, we indirectly blame God’s plan of karmic justice. We are not responsible for anybody’s death, disease, suffering or choices of life. We can only spread positive energy with our intentions to help. Whether they receive help or don’t is their own choice. Each person’s suffering, is his own karma. We can only help others as much as they chose to help themselves and the more we stay positive, the more we help spread happiness.

There are several religions who deny the existence of past lives like Christianity or Muslim religion but violence and crime rates are highest in these religions.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015


Sunday, 8 March 2015


If women try to understand themselves as parts of God,
They will take responsibility of creating peace and harmony in homes,
Money madness  encourages identifying just with rituals, traditions and clothes,
But, the craze for greed & money subsides if women feel innately confident as souls

Evolved Women can change the world to being more peaceful and compassionate
Children create the future and children inculcate values from mothers
If women evolve, the world will evolve to a higher consciousness of spiritual awareness
As women are the basic pillars of values conditioned in children and young souls

God is in the woman as the goals of God and women are similar. God places priority on caring for its souls as children as women do. God sacrifices for the betterment of humanity as women are expected to sacrifice for the betterment of family. God gives love and peace the highest priority as women are trained to . Happiness for women is in ensuring happiness for her children and family as happiness for God is in creating happiness for humanity.

While men have the responsibility of maintaining houses, women provide the flow of love in the house.The reason why women are able to ensure love for all in the family is because women have different goals than men have. When women try to be like men in ambition, society deteriorates as a mechanical need for money superseeds emotional satisfaction. Violence and greed rise if women are forced to earn money for satisfying male criterion of expenditures.

Women are different from men. Not only physically, but also mentally, subconsciously and astrally.

The only reason why women try to be like men is to gain self-respect in a male dominated society. However, working women become more sacrificed in the rat race as they cannot ignore their emotional responsibilities towards family and children while pursuing money and success. Women have to balance the need for earning money with family responsibilities to be happy themselves.Women have a different definition of success than men. While a man considers himself successful if he ignores his family and pursues ambition ruthlessly, a woman considers herself a failure if her family gets compromised because she has to pursue success.
There are often several conflicts between men and women because of their differing goals of life. Men consider themselves heroes if they have several girlfriends whereas women are branded as prostitutes if they have several boyfriends.
Women like to be emotionally connected than be mechanically satisfied sexually and they feel incomplete if emotional links are missing in any relationship.

If we equate success with money, then women are not successful because they sacrifice earning money inspite of being as mentally capable and intelligent as men are ; because their happiness lies in spreading love and security to the family.Women have to sacrifice several of their needs because they do not directly earn money.On the negative side women become more superstitious, more fashion conscious and more insecure about the future because they do not directly control their financial future.Several women believe that they have to spend on cothes and religion in order to keep their husbands happy and family secure. They seek creative satisfaction by investing in jewelry, clothes or worrying about worst futures .Side effects are there is every career choice. 

Being a homemaker has its setbacks.Women however can find immense satisfaction as homemakers if they understand that their soul evolution is through sacrifice of monetary goals for goals of spiritual satisfaction. Women can inculcate deep feelings of peace and pass it to the men they have sex with through energy transfers.Women can emotionally connect to the children better and hence help the children grow up as secure and emotionally balanced .For all self empowering goals, women have to seek their identity as separate from the men who they work for as wives or employees. When women take responsibilities for their choices we would have less men dominating, bullying or spreading violence .Women need to focus on their feminine skills than trying to imitate the man in order to be successful. If birds imitate fishes, they drown.Women have innate power to visualize, meditate and believe in happiness for society to rise to a higher state of happiness, as a whole.

7 Steps of Enlightenment starting from Ego Transcendence

   Enlightenment is level 7 while ego transcendence is level 1 of enlightenment. Enlightenment...