Monday, 16 February 2015


Action does not make as much difference to evolution of  happiness as faith does 
Feel peace within yourself to spread peace in the world
The core has  to be bright so that the soul co-creates peace outside
Action follows thought and thought follows feeling is our life is governed by laws of the universe. We, as souls, are beings of energy and follow energy cycles.

Our soul vibrates around a focal point. Happiness or sadness in our life depends on whether the focal point is happy or sad.

Individual souls make up for the soul of the whole. Just as several cells make up a body, several souls make up the consciousness of Earth.

The focal point of one soul would influence his or her own life but the focal point of the whole structure, is affected by adding up individual focal points of vibration.

If several people remain unhappy, mass consciousness is unhappy. There is violence, unrest, turbulence in every mind and it creates violence, wars and terrorism on the large scale.
Nothing can happen outside unless it first manifests inside.

You cannot bring peace in the world unless your own house is in peace.
Your mind-set is the point of focus and your own life is a reflection of what you are creating, as a soul, as the co-creator, as a part of God.
As is written in the book CREATION F HAPPINESS: THE ENERGY WAR, a soul’s perspective.
There is a LAW IF CREATION in the universe which has been proved accurately by research and evidence. 

THE LAW OF CREATION states that every feeling we focus upon manifests into reality. If we focus on turmoil, be it for any reason, we would co-create turmoil in the world. 

By blaming rapists and terrorists in impulses of anger, we vent out frustration only as change cannot happen outside till e change our individual point of focus.  When we feel at peace in our own life, by our own choices, we increase peace in the world. It does not matter whether we follow traditions or not, whether we feel rich and successful because peace is a choice which depends on our attitude. We can choose to focus on positive aspects of our life and be in peace rather than focus on negative aspects of life and remain in anxiety. The more we blame others, the more we contribute to unrest in the world.

There is a corresponding law THE LAW OF REPETITION in the universe, which says that, FEELINGS REPEAT THEMSELVES. The feelings we choose to focus upon would keep repeating in our lives. Thus, the primitive man focused on swords while the modern man focuses on cricket or guns; but war games continue. Thrills are chosen over peace when the need of the hour is to be in peace, as a priority.

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