Past lives influence how we perceive other people
they form the data base from which we operate
past lives take over our body in extreme situations
when we react impulsively , in anger or love, past lives rule over us automatically
the automatic element can be controlled with awareness of who we were and why
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Past lives affect a
person’s present life through affecting the emotional mind of the person, in a
number of ways, some of which are elaborated, with examples, below -
1) Past lives
influence the person’s impulsive reactions.
An impulsive reaction
is caused by and causes electric activity in the brain. It appears that when a
person is reminded of an emotion in his present life, which he experienced
traumatically in a past life, there is a matching of emotional circuits. A
whole chain of emotional reactions get triggered off, even when the present
life situation causing it may be of little value by itself. It is like a
computer programme getting triggered off from the time of its inception-with
all the files opening up, instead of only the current file. Such a chain of
reactions takes nanno seconds to form, and the person reacts from the
subconscious level, without even being aware of the first link in the chain,
For example, in the book IN SEARCH OF HAPPINESS ( how past lives affect
the present , a soul’s perspective ) each time, the lead character, Dev was rebuked by his parents, a chain
reaction was getting triggered awake in his subconscious mind viz. a feeling of
having failed expectations of others—a recall of the memory of feeling defeated
at an energy level –a recall of the feeling of being betrayed – internal anger
reaction –a recall of the need for revenge --indulging in aggressive external
behavior or violence.
Any sensation whether it is a visual image, an
auditory sound, a texture , a smell or a taste which creates a feeling, which
reminds the subconscious mind of a similar emotion experienced in the past ,
triggers awake a chain of feelings
encountered in the past, in their full intensity. This process of the past life opening up by a
sensation triggering a familiar electric activity, i.e. a familiar emotion, in
the brain, is similar to typing a key word in the search engine of the computer
and all the connected files opening up.
Thus, if there is no
other rational reason, then, usually, past lives are the reason why one person
reacts very strongly in a specific situation, while another person can take it
relatively lightly.
Metaphorically, a
small hurt, which can otherwise be taken lightly, can be very painful if it is
on an already bruised arm. For the present hurt to be fixed, the bruised arm
needs to be wholly healed first. If we just address the present hurt, it does
not help much in healing the pain as till the arm is completely healed from the
past bruises, it keeps paining. Subsequently, if one keeps getting hurt in the
same place, repeatedly, the pain increases more with each new hurt.
The same logic which
holds for physical hurts holds for emotional hurts as well. A negative
situation by itself may not hurt as much if it has never been experienced
before, but, if similar types of negative situations have been experienced in
past lives, the most extreme negative emotions which have been felt are
triggered awake, when a similar external situation is experienced again in the
present life, at the emotional level.
2) The feeling a person dies with is, usually,
the pre-dominant negative emotion, which forms the point of dominant emotional
focus of the present life of the person.
For example, in the book IN SEARCH OF HAPPINESS , we see that the Dev faced betrayal repeatedly
. The feeling of betrayal was his point of dominant emotional focus in his
present life, which he was carrying over from his death in his past life. where
he died due to being bertrayed.
More specifically - Most often, as we read in chapter 2 – the Past life
Connection - Dev used to feel betrayed by his mother who was the same soul, as
his sister in the past life.
In his past life, he had been severely betrayed by his sister whom he
had trusted deeply. He had lost his life because of that betrayal. However, in
his present life, he had never been as severely betrayed by his mother. Yet, he
perceived both situations to be the same at an energy level, and often,
reacted, very strongly to his mother, indicating that in his subconscious mind,
he still believed that she could betray and get him killed anytime. Dev had
almost tried to kill his mother once since he felt so severely betrayed bu her
accusing him wrongly.
Thus, with Dev, the source of feeling betrayed whenever anyone he
trusted did not understand his feelings lay in a past life and not in his
present life.
For the present life
to be free of past life traumas, this point of emotional focus needs to shift
to positive. Hence, the negative emotion the person dies with is the most
prominent mind-set which needs to be healed in the next life.
3) Past
Lives and experiences form the base of values, beliefs and attitudes which we
are born with. Our present perception of what life is all about depends on how
it has been in our past lives.
Subconsciously, we, usually, expect the present reality to manifest the
same way as our past experience has been. For example, as a child, if a
particular teacher was rude to a person once, s/he would be scared to approach
her again fearing that she would again be rude. S/he would, usually, not stop
to think that probably she was rude that day because of something which
happened in her life, which upset her on that day. The student’s behavior reflects a common human thinking
We rarely associate a person’s behavior with a specific context.
Instead, we make general judgments about that person or situation and expect a
previous experience to get repeated irrespective of the present context.
Just as feelings get
carried over from negative experiences in the present life-time, and form our
future expectations, feelings get carried over from past life-times and form
our expectations from the present life. Negative feelings experienced by the
soul, in one life-time remain eternally through all subsequent life times, till
processed, healed, transformed and released.
To release negative emotions, just healing a
past life does not help. We, simultaneously, need to change our core negative
thinking patterns, in the present life, so that new negative energy is not
constantly re-created by constantly focusing on negative aspects of life, or
indulging in behaviors which causes problems.
For example, in Dev’s case, his mental peace was destroyed, due
to accumulated negative energies, because his negative thinking pattern had not
changed from that life to his present life. His dominant emotional focus
remained that he had to take revenge, since the past 2500 years, and therefore, negative energy of similar type
kept getting recreated.
4) Negative emotions
accumulated through lifetimes cause physical and/or mental diseases in the
present life.
For example, Dev, due
to a constant subconscious focus on negative emotions experienced in his past
life, had developed depression, and
was medically diagnosed with neurosis and suspected borderline schizophrenia.
Usually, the thinking patterns of the person
remain the same through life-times and hence, the negative focus does not
change. Hence, dominant negative emotions once experienced, keep recurring. Due
to an inability to change his perspective, the person keeps repeating the same
behavior which caused him problems in the previous life. Overtime, the negative
energy released by focusing on negative feelings, starts poisoning the body
organs due to a constant discharge of negative hormones in the blood-stream.
Metaphorically, if we
take the example of the bruised arm again, if the hurt arm is not healed, over-time,
the poison spreads throughout the body and harms other parts of the body as
As Diane Stein, author of Essential Reiki Healing, says-“Human life is
filled with emotional pain and traumas, large and small. Most people are taught
that expressing their feelings is inappropriate. Instead of allowing oneself to
feel the pain and then release it, the emotion gets stuck inside. Where pain
remains within and has no other release, it results in physical illness. Anger,
frustration, fear, grief or loneliness are more often the source of human
disease than any bacteria, virus or organic malfunction”
5) Our ambitions are
usually a carry over from past lives
Usually, the deepest
desires we carry are unfulfilled ambitions from past lives.
For example, Dev wanted to fight for justice in his present life,
because he had been unable to accomplish justice in his past lives
Our ambitions are
connected to the purpose of life
which the soul plans to achieve in its life-plan. When the soul is unable to
achieve its purpose of life, the ambition to do so gets carried over to the
next life.
From the perspective
of the soul, the ambition needs to be achieved from the level of feelings, and
not .literally, at the external, physical level. For the soul, the act, by
itself is immaterial. It is the
emotion/intention behind the act which matters. Dev kept fighting and
winning in all his lives, after the life of the Greek
soldier, but, the soul was never satisfied, since his winning, in those lives,
did not lead to accomplishment of justice.
Hence, before
pursuing any ambition it is important to be aware which specific feeling one is
seeking to satisfy from it. Also, it is necessary to judge whether the acts
being pursued, to satisfy the ambition externally, satisfy the internal feeling
or not. If not, the purpose or ambition would remain unaccomplished
irrespective of the effort being put in. Most ambitions, in fact, remain
unfulfilled because the person gets too focused on achieving the external
outcome, and forgets about pursuing the feeling behind the ambition.
If difficult
circumstances block an ambition or desire from coming true, it is usually
because the soul knows that method being pursued would not lead to the
satisfactions of feelings at soul level, even if the ambition is externally
fulfilled. By blocking the ambition, the soul tries to channelize the mind
towards finding other methods of fulfilling the feeling desired. For example, in Dev’s case, he wanted to be a
soldier to fulfill his unfulfilled ambition from previous lives. But, his soul
did not allow that to happen because by being a soldier in his previous lives
he had killed innocent souls. His life purpose was to gain power to spread
justice. Gaining power but spreading injustice, could not help the soul get
satisfied in achieving its life purpose.
6) Past lives
influence our performance and success in the present life, because they form
the basis of our core expectations from ourselves.
For example, Dev’s mind was adversely affected by the
negative emotions of failure, betrayal and anger, since his death as the Greek
soldier. These negative emotions were affecting his performance in each area of
his life.
In his present life, he was performing below his own expectations or
capability in exams since he had turned seventeen. The Geek soldier had been
seventeen when he died of failure. Fighting the lions was a test task for the
Greek soldier, which he failed in, due to the subconscious memory of which Dev
had developed a performance anxiety since he was seventeen.
Thus, his fear of failure, carried over from the Greek soldier’s life,
negatively influenced his ability to succeed in his present life.
Also, Dev wanted to be a soldier from his subconscious level, as being
a soldier was his only memory of success, and he wanted to emulate that
subconsciously rather than try something new, in which he was afraid of
Thus, in the present life, we are confident about those tasks in which
we have succeeded in past lives, and afraid of those tasks in which we have
failed in past lives. However, the test of the soul is to overcome its fear and
succeed in learning that lesson in which it failed earlier. Therefore, we keep
encountering situations which irk us, so that we get enough opportunity to
succeed this time around.
7) Past lives influence our relationships
Our closest encounters with people have elements of karmic balancing
involved We get exploited and abused by those people on whom we have a karmic
debt; and we get rewarded by those people who own a karmic debt to us.
The way we feel around different people is also determined by the kind
of relationship we have had with those soul energies in the past life. If we
feel repulsive towards a person, it is possible that we have been raped or
cheated by that person in a past life... If we feel nice towards a person, it
is possible that that person was a friend or lover in a past life. When we feel
déjà vu, towards some places and people, it is usually because we have known
them in previous lives.
Often, souls who have killed each other get incarnated in the same
family or get married to each other, so as to balance karma. Hence, if we feel
non-understood by family members, it is because we may have been abused by them
in previous lives. For example, Dev always felt non-understood by his parents,
just as he had felt non-understood by those souls, as the Greek soldier.
However, as long as we keep feeling unjustly treated, we would keep
feeling betrayed and emotionally killed in each small encounter with family or
To heal this pattern of conflict, we have to change our point of focus
towards these people from negative to neutral. Instead of automatically
expecting the negative from them, we have to allow ourselves to deliberately
expect the positive. A deep-rooted energy circuit would not change overnight,
but, if further fuelled negatively, it will never change. As our soul evolves,
we have to focus on our feelings with the awareness that our present focus
would determine our future reality.
8) Past lives may be behind addictive behaviors
There is usually a deep unsatiated emotional
craving is people who become addicts. The root causes of this emotional craving
lie in a person’s childhood and past lives.
example, Dev’s craving for alcohol could be traced back to a past life, where
he sees himself as a small child who is hungry and angry..
9) Past lives affect our ability to make free choices in life
When we take decisions which are emotionally
intense, then they get impacted on the subconscious mind, and get carried over
life-times. For example, after a period of starvation, a woman may take an oath
– ‘I will never be deprived of food again ‘.Such a woman is likely to become
fat in future life-times because she is afraid of getting staved again.
Similarly, when a person in love makes an oath to his lover like—‘I will only
marry you and no other’; then, he may get bound to this soul for life-times. If
the soul does not get reborn with him in the next life-time, s/he may remain
There are various kinds of oaths like – The
Healer’s oath, where the healer swears that he will not make money from his
profession, the soldier’s oath- where the person swears not to question a
person in authority etc.
These decisions, vows and oaths need to be
removed from the auric level, repeatedly, so that the energy circuit in the
mind, which forces the person to abide by these rules loosens and breaks.
Overtime, this helps the person get back his ability to make free choices in
his present life.
conclude, past lives have a major
impact on how we feel and respond in different
life situations.
For healing the
influence of past lives, other than past life therapy, we also need to be aware
of each internal feeling we focus upon. That would help to decode a negative
pattern in our internal reactions, which we can subsequently analyze and check.
Just by being conscious, we can change our feelings from negative to neutral
because usually the present life situations do not call for the extreme
impulsive reactions we indulge in due to the subconscious movement of energies
However, without
conscious mind control, the way we internally feel in different situations is
usually automatic, as contrasted to being deliberately channelized, and affects
our external behavior, without our awareness. The same pattern would continue
at an emotional level till we deliberately attempt the art of mastering our
For more details, please
refer to the book:
IN SEARCH OF HAPPINESS ( how past lives affect the present, a soul's perspective )
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